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Scholastica’s Formation House

November 2, 2017

I. INTRODUCTION: Today, we commemorate all our dearly beloved dead.

We believe that they have resurrected and now enjoy
eternal life in the company of God and His angels.
The Lord remains faithful to His promise of eternal
happiness as He says: (c/o N.Kris)

ALL: “I will open to them the gate of paradise, and they will
return to that homeland where there is no death, but only
lasting joy.”

Lighting of the Paschal Candle: (Symbol of Christ, the Risen Lord.) P. Kamille


Opening Song: Ang Panginoon ang Aking Pastol (All)
HEBDO: (S. Isabel) God of the living, we believe that You are a God of a love stronger than
death since Your Son, Jesus Christ, born as one of us, conquered death forever.

Lord, we commend into your hands all the faithful departed: our grandparents,
parents, family members, relatives, friends, benefactors, our deceased sisters,
those who are victims of injustices and brutalities in war-stricken places and
countries, those who are killed ruthlessly by means of various crimes, those who
died in recent calamities, (Pause) and those people who are unknown to us and
who are unmourned for. (PAUSE: light the scented candles in front (c/o Mylah)

Let all of them live in the security of Your love. Let them enjoy peace, Your
peace, which escaped them so often in life and to live with it in close union with
Your Son. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
ALL: Amen.
HEBDO: Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
ALL: And let perpetual light shine upon them.
HEBDO: May they rest in peace.
ALL: Amen.
SCRIPTURE READING: Wis. 3:1-9 (S. Mary Benedict)

The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no torment shall touch them. They
seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an
affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace. For if
before all, indeed, they be punished, yet their hope is full of immortality; chastised a little,
they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of Himself.
As gold in the furnace, He proved them, and as sacrificial offerings, He took them to
Himself. In the time of their visitation, they shall shine, and shall dart about as sparks
through stubble; they shall judge nations and rule over peoples, and the Lord shall be their
King forever. Those who trust in Him shall understand truth, and the faithful shall abide
with Him in love: because grace and mercy are with His holy ones, and His care is with
His elect.

The Word of the Lord. (pause for reflection)

Abby will light the other candles


Let us have three (3) minutes of silence (Instrumental Music)

Offer a short prayer for the dead (In canonical order from the house staff,
formandees and professed Sisters)
Then, lighting of candles for our beloved dead will follow;
after that, Sr. Baptista will sprinkle the “tomb” with holy water.


(c/o P. Kamille) Let us pray to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who loves
both the living and the dead with His immense power and wisdom, and let us pray to
Him and say: Grant us eternal life, Lord.

(Ate Flora) : For all our beloved dead, our family members and relatives, that the God
of light will bring them to the fullness of salvation, let us pray to the Lord:
Grant us eternal life, Lord.

(Kuya Larry): For all our deceased Benedictine sisters and Benedictine associates,
benefactors, alumnae and friends, that God who called them by their names will be
their source of unending joy, let us pray to the Lord:
Grant us eternal life, Lord.

( Mylah): For all who gave their lives for others, for the freedom of their nation and the
dignity of people, that God may accept the sacrifice of their life and grant them the
happiness and joy in His own eternal life, let us pray to the Lord:
Grant us eternal life, Lord.

(Gerdin): For all the victims of violence and crime, for all who died a sudden death, that
God may receive them into His kingdom, where God Himself will be their happiness
and joy, let us pray to the Lord.
Grant us eternal life, Lord.

(S. Mary Jerome): For all of us who are gathered here to honor the memory of our
dead, and reflect on our death, that after a life of sisterly love, we may finally experience
ourselves what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what God has prepared for those
who love Him, let us pray to the Lord.
Grant us eternal life, Lord.

HEBDO: Father in heaven, we know that death is our fate here on earth. Stay with us
that we may learn to go the way of Your Son: in a life of service to You and our
neighbors. Then nothing will separate us from Your love, and You will grant us life
which will never end. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Closing Song: Sa Diyos Lamang Mapapanatag (see separate copy of this)

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.
Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my beloved dead (mention the name of your
beloved dead) __________________________________________________________
Mention a memorable experience about them during their lifetime (at least one of them)
Light the candle for them.

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