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Epilepsia, Bryan Nicholas H.

March 23, 2020

GED 109 – B56

Film Review: On The Basis Of Sex

1. Who is the main character in the film? Describe him/her. Make sure that you
will include the following details.

- Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a 23-year-old female regulation understudy. She is a

spouse and a mother who tries to likewise be in a similar field as her
significant other. Completing graduate school offered her the chance to battle
for equivalent privileges for both sexes and genders alike.

2. What happened to the main character? What do you think is the main reason
for her plight? What are the triggering factors that led to her advocacies?

- At graduate school, she has come to understand that the inequality that ladies
get, only for considering and attempting to work on oneself, is unending. She
saw that individuals treat ladies as just a birth provider and ought to just rely
upon their spouses. These circumstances pushed her to battle for backings
regarding against inequalities for the two genders.

3. Do you think that the main character is too radical? How did you say so?

- Ruth is indeed radical, extremist in other terms. She is known to crave for
social change. In addition to the fact that she aspired for it, yet she likewise
followed through with something and figured out how to place in the public
the things under her vision.

4. Using the distinction between sex and gender, explain why the main character
has been advocating for equality.

- In the contemporary world, it seems that both sexes do not share the same
privileges due to the evident biological discrepancies. Since long ago that
men are perceived to be physically and mentally dominant above women,
who are depicted to be very emotional. It was not tolerable for both
genders to act as slaves and tyrants against on another. Both must have
equal niche in the community.
5. Are you in favor of gender equality in social legislations? Why or why not?

- I am absolutely in favor. Because they seek to abolish sex, gender, marital

status, and some health condition discriminations in employments. It also
seeks to strengthen equal pay rights to both sexes in a condition to have equal
work value.

6. What are your learning insights after watching the film? Give at least three.

• Protests and rallies are effective in proclaiming advocacies.

• Every individual has a corresponding niche in its residing community.
• Lawyers, protesters, discrimination victims, and average individuals’ actions
are necessary for reminding the world how it should function and treat each
other; With equal respect and privileges.

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