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Nombre: Lisset Garcia Castruita Matrícula: AL02853034

Nombre del curso: Contemporary Nombre del profesor: Sagrario Garcia

World Barreda

Módulo: Module 2. World Crises Actividad: Evidence 2

Fecha: 10 de Octubre del 2019
Bibliografía: Tecmilenio. (2019). Canvas, sitio web:

In the following essay, will be touched the most important events during the first
half of the 20th century (1900-1950). In this essay each revealing event of this era
will be explained in detail. At the beginning of the century, there were still
kingdoms, powers and countries in the process of independence (and some
already independent), which meant that the world lived in many political systems at
the same time. This fact (together with others that I will explain later) caused the
bellicose facts that were played in the rehearsal to happen.

The first world war (1914-1918) was the first world war conflict of the time since all
the powers were involved. This war arose when Germany wanted to join the club of
the great nations where the colonies of the time were being distributed, but
Germany arrived very late. At this point there was a very strong world political
tension in wanting to colonize but the greatest conflict was between France and
Germany (with their respective allied countries). The trigger was that on June 28,
1914 in Sarajevo, when Archduke Francisco Fernando (heir to the Austro-
Hungarian throne) was killed by a Serb. This caused Austro-Hungary and Germany
to demand that Serbia do an investigation, which Serbia refused. Here the world
collapses, Austro-Hungary declares war on Serbia, and this made all countries go
to war as a chain. There were two sides: The Triple Entente (France, England,
Russia, (they convinced Italy to change sides, which was done, but years later it
would provoke another war), and also the United States and Japan that would join
time after the side ) but there was also The Triple Alliance or Central Powers
(Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria).
During this war the Germans thought about making a quick war and appropriating
all possible European territory, which they achieved. In the war many technological
advances were created for the time, such as weapons, submarines, airplanes, war
tanks, among others, in which a lot of money was invested. In the war process the
emblematic trenches were created (excavations in the ground for soldiers to shoot
and to protect themselves). The war was fought all over the world, Asia, America,
Oceania, Africa, but the main thing was in Europe. The war continues, but in 1917
Russia undergoes a revolution which causes it to get out of the war, Germany is
graced with this fact and makes all the troops concentrate on attacking France. But
everything has an end, the lack of money caused the German soldiers to be poorly
fed and weakened. The Triple Entente was winning battles until the Central Powers
surrendered in the Treaty of Versailles. The United States said it would only
negotiate with a democratic Germany, which they did. France was the biggest
winner economically, England and the United States asked for huge compensation
and on the Italian side, it did not receive even half of what France and England had
promised. Germany remained as the great loser that would cause the Second
World War to be created later.
The great economic depression of 1929 was an economic crisis between both
wars. It arose with the unexpected fall of the US stock market (today, they still don't
know how it happened) since after WWI, the United States was living its golden
years, the whole economy was pretty good. On Tuesday, October 29, 1929 (black
Tuesday) the fall of almost all the economic exchanges of the world, product of the
economic fall of the United States. Currently, there were very strong years for the
world, there was hunger and despair. This crisis was the economic crisis in history,
the most insurmountable. This crisis is over when Franklin D. Roosevelt arrived
with his "New Deal" economic proposal that would lift all the economies.
World War II began with a misunderstood German who wanted to raise his country:
Adolf Hitler. This totalitarian character led Germany to go through another war. It all
started when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. France and England had already
threatened Germany that if it invaded Poland it would have to face a second war,
which Hitler ignored. When Germany invades Poland, France and England declare
war. Germany convinced Italy to join the war and Germany also signed a non-
aggression treaty with Russia in exchange for spreading Poland. And again, the
world is at war. Germany, Italy and later Japan would become the axis side, while
France, England and later the United States and the USSR would be allies. In the
war everything was excellent for the side of the axis, Germany was very strong and
was conquering much European territory. But a bad decision can trigger a great
defeat, Germany dissatisfied with the territory obtained decides to invade the
USSR, it’s supposed "friend". Although the USSR was not as such in the war, it
decides to join the allied side to attack Germany. On the other hand, Italy was very
weak, which instead of helping the shaft side, simply stopped them and made the
process difficult. Japan makes a very bad move and decides to attack Pearl
Harbor, the base of the United States, whereby the US enters the war.
Undoubtedly the most important battles were: 1) The invasion of Poland, where
Germany would unleash WWII. 2) Bombing of Pearl Harbor, where Japan bombed
the US to enter the war. 3) The battle of Stalingrad, where the war took a radical
turn, Germany decided to invade Russia and even Germany was doing very well,
until they reached Stalingrad and the Russians made an impressive counterattack,
leaving a total of 2 million dead and the surrender of Germany with Russia.
Germany was greatly affected by this defeat. 4) Bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, USA against attacks Japan by bombing these two cities, achieving
Japan's surrender to war. 5) Landing of Normandy, here the allies attacked the
Germans in French lands to force them to retreat and leave France. The war ends
on April 30, 1935 when Hitler commits suicide and makes it clear that the war was
over. The Allies were the great victors, but they detonated two great powers:
URRS and the US. These two powers decide to take control of Germany, so Berlin
would be divided in two: the socialist side and the capitalist side, which would then
lead to a cold war between these powers.
After WWII, the two great powers (USA and USSR) decide to take control over
what would happen to Germany, but by not yielding to the other to grant him
power, it is decided that Germany would be divided into two: capitalist Germany
and socialist Germany. Here a very strong tension would begin between you loved
powers to show which economic model was the best. Therefore, both countries
chose to convince all countries of the world to adapt to an economic model in
exchange for different diplomatic things. Both powers had countries very close to
the enemy as allies, for example: The USSR had an ally to Cuba and had a very
strong military base in Cuba in case one day they needed to attack the US.
Obviously, the US did the same but with Sweden and Noriega. The cold war was
lived between 1947-1991, and it was a non-war war where these great powers
fought against each other to demonstrate their power. During this time, and with
the desire to demonstrate superiority, both countries achieved incredible
technological advances, including: the arrival of man on the moon. This war ended
when the USSR disintegrates and only Russia remains as a socialist country, this
also caused the fall of the Berlin Wall, where Germany already had only one
economic model: capitalism.
The Russian Revolution was a movement that emerged in 1917, during the war
(World War I) against the Russian Empire. The revolution began because Russia
was at war against Germany and that was not wanted by the people. Also, another
factor of why the revolution detonated was because of the famine that was lived in
Russia because of the bad government. And finally, the death of Rasputin, the
doctor and advisor of Queen Alejandra angered the people. The Russian revolution
began to take power in St. Petersburg when the workers' strikes began demanding
a better quality of life. The Russian army could not against the people and Tsar
Nicolas II had to hide. As Russia was still at war against Germany, it caused that
the army that was still in Russia could not contain the angry people. Therefore, the
Russian government yields, Tsar Nicolas II leaves the throne and enters a
provisional government to Russia. Everything seemed fine until the Bolsheviks
rose against the Menshevik government. The Mensheviks sought to democratize
Russia while the Bolsheviks sought a government with ideas from Karl Max. Then
the Mensheviks rose in October but at the end of the day the Bolsheviks rose and
ruled Russia with the communist ideologies of Karl Max. Basically the Russian
Revolution was to put an end to the czars that ruled Russia, a communist Russia
was created where they sought a common good for all classes. The USSR was
created that would last until 1991.
The fascist regime emerged during 1918 to 1945, where an angry country (Italy) for
not getting what was promised after the First World War, stands Benito Mussolini
imposing a fascist regime in Italy. Fascism is an ideology where people seek to
control and militarize. Fascism has the belief that in a society, minorities must be
abolished. In the fascism a society is sought where there is no difference between
a civilian and a military, that is, it is sought that all live equally with the same rules.
Fascism is a term that is a bit difficult to understand but basically a bit of everything
is sought from the different economic and political ideologies but militarized. During
the Fascist era, Mussolini ruled and as most Italians had some anger with the
winning countries of the WWI, Mussolini decided to have a pact with the Nazi
regime of Adolf Hitler. Both regimes wanted the same, avenge their defeat and
have a totalitarian and controlled state. They had many similar beliefs such as the
expulsion of minorities such as Jews or gypsies from society. But on the other
hand, the Nazi regime, led by Adolf Hitler, sought to make Germany a great power
like the era before WWI. Hitler was a WWI soldier who was only thirsty for revenge.
The Nazi regime also sought a perfect society, it did not share the socialist ideas of
the fascist regime, but it did share racism. The Nazi regime was even stronger than
the fascist regime, since Hitler literally looked for minorities below ground.
Basically, both regimes were totalitarian and racist, each with a different economic
model, but with the same hatred of the winning countries of the WWI.

