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Customer Services Division Publication October - December 1994

Deidng & Anti-Icing TI7 flight Controls 137 Digital Cabin Control Altt:rnate CG TIO Umits

FE \Tl RES HOH'(; ('0\1\11· R('I \1. \IRI'I. "I·. (;ROlI'

FlightOperations~"Sletter 1 Vice President & GeneraJ Manager

Deicing & Anti-Icing Awareness I Customer Servkes Division F.C. Mitchell
7n flight Control Syste.m 8
137 Digital Cabin Pressure Control S~'stem 18 Airliner Staff .
Alleroale CG TakeofT Limits 24
Corrections· Tail Strikes 27 l\1anaglngEditof ••...••....•...••...••............... S.P.MWcr
EdJtor A.T. Uoyd
Designer D.W.Copeland
front co,'cr Joe Purke . flight Test Pholography
field Service Representsth'es Back Co,'er

Cwlomer Senices D1\1SIOfl 01 the Iloting COmmndaI Aupllrot Group I:!i ~'Sihk few suppoftulg opn:llon dunng the hfe 01 each 8oc'Ulg
jrtlmer In addition 10 the SUlJOOUlg cl ~ th:iin 200 ~lJ\~ in O'e'" SO COU~. the dI\$Ufl ~ ~ partS and ~
"lJppoft. tnin:\ 1li8hl ~., :and m3~nce pcnonnc:I MId I'JIO'Ides opttUlOm :and ma~ put>bollOtlS. TIle dJ\-1Sion rontmuously
commurualC:li "'lm oper.;lkWS tbroutth l~ n'Il'rI~ <n\'1N' ..~ :and ...... Ikum and Olhet- almI'IlW\IlC'Stionl;. ~ - ~ tMm in
~ regu.btor). rcqu~ ..nd Nt Tr;mspoIt Assoc:1;J,tion <,pcaI'allons,
1l'Ic 8OEL'G A1RlJ..,n IS pubI1Shcd qual'lcrl) b)- the Cu!wmer 5cT\-1CC5 D1\'islOn. <:onunemal AJrpbne Group. cllhe BoongCompan). Scattk.
\1i'astungron. Dbk address. BOEI'(;'AlR. Addres.~ADcommurnc;abOm IOCuswmer~ica Di\·1Sion TIle BoetngComp:tny Box j-,r" Snnle.
'lIi:t.'iIung1on 9812..
his issue of the O/Wrations N~....dene' has a DeW took. and has been relocated to get the immediale attention of our readers.

T The newslener will still focus on timely operational issues that are important to Boeing operators. In addition we will have
a new feature called our "Right Operatioos Tip". These tips are bricf answers to questions lhaI many operators have asked
Flight Operations Engineering over the years and are of gencral inlel'eSl.

T.. MInu.. TakeoIrTh.... A.allable .. FAAOpenIOn

Tbc FAA has recently released a memorandum establishing a procedure by which the five minure takeoff tIuust limiration in FAR
Pan 2S can be extended to ten minutes for engine inoperative operations.

European airlines operating under the Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs) already allow the use oftakeoff thrust forup to ten minutes
after the loss of power on one engine. DispalCb from some airports may require the additional capability in order to clear distant
obstacles after takeoff. putting FAA operators al a competitive disadvantage. With the new ruling. FAA operators will be able to
operate at obstacle limited weights comparable to their European counterparts.

Engine manufacrurers currently allow ten minute takeoffthrust operation in thciroperating instructions so hardware changes to recent
production engines should not be required in most cases. However. the required tests must be done prior to approval and ten minute
takeoff thrust may not be available for older models. Operators should checl: with the engine manufacturer regarding any warranty
issues. and certain minor aiJplane configuration changes may also be required.

Opmdors must request approval (or the ten minute tbrusI capability in writing from the aircraft manufacturer for the relevant airframe!
engine models. The applicable masterchange may be purchased from Boeing and would include adescription of the requim:l airplane
and flight manual changes. TakeoffPerfonnance software (model tables) will also be availablelo operatOR using ten minute Iakcoff

V.. ofFUab' Recorder 0..... DeIermIDe RanI I .." " " ' - -

Boeins has received many inquiries from operalOrS regarding Ihe use of flighl data recorders 10 determine the need for structural
lDSpeCbOOS after a suspected hard tanding. Boeing has intentionally DOl published specific values for either rate of descent or vertical
aa:eIeraIion tbat define a bard IaOOing. This position was established after a careful review of flighl recorder data and our flistliteSl

Boeing believes dw information from flight data rccorderscan be inconclusive fordetcrm.ining if a hard landing hasoccurred. Non-
vaticaI forces such as side 10lids from excessive crab angles are often pan of a hard landing as well. and may DOl be apparem from
a recording of vertical acceleration.

Tbe desip.location and data sampling rate ofairborne recorders a1socoatribute 10 the complexity ofdetermining a hard landing from
fIi&bt recorder data akmc:. 1bese devic:es can provide reliable acceleration data during inflighl maoeuven where accelerations are
IIeady or slowly varying. However. Beem, flight tests bave shown thai recorded aca::lcralion data can be an inaccurate indicator of
a blnllandiDg. This results from the SYSIe1D response during the short time interval during touchdown. DuriaS this interval. the
reoonkd venicaI acceleration component can become bighly erratic. Because of the relalively slow sampling rate of most ~.
it is DOl possible 10 determine iflhc recorded foR:esexperienced by the airplane are amaximum. minimum. or some intermediate value.
In dlose cases where valid data is readable. data sampling ndesIrecording time intervals are such that the peak value is usually not
Given the number and complexity of the facton which must be analytically combined and correlaled 10 produce an equivalent G force
faclor. Boeing bas concluded thai using nighl recorder Iype dala 10 dccennine if a bard landing has occurred is impractical. Our
position is lhat pilot judgmcnl is tbe bcsI source of infonnation for deciding if a hard landing has occurred.

Due 10 recenl EPA requiremenlS. certain diesel fuels containing more Ihan O.O.5'l- sulfur must be dyed blue. While jet: fuels are exempt
from IlUs requ~menl. il does apply 10 diesel fuel inaended for off·road uses and healing oils wilh higher sulfw'conIenlS. This leads
10 the possibility that jet fuel may be contaminated in pipelines ordistribution systems. ortbat dyed fuel may be inmvertently delivered
as jet fuel. Several ca.~ oflhis have already been reponed. Complicating the situation as ofJanuary 1994.1he Unilcd States Inaemal
Revenue ServiceCIRS) is requiring rcddye in diesel fuels thai are noIllUed for highway use. As of October 1994. the EPA will also
require red dye and blue' dye will no longer be added to diesel fuels. In the inlerim. red. blue. or a mixture of red and blue colored
fuel may appear. Also. some color.- may appear injel fuels due 10 crude oil sources or refinery processing. Nonnaljel fuels typically
range in color from water clear to Sb'aW orpale amber in color. Some hydrolreatinJ processes have recenlly been reported 10produce
green colored fuels.

