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Keynote Intermediate Test 6

Units 11 and 12

Name: ____________________________________

Total score: _______________________________

1 Read the text and choose the correct word, A, B, C or D, for each gap. The first one is done
for you.

A new approach to management

Adam Warwick is leading the (0) __D__ in the management of Internet businesses. He saw
how many online companies were going out of (1) _____ and he realized he needed to do
(2) _____ different. Like in many new Internet businesses, his employees were feeling
(3) _____ . Warwick heard about a company in Brazil that (4) _____ business by putting its
employees first, giving them more freedom in how they worked. He decided to give it a
(5) _____ . He let his workers choose their own hours and whether to work at home. Friends
and colleagues thought he was (6) _____ of his mind, but then the company started (7) _____
a lot of money. More important to Warwick is the fact that his employees feel (8) _____
where they are: ‘I want everyone to feel (9) _____ home in the company. I (10) _____ other
leaders to forget about financial success and hand over control to the employees. It works!’

0 A path B direction C road D way

1 A business B success C money D action
2 A nothing B anything C something D everything
3 A hard B reliable C stressed D tiring
4 A made B set C created D did
5 A drive B push C go D run
6 A crazy B out C off D away
7 A affording B making C producing D doing
8 A happy B pleasing C enjoyable D agreeable
9 A by B at C to D in
10 A imagine B say C suggest D urge

Marks (out of 10): _____

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITAL LETTERS. The
first one is done for you.

0 Have you had another _________stressful________ day at the office, darling? Come and
sit down. STRESS
11 Bonuses are important in making employees feel __________________________ by the
company. VALUE
12 Can I make a __________________________ ? Why don’t we move the meeting to the
conference room? SUGGEST
13 Has changing Internet provider made a big __________________________ to your
connection speed? DIFFER
14 I hate having nothing to do; I find working hard much more _______________________.
15 I need to do something __________________________ when I get home from work, like
read a book. RELAX
16 In setting up new companies, there’s always a thin __________________________ line
between being brave and being stupid. DIVIDE
17 The conference organizers were very __________________________ to us. They invited
us to a wonderful meal. WELCOME
18 All the staff are feeling _____________________ after a week of really hard work. TIRE
19 We’re going with the cheaper client, and that’s final. We’ve made our
___________________________. DECIDE
20 You’re doing really well, and it’s clear that the boss is __________________________ of
your work. APPRECIATE

Marks (out of 10): _____


3 Complete the text with a suitable word in each gap. Use only one word in each gap. The
first one is done for you.

Business lessons from nature

Harvester ants live in dry deserts where it (0) _____can____ be hard to find water, so they
must (21) ____________ careful not to spend too much time outside, where they quickly lose
water from their bodies. But they have (22) ____________ leave their nests, of course; the
ant colony (23) ____________ die if they stayed in the nest and (24) ____________ not look
for food, which also contains the water they need. The decision is a difficult one: when there
is lots of food available outside, the colony (25) ____________ to send many ants out, but
they must (26) ____________ go unnecessarily. So who decides? Ant colonies have queens,
but these don’t advise the workers about what they (27) ____________ do. Instead, ants have
a simple system that controls their behaviour. An ant (28) ____________ only go out if
another one comes back with food. This way, they don’t (29) ___________ to communicate
complex messages from one to the other. Humans (30) ____________ learn a lot about how
to organize systems from these insects if they paid more attention to the natural world.

Marks (out of 10): _____

4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three
words. The first one is done for you.

0 Doctors recommend getting between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
Doctors say you __________should get__________ between seven and nine hours
of sleep each night.
31 Only a few adults can function normally after as little as six hours of sleep.
Most adults need ______________________________ for more than six hours in order
to function normally.
32 It isn’t usually necessary for people who do regular exercise to sleep for as long.
People who do regular exercise don’t ______________________________ to sleep for
as long.
33 If you can’t sleep, I advise not eating large meals for three hours before bedtime.
If you can’t sleep, you ______________________________ eat large meals for
three hours before bedtime.
34 You should buy good pillows – bad pillows are one of the most common causes of
neck pain.
If I ______________________________ , I’d buy good pillows to prevent neck pain.
35 I changed my pillow recently and all my neck pain disappeared.
If I ______________________________ my pillow recently, my neck pain wouldn’t
have disappeared.
36 Actually, if we chose to stay awake for longer, we wouldn’t be able to get more done.
Actually, if we chose to stay awake for longer, we _____________________________
more done.
37 Lorry drivers have to take a break every four and a half hours to avoid accidents.
You ______________________________ a lorry for more than four and a half
hours without taking a break, to avoid accidents.
38 One lorry driver went to prison for driving for more hours than he should.
If the lorry driver had stopped driving after four and a half hours,
he ______________________________ gone to prison.
39 And nurses are more likely to get heart disease because they work irregular hours.
If nurses ______________________________ irregular hours, they wouldn’t be as
likely to get heart disease.
40 We get so stressed about sleeping, but we need to see it as a solution to life’s problems.
If we saw sleep as a solution to life’s problems, we ______________________________
so stressed about it.

Marks (out of 10): _____


5 Read the interview and decide if each sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I). The first one
is done for you.

Ask the doctor

With so much information in the media about nutrition at the moment, you’d think that
we’d all know how to eat healthily. But a recent survey reveals confusion is widespread,
with a lack of understanding of even basic ideas about eating right. We interviewed
nutrition specialist, Dr Anan Singh, about the problem.

