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The newton circuit generates the sequence of

binomial coefficients for any 5-bit integer power.
Whenever the en input is active the circuit reads the
input integer n at din, and starts outputting, cycle by
cycle, the binomial coefficients of the polynomial
expansion for the binomial power (a + b)n.
When no sequence is output, the dout value should
Figure 1 be zero. The sequence generated for n lasts n+1
clock cycles, the first cycle for the first coefficient (k =
0), the second cycle for k = 1, a.s.o. until the last cycle for k = n.
The k term of the polynomial expansion is (𝑛𝑘) = 𝑘!(𝑛−𝑘)!

To speed up the binomial coefficients generation and use less computational resources, a
𝑛 𝑛−𝑘 𝑛
recurrence relation is used, (𝑘+1)= ( ), the very first term of any expansion being (𝑛0) = 1.
𝑘+1 𝑘

For 5-bit input numbers, the biggest coefficient is (31

) = (31
) = 300,540,195. Even if the output
coefficient is always in the range of 32-bit integer values, to avoid overflow during computations,
the internal register used in recurrence relation should have 33 bits (300,540,195 ∙ 16 =
4,808,643,120 > 232). Be careful to arrange the multiplication before division in the recurrence
relation, to avoid errors due to inexact division.

Figure 2

Design the newton module, considering the rst and en inputs active high (if logic 1), and positive
clock edges to be the active edges.
Write a testbench module, newton_tb, that instantiates the newton module with the instance
name dut and generates the en and din inputs as shown in Figure 2.
Strictly obey the newton module name and its interface pin names indicated in Figure 1, and the
name of the testbench module should be newton_tb. All names are lowercase.

Zoltan Hascsi UPB - ETTI - DCAE

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