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Summarise spoken text | Audio:

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Multiple Choice Single Answer:

Listen to the recording and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct
response. Only one response is correct.

According to the passage, what is it the bigger group wants?

A. The community should identify the ninety-nine percent.

B. The need of more punishment for the top one percent
C. To draw attention towards the problems faced by the ninety-nine percent
D. To draw attention towards the strength of the bigger group.

Listen to the recording and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct
response. Only one response is correct.

What is the focus of this year’s expedition energy concept demonstration?

A. To go to industry and other government organisation to learn about new technology
B. To learn about the technology that can help make the company landing team better
C. To discover technologies to position marines 100 miles deep under the ground
D. To develop new ways of supplying the arm in the battlefield.

Fill in the blanks | Audio:

You will hear a recording. Type the missing words in each blank.
03. In animals, a movement is ______________ by a cluster of neurons in the spinal cord called
the contract ______________ generator CPG. This process p-produces signals that _________
muscles to contract rhythmically in ways that ______________running or walking, _________ on
the pattern of ______________. A simple signal from the brain ____________ the CPG to switch
between modes such as going from ______________ to walking.

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Tiktok: anusha.milestone
Suite 103, Level 1, 332 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000

04. Laurence Stephen Lowry RBS RA was an _____________ artist. Many of his drawings and
paintings ___________ Pend Lebury, Lancahsire, who lived and worked for more than 40 years,
and also Salford and its surrounding _________. Lowry is famous for painting ____________ of
life in the industrial districts of North West England in the mid-20th century. He developed a
____________ style of painting and is best known for his urban ____________ people with
human figures often referred to as ____________ man. He painted mysterious ________
landscapes, brooding ____________ and the unpublished “marionette” works, which were only
found after.

Highlight incorrect words:

You will hear a recording. Below is a transcription of the recording. Some words in the
transcription differ from what the speaker(s) said. Please click on the words that are different.

05. When the Sun was just a baby four million years ago, it went through violent outbursts of
intense radiation, spewing scorching, high-energy clouds and particles around the solar system.
These growing pains helped seed life on early Earth by igniting chemical reactions that kept globe
warm and wet. Yet, these solar tantrums also may have invented life from emerging on other
worlds by stripping them of atmospheres and zapping nourishing chemicals.
Just how impressive these primordial outbursts were to other worlds would have depended on
how quickly the baby Sun rotated on its axis. The faster the Sun turned, the slower it would have
destroyed conditions for habitability.

You will hear a recording. Below is a transcription of the recording. Some words in the
transcription differ from what the speaker(s) said. Please click on the words that are different.

06. “The overwhelming evidence of the Global Assessment, from a small range of different fields
of knowledge, presents an ominous picture,” said Sir Robert Watson. “The wealth of ecosystems
on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. We are eroding
the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health, and quantity of life
“The Report also tells us that it is not too late to make a difference, but only if we start now at
every level from local to global,” he said. “Through ‘transformative change’, nature can still be

FB: @milestonepte
Tiktok: anusha.milestone
Suite 103, Level 1, 332 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000

conserved, restored and used sustainable -- this is also key to meeting most other global goals.
By transformative change, we mean a fundamental, system-wide organization across
technological, economic and social effects including paradigms, goals and values.”

Select missing word:

You will hear a recording. At the end of the recording the lost word or group of words has
been replaced by a beep. Select the correct option to complete the recording.

A. complex
B. unreal
C. confusing
D. invisible

You will hear a recording. At the end of the recording the lost word or group of words has
been replaced by a beep. Select the correct option to complete the recording.

A. partners
B. parents
C. peers
D. punishment

Highlight correct summary:

You will hear a recording. Click on the paragraph that best relates to the recording.

A. There are different ideas about evolution but only in Western culture. This is because the
Enlightenment only happened in the West.

B. There are different ideas about evolution but these really only came about in the nineteenth

C. There are different ideas about evolution and Alexander von Humboldt was a person as part of
the Enlightenment who proposed some of these ideas.
FB: @milestonepte
Tiktok: anusha.milestone
Suite 103, Level 1, 332 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000

D. There are different ideas about evolution and this is why Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a novel
about a lost world.

You will hear a recording. Click on the paragraph that best relates to the recording.


A. Getting a job in journalism requires relevant experience, such as writing articles to meet specific
deadlines. You’re advised to apply for temporary internships with local papers. Building up a set of
cuttings in a portfolio may also help when applying for a job.

B. Your employers care more about practical knowledge in journalism, and you’re advised to
practice your editing skills. You’re also advised to build up a portfolio after graduation.

C. There are different ways for you to get a job in journalism, and the easiest method is through
unpaid internships. In addition, it is worth building up a set of cuttings in a portfolio from secondary
school onwards.

D. Your qualification in journalism is not as important as practical skills, so that you should develop
your skills, such as communication. You’re also advised to create a portfolio from secondary
school onwards.

Write from dictation:

You will hear a sentence. Type the sentence in the box below exactly as you hear it. Write as
much of the sentence as you can. You will hear the sentence only once.




FB: @milestonepte
Tiktok: anusha.milestone
Suite 103, Level 1, 332 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000

Answer Key:

FB: @milestonepte
Tiktok: anusha.milestone
Suite 103, Level 1, 332 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000

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