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Situational Analysis. Following the Seven Step Method for Ethical Decision Making, resolve the
given situations below.
1. Situation A

Mr. X works as the Treasurer of their agency. he was for a long time jobless until he approached
politician relative and asked favor so that he could be recommended for work. Things had been
favorable and since he graduated a course which is accounting related, he was accommodated at
the accounting department. After many years of service, he was offered the position as treasurer of
the agency. Mr. X was very thankful for the promotion. Everything was alright until one day, the
same boss who accommodated him to the office and promoted him to the highest position in the
office asked him to double or triple the amounts in the balance sheet and to put the excess amount
in the personal account of his boss. Mr. X is a very religious and honest man. He is quite disturbed
about what his boss is asking him to do. He is aware that this is wrong and he found out, he will face
a serious case in the court although he was given an assurance that the auditor has been informed
about it already. Mr. X remained in a state of disbelief. Must he expose the dilemma to the public or
remain silent about it. He doesn’t know what to do. Applying the seven steps to moral reasoning,
advice Mr. X how he should resolve his dilemma.

2. Situation B.

Mrs. X works abroad. It started when her husband died and it became difficult for her to support her
two daughters. She decided then to take chances by working abroad. The children stayed with their
grandmother, her own mother until the tragic day when one of her daughters who was on her way to
school met an accident. Fortunately, her daughter survived but one arm had to be amputated.
Mrs. X came home as soon as she could. She has now second thoughts of going back abroad.
However, she thought that it would not be easy for her and her daughters if she has no means of
supporting them especially that they are about to start their tertiary education. She feels so sorry
about what happened to her daughter. She blamed herself for the misfortune, thinking that if she were
around, the accident could have not happened. What will she do? Go back to her work abroad or stay
with her family with no means to send them to school.
If you were Mrs. X, apply the seven steps to moral reasoning to arrive at a sound decision.
Think of the saying: “Haste makes waste.” Have you experienced this once? How many times? In
relation to dealing with moral decisions, why do you think it is better to consider as much elements
as possible?

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