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3rd Quarter Examination

English 7


Instruction: Identify the term/s being described in each item. Write your answer on the space

__________________ 1. What is an interactive media and provides multiple ways to represent

information to the user.1 multimedia

__________________2. What is one of the most important skills that students can master-both
for social and academic success.2 oral language

__________________3. What multimedia element that makes object move? 1 video

_________________4. What type of communication includes signs, maps, or drawings as well

as color or graphic designs? 2 visual communication

________________5. What multimedia which is delivered through Web pages? 1 web - based

_________________ 6. It refers on how someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted. 2


_______________8. What are the four types of communication? 2 verbal communication,

nonverbal written and visual
_______________9. What refers to how you act and deliver a text through different facial
expressions? 2 appropriate behavior

________________10. What is the most common multimedia element? 1 text

_______________11. What is a tone for when giving birthday or wedding messages? 2 joyful

_______________12. What are real images that can be captured from devices such as digital
cameras or scanners? 1 Bitmap images

________________13. What are drawn on the computer and only require a small amount of
memory. These graphics are editable? 1 Victor graphics

________________14. What is a voice tone that will be used in campaign and in meeting?2
formal tone

________________15. What term which refers to the moving picture, accompanied by a sound
like a television picture.

Instruction: Directions: Answer the following questions by choosing and encircling the letter
of the appropriate answer.

1. . What is the purpose of the announcement?

a. to explain
b. to entertain
c. to inform
d. to narrate events
2. Bringing to life or applying movements to illustrations and images is called _____.
a. Audio
b. Graphics
c. Video
d. Animation
3. Nowadays, most business companies make multimedia _____ to promote their products.
a. signs
b. letters
c. catalogues
d. encyclopedia
4. What is the goal of learning a language?
a. to associate
b. to interact
c. to communicate
d. to participate
5. Every communication involves the following EXCEPT;
A. a sender
B. B. a message
C. C. a translator
D. D. a recipient
6. What type of communication utilizes the spoken word, either face-to-face or remotely?
a. Non-verbal
b. B. verbal
c. C. visual
d. D. verbal and non-verbal
7. What type of communication is often communicated through facial expressions, and
gestures, posture, and even appearance?
a. nonverbal
b. B. verbal
c. C. visual
d. D. visual and verbal
8. What type of communication includes signs, maps, or drawings as well as color or
graphic designs?
a. Nonverbal
b. B. verbal
c. C. visual
d. D. nonverbal and verbal
9. There are _______ elements in multimedia.
a. four
b. seven
c. five
d. . eight
10. The following are the characteristics of a good speaker EXCEPT?
a. They have good eye contact with the audience
b. They pause before and after important ideas
c. They have a good posture
d. They dance before and after singing
Instruction: Write “T” if the statement is true and “F” if the statement is false. Write your
answer on the space provided.
_____1.There are 4 types of communication.
_____2. Visual communication includes talking to someone.
_____3. Oral communication is not an essential skill to be mastered.
_____4. The stance is the manner and position in which a person stands.
_____5. Informal tone is when you are talking to friends or relatives.

Instruction: Read the article and answer the following questions afterwards.
Do Young People Still Watch News on TV?
Young people in the Philippines are watching less and less news on
television. This comes as no surprise as young people become increasingly addicted
to their smartphones. Youth opt for online sources like YouTube videos, social
media, and games rather than switch on a TV and watch a news program. The
country's youth are more likely to get their day's news about the world from social
media, particularly from Facebook newsfeeds. According to Datareportal, there
were 73 million social media users in the
Philippines in January 2020. The number of social media users in the Philippines
increased by 5.8 million (+8.6%) between April 2019 and January 2020. It has
been observed that young people are increasingly using social media as their
primary news source. As of the third quarter of 2019, Facebook and YouTube were
the most popular social media platforms in the Philippines. Within the same period,
Filipinos spent nearly four hours each day on social media.
In 2020, Facebook's user population was over 800 million in Asia.
Furthermore, it held nearly 93 percent of the country's social media market share as
of 2020. With this figure of social media users, Filipinos rely on social media app as
a primary source of news and other platforms.

_____1. More and more young people are watching TV news.

_____2. It was a surprise that young people watch little TV news.
_____3. The youth prefer to get news from a newspaper.
_____4. Young people spent roughly 5 hours daily on social media.
_____5. Young people use the radio as a primary news source.


Instructions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet.
Column A Column B
_____ 1. moving pictures with sound a. text
_____ 2. represent non-text information b. graphics
_____ 3. sound element of multimedia c. audio
_____ 4. has types of fonts and sizes d. oral language
_____5. process of utilizing knowledge and skills to speak and listen effectively
. e. video


Instruction: Discuss your opinion about the following statements. Use extra sheet for your

1. Is it important to change the tone of your voice during communication?

2. For you, what is the purpose of multimedia?
3. What are the characteristics of a good speaker?
4. What is a good stance?
5. What is the importance of a text?


Instruction: Make a simple graphic organizer for the given concepts.

1. Oral language
2. Multimedia
3. Characteristics of a good speaker
4. Appropriate behavior
5. Types of communication

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