The effects of various dyes on jet fuel properties and characteristics are largely unknown. Specifically. eff«ts on performance
characteristics such as thennal slability. lubricity and freezing point have r10I been detennined. Effects on characteristics important
in fuel handling and storage. such as electrical charging aendcncy. water coalesceoce. filterabilily and gum formalion are likewise
unknown. Additiooally. the dye~ may mask the re!iU11S of fuel teslS b$ed on visual observations

There is insufficient information regarding the consequences to the performance and maintenance of aircraft and engines operating
on dye-conlaminated fuel. FWlhennore. neither qualitative nor quantilative tests for the various dyes have beeD adopted 10 suppon
the establishment of any dye conceotration limias. Untillbe effeclS ofdyes injel fuels are established through testing. il is premawrc
to prescribe a permissible limit of dye concentration for use in commercial aircraft.

Preliminary IeSting at Boeing showed slighdy reduced thermal stability breakpoint tempenuures for fuels with prescribed
concentrations of blue dye. To what extent IlUs may affect engine performance has DOl been delennioed.

Boein, recommends that operators make every effort 10 prevenl fuels conlaminaled with dyes from being loaded on aircraft. Detailed
procedures for draining and clearing aircraft fuel sy5tems loaded with contaminated fuel were provided in an aU operator telex sent
to all Boeing operators and Boeing Field Service Bases. In addition. the following Service Lenen. dated 21 June 1994. provide further
infonnation on the subject of dyed fuels:

707·SL-28-Q13. 727-5L·28-Q34. 737·SL·28-044. 747-5L·28-080. 757·SL·28-021. and 767·SL-28-022.

The guidelines forhandling fuel conlamin8led with dyes described in the Service Lencrs should remain in effect uoti) acceptable levels
of dye concentration have been detennined by the appropriate analytical methods. In me interim. Boeing recommeods thai operators
do noI dispatch any airplane with fuel contaminated by dye.

Flight Operalions Tip:

Several Operators have asked Boeing why the Airplane F1ighl Manual (AFM) hasa limitation restricting the use of flaps above
20.000 feel. The reason forthe limitation is simple; Boeing does not demonstrate or test (and lherefore does not certify) airplanes
for operation with flaps eltlended above 20.000 feet.

There is no Boeing procedure which requires the use of flaps above 20,000 feet. Since flaps are intended to be used during the
takeoff and approachllanding phases of night. and since Boeing is not aware of any airports where operation would require the
use of flaps above 20.000 feel. there was no need to certify the airplane in this configur.llion,

The roUowia& videos y be

....... bY ' \ irll'll !'rngr.un :\unw ClIlalug :\t). Run I iml' -'""""","",

CaIIamer semces " M8IerieI Support ?:nJT8D _ BeAG
P.O." 37f17. MIS 2M'" MtJII08 P.O. Box 3707. MIS 20-88

Saddt. W" 981~1Z07
T... ( " " J _
?:n ........ ...,.S""'" (IRS» M931101 SeanJc. WA98124.USA

1------------------------------;;-.. .
Deicing & Anti-Icing

Jobn Hamilton DlU-k1 KOlker dustry specifications that were developed

Lead Engillffr Principal Engineer for deicing/anti-icing nuids which in-
7frJn27mmS7 Renton Oh'ision cludes aerodynamic acceptance testing.
Senia Enginec:ring AerodJnamics holdover times and application proce-
CustOOH.'f Senm Engineering
O"i§ion 8CAG dures. In 1993. Boeing pnxIuced a video
entitled Deicing and Ami-Icing AM.·on-
ness for use by airlines as a training aid.
dedicated to winter operations and in-

va the years a numlxr of ar- This artic~ summarizes the key concepts
ticles on winter operations have cluded articles on Boeing testing of the contained in the "ideo and may be used
appeared in lhe Boeing AIR· aerodynamic effects ofdeicing/anti-icing as a supplement to the video for training
LINER magazine. The October-Decem- nuids on airplane performance. deicing! pu'JXl'<S.
ber 1983 issue discussed how i~. frost anti-icing ground handling equipment
and snow contamination can seriously and procedures. related industry activity The Clean Airplane Concept
reduce climb. maneuvering and perfor- on deicingfanti-icing. and precipitation
mance capabilities of an airplane. TIle static. An article in the October-Decem- Federal Aviation Regulations prohibit
October-December 1989 edition was ber 1992AIRLINER discussed new in- takeoff when snow. ice. or frost is adher-

Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994
ing to wings, propellers. or control sur-
faces of an airplane. This is referred to as
the Clean Airplane Concept.

The Clean Airplane Concept is neces-

Reduces lift
sary bcc-dUse airp13ne performance is
based on clean structure. An airp13ne Increases drag
is designed using Ihe predictable ef-
fects of airflow over clean wings. Ice,
snow, or frost adhering 10 Ihe wings
dislUrbs this airflow (see Figure I), and
results in reduced lift, increased dmg.
increased st.JII speed, and may cause
an abnomlal pitch characterislic.

Ice. snow. or frost only as thick and rough

as medium sandpaper can significanlly
Increases stall speed
reduce aerodynamic perfomlance.
Abnormal pitch-up moment
It is nOI just wing contamination that is
dangerous. For example, ice on the fuse-
lage can break loose and damage a rear
mounted engine. Or ice build-up on the Figure I. Airflow m'er the wings Is disturbed bJ the adherence or ice, rrost or snow, and
rear side ofengine fan blades during freez- can arret't lin, drag, stall speed and pilch moment.
ing fog conditions. can cause serious dam-
age as the engine advances for takeoff.
There are many other examples. but the
imponant thing to remember is there is
no acceptable level of critical surface con-
tamination. Radome
Cockpit windows
Pitot lubes
Contamination may come in the form of Stall warning vane
ice, snow, slush and/or frost. Nosewheel, nosewheel well and doors (step on wheels II needed)
Visibly obvious conditions that cause Ihis Static ports
contamination are falling snow or sleet. FOlWan::l cargo door and cabin door
Wet snow is particularly dangerous be- Main wheels, wheelweUs and doors (step on wheels II needed)
cause it Slicks to the airplane surface and Lower wing surfaces (nol more than 1/8' of frost permitted under
the fuellanks area)
does not blow off easily. Contamination Leading edge of wing
can also form in conditions thaI do not Engine Intakes and exhaust
look very dangerous. such as freezing rain. Engine nacelles and pylons
Wing tip lights
freezing fog. or high humidity. These Fuel vents
conditions can cause frost or ice lhat is A1ll1aps and slats erea and all movable parts
difficult to see. but is as dangerous as wet Cavities between ailerons and lIaps
snow. even in tempemtures above freez- Check the whole fUselage underneath the aircraft and antl-oollision lights
mg. Aft cargo door. bulk hold door and cabin doors
Outflow valves

