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Trade Policy and Economic Development: How We Learn

Author(s): Anne O. Krueger

Source: The American Economic Review , Mar., 1997, Vol. 87, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 1-22
Published by: American Economic Association

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Trade Policy and Economic Development: How We Learnt


The improvement in living standards, life onymous with industrialization, which in turn
expectancy, and economic growth prospects in was seen as the key to development.
developing countries ranks among the most The contrast with views today is striking. It
important economic success stories since the is now widely accepted that growth prospects
Second World War. Growth in some has been for developing countries are greatly enhanced
dramatic, and while progress has been far from through an outer-oriented trade regime and
uniform, there are grounds for optimism that fairly uniform incentives (primarily through
future growth prospects can be even better the exchange rate) for production across ex-
than performance to date. porting and import-competing goods.' Some
One factor accounting for that success has countries have achieved high rates of growth
been improved understanding and adoption of with outer-oriented trade strategies. Policy re-
economic policies much more conducive to sat- form efforts removing protection and shifting
isfactory economic growth than was the case in to an outer-oriented trade strategy are under
the 1950's and 1960's. That better understand- way in a number of countries. It is generally
ing, in turn, resulted from a combination and believed that import substitution at a minimum
interaction of research and experience with de- outlived its usefulness and that liberalization
velopment and development policy. of trade and payments is crucial for both in-
Ideas with regard to trade policy and eco- dustrialization and economic development.
nomic development are among those that have While other policy changes also are necessary,
changed radically. Then and now, it was rec- changing trade policy is among the essential
ognized that trade policy was central to the over-ingredients if there is to be hope for improved
all design of policies for economic development. economic performance.
But in the early days, there was a broad consen- And, while there are still some disagree-
sus that trade policy for development should ments over particular aspects of trade policy
be based on "import substitution." By this both among academic researchers and policy
was meant that domestic production of import- makers,2 the current consensus represents a
competing goods should be started and increased distinct advance over the old one, in terms
to satisfy the domestic market under incentives both of knowledge and of the prospects it
provided through whatever level of protection offers for rapid economic growth. While it
against imports, or even import prohibition, was will no doubt be further refined in light of
necessary to achieve it. It was thought that im-
port substitution in manufactures would be syn-

'John Williamson (1994 pp. 26-28) summarized the

set of policy prescriptions he believed most policy makers
and academics concerned with development subscribed to.
I Presidential Address delivered at the one-hundred An outer-oriented trade policy is prominent on his list. He
ninth meeting of the American Economic Association, dubbed this set of views "the Washington consensus."
January 5, 1997, New Orleans, LA. 2 Perhaps the key issue on which there remains dis-
* Herald L. and Carolyn L. Ritch Professor of Human- agreement regarding appropriate trade policy is whether
ities and Sciences, Department of Economics, and Senior there is a role for the state in "picking the winners," or
Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, selectivity in incentives confronting different industries.
CA 94305. 1 am grateful to Ronald McKinnon and Richard Even those advocating such selectivity, however, would
Snape for very helpful discussions on an earlier draft of be far less protectionist than were advocates of import
this manuscript. My thanks also go to Chonira Aturupane substitution in the 1950's, while those advocating unifor-
and Evren Ergin for valuable research assistance. An mity of incentives nonetheless point to key roles for ap-
earlier version of this paper was presented as the Chris propriate incentives through macroeconomic policy,
Higgins Memorial Lecture at the Economic Society of provision of infrastructure, enforcement of contract, and
Australia. other public goods.

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experience, a changing world economy, and role for the state. Partly as a legacy of the
research, there is no question of "going back" Great Depression, partly because of the belief
to the earlier thinking and understanding of the that the Soviet Union had succeeded in its de-
process. velopmental and industrial aspirations through
A number of interesting questions arise central planning, and partly because of the per-
about this change in thought and policy. ceived success of wartime controls, there was
How could it happen that a profession, for widespread agreement- in developed and de-
which the principle of comparative advan- veloping countries alike-that the state should
tage was one of its key tenets, embraced such play a major role in economic activity, not
protectionist policies? What was the contri- only in affecting aggregate demand, but also
bution of economic research to the sea in regulating private markets and indeed aug-
change in thinking, policy prescriptions, and menting or supplanting them with state-owned
politicians' acceptance of the need for policy enterprise production of manufactured and
reform? What sorts of economic research other goods. Quite clearly, early views about
best informed the policy process? In a nut- the necessity for a leading role for the state in
shell, how did we learn? And what was the guiding resource allocation were incompatible
contribution of economists and their re- with an open trade policy or outer-oriented
search to the process? trade strategy. Yet to attempt to consider the
Attempting to answer these questions is evolution of both views is well beyond the
the subject of this lecture. Even with a focus scope of this paper, and focus here is confined
limited to trade and development, analysis of to trade policy.
the role of research and its usefulness is at Second, to focus on research that influenced
least somewhat conjectural. The issue, how- thinking about economic policy is not to deni-
ever, of what types of research inform good grate the importance of research that does not
policy is an important one. I suspect that the appear to have had immediate policy relevance.
tentative conclusions I draw here may be rel- First of all, basic research often informs more
evant for other areas of research-informing applied research. Second, in some cases of re-
policy, but leave that to others to demon- search that provided little of lasting value, that
strate or refute.3 outcome could not be known at the time. Per-
In what follows, I first sketch the initial ap- haps some of that research served to demonstrate
proach to trade policy in early development the infeasibility of certain policy paths,4 or to
research and thought. Next, consideration is demonstrate the futility of further explorations.
given to the evolution of thought, research, Nonetheless, ex post it is clear that some
and experience with respect to trade and de- lines of research served to hasten the day
velopment over the next several decades, and when policy makers would accept the desir-
to the "conventional wisdom" of the 1990's. ability of removing high walls of protection,
Thereafter, I consider the role of research and while others were irrelevant or served largely
the sorts of research that proved most fruitful to reinforce prejudices and perpetuate the "old
in guiding policy and changing the consensus. wisdom." Perhaps that is inevitable in the
Before proceeding, two caveats are neces- "marketplace of ideas" as new paradigms are
sary. First, it is very difficult to disentanglebrought forth to replace old ones.
views of the proper role for trade policy in
development from views about the appropriate

4 An example is the line of research, which continued

into the 1970's, improving methodology for planning
'To name just one example from another field, con- models. This research certainly contributed greatly to un-
sider the pioneering work of Theodore W. Schultz ( 1964), derstanding both the functioning of the economy and also
challenging the view that irrational peasants were unre- to one aspect of what would be necessary in order for the
sponsive to incentives. Once his work was accepted, it was planning approach to succeed. Without those research
no longer possible to maintain low prices for agricultural contributions, it is possible that many would claim that
commodities and believe that there would be little or no planning failed because it was incorrectly done (rather
output effects. than, as most would now believe, it was misconceived).

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B. Accepted Stylized Facts and Premises

