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Selecting a lifetime partner, creating a family and rearing children are perhaps our obligation as a human

being to continue human life on earth. Human biology dictates us to procreate, be productive and
faithful enough that we preserve our existence.

Love as I can say foundation of this developmental stage, I can say that I have a direct and honest
experience about it. One factor I noticed is when I experienced a certain feeling towards others. My
inability to make a certain point as to how I would approach, appreciate, and accept another human
being in my life is like of mixed kind of development I need to conquer.

Nevertheless, our ability to choose a partner is kind of important because we ar not only looking for a
best mate but we we are looking for a partner who in turn gonna provide us with a lifetime
commitment. Understanding of how we handle our early life, and how we deal with a partner in life can
make or break our inner personality. The demand of the society to fulfill the duties expected of us and
our capability to provide the best possible quality representation is the best way to get a better
understanding of the society Amid challenges and how to become a better human being.

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