AI cruise altitude the airplane's surface is

very cold. Even after landing there may
be enough cold fuel inside the wing 10
continue to keep the surface cool. If Figure 2. This is an example or a ground crew deicing chet'kiisl.
warmer humid air l;ontaclS the I;old sur-

2 Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994
face. frost can form on the wing. and if If the only contamination on the fuselage nuid effectinnes5 must be taken into
it rains on a cold-soaked wing clear ice isa thin layerofhoar frost through which account.
can form. markings can be seen. or a layer of frost
that is less thnn one-eighth of an inch Examples of these variables are (see Fig-
Clear ice cnn also foml below a layer of thick on the underside of the wing. take- ure 5):
snow or slush. Some airplanes have a off may be approved by your regulatory
ground thennal anti-ice system that pro. agency. These are the only exceptions. • High winds or jet blast may cause the
tects the leading edge but does not stop If there is any doubt about the critical fluid to start flowing off.
contamination from forming on the up- surfaces - be safe and deice.
per and lower wing surface. So it is very • Wet snow has a higher moisture con-
important to do careful ch«ks for con- Deicing and Anti-icing tent than dry snow • so it dilutes the
tamination. fluid faster.
When contamination is found on the air-
Contamination Checks plane deicing. anti-icing. or both are re- The heavier the precipitlltion. the
quired. shoner the holdover time.
For the contamination check to be suc-
cessful. the ground crew must be orga- Deicing removes contamination from • Airplane temperature signifi-
nized. know who is in charge. and ha\'e the airplane surface. Heated Type I cantly lower than outside air tempera-
approved procedures in place (.see Fig- fluids are nonnaJly used for deicing ture can decrease holdO\'er time.
ure 2). to help remove contamination.
• Direct sunlight may reduce fluid ef-
The ground check of the airplane should • Anti-icing prevents the accumulation fectiveness if precipitation occurs
cover the following critical areas: of ice. snow or frost for cenain peri- later.
ods of time. Type II fluids are nor-
Wing surfaces including leading mally used for anti-icing because they Fluid Application
edges are thickened. They are most effec-
Horizontal stabilizer upper and lower tive when applied cold to a clean sur- Deicing and ami-icing are either done
surfaces. including leading edges f"",. separately in two steps. or together in one
Vertical stabilizer and rudder step. 1be procedure used depends on
• Fuselage Figures 3 and 4 iIIuslrate how the fluids weather. fluids and equipment available.
• Pitot and temperature probes and work. When applied to a clean surface and the requi~ holdover time. Heavy
angle of attack sensors the fluids form a thin layer. This layer contamination or a long holdover time
• Sl3.tic ports of fluid has a lower freezing point than usually requires a two step procedure.
• General intakes and outlets (he frozen precipitation. which melts on
Control surface cavities contact with the fluid. As the fluid layer After deciding which fluid type to use.
Engines and all probes becomes diluted by the melting precipi- the fluid r.uio must be selected. For ex-
Landing gear and wheel wells tation. it becomes less effective and ac- ample. a 75n.5 ratio means that the mix-
cumulation may begin. ture contains 75% fluid and 2.5% water.
Eyes and hands are the best tools to use Sometimes hot water alone is eoough to
for the contamination check. Be careful The time between the start of application deice. or remove contamination from the
not to touch the surface with bare hands. of the: fluid and fluid failure is called the: airplane. The Boeing Maintenance
since the skin may stick to a freezing sur- holdover time. 1be goal is to take off Manual contains fluid ratio guidelines.
face. before the holdover time expires.
For the fluids to be effective they must
During times of darkness. the check The International Standards Organization be handled properly by everyone in-
should be done in a well-lit area. Obser- (ISO). Society of Automotive Engineers volved in the deicing/anti-icing process.
vations should be made close to the sur- (SAE). and Association of European Air- This includes the transportation and stor-
face. With a gloved hand. feel as much lines (AEA) publish holdover times for age of the fluid. Ensure the fluid
of the surl"ace as possible even ifit is vis- each fluid. They art: based on tempera- manufacturer"s guidelines Ilave been fol-
ible. Take exlra care when conditions ture. fluid mixture. and generaJ weather lowed for the entire process.
cause difficult-to-detcct contamination conditions_ These times are only guide-
such as clear ice. lines and other variables that redu« Always deice/anti-ice the airplane as

Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994 3
close to the departure time as possible.
This is especially important when bad
weather conditions require shorter hold-
over times.

Before spraying fluid. configure the air-

plane for this procedure:

• Make sure the flaps are free from

snow or ice obstructions before mov-
ing them. When the flaps are clean.
retract them to keep snow. ice, or
slush from being washed off the wing
surface into the flap mechanisms.

• Tum the air conditioning packs OFF

to keep fluid fumes from getting into
the passenger cabin.

• Engines should be shut down or

idHng. When they are operating. clos-
ing the bleed valves prevents fluid in
Figure 3. When applied to a clean surface, the deicing nuid forms a thin film onr the the engine inlet from entering the
surface. bleed system. DO NOT SPRAY DI-
LETS. Several operators have re-
ported instances of smoke in the cabin
and someti mcs 3Cti'laton of the smoke
detection system which were attrib-
uted to ingestion of deicing fluids into
the engine or APU inlets.
• IftheAPU isopcrating close its bleed

Each airplane has a specific configura-

tion for deicing/anti-icing. For example
the stabilizer setting varies with airplane
model. Check the operations manual or
the Boeing Maintenance Manual for
model specific procedures. (See Table I.)

If there is a heavy accumulation of con-

tamination, remove as much as possible
with a rope or a squeegee before apply-
Holdover time ing the fluid. This reduces the amount
of fluid required to get the surface clean.