I. Evolution of Theory, Understanding,
and Policy
Early trade and development theories and
A. The Early Years policy prescriptions were based on some
widely accepted stylized facts and premises
As developing countries gained indepen- about the underdeveloped countries. These
dence from their former colonial rulers, 5 their were a mixture of touristic impressions, half-
leaders had a political mandate to achieve truths, and misapplied policy inferences. In
higher living standards and rapid economic hindsight, it is surprising how some then-
growth.6 It is difficult in the 1990's to recall accepted stylized "facts" were so uncritically
the extent to which it was then plausible to accepted and held sway for so long. However,
view the world economy as split into the in- it is not possible to understand what thinking
dustrialized countries and the underdeveloped about trade and development was except in
countries, or "first world" and "third world," light of those premises. Indeed, it can be ar-
as they were often called. Underdeveloped gued that improved understanding of trade and
countries had markedly lower average educa- development came about in large part through
tional attainments (including a great deal of research which effectively demonstrated the
illiteracy and a high fraction of the population falsity of these premises.
with no schooling), poor health conditions, A first premise was based on the fact-then
and very little infrastructure. They were heav- certainly true-that developing economies'
ily specialized in the production and export of production structures were heavily oriented to-
primary commodities and imported most of ward primary commodity production. The de-
their manufactured goods. While differences pendence on foreign trade was believed to be
among the underdeveloped countries were ac- extreme, as there was virtually no production
knowledged, these seemed minor contrasted capacity for manufactured goods outside a few
with the overwhelming realities of their com- light mass-consumed commodities. However,
mon attributes and widespread poverty. many observers went further and attributed the
The new field of development economics low living standards in developing countries
was regarded by many as covering underdev- to dependence on primary commodity produc-
elopment because "conventional economics" tion and export.
did not apply (see Albert Hirschman, 1982). A second "fact," or premise, was that if
Focus on how the developing countries should developing countries adopted policies of free
shape policies for accelerating growth and trade, their comparative advantage would for-
raising living standards was the central issue.7ever lie in primary commodity production. It
followed that industrialization and, hence, de-
velopment would not take place if free trade
policies were adopted.
'Latin America and a few other countries (including A third premise-termed "export pessi-
China, Thailand, and Turkey), then deemed "underde- mism"-was that both the global income and
veloped," were not formally colonies prior to the Second price elasticities of demand for primary com-
World War. However, it was widely believed that they had
modities were low. Consequently, it was an-
been "economically dependent." The leaders and elite in
most poor countries shared the perception that their econ- ticipated that export earnings would not grow
omies were "different" from industrialized countries and very rapidly, if at all.8
like other developing countries. The G-77 (77 countries),
or nonaligned nations, were all developing countries
whose leaders perceived themselves to be in a similar eco-
nomic situation with similar goals of rapid growth and
improved living standards. growth in the industrialized countries. But most develop-
6 As was then conventional, I shall assume here that ment economists saw that research as irrelevant for de-
higher living standards, more rapid growth, and economic veloping countries.
development were/are synonymous for purposes of ana- 8 Another widely held view, closely related to export
lyzing trade policy. pessimism, was the proposition that the terms of trade had
7 There was, to be sure, a growing literature on the con- inexorably deteriorated against primary commodities and
tribution of technical change and factor accumulation to would continue to do so. Investigation of this proposition

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A fourth premise was that the labor force zation, by which was essentially meant the
in developing countries, predominantly en- accumulation of capital for investment in man-
gaged in agricultural activities as it was, had ufacturing industry and related infrastructure.
a marginal product of labor that was "neg- Moreover, since most manufactured goods were
ligible, zero, or even negative," to quote W. imported, it seemed to follow logically that, as
Arthur Lewis (1954 p. 141). The stylized stated by Chenery (1958 p. 463) among many
"fact" that there was "surplus" labor, or others: "Industrialization consists primarily in
disguised unemployment in less developed the substitution of domestic production of man-
countries (LDCs) was widely accepted.9 In ufactured goods for imports."
many analytical formulations, it was explic-
itly or implicitly assumed that labor was a C. Initial Policies
free good while capital was the scarce factor
of production.'0 Policy prescriptions were derived from
Related to the fourth premise was a fifth these propositions, or stylized facts. Since it
premise: that capital accumulation was crucial was thought that industrialization was neces-
for growth, and in early stages of development sary for development and that free trade would
it could occur only with the importation of leave underdeveloped countries specialized in
capital goods. Since it was expected that the primary commodity production, it followed
demand for capital goods imports, and im- that there had to be investment in new manu-
ports of other products used in the production facturing industries whose output would sub-
process, would grow rapidly while foreign stitute for imports. Further, it was widely
exchange earnings would not, it appeared that believed that new industries in poor countries
growth could follow only if domestic produc- could not possibly compete with their estab-
tion of import-competing goods could expand lished counterparts in the developed world.
rapidly. Therefore, industry would have to be protected
Yet a sixth widely accepted premise was during its initial phase. Import-substitution
that there was very little response to price policies therefore became the hallmark of de-
incentives in developing countries: peasants velopment strategies for manufacturing and
were "traditional" in their behavior, and the underlying rationale for trade policy."2
there were "structural" problems within the The case for import substitution was based
economy." ' both on the premises outlined above and also
Based on these stylized facts and premises, it on received doctrine: the infant industry ar-
was a straightforward step to believe that the gument. The notion that dynamic considera-
process of development was that of industriali- tions and externalities might imply that an
industry, although economic, would not be es-
tablished by private agents had been accepted
tended to demonstrate that at the very least the deteriora- by economists as a legitimate exception to the
tion had been much less than was believed. John Spraos case for free trade since Hamilton and List."3
(1980) provided a classic review of the evidence.
9 A modem interpretation would be that there are many
people in developing countries with very low marginal
products of labor. While they are too poor to remain un-
employed, the process of development entails equipping 2 There were many important subthemes that are not
people with the capabilities (partly through education) elaborated here, since they are not essential to the main
and opportunities to increase their productivity. argument. It should, however, be noted that there were
' To be sure, all analysts recognized the importance of many who believed that the situation of developing coun-
increased provision of education and health services. But tries was "structural" and that marginal changes would
for purposes of analyzing trade policy, emphasis was al- not matter. It was then concluded that a "big push" was
most exclusively on investment. needed, with many new investments simultaneously gen-
" This gave rise to a great deal of literature based on erating additional demand and then becoming profitable.
"structuralism." According to some, it was the absence Ragnar Nurkse's ( 1958) "balanced growth" prescription
of responsiveness to price that made developing countries reflected the same viewpoint.
"different." Structuralism was also used as an argument '" See Robert E. Baldwin's (1969) classic analysis of
that inflation was necessary in order to achieve growth. the argument, which not only sets up the conditions under
See Hollis B. Chenery ( 1975) for a fuller description. which there might be an infant industry, but also carefully

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It was stipulated that a low-cost producer or tries and permitted them to adopt tariffs and
producers were already in operation abroad; quantitative restrictions. They also were enti-
then, the argument proceeded, a potential en- tled to "special and differential treatment" in
trant in a developing country would be faced other regards under GATT. That the GATT,
with an initial period of high costs, but could the upholder of an open international trading
in the longer run compete. However, in the system, would accept an "exception" for
presence of dynamic externalities (presum- developing countries shows how deeply en-
ably internal to the industry), it was believed trenched the views supporting import substi-
that no individual producer would find it prof- tution were. It is arguable that the very
itable to start production. In these circum- existence of this exception not only legiti-
stances, the infant industry argument could mized developing countries' inner-oriented
justify temporary intervention to make entry trade policies, but also removed pressures
into the new industry privately profitable pro- that might otherwise have been brought to
vided that, over the longer term, its costs bear earlier for them to adopt trade and pay-
would decline below the imported cost by ments regimes more conducive to economic
enough to yield an economic return on the in- growth. "
tervening loss, which could be viewed as an
investment. D. Resulting Evolution of Policies
Although the infant industry argument was,
in a first-best world, an argument for a pro- In one way or another, provision was made
duction subsidy (which would presumably in country after country that, once domestic
equal the unit value of the externality and production became feasible, imports would be
might apply as well for production for exports restricted. In Brazil, a "Law of Similars" pro-
as for the domestic market), it was combined vided that firms importing goods that were
with the appeal for import substitution14 to similar to those available domestically would
yield a justification for protection of newly es- lose their government privileges, which in-
tablished manufacturing industries in devel- cluded not only access to credit and tax treat-
oping countries. ment, but also eligibility to bid on government
However, combining the assumptions that contracts and a variety of other valuable rights.
industrialization would have to take place In India, imports were licensed, and in the
through substituting for imports, that there event that there was domestic production, any
were infant industries requiring initial inter- would-be importer was required to obtain let-
vention, and that export earnings were un- ters from any supplier government officials
likely to increase, the stage was set for trade thought might be capable of producing the
and industrialization policies. good to the effect that the supplier could not
The premises underlying import-substitution meet the specifications. In Turkey, goods were
policies were so widely accepted that devel- removed from the list of items for which im-
oping country exceptions were even incorpo- port licenses could be granted once domestic
rated into the General Agreement on Tariffs production capacity was available. Similar
and Trade (GATT) articles. Article XVIII provisions, or very high tariffs, were used to
explicitly protected the developing countries encourage import substitution in most devel-
from the "obligations" of industrialized coun- oping countries."

and critically scrutinizes the various circumstances in

which those conditions might hold. Baldwin's article was '" See Kenneth Dam (1970 Ch. 14) for a full discussion.
an important contribution to better understanding of the 16 In Argentina, an effort was made to liberalize the
empirical relevance of the theory, as I shall argue below. trade regime by lowering tariffs in the late 1970's. To the
'4 It was also believed that there was a revenue con- surprise of officials, there was no apparent effect of the
straint, making the first-best production subsidy infeasible. first round of tariff cuts. Subsequent investigation revealed
More recent analyses would also point to the greater po- that the tariffs in question had been between 500 and 1,000
tential for corruption inherent in production subsidies as percent, and that they had been above the rates at which
yet another reason why protection might be preferable. domestic producers could compete.

