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Running Head: Rethinking Assessment 1

Rethinking Assessment

EDUC 670-Impact ofTechnology in Assessment

Alicia Rudkowsky

May 30th, 2022


Specific technology tools can support assessment as learning, assessment of learning and

assessment for learning. As The Learning Exchange, 2006 states, “ There is no value in assessing

students if it does not impact on learning and instruction.” As educators, we need to be

intentional when planning our units to ensure we begin with the ‘end in mind.’ There is no right

way when giving assessments; however, we need to be asking ourselves, ‘what is the purpose?’

The use of technology in assessment has transformed the ‘traditional’ style questions to become

much more varied, which assists teachers in ensuring they are providing students with

differentiated instruction and assessment methods. Using different technology-based assessments

allows students to show their thinking and learning in a variety of ways. “Technology-enhanced

questions allow students to demonstrate more complex thinking and share their understanding of

material in a way that was previously difficult to assess using traditional means.” (Office of

Education Technology, 2017) Some of these methods include speech-to-text software, Google

Form exit tickets, FlipGrid, and Pear Deck, a software created for quick and easy formative

checks throughout your lessons and units. As an educator, we want to encourage our students to

build automaticity and self-reflect throughout their learning without being asked. Using

technology-based assessments encourages students to become independent learners and evaluate

their thinking first. Building those critical thinking skills in our students by encouraging them to

synthesize information and test their experiments and hypotheses independently allows them to

justify their conclusions and make any necessary changes.



Professional Learning Supports. (n.d.). Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind

[Video]. Vimeo.

Office of Educational Technology. (2017). Reimagining the role of technology in education:

2017 national education technology plan update. U.S. Department of Education.

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