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History of Arts

Filipino Artworks

The Steps of Art Hi

story Description:
 Who created the work:
Sey Perez
But we can keep up with the field of Agriculture, only support for the Gov’t
and adequate funding is really a big help so that we can further enrich our
own resources.
 Yes. The style is Captivating Cubism Art That Will Have You Gasping
with Delight.

 Until recently, farming and fishing (fish vendors) were two of the most
traditional forms of livelihood for Filipinos. It is an important part of our
national identity as Filipinos living on a beautiful island. We can call it
contemporary art because it represents an identification with a tradition that
is now present in everyday life. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the
Region seeks to provide us with a diverse variety of styles in different
fields, with a focus on their elements and values, and to involve us in the
study of arts. We anticipate that we will learn more about the arts in various
regions of the Philippines in this subject. As Filipinos, it is important that
we consider not just the arts, but also the nature of them and how we can
continue to protect them. It will be an eye-opener for us, as well as a chance
to experience art beyond what we are familiar with. It will help us raise
awareness about learning and understanding more about Philippine arts. We
realized that historical sites, dances, poetry, and literature would be covered.
The importance of art is for us to learn, and one explanation is the heritage
of our western arts. We hope to learn more about significant contemporary
artists from various areas, as well as their conventional techniques applied
to contemporary production. We also anticipate that this subject will put our
talents and abilities to the test by performances.
Performances where we can express ourselves through the arts and
experience knowledge that can support us with our future careers. The
subject will improve us personally, but it will also add to the snapshot of
awareness we have in this subject and enable us to apply it in our everyday

 The Painting of Sey Perez “Fish Vendor” was a meaningful
artwork because of its finest and he uses cubism which we find it
perfect for its choice of color. This Painting proves until now that
farming and fishing (fish vendors) are one of the common
livelihoods that we Filipinos have. It is part of our cultural identity
as a Filipino living on a rich island. We can say that it is a
contemporary art because it is an identification of a culture that
still lives as part of everyday living.

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