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In some countries and industries, the trade although they remained below those in indus-
regime was used as the key policy instrument trial countries with few exceptions. Even the
to provide incentives for import-substituting growth of industry itself was fairly rapid, as
investment and production by private firms. In the "easy" import-substitution opportunities
other circumstances, state-owned enterprises were by and large undertaken first.'7
were established, and investments were made However, with real exchange rate appreci-
directly by the state sector in new manufac- ation and the pull of resources into newly
turing activities. In that case, the trade regime profitable, import-competing industries, the
provided protection to the state-owned enter- growth of foreign exchange earnings inevita-
prises, although their budget constraints were, bly slowed. It is not widely appreciated that
in any event, very soft. None of these policies, developing countries, which had a 44 percent
as adopted, provided means of identifying share of world exports of agricultural com-
where dynamic externalities were largest, nor modities in 1955, lost share to the point where
was there any provision for reduction of pro- they had only 31 percent by 1970.18
tection after an initial period. Indeed, protec- With acceleration in the growth of demand
tion was virtually automatic for any new for foreign exchange, and deceleration in the
import-substitution industry. growth of supply, foreign exchange difficulties
A final aspect of early policies also contrib- were inevitable. The export pessimism prem-
uted to high and indiscriminate levels of pro- ise had been self-fulfilling, given the policies
tection. That is, as countries embarked on that were followed. The drop in primary com-
ambitious development plans, inflation rates modity prices in the early 1950's accentuated
rose to levels significantly above those in in- the phenomenon, but affected the timing more
dustrial countries (although far below inflation than the actuality of the result. The initial
rates prevailing in many developing countries response by most policy makers was to im-
today). Demand for foreign exchange was ris- pose rationing of scarce foreign exchange
ing rapidly in response to the development (and require the surrender of foreign exchange
plans, rising incomes, and domestic inflation. from exports) on imports, and the resulting
Nonetheless, policy makers in most developing system had little to do with encouraging infant
countries chose to maintain their fixed nominal industries.
exchange rates. In part, this reflected the per- Although initial rationing of imports was
ception, noted above, that there was little re- usually on a relatively uniform and across-the-
sponse to prices and that, indeed, maintaining board procedure, controls over foreign trade
the nominal exchange rate "taxed" agriculture generally became more restrictive and com-
while simultaneously subsidizing capital goods plex over the next two decades, both in
imports. In part, exchange rates were held fixed
because it was believed that so doing made im-
ports of capital goods cheaper and thus in- '7 See Raul Prebisch ( 1984) for the argument. It can be
creased investment. The net result was, of argued that, with uniform incentives, import substitution
course, real appreciation of the exchange rate, would have taken place first in those industries with least
comparative disadvantage. In fact, the use of import li-
which further intensified ex ante payments
censing and prohibitions meant that rates of protection
imbalances, reduced foreign exchange avail- were not uniform even across import-competing activities.
ability, and induced greater restrictiveness in In addition, monopoly power in the domestic market was
import licensing. conferred to domestic producers, so that profitability
It will be recalled that the 1950's and hinged more on the price elasticity of the demand curve
than on producers' abilities to reduce costs and compete
1960's were a time of unprecedented eco-
with imports.
nomic growth for the industrial countries and 8 Agricultural protection in Japan, Europe, and the
for world trade. Buoyed in part by interna- United States may have contributed somewhat to this re-
tional markets, and in part by the stimuli of sult. But in most developing countries, the demand for
food was growing more rapidly than the supply (as pro-
increased investment and other aspects of de-
ducer prices were suppressed relative to the prices of in-
velopment programs, the rates of growth of per dustrial goods) and, thus, the supply (demand) curve for
capita incomes rose markedly relative to his- exports (imports) of agricultural commodities was shift-
torical levels in most developing countries, ing down (up) (see Krueger, 1990 p. 95).

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response to growing "foreign exchange short- based on the premise that development of
age," in reaction to the "unfairness" of the manufactured exports was not feasible. An-
undifferentiated controls, and in response to other line of supportive research focussed on
evasion of the regimes."9 Periodic balance of
planning models, concentrating in large part
payments crises arose in reaction to overval- on interindustry flows and linkages.23 Empir-
uation of the real exchange rate, increased in- ical research on pattems of development be-
debtedness, and the failure of export earnings gan, focussing on the structure of economies
to grow. and their growth performance. For more than
International Monetary Fund (IMF) "sta- a decade, the growing disparity between the-
bilization" programs were undertaken, under ory and practice was all but ignored.
which import regimes were simplified and ra- There was also research providing a ration-
tionalized (as import licensing was, in those ale for protection of new industries and import
years, not abolished). The nominal exchange substitution. These results demonstrated that
rate was normally altered (but usually to a domestic distortions could warrant trade inter-
new fixed exchange rate in the face of con- vention24 in a number of situations. Everett E.
tinuing inflation).20 Even in IMF programs, Hagen (1958), in perhaps the best known of
however, it was seldom intended that the these, set up a model assuming that urban
underlying trade policies related to import wages exceeded rural wages exogenously, and
substitution be changed: the intent, rather, demonstrated that a tariff could improve wel-
was to rationalize the trade regime and find fare by inducing resources into the (artifi-
ways to induce more foreign exchange earn- cially) higher-cost urban industries.
ings to finance the capital goods that would Work also continued on structuralist mod-
be imported to undertake additional import- els, as a number of authors found reasons
substitution investments. Growth proceeded why developing countries' economic struc-
in "stop-go" fashion, as periods of foreign tures were "different" and why, therefore, the
exchange crisis were followed by tight(er) usual economic analysis would not apply.25
monetary and fiscal policies, a consequent re- Chenery and Michael Bruno (1962), Chenery
duction in excess demand for imports, and an and Alan Strout (1966), and Chenery and
increase in foreign exchange earnings. When many other coauthors developed the "two-
the trade regime was again relaxed, growth gap" model, using the stylized fact that
resumed and the demand for imports again foreign exchange was "scarce" in devel-
mushroomed until the next crisis.21 oping countries. In this model, export earnings
were exogenously given and growing more
E. Research Directions and Contributions slowly than the demand for foreign exchange.

Most research in the 1950's and 1960's was

based on the premises outlined above, and sup-
ported the basic thrusts of policy. It needs only The notion of balanced growth and "big push" in the
brief mention here. Some focussed on the pos- 1940's and 1950's was associated with such analysts as
Paul Rosenstein-Rodan (1943) and Nurkse (1958),
sible existence of externalities and the need for
among others.
"balanced growth," as it was assumed that
23 See Chenery and Paul Clark (1959) for an exposi-
expansion of any one industry alone would not tion. Economists in India probably carried planning mod-
be feasible because of the limited size of the els the furthest into practice. The Indian Second Five-Year
market.22 This prescription, of course, was Plan was explicitly based on the P. C. Mahalanobis ( 1955)
model, and contained estimates of output levels for the
subsequent five years which were used as a basis for grant-
ing investment licenses. No licenses were issued once
'9 For a description, see Jagdish N. Bhagwati (1978). the increased capacity already had been allocated. See
20 See William R. Cline and Sydney Weintraub ( 1981 )
Bhagwati and Padma Desai (1970) for an account.
for analyses of some of these episodes. 24There was a huge literature on this subject. See
21 See Carlos Diaz-Alejandro ( 1976) for an analysisBhagwati
of ( 1971 ) for a synthesis of many of the papers.
the "stop-go" cycle in Colombia. 25 See Christopher Bliss (1989 p. 1194) for a modem
22 For a modem presentation of the "big push" statement
need of the proposition that if demand and supply are
for balanced growth, see Kevin M. Murphy et al. ( 1989). sufficiently inelastic, prices do not matter.

