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Creationism vs.

Universidad Latina

JUNE 18, 2022

Title: Creationism vs. Evolution

1. Meaning of the two words.
2. Clear cut explanation.
3. Example


1. The beginning of the ideas
2. Debate about the theories,
3. Evidence they have found.

Ideas together
1. Things they have in common
2. Possibilities of thinking about it
3. Difficulties of finding only way of look at it.

Fight about the theories

1. This type of debates is far from an end.
2. Arguments of each theory.
3. Idea of combination both of them.

1. My opinion.
2. The importance of respect with these topics.
Creationism vs. Evolution

Creationism or Intelligent Design is the belief that life and the universe were created by
a supernatural being an omnipotent, benevolent God. Evolution is the creation by which
different kinds of living organisms developed and diversified from earlier forms during
the history of the Earth. Clear-cut explanation of how life and everything on earth
originated has remained a puzzle to humanity for a long time. That is why there is a lot
of different theories around the world and when time passes more ideas come to the
board. A piece of art showcases the level of an artist, so does the earth and the
universe that imply the reality. This paper seeks to gain insight into the creation theory
and evolution theory thereby finding out which of the two tends to carry more logic

After Sir Charles Darwin introduced his original theory about the origins of species and
evolution, humanity’s faith in God had reeled. The world divided into evolutionists, who
believed life as we see it today developed from smaller and more primitive organisms
and creationists who kept believing life in all its diversity was created by a higher entity. 
Therefore, the debates between the evolutionists and the creationists seem to have no
ending. And though their arguments are completely opposite, they can coexist and even
complement each other. The evolutionists often come with the argument about fossil
findings serving as a proof of the evolutionary process or the remains of even more
ancient beings found by archaeologists are much older than the age of our world
according to the Bible. 

At the same time, both sides seem to forget one point of view that does not necessarily
contradict another one. It is possible God could plan everything, prepared certain
elements for the universe’s development, and then just pressed a start button watching
the results. Or God could have created the possibility of life, but it could leave this life to
find its own ways. Besides these, many other ideas can be suggested; anyways, it is
ridiculous in the debate about the most complex and incomprehensible subject in the
world if only two points of view exist.

The fight of opinions between evolutionists and creationists seems to be far from its
finale. Both sides have potent arguments in favor of their positions. Evolutionists stress
the absence of factual evidence in favor of God’s existence, point to fossils as a proof of
the evolutionary process and name the Big Bang as the reason of the universe’s
appearance. Creationists say there are no intermediate links between species in found
fossils, consider complexity and diversity of nature to be indirect evidence of God’s
existence. However, none of these sides seem to see how both points of view can not
only coexist but be successfully combined. Such a combination could explain everything
at once.

God could be the main creator, but humans have developed advances and new
generation of creations due to this I believe both have a correct point. It is important to
remain respectful and to provide evidence and to show your opinion in a simple way to
make people understand. This is something that comes from the past had the continues
to be an interrogate of the world’s creation. You can have friends that have the same
ideas as you in this topic but there are other with different ideas. I think that with this
type of controversial topics is important to have respect and to be open to hear
everyone’s ideas.



Creationism Ideas
My vs come
Evolution together

of each

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