No matter what type of fluid or mixture

Figure 4. The time between the start ofnuid application and nuid failure is known as the is used it should be applied with the same
holdover time. technique.

4 Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994
Treat the fuselage from the nose and
work af!. Spray at the top centerline
and work outboard.

• Spray the wings from the leading

edge to trailing edge. and work out-
board to inboard. This prevents load-
ing snow on the outboard section.

• Treat the vertical stabilizer if neces-

Bt ... sary.

.. - • Spray the horizontal stabilizer the
same way as the wing. Adjust the

-- "
'.1Il 2$ ..-
spraying direction to accommodate a
strong wind if necessary.

\OC _
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,. II
C Apply the fluid symmetrically to both
sides of the airplane. For a large air-
plane like a 747 it may help to use a
deicer truck on each side.
Figure 5. This table contains examples or the variables that may reduce deicing fluid
errecth'eness or holdo\"er time. The following are examples of areas that
must be avoided when spraying fluid (see
\lalllh'IIoII1('l' \lallll.ll Figure 6):
Model Subject Title
Directly on windows
Control surface cavities and balance
707 12-4-1 Cold Weather l\'laintenanct
727 12-50-0 Cold Weather Maintenance
• Probes and angle of attack sensors
737-100/-200 12-50-0 Cold Weather Maintenance
• Static ports. air inlelS. landing gear.
737-3001-400/-500 12-50-00 Cold Weather Maintenance
and wheel wells
747-1001·200/·300 12·33·01 Cold Weather J\binlcmlDce
Engines and all probes
747-400 12·33·01 Cold Weather Maintenance
757 12·33·01 Cold Weather Maintenance
All of these areas are also critical surfaces
767 12-33-01 Cold Weather Maintenance
so they must be clean. Use a broom or a
777 12-33-01 Cold Weather Maintenance
hot air blower to mel! the ice and snow
from these areas. especially around the
landing gear.
!\Iodel Section Title
When deicing/anti-icing is completed the
ground crew should do a final check 10
707 04.25 Cold Weather Operations
make sure the airplane is clean. When
727 04.25 Cold Weather Operations
they are cenain the airplane is safe for
737-100/-200 02.04 Cold Weather Operations
dispatch. the flight crew must be notified.
737-3001-400/-500 02.G4 Cold Weather Operations
747·100/·200/-300 04.30 Cold Weather Operations
747·400 02.05 Cold Weather Operations
757 02.17 Operating with
Deicing/Anti-icing fluids Table I. Cold weather operations reference
material is contained in these parts of the
767 02.17 Operating with
Boeing Maintenance and Operations
Deicing/Anti.icing Fluids Manuals.
777 NP.30 Adverse Weather Operations

Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994 5
The pilot-in-command needs to know the
type fluid used. the fluid miltture, and the
start time of the final fluid application.

The most efficient way to communicate

this is by using the Deicing/Anti-icing
Code as shown Figure 7. When using
the code in written records it is a good
idea to include the date.

Pilot Considerations

The Deicing/Anti-icing Code has all of
the measurable infonnation the pilot-in-
command needs. But judgment and elt-

perience must be used to evaluate the situ-
ation from anti-icing to takeoff. As al-
ready discussed the holdover lime is not
an exact figure - it is a guideline. All of
the factors that influence the effective-
ness of the fluid (see Figure 5) need to
be continuously evaluated.

When taxiing keep a safe distance behind Figure 6. Do not spray anti-king or deicing nuids into these areas
other airplanes to avoid jet blasts and
blowing snow.

Perform a continuous pre-takeoff

check. Be aware of weather condi-
tions. and detennine how the fluid is by looking at the airline's
approved representative areas. These
areas may include the radome. wind-
shield wipers. and any parts of the fu-
selageor wings that can be seen from
the cockpit. Remember that these
areas are only representative. If they
are clean. do not assume that the criti-
cal surfaces are clean. However. if
contamination is building up on the
representative areas it is probably
building up on the critical surfaces.

Ifcontamination is building up. or the

holdover time eltpires do a pre-take-
off contamination check. This in-
cludes checking the critical surfaces
as specified in your approved pro-
gram (see Figure 8) or with the help
of the ground crew. Be especially Figure 7. The ground deleing crew will infonn the night crew or the deicing operation in
careful at night when contamination the fonn of a deicing/anti-icing code. The night deck crew should write down this code
is more difficult to detect. and rder to It prior to making the takeoff decisions.

6 Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994
Figure 8. Extreme care and
complete coordination be-
tween the ground and
night crt!ws are ~uired to
ensure that the deicing!
anti-icing operation is suc-

Some clues that the fluid is failing are Safety can also be increased during take· uled. A slow rotation rate will result
treated surfaces becoming less reflective off by following recommended proce· in liftoff farther down the runway
and dulled. or appearing white. This dures for winter operations. For ex· than planned.
means the fluid is becoming diluted and ample:
is less effective. Summar}'
Even if deicing/anti-icing is not re-
If contamination is present never assume quired. apply recommended perfor- Winter operations require a thorough
it will blow off the wings during the take- mance adjustments for existing con- knowledge of the current and departure-
off roll. Do not let schedule pressures ditions. such as slush on the runway. time weather. airport configuration and
influence your decision - go back for an- taxi distances. and airplane performance.
other fluid application. If the airplane has been deiced/anti-
iced, apply any appropriate perfor- Cooperation and communication are
Good coordination between air traffic mance adjustments as necessary. Re- critical. Although it is ultimately the de-
control and the flight crew may reduce fer to the operations manual. cision of the pilot-in-command to take-
the frequency of these situations. Try 10 off or ask for another application of de-
release airplanes as soon as possible af- Use the normal rotation rate of two icing/anti-icing. a safe operation is a team
ter completion of the deicing/anti-icing to three degrees per second to ensure effort. Every member of the team must
process. Then, minimize the time air· that the liftoff poim does not occur work together to make it clean and keep
plane sits in line for takeoff. funher down the runway than sched- it clean.