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Investment was limited by the more binding corded to industries engaged in light process-
of two linear constraints: the available savings ing and much higher value-added activities on
and the available foreign exchange. There a comparable basis. The notion of domestic
were thus two "gaps" -between savings and resource costs (Bruno, 1965; Krueger, 1966),
investment, and between demand for, and showing the uneven allocation of resources to
supply of, foreign exchange. Growth was earning and saving a unit of foreign exchange
constrained either by savings or by foreign across activities, was developed to meet the
exchange availability, and the model demon- argument that market prices failed to reflect
strated the high potential productivity of for- opportunity cost. This research provided a tool
eign aid (in providing foreign exchange), with which economists could measure the
enabling otherwise redundant domestic sav- wide disparities in protection accorded to dif-
ings to be used in capital formation. The ferent import-competing industries.
model, reflecting the views of the day, had lit-Recognizing that these estimates were based
tle role for the price mechanism.26 in part on partial equilibrium analysis,27 a
An example of an analytical effort to clarify number of researchers began work on devel-
circumstances under which one of the stylized oping techniques for computing general equi-
facts could be realized was Bhagwati's ( 1958) librium results. Based on newly developed
and Harry G. Johnson's (1967) demonstration solution algorithms, techniques were devel-
of the possibility of "immiserizing growth," oped for models which endogenized prices,
under which a country might increase its out- and thus moved away from the linear models
put, only to find the price of exports falling soearlier used for analysis.28
much that the country was worse off. As By the late 1960's and 1970's, there were sig-
Bhagwati showed, the conditions under which nificant contributions which undermined some
that might happen were fairly extreme. of the premises on which import-substitution
An important development was the theory strategies were based. At an analytical level,
of shadow pricing, which was an offshoot of one line of research focussed on whether the
programming and planning models. It was ini- stylized facts of "market failure" in fact war-
tially used to demonstrate how reliance on ranted the imposition of trade restrictions.
market prices might yield an inappropriate re- Bhagwati and V. K. Ramaswami (1963),
source allocation. Quickly, however, analysts Johnson (1965b), Bhagwati (1969), and oth-
pointed to the distortions between domestic ers demonstrated that a trade instrument (tariff
prices of import-competing and exportable or quota) was usually not a first-best, nor often
goods because of the trade regime. There is even second-best, instrument for achieving the
little doubt that cost-benefit techniques im- objectives in the name of which protection had
proved project selection and enabled improved been granted. The equivalence of tariffs and
governmental decision-making with, inter alia, quotas, an old result in international econom-
the insistence on use of border prices. The ics, was revised and refined, as quotas became
publication of the I. M. D. Little and James A. more frequently used.29
Mirrlees (1969) volume marked a milestone, Research also began analyzing other aspects
after which there was almost no question about of the ways in which protection actually
the appropriateness of using border prices in worked. Here, attention focussed on rent-
project evaluation. seeking (Krueger, 1974) as a by-product of
In a related and important development, the protection (and, indeed, as a user of resources
theory of effective protection was developed
by Johnson (1965a), W. M. Corden (1966),
Bela Balassa (1965), and others, providing a
framework for analyzing the protection ac- 27 They did not, in principle, have to be partial equilib-
rium estimates if shadow prices were known and used
in calculations. In practice, however, that was seldom
26 See Ronald I. McKinnon (1966), who provided the 28 For an exposition of the development of these models
first demonstration of this important proposition at the into the 1970's, see Kemal Dervis et al. (1982).
time. 29 See the survey in Bhagwati (1969).

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as lobbyists sought protection-see Bhagwati Krueger (1978), provided further systematic

and T. N. Srinivasan, 1980), as resources empirical evidence of the economic wasteful-
were used to obtain valuable import licenses, ness and irrationality of the inner-oriented
thereby incurring deadweight costs. This, in trade regimes.
turn, showed that protection was more costly
than earlier, area-under-the-triangle estimates F. East Asian Experience
had indicated. It further enabled insights as to
the buildup of vested interests that is likely to At the same time as evidence of the high
arise once any policy is undertaken. When pol- costs of import-substitution regimes was ac-
icy reforms were attempted, it was clear that cumulating, another important development
those administering earlier policies were in occurred. Starting first in Taiwan, several East
the forefront of those opposing change, along- Asian economies began growing rapidly under
side the beneficiaries of protection (or other policies diametrically opposite those prevalent
policies). under import substitution. Interestingly, the
Related to work on rent-seeking and the ten- Taiwanese government seems to have listened
dency for vested interests to spring up around carefully to the views of S. C. Tsiang,3 1a pro-
the policies that were adopted, others worked fessor at Cornell University specializing in in-
on the theory of overinvoicing and underin- ternational economics. Following the precepts
voicing (see Bhagwati, 1974) and smuggling of comparative advantage, Tsiang advocated
(see Munir A. Sheikh, 1974; Mark Pitt, 1981), growth through industrialization, but with in-
again focussing on some of the flaws of the dustrialization taking place through increased
system of protection as practiced in most de- capacity for exports, as well as for the domes-
veloping countries. tic market. Taiwan's transformation from a
As trade regimes became more chaotic, high-inflation, inner-oriented, aid-dependent
empirical work began to document these prob- economy to a major exporting economy is well
lems, bolstered by the development of the known.
measurement tools embodied in the concepts Korea, whose initial conditions appeared, if
of effective rates of protection and domestic anything, even less conducive to growth than
resource costs. Researchers focussing on Pak- those of Taiwan, followed the same pattern. In
istan discovered that there was actually neg- the late 1950's, Korea's exports had averaged
ative value added in some circumstances, only 3 percent of gross domestic product
suggesting that it would have been cheaper to (GDP) and were growing slowly, if at all,
pay workers to stay home and import the final while imports represented 13 percent of GDP.
product.3" The current account deficit was financed
The Organization for Economic Coopera- largely by foreign aid, and the domestic sav-
tion and Development (OECD) sponsored a ings rate was virtually zero. Major policy re-
series of country studies on industrialization forms took place in Korea in the early 1960's,
led by Little et al. The three synthesized which greatly increased the return to export-
(1970) the results and provided estimates of ers. There were fairly uniform incentives to
effective rates of protection in a number of de-all exporters and assurances that the real
veloping countries. These showed how high exchange rate would not appreciate to their
and indiscriminate protection levels were and detriment. Reforms also reduced the protec-
demonstrated the extent to which import sub- tion to import-competing producers and per-
stitution had failed to achieve many of the ob- mitted exporters duty-free importation of needed
jectives set for it. A later series of country intermediate goods and raw materials.
studies undertaken under the auspices of the The Korean economic performance was
National Bureau of Economic Research, syn- transformed, as growth rates entered the
thesized in works by Bhagwati (1978) and double-digit range and living standards

30See Corden (1971 p. 51) for a summary of that " For an account of Taiwan's turnaround, see Tsiang
literature. (1985).

