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Indonesia is one of the countries that has so many islands in this world.
According to the data of ministry of interior of Republic Indonesia, Indonesia
have 17,504 islands. Based on that data Indonesia could be said as the largest
archipelago country in the world, which has a thousand of island from Sabang in
Aceh to Merauke in Papua. Indonesia ocean is wider than its land. The area of the
ocean of Indonesia is 6.279 million km2, while the area of the land of Indonesia is
1,91 million km2. With abundant sources of tourism destination and ethnic
diversity, Indonesia’s government is determined to maximize tourism potential as
to increase international visitors, one of the breakthroughs proving a strong
commitment by Joko Widodo, Indonesia’s current President, is the establishment
of Ministry of Tourism, the first tourism ministerial ever in Indonesia. By 2030
more than 70 percent of China’s populations would be the middle class. One of
the reasons which resulted the rise of China’s middle class is higher consumption
accelerates. Besides China, India also is one of the countries which potentially be
the world’s largest middle-class consumer in 2030, because nowadays India is one
of the countries from Asia which be the key sources of global demand.
Departure from the view Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the
world, then the natural beauty of Indonesia surely be the driving force of many
international visitors want to come to Indonesia. Based on the official website of
Visit Indonesia the tourist destinations is divided into four part
1. Culture tour
2. Culinary tour
3. Historical tour
4. Adventure tour
Marine tourism as the main destination of the international visitors is in the type
of adventure tour. There are several countries be the main target of the main
market of Indonesia tourism namely China, Europe, Australia, Singapore,
Malaysia, India, America, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. China is the main
target of the government Indonesia because the development of the Chinese
visitors in Indonesia reached 45 percent. The tourist which is come from China
and India are mostly from the middle class and couples who want to honeymoon.
The government of Indonesia nowadays do so many promotions of Indonesia
tourism in very event in different countries. The promotion is very often done by
the government of Indonesia in order to introduce how beautiful the natural wealth
which exist in Indonesia and also to increase the investment in the development of
marine tourism, China is the number one for the government of Indonesia. The
government of Indonesia see China as the big market of Indonesian tourism
because the international visitors of Indonesia is dominated by the Chinese
people’s and most of the tourist from China is really interested with the marine
tourism of Indonesia.


Research objective of this research will be explained using explanatory-
descriptive research. While the descriptive research is to describe systematically
situation, problem, phenomenon, service of programme, or provides informations.
Therefore the objectives of this explanatory-descriptive research are to explain the
impact of the tourism diplomacy on the relations between Indonesia and China, to
explain the implementation of tourism diplomacy on. Marine tourism
development in North Sulawesi.


This research is about the implementation of tourism diplomacy on relations

between Indonesia and China, especially toward marine tourism in North
Question : How the Tourism Diplomacy of Indonesia and China influence the
Marine Tourism Development in North Sulawesi?


China is one of the countries that have good relations with Indonesia. China
could be said is the country that has an important role in the development of the
economy in Indonesia. China always participates in investing in various sectors in
Indonesia. So many MOU signing is done by Indonesia and China in term of
supporting the interest of both countries. It makes the relations between Indonesia and
china run very well from year to year. Under the leadership of the President Joko
Widodo, the relations between Indonesia and China still well preserved. The
implementation of tourism diplomacy conducted on good relations between Indonesia
and China is evident from the development of tourism in North Sulawesi. These
developments resulted in an increase in the number of Chinese tourists visiting North
Sulawesi and influential in the North Sulawesi economy.


In order to have deeper analysis about the impact of the tourism diplomacy
between Indonesia and China in North Sulawesi as a case study, the book written by
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Statistik Kunjungan Wisatawan
Provinsi Sulawesi Utara 2015 Tourists Visit Statistics Sulawesi Utara Province 2015.
Manado, Indonesia. This book will be the main sources of the research. That book
will show the number of international visitors in North Sulawesi, especially Chinese
Visitors in 2015. That nook will support the research with the valid data.
The book was written by Badan Pusat Statistik Porvinsi Sulawesi Utara,
Statistik Kunjungan Wisatawan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara 2016 Tourists Visit Statistics
Sulawesi Utara Province 2016. Manado, Indonesia will show an increase in foreign
tourist arrivals, especially Chinese tourist in 2016. Through this book also the qriter
tries to show the impact of the visit of Chinese tourists to hospitality in North


This research project will be using a qualitative method in term of describing

the phenomena of the relations between Indonesia and People’s Republic of China in
tourism sectors of Indonesia. This research aims to explain deeper understanding
which is supported the valid data. Through the qualitative method, the writers will
show how depth and how to detail the data in term of explaining the phenomena. The
data which used by the writers most are secondary data such as book, journal,
webpage, eligible newspaper, written statements and remarks, government published-
documents, and others.


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