Airliner/Oct·Dec 1994 7
he Model 777 is Boeing's firsl of testing over an eight-month period. system was installed in the first airplane.
commercial airplane .....hich em- Individual componentS were tested. and The initial flight testing of the airplane
ploys complete elcclronic con- continue to be tested, in sW,u/-lIIQne labo- has shown few unexpected characteris-
trol of the Primary Right Control Sys- ratories. The system as a whole was tics.
tem. However. the syStem design is such tested in the Flight Controls Test Rig
that the airplane looks and feels similar (FCI'R), where all electrical and me· SYSTEM OVERVIEW
to other Boeing jet lrnnspons. and al the chanical components were installed in a
same time. employs the lale51Iechno!ogy simulated airplane environment and op- Conventional primary night controls sys-
to ease the pilot's workload and the long erated in concert. The Primary Flight tems employ hydraulic actuators and con-
(enn maintenance of the system. Control System was also tested in con- trol valves controlled by cables which are
junction with other airplane systems in driven by the pilot controls. These cables
Before the first night of the Model 777 the new Systems Integration Laboratory run the length of the airframe from the
on 12June 1994. the Primary Aight Con- (SIL). As a result of these tests. there cockpit area to the surfaces to be con-
lrol System had undergone many hours was a high level of confidence before the trolled. This type of system. while pro-
(see glossary rage t 7)


Greg Bartley
Senior SpedailsI Englorer
777 f'rlmary FUghI ConInJII
...... <:emmndaI
Improved system reliability and


Spol- The design philosophy of the Model 777

(7 ......... Primary Right Control System maintains
system operation that is consistent with
Slao a pilofs past training and experience.
What is meant by this is thai however
different the actual system architecture
is from previous Boeing airplanes. me
presentation to lhe pilot is that of a con-
ventional mechanical system. The Model
777 retains lhe conventional control col-
umn. wheel. and rudder pedals whose
operation is identical to the controls em-
ployed on other Boeing transpon air-
planes. The night deck controls of the
Model 777 are very similar to those of
Figure J. The primary night control s)'slem on the Model 777 is comprised or the out- the Model 747-400 (see Figure 2).
board ailerons, spoilers, nllperons elevators and rudder.
Because !.he system is cOlllrolled elec-
tronically. there is an opponunity to in-
viding desirable airplane handling char- sign features have been made possible: clude system control augmentation and
acteristics, does have some very distinct envelope protection features that would
drawbacks. Thecable-controlJed system • Full-time surface control employs have been difficult to provide in a con-
comes with a weight penalty due to the advanced control laws. The aerody- ventional mechanical system. The Model
long cable runs, pulleys. brackets. and namic surfaces are sized to afford lhe 777 Primary Flight Control System has
supports needed. The system requires required airplane response during made full use of the capabilities of this
periodic maintenance. such as lubricmion critical flight conditions. The reac- architecture by including such features
and adjustments due to cable slrClch. In tion time of the control laws is much as,
addition. systems such as the Yaw faster that of an alen pilol. There-
Damper which provide enhanced control fore the size of the flight control sur- Bank Angle Protection
of surfaces require dedicated actuators, faces could be made smaller than Tum Compensation
wiring, and controllers. This adds to the those needed for a conventionally • Stall and Overspeed Protection
overall system weight and increases the controlled airplane. This results in • Pitch Control and Stability Augmen-
number of components in the system. a reduction in the overall weight of tation
See Figure 1 for a depiction of the Pri- the system. • Thrust Asymmetry Compensation
mary Right Control System.
Retention oflhe desirable flight char- More will be said of these specific fea-
In the Model 777. the cable control of acteristics of a conventional syslem tures Imer. What should be noted how-
lhc primary flight control surfaces has and lhe removal of the undesirable ever, is that none of these features limit
been removed. Rather. lhe actuators are ones. This is discussed later in the the actions of the pilot. The Model 777
controlled electronically. At the heart of section on Control Law and System design utilizes envelope protection rather
the Model 777 Primary Flight Control Functionality. than em'elope li"'iti/lg as a deterrent.
System are elcctronic computers. These Protection deters pilot inputs while lin/-
computers conven elccLrical signals sent • Integration of functions such as the iting prevents pilot inputs. For example.
from transducers auached to the pilot Yaw Damper into lhe basic surface the Bank Angle Protection feature will
controls into commands which are sent control. This allows the separate significantly increase the wheel force a
to the actuators. Because of these components nonnally used for these pilol encounters when attempting to roll
changes to the system, the following de- functions to be removed. the airplane past a predefined bank angle.

Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994 9

- -/

rlgu~ 2. The night dedI. controls on the l\'lode.l777 are similar to those found on other 80elngJetUners and Include the control wheel
Bnd rudder pedals for pilot Inputs 10 the Primary Flight Control System.

However, if necessary. the pilot may SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND Flight Deck Controls
override this protection by elterting a REDUNDANCY
greater force on the wheel than is being The 777 is equipped with standard flight
exerted by the backdrive aelUator. The The Model 777 Primary Flight Control deck controls. Instead orthecontrol col-
intent is to inform the pilot mat the com- System incorporales several layers of re- umns, wheels, and pedals driving quad-
mand being given would put me airplane dundancy. To fully understand the raniS and cables. they are attached to elec-
outside of its normal operating envelope. amount of redundancy in the system and trical transducers which convert me-
but the ability to do so is not precluded. how it is managed. it is necessary to ex.- chanical displacement into electrical sig-
This concept is central to the design of plore the types orcomponents in the sys- nals. Multiple transducers installed on
the Model 777 Primary Flighl Control tem and how they are used. each pilot controller ensure that the runc-
System. Lionalit'y or that control remains intact in