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improved rapidly. Hong Kong and Singapore the reversal from an import-substitution strat-
also became part of the East Asian "miracle" egy, the opening up of the economy, and the
through policies designed to encourage ex- relative uniformity of incentives across the
porting. Growth rates exceeded those previ- board were necessary, if not sufficient, for suc-
ously thought to represent an upper bound on cess. Indeed, there is an irony in the fact that
attainable performance.32 the East Asian experience has stimulated some
It was not until the 1980's, however, that to attempt to identify the "dynamic" factors
the importance of the differences became in exporting that are absent from production
unarguable. After the second oil price increase for the domestic market. Thus, we have a com-
of 1979, the worldwide recession of 1980- plete turnaround: in the 1950's and 1960's, the
1982, and the accompanying "debt crisis," neoclassical argument for an open trade re-
the East Asian net importing countries (NICs) gime was rejected on the grounds that it was
rapidly resumed growth, whereas other heav- "static" and ignored "dynamic considera-
ily indebted countries were unable to service tions"; in the 1990's, there appears to be wide-
their debts and were hard hit by events in the spread agreement that the benefits of an open
international economy. Research undertaken trade regime are largely "dynamic" in nature,
in attempting to understand the impact of the and go well beyond the gains from trade under
debt crisis on the developing countries made "static" models of an open economy. Just as
it abundantly evident that the debt-GDP ratios was the case with the infant industry argument,
were not significantly different between the however, there is a question as to how to iden-
two groups of countries. What was signifi- tify and measure these "dynamic" gains.
cantly different was the debt-export ratios, as
the East Asian countries were able to maintain II. How Did Economists and Researchers
debt servicing and resume growth because of Go Wrong?
the greater flexibility of their economies.33 It
also emerged that, even prior to the debt crisis, The "Washington consensus" is very dif-
the rates of growth of inner-oriented devel- ferent from the policy consensus that led to the
oping countries had not increased despite sub- adoption of import-substitution policies in the
stantial increases in their savings rates.: 1950's and 1960's. While there will no doubt
This is not the place to enter into the debate be refinements in that consensus with further
as to the factors contributing to the success of experience and research, it is highly unlikely
the East Asian "tigers." For, while there is that the ideas of the 1950's and 1960's will be
debate about whether government intervention revived.
in "picking the winners" was a key compo- One can raise three questions about the
nent of the growth strategy, 35 all recognize that change in viewpoints. First, how could it be
that the economics profession, whose consen-
sus on the principle of comparative advantage
32 Chenery and Strout ( 1966) actually had a third con- was at least as great as that on any other policy
straint, "absorption," which restrained growth to 8 per- issue, endorsed a highly protectionist policy
cent of GDP or less, on the grounds that more rapid growth
stance?36 Second, what factors contributed to
would not be feasible.
33 See Jeffrey Sachs (1985) for an early development
of the argument.
34The World Bank (1983) documented that this phe-
nomenon of a greatly increased average savings rate with NICs were arbitrarily close to a free trade regime), and
no increase in the growth rate and, therefore, a presumed those who believe the "dynamic externalities" earlier as-
relatively sharp increase in the incremental capital output sociated with infant industry protection really call for the
ratio, affected most developing countries. "right kind" of intervention and argue that the trade strat-
35 It can be argued that this is a difference between egy was really one of "export substitution."
those who see the East Asian trade policies as "free trade" 36 It can also be asked why it took so long for policy
and those who see them as intervention, but of a different makers in countries such as India to recognize that import
type, from that under import substitution. The critical dif- substitution (and other policies) as a strategy for devel-
ference is probably between those who would stress uni- opment was not delivering the hoped-for results and that
formity of incentives for earning or saving foreign a preferable path existed. That is an important question
exchange (and, therefore, would argue that the East Asian that is well beyond the scope of this paper.

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changing the entrenched views of the 1950's puzzling aspects of the evolution of thinking
and 1960's? Finally, what types of research about policy is the degree to which proponents
were most (and least) productive in bringing of open trade regimes failed to refute the al-
about better understanding of the role of trade legation that free trade would forever leave de-
and trade policy in development? I address veloping countries specialized in production
these questions in turn. of agricultural commodities.38
The first is the issue of how the principle of It was not until the 1970's (see Ronald W.
comparative advantage could have been so Jones, 197 ib; Krueger, 1977) that models-
blithely abandoned. With hindsight, it is al- motivated in part by the East Asian experience-
most incredible that such a high fraction of were developed in which three factors of
economists could have deviated so far from production (land, labor, and capital) were al-
the basic principles of international trade. located among sectors, each of which could
What led them to do so? Can any lessons be produce many commodities. As the three-
drawn to avoid (or shorten the duration of) factor models demonstrated, comparative ad-
similar mistakes in other applied fields when vantage lies within manufacturing and within
new policy problems arise? agriculture, and not between them. Thus, poor
But, recall the stylized facts that were unskilled, labor-abundant countries have a
widely accepted. People were thought not to comparative advantage in labor-intensive ag-
respond to incentives; exports earnings were ricultural and unskilled labor-intensive man-
thought to be predetermined and slowly grow- ufactured commodities, while countries with
ing at best; industrialization was necessary for a much higher land-labor ratio have a com-
development; supply response was lacking; parative advantage in more land-using agri-
and so on. These stylized facts, which were at cultural commodities and their comparative
best simplistic and in most instances simply advantage in manufacturing lies more in goods
wrong, permitted economists to conclude that with higher capital-unskilled labor ratios. In
developing economies were "different." these models, the overall trade balance in man-
However, it took theory to support these ufactures is a function of the size of the man-
conclusions. Here, one can distinguish several ufacturing sector, itself a function of past
failures. First, there was misapplication of capital accumulation and the land-man ratio.
good theory. Second, there was what I shall A second serious misapplication of good
call the "theory of negative results," which theory arose because of the nonoperational
essentially could be used to provide a rationale nature of the theory itself, and the failure to
for virtually any trade intervention. Third, identify circumstances under which policy im-
there was good theory harnessed to erroneous plementation might be incentive compatible
stylized facts. and potentially increase welfare. A key culprit
in this case was the interpretation of the infant
A. Misapplication of Good Theory industry argument. As I already discussed, it
was widely touted as a basis for import sub-
Misapplication of good theory was sig- stitution, and generally recognized as a "le-
nificant.37 The identification of comparative gitimate" case for a departure from free trade.
advantage with the two-factor, two-good One can hardly argue with the proposition
model, and the assumption that free trade that the presence of a positive externality gives
would imply that developing countries would rise to a basis for intervention; if the external-
forever specialize in primary commodities, ity is dynamic and temporary, then temporary
was an important misapplication. One of the

38 Some of Johnson's (1958) research on trade and

3 Another example of misapplication of good theory growth went some way toward refuting this proposition,
was the early defense, such as that of Hagen (1958), of but still in a 2 x 2 framework. Moreover, Johnson's work
protection because of a domestic distortion. But it took the implied that labor-abundant countries would, while accu-
development of the theory of domestic distortions to cor- mulating capital, undergo "ultra anti-trade biassed"
rect that, as is discussed below. growth, which seemed to support import substitution.

