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Renalyn R.

Tuyor BEED-1

Chapter 2-Lesson 2: Blogging

Firming up:
1. If you are going to introduce yourself through a blog, how will you make the
beginning appealing to your readers? Write your own examples (at least two) of
an interesting introduction to your blog.
Hello everyone, My name is Renalyn Tuyor but my friends call me kidats. I’m 19 years
old and I live in San Rafael, Mabini, Bohol but I’m currently working student here in
Tagbilaran City and I’m in 1st year college taking BEED in BISU Candijay, Bohol. My
skills and abilities are cooking, baking and also I love reading books and I like traveling
too and most specially I love mathematics doing problem solving. I’m a simple girl
having a big dreams even though I born in a poor family and I’m happy and proud with
it. I hope that you will enjoy and learn every post of my blog. Thank You!
Feature a tradition that is unique in your own community through a blog post.
Answer: Each of us has a traditions in our community. Since I was a child my mother
thought me the importance of community. Community is group of people living in similar
area, my community is part of my identity and their are a lots of memories in my
community. Tradition is an examination of what we hold. When you come upon a
tradition that someone practices and believes in wholeheartedly it can be inspiring.
Volunteering your time to support a cause you are passionate about is something you
will never regret. It will enrich your life, familiarize you with your community, and connect
you to people and ideas that will positively impact your perspective for the rest of your
life. Helping your community is an opportunity for you to grow as a person, to better
understand how you fit into the world around you. The unique traditions in my
community is helping each other. When I was a child I witnessed that in my community
by helping when it needs. Just like when cleaning in our community all members of our
community is being participated. We clean our surroundings, plant vegetables and fruits
in the garden so that we have foods to be harvest, cleaning our lake so that all of the
people in our community can wash their clothes and taking bath. Giving back is also a
great way to get to know your community and its citizens.
Short reflection: Journal writing through a short blog.
Answer: Each of us has a story to share to whether good or bad things. Through
blogging you can express yourself by writing in social media platforms, by sharing your

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experiences in life. Even if your family, friend, and churchmate is not with you they will
be able to remember you being in that place and updated about what's happening in
your life. Sharing your experiences to others it should in a rightful attitude because we
all know that in blogging, many people are reading your experiences so be careful about
what will you write and post.
Guide Question: How can you use blogging to promote harmonious interpersonal
relationship with people in your own circles (friends, family, church, etc.)?
Answer: So blogging is also a way of expressing yourself, in this way you can also
share your in thoughts about life experiences and more to your circle of friends, family,
church and more. And for me how can I use blogging to promote harmonious
interpersonal relationship with people are in a way of sharing my own perspective with
very careful and less mistakes because it is online and many people will see or read it,
again shared my experiences in this way they’ll be able to know where places I have
been visit and things that will make a tool to make them know me better, with this it is
my pleasure to share and provide viewers and readers lots informative post through
blogging they’ll might able to know some of problems and issues happened and lastly,
everyone have their rights to express their opinions and this thing will let them speak
and say their comments with all the posts I have uploaded in my blog.

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