10 Airliner/Oct-Ott 1994
the event of a single transducer failure. Flight Control electronics configuration identical in design and perfonn identical
is shown in Figure 3. calculations,
A gradient control actuator is attached to
the two control column feel units. These The ACEs decode the signals received Internal to each PFC are three indepen-
units provide the tactile/eel of the con- from the transducers used in the pilot dent sets of microprocessors. ARlNC 629
trol column by proportionally increasing controls and the primary actuation. The imerfaces, and power supplies, which are
the amount of column force a pilot expe- ACEs conven the transducer position into referred to as lanes. All lanes perfonn
riences during a maneuver with an in- a digital value and then transmit that idenlical calculations. Failure of a single
crease in airspeed. In addition, pilot con- value over the ARINC 629 busses for use lane internal to a PFe will cause only that
troller backdrive actuators move the con- by the PFCs. The PFCs use these pilot lane to be shut down. That channel will
trol column, wheel. and pedal in response control positions and surfaces positions continue to operate nonnally on two lanes
to autopilot commands when the autopi- to calculate the surface commands. The with no loss of system functionalilY. Any
lot is engaged. This provides visual feed- PFCs then transmit the surface com- subsequent failure of a channel which is
back to the pilot during autopilot opera- mands over the same ARINC 629 busses already operating on two lanes, however,
tions. back to the ACEs, which convens them will cause that channel to be shut down,
into analog commands for each actuator. as a channel is nOI allowed 10 operate on
System Electronics a single lane.
There are three PFCs in the system, called
There are two types of electronic com- L, C. and R. Where the redundancy of The airplane is designed to be operated
puters used in the Model 777 Primary the ACEs lies in functional distribution, indefinitely with one lane of nine failed,
Flight Control System: the Actuator Con- the redundancy of the PFCs is in the num- The proposed Master Minimum Equip·
trol Electronics (ACE), which is prima- ber of calculating elements. Each of the ment List (MMEL) allows the airplane
rily an analog device, and the Primary three PFCs, referred to as channels, are to be dispatched with two lanes failed out
Flight Computer (PFC), which utilizes
digital technology. There are four ACEs
and three PFCs employed in the system.
The function of the ACE is to interface
with the pilOi control transducers and to
control the actuators with analog servo
loops. The role of Ihe PFC is the calcu-
lation of control laws which conven the
pilot controller position into surface com-
mands, which are then transmitted back
to the ACEs, The PFC also contains an·
ciliary functions, such as system moni·
toring. crew annunciations, and all the AAlNC629
system on-board maintenance capabili- OATA8US(3}

Four identical ACEs are used in the sys-

tem, referred to as Ll. L2. C, and R.
These designations correspond roughly
to the len, center, and right hydraulic sys·
terns on the airplane, The night control
functions are distributed among the four
ACEs, such that a total failureofa single
ACE will leave the major functionality
of the night control system intact. An
ACE failure ofmis nature will have much
the same impact to the Primary Flight
Control Sysl'em as that of a hydraulic Figure 3, This block diagl"am depicts IheACEs and PFCs In relation 10 other interfacing
system failure. The Model 777 Primary systems which make up the Model 777 Primary Flight Control System,

Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994 11
of the nine (as long as they are not within SYSTEM ELECTRICAL POWER ure 4 for a schematic of the power distri-
the same channel) for ten days and for a bution for the Model 777 FCOC.
single day with one PFC channel inop- There are three power sources dedicated
erative. to the Primary Flight Control System. Control Surface Actuation
which are referred to as the Flight Con-
ARlNC 629 DATA BUS trols Direct Current (FCDC) power sys- The control surfaces of the system are
tem. Each of the three power systems is controlled by hydraulically powered ac-
The ACEs and PFCs communicate with driven by an FCDC Power Supply As- tuators. The elevators, ailerons, and
each other, as well as with other systems sembly (PSA). The FCDC system is sup- naperons are controlled by two actuators
on the airplane, via triplex. bi-.directional plied by two dedicated Permanent Mag- on each surface. the rudder is controlled
ARINC 629 Right Controls data busses. net Generators (PMG) on each engine. by three. Each spoiler panel is powered
referred to as L. C and R. The connec- Each PSA converts the PMG alternating by a single actuator. The horizontal sta-
tion from the electronics unit to the data current into 28 volts DC for use by the bilizer is po~itioned by two hydrnulic
bus is an ARINC 629 coupler. Each cou- electronics modules in the Primary Flight motors driving the stabilizer jackscrew.
pler can be removed from the data bus Control System. Alternative power On the Model 777. the Primary Flight
and replaced individually without dis- sources for the PSAs include the airplane Control surfaces are actuated through the
turbing the integrity of the data bus it- Ram Air Turbine (RAT), the 28 volt DC ACE sources which in tum CQmOland the
self. (The ARINC 629 Data Bus will be airplane busses. the airplane Hot Bauery hydraulic actuators (see Figure 5).
featured in a future AIRLINER article.) Bus. and dedicated five ampere-hour
FCDC batteries. During night. the PSAs The actuators on the elevators. ailerons.
Interfaces to Other Airplane Systems draw power from the PMGs. For on- naperons. and rudder have several opera-
ground engines-off operations or for in- tional modes. These modes. and the sur-
The Primary Flight Control System re- night failures of the PMGs. the PSAs faces thai each are applicable to, are de-
ceives data from other airplane systems draw from any available source. See Fig- fined below:
by two different methods. The Air Data
Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU).
Standby Attitude and Air Data Reference
Unit (SAARU), and the Autopilot Flight
Director Computers (AFDC) transmit on
the ARINC 629 Flight Controls data bus-
ses where the PFCs are able to read their
data directly. Other systems. such as the ~
Flap Slat Electronics Units (FSEU),
Pruximity Switch Electrunics Ullit
(PSEU), and Engine Data Interface Unit
(EDIU), among others. transmit their data
on ARINC 629 Systems Data Busses.
The PFCs receive data from these sys·
terns through the Airplane Infonnation
Management System (AIMS) Data Con-
version Gateway (DCG) function. The
DCG supplies data from the Systems
Data Busses onto the Flight Controls Data

• ......
Busses. This gateway between the tWO
main sets of ARINC 629 busses main-
tains separation between the critical
Flight Controls bus and the essential Sys-
tems bus but still allows data to be passed
back and forth. The Primary Flight Con-
trol System interfaces to other airplane
systems are shown in Figure 3. Figure 4. This diagram shows the Model 777 Flight Controls Oirttl Current power dis-
tribution system.

12 Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994

Left Elevator

Righi Elevator


_C_ Spo~ers 4 and 11 are commanded via cables

• CHVO from the cootrol wt1eeI and via the ACES
from the speed brake lever. The stabliZ9r
Is commanded via the cables ttvough the
""""'" aisle stand levers only and otherwise is
commanded through the ACES.