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intervention, such as infant industry protec- vised for improving welfare, how the bureau-
tion, can be called for. crat might measure the height of warranted
The problem with the argument, as a basis protection, nor how policy makers might cred-
for policy, is that it fails to provide any guid- ibly commit to temporary protection. Even ex
ance as to how to distinguish between an infant post, it is not entirely clear how one might
that will grow up and a would-be producer identify an industry as a successful infant: sim-
seeking protection because it is privately prof- ply because a firm became profitable and ex-
itable. It is not even clear how one could begin, ported does not prove that there was either an
empirically, to identify the domain of the externality or a dynamic process at work! 9
externality. Moreover, even if there were a
producer or producers whose increased pro- B. Negative Results
duction would generate dynamic externalities,
it does not follow that any level of protection Much of the theorizing that took place was
is warranted. And there is nothing in the infant concerned with what I call "negative results."
industry argument to provide guidance for That is, analysts sought to find reasons why,
quantifying or estimating the likely magnitude for example, an exception to free trade should
of the externality. be made. Once the principle of comparative
Indiscriminate protection in developing advantage was laid down as a basis for policy,
countries was defended on infant industry there was little left for theorists to prove sup-
grounds with arguments of capital market fail- porting an open trading system, so the chal-
ure, labor market failure (as the costs of train- lenge to theorists was to find conditions under
ing, presumably, would be borne by first which the free trade precept did not hold. As
entrants into industries and then not recouped theory, these findings were significant, but for
as others hired workers away), costs of in- policy they were unhelpful, and probably
vestments in technology, and uncertainty all served to perpetuate inappropriate policies.
used. It was not until Baldwin's (1969) sem- In most real-world circumstances, one
inal article that it was demonstrated that, even strongly suspects that protection exists where
when the presumed imperfection existed, it theoretical exceptions do not justify it, and that
was unlikely that infant industry protection moves to first-best policies would on average
would help correct it. As Baldwin cogently ar- lower, and not raise, protection. Judged by that
gued, later entrants to an industry might speed metric, research output relevant for policy
up their investments if protection made do- would consist more of attempts to measure the
mestic production more profitable, and the firstcosts of these excess levels of protection. In
entrant might even be worse off! It was only practice, it would be interesting to review the
after critical examination of these circum- literature and ascertain how many articles, or
stances that the defenders of the infant indus- pages, or other measures of research output
try case for import substitution became less were devoted to finding exceptions to the
vehement. proposition that comparative advantage should
The infant industry argument also is an form the basis for trade policy, contrasted with
excellent example of a theory that is nonoper- those focussing on circumstances where pro-
ational because criteria for bureaucrats to iden- tection was too high! In undergraduate inter-
tify cases have not been put forward. Quite
aside from the unpredictability and immeasur-
ability of the future time path of costs in new
39 The same is true of the optimum tariff argument. In
factories and the moral hazard associated with
the presence of many goods with varying degrees of mo-
asking individual entrepreneurs to indicate nopoly power, the formula becomes hopelessly complex.
how much protection they need, there is noth- It is certainly true that many tariff structures would lead
ing to my knowledge in the literature speci- to lower, rather than higher, welfare in the presence of
monopoly power in trade. Yet, in practice, many policy
fying how the policy maker might instruct a
makers have been misled into thinking that they could
bureaucrat to identify (much less measure) a defend very high tariffs (sometimes even on goods that
dynamic externality if it were present, how an their countries import in small quantities) on optimum tar-
incentive-compatible mechanism might be de- iff grounds.

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national economics courses, sections on trade departure from uniformity that can potentially
policy spend considerable time addressing na- improve welfare. But the difficulty with that for-
tional defense exceptions, the optimum tariff mulation is that it does not provide a criterion
argument, the infant industry argument, second- for which departures from uniformity might
best arguments, and other arguments for pro- improve welfare, because a model considering,
tection. While attention is paid to the reasons for example, income-distribution considerations,
why these arguments may not be correct, focus cannot simultaneously address issues of corrup-
nonetheless centers on the exceptions to the tion and administration. And, the fact that
case for free trade, rather than on the reasons income-distribution considerations can warrant a
for it. While this may be inevitable as a way nonuniform tariff structure does not prove that
of reasoning, the temptation to draw inappro- any nonuniform tariff structure is preferable to
priate inferences seems high. a uniform one! As such, a negative result gives
An example will illuminate the argument. little or no guide for policy. Nonetheless, it arms
Whereas theory suggests criteria for depar- lobbyists and others with ammunition to dis-
tures from laissez-faire free trade which nor- credit technocrats' efforts to maintain a less ir-
mally would result in different levels of rational structure of protection.
protection for different industries, a widely Some good theoretical papers would have
used prescription for policy makers is that, if done less damage, or at least given less aid and
there is to be protection, a uniform tariff is comfort to policy positions that were clearly
usually preferable to any alternative structVre.not those intended in the analyses, if the au-
This proposition rests on several considera- thors had taken greater pains to note the lim-
tions. First, only a uniform tariff can generateitations to their analyses, and the other factors
a uniform rate of effective protection in the that would have to be taken into account, be-
import-competing sectors and, if different fore their results were applied to policy.
goods are subject to different rates of tariff, In that regard, it is often overlooked that most
the resulting differences in effective rates of policy implementation is carried out by govern-
protection will lead to resource misallocation ment officials who cannot be expected to have
even within the import-competing industries advanced degrees, and sometimes even under-
and have no relation to underlying "dynamic" graduate degrees, in economics. In many in-
or market-failure considerations. Second, a stances (including formulae for optimal tariff
uniform tariff simplifies customs administra- differentiation), the degree of sophistication
tion, making evasion and/or bribery of cus- needed to interpret research results is well be-
toms officials more difficult than a varying rate yond that which most bureaucrats will have. As
structure. Third, a uniform tariff greatly re- pointed out by Johnson (1970 p. 101):
duces the opportunities for resource losses in
rent-seeking and lobbying. Fourth, given in- ...The fundamental problem is that, as
ternational prices, international value added is with all second-best arguments, determi-
more likely to be maximized under a uniform nation of the conditions under which a
second-best policy actually leads to an
tariff structure than under a variable one.
improvement in social welfare requires
None of these arguments is sufficient to
detailed theoretical and empirical inves-
prove that a uniform tariff is optimal. And, in-
tigation by a first-best economist ... it is
deed, it is straightforward to develop models therefore very unlikely that a second-best
in which a uniform tariff is nonoptimal, es- welfare optimum will result based on
pecially in the presence of income-distribution second-best arguments.
considerations. In theory, the costs of pro-
tection can be minimized by imposing higher C. Good Theory Assuming
tariffs or taxes on goods whose supply and de- Counterfactual Situations
mand is relatively more price inelastic.
Those arguments, as put forward, are all The final abuse of theory was primarily a
couched in terms of demonstrating the "falsity"fault of inappropriate stylized facts. Nonethe-
of the proposition that a uniform tariff is pref- less, in many instances, analysts assumed
erable to variable tariff rates and that there is a signs of variables that were certainly question-

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able, modelled the situation neatly, and then Anand and Joshi ( 1979) assumed that mov-
drew policy conclusions that could hold only ing toward economic efficiency in tradeables
if the posited signs were valid. Yet their claims requires paying higher wages because of a dis-
often went beyond the assertion that "if these tortion. Yet, in fact, the evidence suggests that
facts ... then" variety. it has been the highly protected, import-
As an example to illustrate the point, I have competing industries which have been able to
deliberately chosen a good, widely cited paper, pay above-average wages; removing protec-
because the paper represents good theory, but tion has led to rapid expansion of employment
interprets it, for policy purposes, with dubious in labor-intensive industries. If the latter stylized
"stylized facts." Sudhir Anand and Vijay Joshi fact is correct, and if income-distribution consid-
(1979) considered a world, such as that envis- erations are important, it would suggest that
aged by Hagen ( 1958), in which workers in the the policy implications of the Anand-Joshi
advanced sector receive a higher wage than in analysis are the opposite of what they sug-
the rest of the economy due to unions or other gest-namely, that policy makers should en-
(presumably unalterable) circumstances. They courage, even beyond the optimum, a shift of
then asked whether maximizing international resources out of protected industries (presum-
value added for given employment of domestic ably by removing protection) and into export-
resources is an appropriate criterion when able industries.4"
income-distribution considerations cannot be sep-
arated from productive-efficiency considerations. III. What Research Contributed
In their setup, the clear answer is no, because to Improved Policies
tradeables are produced by the advanced (pre-
sumably unionized) sector, and hence maxi- Policies that were not consistent with policy
mizing international value will pull more makers' growth objectives were cloaked in re-
resources into that sector at the cost of a dete- spectability in the 1950's and 1960's by theory
riorating income distribution. Interestingly, and stylized facts of the type I have already
they do not address the question of whether the described. I have so far discussed properties of
advanced sector is labor or capital intensive. If, some theories that made them susceptible to
as is true for outer-oriented developing coun- misapplication or misuse.
tries, the exportables are labor intensive relative A second question is equally important,
to import-competing activity, removing protec- however. That is, how did the change in econ-
tion to induce a move of more workers to the omists' policy prescriptions come about? What
"advanced" high-wage sector would presum- led to the reversal to recognition of the im-
ably increase wages of those workers and also portance of an open economy after the con-
those in the rest of the economy: a more equal version to advocacy of import substitution in
income distribution would be obtained at the the 1950's and 1960's? I can address this ques-
expense of lower real wages for all. Without tion more rapidly because much of the answer
regard to factor intensity, however, Anand and was implicit in the description of the evolution
Joshi (1979 p. 350) conclude that: of developing countries' trade policies.