Dr Singh, do you believe we aren’t eating well?

Yes and no. I think we’re doing a lot of good: lots of choice in the shops, and cooking has
never been more popular, which you can see from all the TV shows. So people are caring
more about food, but it’s no good cooking something special on Saturday if the rest of the
week you eat hamburgers. What worries me is that being overweight is becoming normal.
Patients underestimate how unhealthy their weight is because they look around and see
everyone else looks the same as them. So we’re losing sight of our goals.

So what’s the problem with nutrition?

The main issue for me is education. What we teach kids at school is simplified and doesn’t
prepare them for all the confusing information they hear on television. Sugar is a great
example of the message not being communicated clearly. Ninety per cent of people would
still say sugar is just ‘bad’, when in fact it is as essential as water. A better, but more
complicated, answer would involve discussing sugar in natural foods like fruit and wheat
and how it is processed by the body.

Much of the confusion is down to marketing. Companies work hard to persuade us to eat
more and more of their products, and they’ve succeeded. The way certain important terms
are used commercially – words like ‘healthy eating’ and ‘organic’ − doesn’t help much,
either. They don’t really mean what they should. Take ‘healthy eating’ for instance. It’s used
by the food industry to sell special low-calorie products that people eat when they’re dieting
and losing weight. But healthy eating is something we should all be doing over the long-
term, by eating normal nutritionally-balanced meals. ‘Organic’ food is widely believed to
provide nutritional benefits, even though it’s really about the effect the farming techniques
have on the environment. The best way to tell if something is good for you is to read the
nutrition information on the back of the packet.

Lastly, if you could change anything, what would it be?

I’d make food companies put the nutritional information for each product in big writing on
the front of their packets to let the numbers speak for themselves. And I’d teach children
how to understand the information so they can decide for themselves.

0 The results of some research shows that, in general, people understand about nutrition.
41 There is more interest in ways of preparing food than before. _____
42 People’s perception of what a healthy body size should be is changing. _____
43 Dr Singh believes the real facts about sugar are too complicated for children to learn. ____
44 He believes it would be better to avoid sugar in fruit. _____
45 He says we eat more than we need to because of what we are told. _____
46 Food companies have invented phrases to market their products which don’t mean
anything. _____
47 Healthy eating is about losing weight, according to Dr Singh. _____
48 He believes eating organic products is good for your health. _____
49 He advises shoppers to avoid reading what is written on food packaging. _____
50 If Dr Singh was in charge, food packaging would look quite different. _____

Marks (out of 10): _____


6 🎧 80 Listen to five people talking about their health and well-being. Choose the correct

Speaker 1
51 How often does the woman practise yoga?
A about once a week ☐ B about twice a week ☐ C about three times a week ☐

52 What is one problem she has?

A The teacher isn’t good at yoga. ☐ B The woman gets stressed. ☐
C There is no one to look after her son. ☐

Speaker 2
53 How does the man feel about running?
A disappointed ☐ B surprised ☐ C tired ☐

54 Why did he start the sport?

A He had a bad back. ☐ B He wasn’t sleeping well. ☐ C He was overweight. ☐

Speaker 3
55 Which reason for playing football is the least important for the girl?
A sporting success ☐ B the health benefits ☐ C the social life ☐

56 According to her, how can sport help her with regard to university?
A Sport helps keep your brain healthy. ☐
B It will give her something to do at university. ☐
C It will help her get a place at university. ☐

Speaker 4
57 What reason does the woman give for walking?
A to keep fit ☐ B to feel better emotionally ☐ C to study nature ☐
58 Where’s the woman’s favourite place to walk?
A around the village ☐ B through the forest ☐ C along the coast ☐

Speaker 5
59 Why is the man not sure of long-term success?
A It’s difficult for him to do. ☐ B He’s had one or two cigarettes. ☐
C It hasn’t lasted a long time yet. ☐

60 Why is the man successful?

A He sees the positive side. ☐ B He’s keeping away from cigarettes. ☐
C He wants to please his sister. ☐

Marks (out of 10): _____

7 Talk in pairs, A and B.

Step 1
Read the situation, then look at the options below.

A person who works for your company in another country will be working at your office for
a few days. While she is here, you have been asked to plan her visit. You need to decide on a
good place for her to stay; some good restaurants where she can eat; a social event that you
could organize to help her get to know the staff; other practical aspects of her stay
(e.g. transport).

Make sure you both:

• discuss each point in the situation.
• discuss a few options for each point.
• decide on the best option(s) for each point and say why you think they are good.

You have two minutes to think about what you are going to say. Talk about the situation.

Step 2
You are going to ask each other questions about something you have had to organize.

Make sure you ask:

• what your partner organized.
• the things they had to consider.
• whether there were any problems and how they solved them.
• whether it was a success.
• whether they found it easy or difficult, and why.

Student A: start by asking Student B questions.

Student B: when Student A has finished, ask your questions.
You can receive ten marks for including all the points above and using a range of language.

Marks (out of 10): _____


8 You read this comment online.

I’m preparing for an important exam this summer but I’m not finding it easy.
I planned to spend three hours each day studying and then stop, but I get bored very quickly
and end up daydreaming or checking for messages on Facebook. Then, because I waste so
much time, I need to study all day! I’m really stressed, but I know it shouldn’t be this
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Write a reply to the comment with your suggestions. Write about 100 words.

You can receive ten marks for including all the necessary points and the conventions of
posting comments.

Marks (out of 10): _____

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