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Perception Affecting Students Mobile Technology Usage

By:Jasmine R. Pangan/Sophia San Pedro


Learning in the 21st century is omnipresent with computer and technology and is gaining
momentous in the lives of the young and becoming a part of education at schools. Students use
technology on a daily basis and this has an impact on their education. The effective use of
technology in the classroom enables students to be innovative while developing new skills and
provides students with futuristic information (Dias & Victor, 2013).
Mobile devices have become attractive learning devices for education. (Baran, 2014)
One of the principal features of mobile learning is the flexibility for students to engage in the
educational process and material anywhere, any time. Mobile technologies address a modern
need for convenience, like the option of downloading learning resources in an increasing number
of electronic formats (Rossin et. al 2012).
Wang, Wiesemes and Gibbons (2012) interpreted their own research as indicating that dividing
learners into digital natives and digital immigrants is not helpful. They wrote, mature learners
might be more critical of new technology, but it does not mean that they have different
expectations and demands. The prevalent definition of mobile learning in scholarly literature is
the use of portable devices with Internet connection capability in education contexts. Wang,
Wiesemes and Gibbons (2012) stated this definition simply as, learning through mobile devices.
Kazlauskas and Robinson (2012) stated that, the caricature of the 21st century student as an avid
consumer of any and all technology does not necessarily transfer to the learning environment.
Wu et al. (2012) wrote, “Mobile phones and PDAs are the most commonly used devices for
mobile learning, but these may be replaced in the future by new emerging technologies.
While portability and mobility have already made these devices attractive tools, developments
such as geospatial technologies, search capabilities, image and video capture, and context
awareness have further increased their versatility by promoting situated learning experiences and
allowing exploration within authentic settings, particularly supporting inquiry-based learning
(Baran 2015).
Rodgers (2014) makes the following observation, imagine a classroom where everyone uses a
smartphone, laptop, tablet, or other mobile device to search the web, complete assignments,
assess progress, create projects, and help each other solve problems. The latest technologies may
be used to learn new things in new ways students can.
Rossin et. al (2012) makes two suggestions: mobile learning is uniquely placed to support
learning that is personalized, authentic, and situated; and the future will find mobile learning
facilitating a wide variety of teaching methods.
Perception Affecting Students Mobile Technology Usage

The primary aim of this study is to determine the perception SHS teacher and SHS student’s on
the effects of mobile technology. It also aims to identify if there is a significant difference
between the perception of students and teacher of using mobile technology.
The purpose of this study is to help the students and teachers to use the mobile technology to
improve the academic performances of the students.

Significance of the study

This study may be used as a reference by the school administrator, students, and future
School Administrator- the outcome of this study convey as a handrail to the administrator with
regards to the factor affecting their academic performance.
Students- It may serve as guide for the students to help their academic performance, and to help
them to know the advantage and disadvantage of mobile technology.
Parents- The result of this study will help them to guide their children on using mobile
Future Researcher- This study can also help and guide the next researcher who will be
choosing mobile technology as the topic in research.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perception of the students and teachers on using mobile
technology. It also aims to identify if there is a significant difference between the perception of
students and teacher of using mobile technology in Sulivan National High School during the
school year 2021-2022.

The following are the specific questions;

1. What are the perceptions of SHS teachers and SHS students of using mobile technology?

2. Is there is significant difference between the perception of students and teachers of using
mobile technology?Sub-Problems:

3. What is mobile technology?

4. What is the use of mobile technology in education?

5. What are the effects on using mobile devices inside the classroom?
Perception Affecting Students Mobile Technology Usage

6. Why students are using mobile technology?

7. How do from classes being implemented inside the school with the use of mobile

8. How do mobile technology affects student learning?


There is no significant difference between the perception of students and teachers of using
mobile technology in the classroom.

Theoretical Framework  

  Theory of cognitive learning by ausubel (1968) analysed from the aspects of the
educational where the center of interest is how students learn. The theory based on the learner’s
learn through meaningful learning and through memorization. Present knowledge comprise the
learner’s cognitive structure, the quantity and quality structures that learners build. In the higher
learning, familiarity with some technological device and students learning allows to apply their
computer technological skills in the teaching and studying learning processes. Using mobile
technology to enhance and support new instruction such that their experience of using mobile
technology device to improve their learning at the higher education level. The knowledge of
mobile device can help them to explore more, especially when new learning opportunities are
provided them (Cole, 2009).         

The theory also states that the most important factor influencing learning is the quantity,
clarity and organization of the learner’s present knowledge. It explain the important of
meaningful learning process as being dependent of the abilities of learners to relate new concepts
and proposition to what already know.

Perception Affecting Students Mobile Technology Usage

Figure 1 Illustrates the conceptual framework of the study using Input, Process, Output

The respondents were chosen through convenience sampling from the two grade levels in
senior high school and teachers. Questionnaires will distribute and collect. The analysis and
interpretation of the data and information gathered in the next step. The output are the Students
and Teachers Perception of using Mobile Technology.

Statement of the Problems:

1.What is mobile technology?

2.What is the use of mobile technology in education?

3.What are the effects on using mobile devices inside the classroom?

4.Why students are using mobile technology?

5.How do from classes being implemented inside the school with the use of mobile technology?

6.How do mobile technology affects student learning?

Perception Affecting Students Mobile Technology Usage

Definition of Terms

Mobile Technology-  is a form of technology that is mostly used in cellular communication and
other related aspects. It uses a form of platform where by many transmitters have the ability to
send data at the same time on a single channel.

Senior High School-  is a secondary school that students attend in the three or four highest
grades before college. A high school where someone is a freshman, sophomore, junior students.

Teacher- a person who teaches, especially in a school.

Student-denoting someone who is studying in order to enter a particular profession.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused in the perception SHS teachers and SHS Students on the effects of
mobile technology in Sulivan National High School year 2021-2022. The major source of data
used to find answer to the researcher question is the survey / questionnaire method.

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