The motivation behind the theory of dis-

tortions has been to criticise and to guide
1973; Jones, 1971a) that the resource pulls associated with
trade and industrialisation policies ... raising an effective rate of protection did not necessarily
Our analysis emphasises the need for accord with those associated with increasing a nominal
caution ... Departures from technical ef- rate of protection. These findings did not significantly af-
ficiency may be called for as part of the fect research efforts in part because the authors made clear
rational response by governments to the the relatively extreme conditions necessary to generate the
limitations they face in carrying out de- "perverse" resource pull, and partly because other re-
searchers were able to demonstrate that there seemed to
sirable income distribution policies ...40
be few, if any, empirical counterparts to the perverse pull
4' See Pranab Bardhan (1996), tracing how the pre-
40 Another example of the "negative results" research sumed "efficiency-equity" trade-off has been shown to
arises from early findings (see Bhagwati and Srinivasan, be false in considerable measure.

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Three sets of research efforts can be singled policies still prevailing in most developing
out as having been particularly useful in in- countries in the 1980's.
forming changes in policy, although others, If one considered the evidence regarding the
no doubt, also contributed.42 First, there was workings of trade policies in any one country
research analyzing how import-substitution taken alone, there were ample grounds for crit-
policies were actually working. Second, and icism of inner-oriented trade policies, with the
not unrelated to the first, there was the refine- monopoly positions they conferred on domes-
ment and more appropriate interpretation of tic producers, the high costs of doing business,
theory. Third, there was research demonstrat- rent-seeking low quality of products, and so
ing the feasibility of the alternative. on. It was possible, however, to recognize that
and nonetheless conclude that policy makers
A. Challenging the Stylized Facts and in that particular country had been inept, or
Understanding How Import-Substitution had simply failed to implement policies appro-
Regimes Worked priately. As evidence mounted across coun-
tries, the similarity in the evolution of regimes
Analyses of the evidence regarding the key and their consequences was striking. It was in-
stylized facts were in hindsight important steps creasingly difficult to dismiss the evidence
in undermining the intellectual consensus. from a particular country as being sui generis
Demonstration that there were significant re- or the failing only of the particulars of policy
sponses to incentives undermined the policy execution in that country.
case for ignoring prices. Proof that the terms But, underpinning the analyses of indivi-
of trade had deteriorated very little, if at all, dual country situations, either in the compar-
began to undermine export pessimism. ative studies or individually, were agreed-upon
Empirical work on the ways in which measurement tools. The empirical studies
import-substitution regimes functioned was could not have had their impact without the
crucial. Comparative analyses such as those development and use of measurement tools.
of Little et al. (1970), Bhagwati (1978), As cost-benefit techniques were used, it be-
Krueger ( 1978, 1983 ), and Michael Michaely came increasingly difficult to justify some
et al. ( 1991 ) clearly contributed signifi- highly uneconomic projects. And, as measure-
cantly to awareness that the effects of import- ment of effective rates of protection was un-
substitution policies were not idiosyncratic to dertaken in country after country, the high and
individual countries. The comparative studies erratic nature of protection became evident.
provided a great deal of evidence as to the Techniques for cost-benefit analysis and mea-
shortcomings of reliance on import substitu- surement of effective rates of protection were
tion. Evidence that protection was not tem- important, first of all, in providing analysts
porary, that protection levels were high and with tools with which to demonstrate the cha-
idiosyncratic, that there was very great dis- otic nature of import-substitution policies. In
crimination against exports, and that "foreign addition, even before the policy consensus
exchange shortage" was a function of policies changed, there is little doubt that some of the
and not an exogenously given datum, were all earlier extreme irrationalities of policy were
important in challenging the protectionist trade curbed through use of these tools. It became
extremely difficult to defend the high average
of, and wide variance in, effective rates of
At an empirical level, it seems clear that early
42 The ideas and events influencing policy makers in
one country may not have been precisely the same as those
demonstrations of the great range of variation in
in the next one. And, of course, no precise measurement rates of effective protection were useful both in
of the relative influence of research results and of expe- demonstrating some of the problems with trade
rience is possible. There is also the question of the role of regimes and also in preventing at least a few of
research, relative to the role of experience itself. However,
the worst excesses that might otherwise have oc-
in fact, the ways in which people in other developing
countries learned about the East Asian experience was cuffed. More generally, recognition and rein-
largely the consequence of research efforts. troduction of the proposition that there is a

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response to incentives that cannot be overlooked tervention would be in the labor market, and
in policy formulation, combined with the evi- that a tariff or quota could not achieve a first-
dence on the erratic and arbitrary nature of in- best outcome.
centives provided by trade regimes, forced a Similarly, developments showing that the
reexamination of the premises on which import- comparative advantage results were not the
substitution policies were based. simple "specialize forever in primary prod-
Yet another contribution of empirical re- ucts" precept proved significant in enabling
search was to focus upon the actual workings policy makers to contemplate alteration in
of policy implementation. In early policy pre- trade strategy. Baldwin's (1969) critical ex-
scriptions, there had been something of a naive amination of the infant industry argument pro-
tendency to assume that enunciating a desired vides yet another example of an analytical
outcome was itself sufficient to achieve it. contribution that was important in making
This naivete was dispelled, as the theories re- those concerned with policy consider carefully
garding bureaucratic behavior, rent-seeking, the effectiveness of the policies they had
smuggling, and overinvoicing and underin- adopted in achieving their desired goals.
voicing all enabled observers to examine more Finally, there was theory that was developed
critically the ways in which alternative policy in response to the functioning of import-
prescriptions might have side effects that had substitution regimes. Here again, the theory of
earlier been unanticipated. rent-seeking, as it pointed to the ways in which
bureaucrats and others made protection very
B. Refinement and More Appropriate costly, was important. Further, when it was
Interpretation of Theory recognized that bureaucrats, businessmen, and
others attempted to capture or thwart policy
As already seen, some of the intellectual un- initiatives not in their self-interest and that
derpinning of import-substitution policies was they acquired an interest in maintaining the
provided by inappropriate interpretation of system, once established, and that resources
theory, or the failure of theory to take into ac- were expended in operating the system, it had
count key institutional or behavioral variables. to be recognized that changing the system
Analytical developments focussing on condi- would be politically difficult.
tions under which these interpretations were Development of a better understanding of
valid, or examining the ways in which results the incentives for underinvoicing and overin-
had to be modified to take into account these voicing of exports and imports and for smug-
institutional and behaviorial aspects, were gling under exchange-control regimes worked
clearly important in improving understanding. in the same direction: not only could these ac-
The entire literature on optimal interven- tivities prove costly to the exchequer and in
tions in the presence of domestic distortions is terms of resource drains, but the very recog-
one important example of a demonstration that nition of their presence served to remind
earlier interpretations of theory had failed to policy makers of the limitations of their
examine the relevant alternatives. It was in- instruments.
valuable in demonstrating clearly that in most Finally, good analyses demonstrating how
circumstances, the presence of a distortion individual import controls actually worked
warranted a first-best policy intervention other contributed to understanding and made em-
than a tariff.43 For example, in the case of pirical work more effective. The further
Hagen's (1958) employment-generating case refinement of theory showing tariff-quota
for protection, the optimal intervention litera- equivalence has already been mentioned.
ture demonstrated clearly that a first-best in- Rent-seeking again comes to mind. But, in
addition, individual mechanisms for encour-
aging import substitution each had their
own, often idiosyncratic, incentive effects. A
" However, those advocating import substitution
good example is Gene Grossman's (1981)
seized upon the infeasibility of first-best policy as a de-
fense for following the policies they wished in any event classic analysis of domestic content regula-
to follow. tions and their effects.

