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Computer and Systems Engineering Department

Program of Computer Engineering and Software Systems

Spring Semester, 2020 Course Code: CSE 427 Time allowed: 2 Hrs.
Software Project Management
The Exam Consists of Four Questions in Three Pages. Maximum Marks: 40 Marks 1/3
‫تعليمات هامة‬
.‫• حيازة التيلفون املحمول مفتوحا داخل لجنة األمتحان يعتبر حالة غش تستوجب العقاب وإذا كان ضرورى الدخول باملحمول فيوضع مغلق فى الحقائب‬
.‫• ال يسمح بدخول سماعة األذن أو البلوتوث‬
.‫اليسمح بدخول أي كتب أو مالزم أو أوراق داخل اللجنة واملخالفة تعتبر حالة غش‬ •

Question 1: (10 Marks)

a. What are the general 5 phases of a project life cycle, use a graph if possible and relate it to the
progressive elaboration of the project?
b. What is a subproject?
c. Compare between Projects and Operational Work
d. List 5 types of software projects
e. An One-offs Software: is systems specifically created for a client, who might be the stakeholders in
such a project

Question 2: (10 Marks)

a. What is the outputs of Software Requirements Management?
b. Define Business process modeling and Business process re-engineering.
c. What are the information to collect during business process modeling?
d. What is the goal of “System Design?”
e. What are the types of software maintenance?
Computer and Systems Engineering Department, Program of Computer Engineering and Software Systems
Spring Semester, 2020 Course Code: CSE 427 Time Allowed: 2 Hrs.
Software Project Management
The Exam Consists of Four Questions in Three

Question 3: (10 Marks)

a. A software supplier must produce an application that controls a piece of equipment in a factory. A high
degree of reliability is needed as a malfunction could injure the operators. The algorithms to control the
equipment are also complex. The product reliability and complexity are therefore rated as very high. The
company would like to take the opportunity to exploit fully the investment that they made in the project. By
reusing the control system, with suitable modifications, on future contracts. The reusability requirement is
therefore rated as very high. Developers are familiar with the platform and the possibility of potential
problems; in that respect, it is regarded as low. The current staff is generally very capable and is rated in this
respect as very high, but the project is in a somewhat novel application domain for them, so experience is
rated as nominal. The toolsets available to the developers are judged to be typical for the size of company and
are rated as nominal, as is the degree of schedule pressure to meet the deadline.
The project team members have worked before together as a team. The project is well defined, and the software
house is highly formal on its procedures, also, the team is restricted of choosing the best way to implement it.
If the system size is estimated to be 5000 lines of code, what would be the required man-months of efforts to
implement the system
Taking the COCOMOII Model to estimate the effort and time as:
EFFORT = 2.94 (size)sf x (product of effort multipliers), Where:
sf = 0.91 + 0.01 x ∑{exponent driver ratings)
F=0.28 + 0.01 x ∑{exponent driver ratings)
Given the table below for the exponent driver ratings:
Driver Very Low Low Nominal High
PREC Precedentedness 6.2 4.95 3.72 2.48
FLEX Development Flexibility 5.07 4.05 3.04 2.03
RESL Architecture / Risk reduction 7.07 5.65 4.24 2.83
TEAM Team cohesion 5.48 4.38 3.29 2.19
PMAT Process maturity 7.80 6.24 4.68 3.12

Code Effort Modifier Extra Very Low Nominal High Very Extra
Low Low High High
RCPX Product reliability & complexity 0.49 6.0.60 0.83 1.00 1.33 1.91 2.72
RUSE Required reusability 0.95 1.00 1.07 1.15 1.24
PDIF Platform difficulty 0.87 1.00 1.29 1.81 2.61
PERS Personnel capability 2.12 1.62 1.26 1.00 0.83 0.83 0.50
PREX Personnel experience 1.59 1.33 1.12 1.00 0.87 0.74 0.62
FCIL Facilities available 1.43 1.30 1.10 1.00 0.87 0.73 0.62
SCED Schedule pressure 1.43 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00
Computer and Systems Engineering Department, Program of Computer Engineering and Software Systems
Spring Semester, 2020 Course Code: CSE 427 Time Allowed: 2 Hrs.
Software Project Management
The Exam Consists of Four Questions in Three

The following table represents the list of project activities, their durations, and dependencies. Duration is given
in days and a week is 5 working days/week. All tasks can start as soon as possible.

Task Description Duration (Working days) Depends on

A1 Requirement Analysis 10 -
A2 Feasibility Study 8 -
B1 System Design 18 A1
B2 Modules Design 20 B1
C Hardware Selection 4 A2, B1
D Code Modules 24 B2
E Test Modules 20 D
F Code Integration 10 E
G System Installation 10 C, F
H User Training 5 F
I Sign off 2 G, H

Draw a GANT chart and also determine the critical pass and the slack of each task

Question 4: (10 Marks)

a. For the following projects income/expenses statement over 5 years, estimate for each of them the total
expenses, gain, profit and payback year. (Negative values are between brackets) (4 Marks)
Project A Project B Project C
Year 0 € (50,000.00) € (20,000.00) € (15,000.00)
Year 1 € 30,000.00 € (10,000.00) € 15,000.00
Year 2 € 30,000.00 € 10,000.00 € 1,000.00
Year 3 € 1,000.00 € 60,000.00
Year 4 € 1,000.00 € 50,000.00

b. For the previous problem, calculate the ROI on each project

c. For the following project cache flow and a discount factor of 14%, calculate the Net Present Value of the
project (NPV)

Year Cache Flow

0 -40,000.00
1 10,000.00
2 25,000.00
3 35,000.00
4 20,000.00
5 15,000.00

Good Luck
Examiner(s): Prof. Ayman M. Bahaa-Eldin

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