Figure S. On the Model 777, Actuator Control Eleclronics (ACE) units provide control inputs to the h)'draulic actuators rOt each
night control surface.

from the ACE. The actuator is al- the inboard actuator on an elevator fails,
• Active· Normally, all actuators on lowed to move, but at a restricted rate the ACE controlling that actuator will
the elevato!:>, ailerons, naperons, and which provides flulter damping. place the actuator in the Damped mode.
rudder receive conunands from their This mode allows the mher actuator This allows the surface to move at a lim-
respective ACEs and pooition the sur- or aclUators on the surface to con- ited rate under the control of the outboard
fJ.ces accordingly. The aCllliltors will tinue to operate the surface at a rate actuator. Concurrent with this action, the
remain in the active mode unLil c0m- sufficient for airplane control. This ACE also arms the Blocking mode on the
manded into another mode by the mode is present on elevator and rud- outboard actuator on the same surface.
ACEs. der actuators. Ifasubsequent failure occurs which will
cause the outboard actuator to be placed
Bypassed - In this mode. the aClua- Blocked· In this mode, the actuator in the Damped mode by its ACE. both
lOr does nOI respond to comma.nds does nm respond to commands from actuators will then be in the Damped
from the ACE. The aClUator is al- the ACE, and is nm allowed to move. mode and have their Blocking modes
lowed to move freely. so lhal the re- When both actuators on a surface armed. An elevator actuator in this con-
dundant actuators on a given surface controlled by two actuators have figuration enters the Blocking mode,
may drive the surface without any failed, they both enter the Blocked which hydraulically locks the surface in
loss of authority. This mode is mode to provide a hydraulic lock on place for flutter protection.
presem on aileron, naperon, and rud- the surface. This mode is present on
der actuators. the elevator and aileron actuators. The Model 777 Primary Flight Control
Test Rig is shown in Figure 6. This fa-
Damped - In this mode, the actua- An example using the elevator surface cility allowed complete integrated test-
tor does not respond 10 commands illustrates how these modes are used. If ing of all the components of the Right

Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994 13
reduced. For example, the envelope
protection functions may not be ac-
tive in the Secondary mode. The
PFCs enter this mode automatically
from the Nonnal mode when there
are sufficient failures in lhe system
or interfacing systems such that Nor-
mal mode is not supported. An ex-
ample of a set of failures which will
automatically drop the system into
Secondary is total loss of airplane air
data from the ADIRU and SAARU.
The airplane is quite capable of be-
ing flown for a long period in Sec-
ondary mode if required.

Direct - In the Direct mode, the

ACEs do not process commands
from the PFCs. Instead. each ACE
decodes pilot commands directly
from the pilot controller transducers
and uses lhem for the closed loop
Figure 6. All components of the Model 777 Primary Flight Control S)'stem were sub- control of the actuators. This mode
jected to rigorous testing in Boeing's new SJstems Integration L.abol'1ltory prior to being will be entered automatically due to
nown. total failures of the PFCs, failures
internal to the ACEs. loss of the
Flight Controls ARINC 629 Data
Control System prior to being installed giving an extend or retract command via Busses. or some combination of
in lhe actual airplane. a solenoid operated valve in each of the these. It may also be selected manu-
actuators. Once lhat spoiler pair has been ally via the PFC Disconnect Switch
Mecbanical Control deployed by a speedbrake command. on the overhead panel in lhe flight
there is no conlrOl wheel to speedbrake deck. The airplane handling char-
Spoiler panels 4 and II and the alternate command mixing. acteristics in the Direct mode closely
stabilizer pitch trim system are controlled match those of the Secondary mode.
mechanically, rather than electTonicaily. SYSTEM OPERATING MODES
Spoilers 4 and 11 are driven directly from CONTROL LAWS AND SYSTEM
control wheel deflections via a control The Primary Right Control System has FUNCTIONALITY
cable. The alternate horizontal stabilizer three operating modes: Nonnal, Second-
control is accomplished by using the pitch ary, and Direct. These modes are defined The design philosophy employed on the
trim levers on the aisle stand. Electrical below: Model 777 Primary Right ConlrOl Sys-
switches actuated by the trim levers al- tem control laws stresses aircraft opera-
low the PFCs to detennine when alter- • Nonnal- In Nonna! mode, the PFCs tions consistent with a pilot's past train-
nate trim is being commanded so that supply all commands to the ACEs. ing and experience. The combination of
appropriate commands can be given to Full functionality is provided. in- electronic conlrOl of lhe system and this
lhe pitch control laws. cluding all enhanced performance, philosophy provides the feel of a conven-
envelope protection, and ride qual- tional airplane, but wilh improved han-
Spoiler panels 4 and II are also used as ity features. dling characteristics.
speedbrakes. The speedbrake function
for this spoiler pair has two positions: Secondary - In this mode, the PFCs Pitch Control
retracted and fully extended. The supply all commands to the ACEs,
speedbrake commands for spoilers 4 and just as in the Nonnal mode. How- Pitch control is accomplished lhrough a
II are electrical in nature, with an ACE ever, functionality of the system is maneuver demand conlrOllaw. It is re·

14 Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994
ferred to as a C·U control law. C· (pro- The pilch control law incorporates sev- An established flight path remains
nounced CoStar) is a term that is used 10 eral additional fealures. One is called unchanged unless the pilot changes
describe me blending of the airplane pitch Landing Aare Compensation. This func- it through a column input or the air-
rate and load factor (the amount of ac- tion provides handling characleristics speed changes and the speed stabil-
celeration felt by an occupant of the air- during flare and landing consistent with ity function takes effeci.
plane during a maneuver). At low air- that of a conventional airplane, whicb
speeds. me pitch rate of me airplane is would have otherwise been altered sig- • Trimming is required only for air-
me controlling faclor. AI high airspeeds, nificantly by the C·U control law. The speed changes.
me load factor predominates. 1be U term pitch control law also incorporates Stall
refers to the change in the airspeed away and Overspeed Protection. These func- Yaw Control
from a referenced trim speed. This in- tions will not allow the referenced trim
troduces an elemenl ofspeed slability into speed to be set below a predefined mini- The yaw control law contains the stan-
the airplane pitch control. The result is mum value or above the maximum oper- dard funclions used on other Boeing jet
that Ihe airplane is trimmed to a particu- ating speed. They also significantly in- liners, such as the Yaw Damper and the
lar airspeed. and any deviation from that crease the column force that the pilot Rudder Ratio Changer functions. How-
airspeed will cause a pilch change in or- must hold in order to fly above or below ever, there are no separate actuators and
de.r to relurn to thai referenced airspeed. these speeds. An additional feature in- linkages in the Model 777 for mese func-
However, airplane configuration corporated into the pitch control law is tions as were used in previous Boeing air-
changes, such as a change in trailing edge Tum Compensation, which enables the planes. Rather. the commands for these
flap settings, will not cause airplane trim pilot to maintain a constant altitude with functions are calculated in the PFCs and
changes. Thus, the major advantage of minimal column input during a banked included as part of the normal rudder
using a maneuver demand control law is tum. command to the main rudder actuators.
that nuisance handling characterislics This reduces weight, complexity, main-
found in a convenlional system which The unique Model 777 implementation tenance, and spares required to be
increase pilot workload are minimized, of maneuver demand and speed stability stocked.
while the desirable characleristics are in the pitch control law means that:

While in flight. the pitch trim switches

on the Pilot's and First Officer's control
wheels do nOI direclly control me hori-
zonlal stabilizer. When Ihe trim switches
are used in flight, the pilot is actually re-
questing a new referenced trim speed.
The airplane will pilCh nose-up or nose-
down in response to Ihat change in order
to achieve that new airspeed. The stabi-
lizer will aUlomatically trim to offload me
elevalor surface when necessary. When
the airplane is on the ground, the pitch

, trim switches are used to trim me hori-

zontal stabilizer directly. While the al-
temate trim levers move the stabilizer
directly. even in flight. me act of doing
so will also change me C·U referenced
trim speed such that the net effect is the
same as would have been achieved if the
pitch trim switches had been used. As
on a conventional airplane. trimming is
required to reduce any column forces that
are being held by the pilot Figul"\! 7. This Model 757 Testbed was used to validate the control laws which weI"\! used
in the Model 777 Primary Flight Control System.