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C. Demonstration of the Viability of It cannot be said that either research results

Alternative Trade Policies or the contrast in economic performance alone
led to the change in policies in other devel-
Research on the contrast between East oping countries.46 Both research (especially
Asian and other developing countries and rea- that which brought the sharply contrasting ex-
sons for it obviously turned out to be a major periences of the East Asian exporters and the
contributing factor in influencing thinking import-substituting countries into focus) and
about policy. In a way, research on East Asian experience contributed.
experience provided a final blow to the earlier Whether one should regard the East Asian
uncritical acceptance of the stylized facts. For, experience as entirely separate from economic
the East Asian experiences demonstrated, as theory, however, is an interesting question. As
nothing else could have, the feasibility and vi- already mentioned, Tsiang (1985) was him-
ability of alternative trade policies: it was no self an international economist, and it was in
longer possible to associate comparative ad- significant part his efforts that led the Tai-
vantage with reliance on primary commodity wanese authorities to abandon inner-oriented
exports, and the East Asian experience cer- policies and attempt to develop through ex-
tainly put an end to the belief that developing ports. The theory of comparative advantage
countries could not develop rapidly when re- was, at least in that instance, a pillar on which
lying on integration with the international policy was built. And, while a variety of fac-
economy.' tors no doubt contributed to the Korean adop-
The experience of the East Asian exporters tion of outer-oriented trade policies after 1960,
did several things. Most important, it provided the favorable experience of Taiwan undoubt-
concrete evidence that a developing country edly facilitated the willingness of decision
could achieve industrialization without relying makers to try the new approach.
on domestic markets to absorb almost all The East Asian exporters put to rest the
additional output. That demonstrated the fal-mistaken belief that developing countries re-
lacy of the earlier view that industrializationlying on the international market would forever
could take place only through import substi- be specialized in the production of primary
tution.45 Also, the East Asian trade regimes of- commodities. They also showed that rates
fered significant opportunities for empirical of growth well above those realized even in
research, and the evidence mounted that prop- the most rapidly growing import-substitution
erties formerly thought to be those of all de- countries such as Brazil and Turkey could be
veloping countries were, in fact, properties realized.
resulting from inner-oriented trade and pay-
ments regimes. IV. What Lessons Can Be Learned for Research
in New Applied Fields?

" To be sure, there are still doubters. Some claim that It is difficult to draw generalizations based
South Korea and Taiwan were major recipients of foreign on the evolution of analysis, empirical re-
aid, which is said to account for much of their rapid growth
search, and policy in one applied field. None-
(although the announcement that foreign aid would di-
minish was what triggered policy reform in Korea). The theless, in the hope that insights from other
status of Hong Kong and Singapore as city-states is al- applied areas may reinforce or amend the list,
leged by some to render their experience of little rele- the effort seems worthwhile.
vance. Even today, those resisting policy changes assert Perhaps the most obvious generalization
that conditions in the 1950's and 1960's were conducive
from the various factors that have been dis-
to export expansion in ways in which the world market of
the 1990's is not-despite the rapid expansion of exports cussed is that empirical research which tests
from China and Southeast Asian countries. for the presence and order of magnitude of
45 Some have argued that the East Asian outer-oriented stylized facts which are used in modelling and
trade strategy might not have succeeded without an earlier
stage of import substitution. In that view, East Asia moved
away from import substitution at the "right time,"
whereas other countries stayed with the strategy too long. 46 For that matter, trade policy reform is still resisted in
See Gustav Ranis (1984) for one such argument. many countries, notably most of Sub-Saharan Africa.

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policy formulation can be invaluable. If the prints" on hand from good theory is obviously
right stylized facts can be used as a basis for a major contribution. As already noted, how-
theory, and theorists have good indications of ever, that theory is often relatively dull -such
the relative quantitative importance of various as comparative advantage-rather than the
phenomena, it is clearly far more likely that more exciting and refined results of complex
the theory itself can make a useful contribution. models.
In the case of trade policy and development, Second, theory was invaluable when it
the demonstrations that there were responses showed why simple interpretations of received
to incentives and that developing countries doctrine were in fact wrong. This was the case
could expand export earnings and did have with the theory of first-best intervention in the
comparative advantage in other than primary case of domestic distortions, and in the case
commodities, were clearly crucial to improved with comparative advantage as interpreted to
understanding of the relationship of trade to mean developing countries would specialize in
development. the production of primary commodities, and
For that reason, high marks must go to the with the infant industry argument.
analytical research that pointed to measure- These considerations suggest that research
ment techniques such as effective protection results, in order to be most likely to be ame-
and cost benefit, which enabled policy makers nable to policy relevance, should be interpret-
and their analysts to obtain empirical quan- able into phenomena that are observable,
tification, however rough, of the relevant hopefully quantifiable, and recognizable by
magnitudes.47 the policy maker. A negative result, such as
In like manner, the empirical demonstration that theory does not always tell us, can be
of the similarity of policy responses across de- counterproductive precisely because the pol-
veloping countries, and of the wide and largely icy maker is informed only that a certain gen-
irrational variation in incentives for import- eralization (such as comparative advantage
competing industries, increased understanding and the value of free trade) is not without
of what was wrong with existing policies. exception; the generalization can then be
Overturning, or more accurately interpret- ignored.
ing, the accepted stylized facts, therefore, was A more general statement of the problems
a first prerequisite for developing a better the- inherent in theorems which show that major
ory of trade policy for development. But the- propositions are "not generally true" would
ory was important in many ways, in addition encompass all of that theory which is cast in
to pointing to appropriate measurement tools. terms of "anything can happen." While it is
First of all, good policy-relevant theory pro- certainly true that there are conditions under
vided blueprints for those windows of oppor- which a wide range of outcomes (Pareto-
tunity in which governments genuinely sought inferior, a bad equilibrium, Pareto-superior,
to improve economic performance, as was the etc.) are possible from the same policy instru-
case in Taiwan and Korea in the early 1960's, ment, it would have challenged the skills of
and in Chile, Mexico, and India in later de- even the most superb theorist to attempt to de-
cades, to name just a few.48 Having the "blue- velop a case for the sorts of chaotic policies
prevalent in Turkey in 1957, in Ghana in 1983,
and in Argentina in the late 1980's. It is far
4 There is another example from a related field. As is too easy for analysts to ignore the fact that "an
well known, multilateral negotiations with regard to ag- exception" does not rationalize all possible
ricultural protection were completely stalled until the
policy alternatives to free trade.
1980's. In the 1980's, economists at the OECD proposed
the use of a "producer subsidy equivalent" to measure There is a criterion for efficient resource al-
the degree of government intervention in various agricul- location, equating domestic and international
tural commodities across countries. That tool permitted marginal rates of transformation. Even if there
negotiations to begin restricting and dismantling agricul-
are "dynamic" factors which contravene part
tural protection.
48 See Arnold C. Harberger (1993) for a discussion of
of the static efficiency criterion, they too are
the roles played by economists in some key policy reform measurable. Yet the "anything can happen"
episodes. theories do not provide guides as to how the

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phenomena under examination may be quan- somehow be measured, or incentive-compatible

tified, and thus provide rationalizations (ad- mechanisms for correcting them can be de-
mittedly for those who want them) for policies vised, theorists asserting their presence are
that cannot by any realistic test pass muster. simply providing a carte blanche for policy
Perhaps the lesson is that there is a signifi- makers and bureaucrats to intervene in what-
cant danger that economic theory will be mis- ever ways they like, and this will simulta-
interpreted in the policy arena, and researchers neously be seized upon by special interests to
could productively take more pains to distance bolster their causes.
themselves from policy conclusions that are No matter how careful economists are,
not warranted by their analysis. Theoretical special interests always will seize their re-
papers which end with "it has been shown search results in supporting their own objec-
that, under conditions x and y, policy z may tives. And, no matter how sophisticated and
no longer represent an optimum ... Therefore careful research findings are, there always
policy should ..." are obviously overstepping will be politicians formulating, and non-
their bounds when the empirical relevance of economists administering, policies. Recog-
x and y are not yet established, and even more nition of these propositions could do much
so when conditions other than x and y also may to increase the degree to which economists'
be important (as, for example, with rent- research results can contribute (positively)
seeking). to policy formulation.
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