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ADVENT PRAYER SERVICE 1st WEEK OF ADVENT: WAIT IN HOPE The Advent Wreath Long before there was

a Christmas, ancient peoples placed evergreen branches above their doors during the Winter months because they believed that there were spirits of the woods who were forced to wander around in the cold. By offering them shelter in the branches of the evergreens the ancient people hoped for good health during the year. Early the Romans exchanged green branches at their winter festival, the Saturnalia, as a wish for good luck and hope that the sun would return. To the druids, an ancient tribe evergreens were sacred, a symbol of life. Evergreens were soon made a symbol of Christmas by Christians. Because evergreens never change colour, they remind us of God, whose loving care for us never changes. It is God who protects us all year round and sends Jesus to guide our lives. God is indeed sacred. He is our only life and hope! In the middle ages the evergreen branches were bent so that the ends touched. This represents life without beginning or end. When we make a circle out of our greens to form a wreath we are symbolising our belief in God, who has no beginning and will have no end. God is everlasting and his love will last forever. Candles: Candles have been used by many religious groups since long before the time of Jesus. As a matter of fact, many forms of light are used at religious festivals as a sign of joy. In times before Jesus, people lighted large torches welcoming the winter months. At Saturnalia the Romans put lighted candles on trees in honour of Saturn, the God they believed would come to protect their crops during the cold winter months. The ancient Hebrews lighted candles, one each night, for eight nights at their first Feast of Lights in 165 BC. For three years a foreign conqueror had placed false idols in their temples in Jerusalem. When the Hebrews regained their temple from the intruders, their candles were lighted to purify this holy place from the presence of false idols. Jewish people commemorate this ancient event even today. It is called Hannukah. The Irish people have a legend that the Christ child visits homes every Christmas. Sometimes however he sends a stranger in His place. The Irish people place a candle in their windows for the stranger which means We are waiting for you. You are welcome here! Christians have made the burning candle a symbol of Christ the Light of the World! We place four candles on our Evergreen wreath, one for each week of Advent, as a sign that we are waiting for Christ the light of the world, telling everyone that Christ is welcome in our lives and as a reminder to us that we should purify our hearts of wrongdoing and prepare a holy place within us for Christ to dwell in. The candles are in an exciting colour which stands for love. When the candles are lit each night during Advent, we should call to mind the kind actions we performed during the day. We place a pink candle during the third week of Advent- pick is a joyful colour reminding us that Christmas is not far away.

On Christmas day a pure white candle should be lighted and placed in the centre of the wreath. White stands for light and glory. On Christmas Day we give glory to God because Jesus the light of the world is our reason for celebration. Our Advent wreath is complete when a large purple ribbon is attached. Ribbons are decorations which people have placed on gifts for years. Our purple ribbon reminds us that we must give other people the love of Christ through our good deeds and kind words during Advent. The church chooses people because it is a colour which represents hard work- our giving to others will be hard work too. On Christmas morning the purple ribbon is exchanged with a bright golden bow. Gold represents sunlight and radiance. Our gold bow represents God our Fathers gift to us at Christmas: Jesus the light of the world. Miracles only happen to those who can see them. We are gathered here today to reflect on the miracle that happened over 2000 years ago- God becoming man. We will also ponder on the miracles that happen in our everyday life. Isnt it a miracle to open your eyes in the morning, to see the golden sun rise and hear the birds sing? Yes they are all miracles. There are miracles every moment if only we could see. Hymn: Miracles Word of God: Lk: 10: 21-24 Reflection: how do we see miracle around us? If we notice a child carefully everything seems big. Toys are big, father is big everything around is big only because by being little that we ever discover anything big. Thats the secret of seeing miracles. We have just heard in the gospel that Jesus rejoices in the Holy Spirit and thanks the heavenly father for revealing the secrets of heaven to the small children. Let us ask God to make us like little children so that we too can see Jesus and know the secrets of His kingdom. Response: Lord, help us to see Jesus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hymn: Concluding Prayer: O God you are near to those who are childlike in heart. Give us a Childs trust that we may never doubt your love A childs wonder that we may marvel at the miracle of your love for us. A childs love that we may love you as a child loves his father. A childs joy that we may rejoice to be your children. Amen. When we admire the beautiful nature around us: Response When we care for those neglected and unwanted by society: When we go out of our way to help our neighbour: When I feed the hungry and clothe the naked: when I help my friend in need:

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