In conclusion, we can see that envy, hate, resentment led countries to enter wars
that some could avoid, but they say that things happen. Each event unleashes
another First World War> Russian Revolution, Great Depression and totalitarian
regimes> World War II> Cold War. All this led to the world finally having an order
and at least not generating wars for stupid things.
Unipolar refers to the fact that a single power or nation stays in the power of a
certain group, for example, the United States remained a unipolar power after the
cold war.
Bipolar refers to the fact that two powers remain as the maximum in some
situation, for example, the US and the USSR were left as bipolar powers after
World War II.
Multipolar refers to the fact that three or more powers remain as the winners of
some event, for example the US, Britain and France were left as multipolar powers
after the First World War.

Something that understands these terms is each power that wants to demonstrate
that theirs is better, both economically and politically. These terms are found that a
power must be recognized worldwide. This leads to this need to show who is the
major power, I mean these terms were created to give envy in a few words. The
truth is if we begin to analyze the terms with the era, the United States never got
tired until it became the unipolar power of the world, almost 90 years to prove it,
but in the end, it fulfilled its objective of being the only unipolar power.
Multipolar powers
England, France and the United States after World War I with the Treaty of
Bipolar powers
USSR and the US after World War II when Germany was divided
Unipolar power
USA after the end of the cold war for the disintegration of the USSR.

Churchill, W. (2002). The second world war. Random House.
Figes, O. (2017). A people's tragedy: The Russian revolution 1891-1924. Random
Sparke, M. (1998). From geopolitics to geoeconomics: Transnational state effects
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Moeller, R. G. (2005). Germans as Victims?: Thoughts on a Post—Cold War
History of World War II's Legacies. History & Memory, 17(1-2), 145-194.
Romer, C. D. (1990). The great crash and the onset of the great depression. The
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 105(3), 597-624.

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