Airliner/Oct-Dec 1.994 15
The yaw control law also incorporates phase, pilots from several airlines and tify the failures present in the system and
several additional features. The Gust regulatory agencies were invited to fly to assist in their repair. The two features
Suppression system reduces airplane wil the modified Model 757. The feedback utilized by lhe CMC which accomplish
",ag by sensing wind gusts on the verti- from the pilots was very positive and these tasks are Maintenance Messages
cal fin and applying a rudder command enthusiastic. The initial flights of the and Ground Maintenance Tests. Main-
to oppose the movement that would have Model 777 indicate that the flight char- tenance Messages describe to the me-
been generated by the gust. Another fea- acteristics of the Model 757 demonstra- chanic. in common tcnns. what failures
ture is the Wheel-Rudder Crosstie func· tor were very close to those of the Model are present in the system and which com-
tion, which reduces sideslip by using 777. ponents are possibly at fault. 11le Ground
small amounts of rudder during banked-' Maintenance Tests exercise the system.
turns. PRIMARY FLIGHT CONTROLS test for dormant failures, and confirm
SYSTEM DISPLAYS AND ANNUN- repair action. They are also used to un-
One important feature in the yaw control CIATIONS latch any EICAS and Maintcnance mes-
is Thrust Asymmetry Compensation, or sages Ihat may have become latched due
TAC. This function automatically applies The primary displays for the Primary to failures.
a rudder input for any thrust asymmetry Flight Control System are the Engine
between the two engines exceeding ap- Indication and Crew Alerting System The PFCs are able to be loaded with new
proximately ten percent of the rated (EICAS) display and the Multi-Function software through the Data Loader func 4

thrust. This is intended to cancel the yaw- Display (MFD). The EICAS display is tion on the MAT. This allows the PFCs
ing moment associated with an engine very similar to that used in the Model to be updated to a new configuration
failure. TAC operates at all airspeeds 747.-400. It displays the engine param- without having to take them out of ser·
above 80 knots; even on lhe ground dur- eters, as well as the Warning, Caution. vice.
ing the take-off phase. It will not oper- and Advisory messages used by the flight
ate when thrust reversers are deployed. crew. The MFD displays the Status level (The CMC will be described in a future
messages, which are used to determine issue of the AIRLINER.)
Roll Control the health of the various systems, and
whether the airplane is able to be dis- Line Replaceable Units
The roll control law in the Model 777 is patched. The MFD also can display,
fairly conventional. The outboard aile- when requested, the Right Control Syn- All the major components of the system
rons and spoiler panels 5 and 10 are optic page which shows the position of are Line Replaceable Units (LRUs). This
locked out in the faired position when the all the flight control surfaces. includes all electronics modules, ARINC
airspeed exceeds a value that is depen- 629 Data Bus couplers, hydraulic and
dent upon speed and altitude. It roughly SYSTEM MAINTENANCE electrical actuators. and transducers. The
corresponds to flaps up. As with the yaw installation of each LRU has been de·
damper [unction, this function does not The Model 777 Primary Flight Control signed such that a mechanic has ample
have a separate actuator, but is part of System has been designed to keep line space for component removal and re-
the nomlal aileron commands. The Bank maintenance to a minimum, and when placement. as welt as space for the mll-
Angle Protection feature in the roll con~ tasks do need to be accomplished. that nipulation of any required tools.
trot law has been discussed previously. they are straight forward and easy to un-
derstand. Each LRU. when replaced. must be tested
757 Test Bed to assure that the installation was accom 4

Central Maintenance Computer plished correctly. The major LRUs of the

The control laws and features discussed system (transducers, actuators. and elec-
here were incorporated into a modified The main interface to the Primary Flight tronics modules) have LRU Replacement
Model 757 and flown in the summer of Control System for the line mechanic is Tests which are conducted by the PFCs
1992 (see Figure 7). The Captain's con- the Central Mainlenance Computer and are requested by the CMC via the
trols remained connected to the nonnal (CMC) function of AIMS. The CMC MAT. These tests lire IIser friendly and
Model 757 flight controls system. The uses the Maintenance Access Tenninal use a minimum amount of time to run.
Model 777 control laws were nown (MAD as its primary display. The role Any failures found in a test will result in
through the First Officer's controls. Af- of the CMC in the maintenance of the a Maintenance Message. which details
ter the initial checkout and validation Primary Aight Control System is 10 iden- what failures are present.

16 Airliner/Oct·Dec 1994
Component Adjustment Summary

The primary surface actuators on the The transducers used by pilot control- The Model 777 Primary Aight Control
Model 777 are replaced in the same man- lers are. for the most part. individual System utilizes new technology to pro-
ner as on previous airplanes. The differ- LRUs. However. there are some pack- vide significam benefits over a conven-
ence is how lhey are adjusted. Each el- ages. such as the speedbrake lever trans- tional Primary Aight Control System.
evator. aileron. flaperon. and rudder ac- ducers and the control column force These benefits include a reduction in
tuator has a Null Adjust Transducer. transducers. which have multiple trans- overall weight of the airplane. superior
which is rotated umil the actuator is p0- ducers in a single package. When a handling characteristics, and improved
sitioned correctly. For example. when a transducer is replaced. the Primary maintainability of the system. At the
rudder actuator is replaced. all hydraulic Flight Controls EICAS Maintenance same time. the control of the airplane is
systems are turned off except for the one Pages are used 10 adjust the transducer accomplished using traditional cockpit
which supplies power to lhe replaced ac- to a cenain value at the system rig posi- controls thereby allowing the pilot to fly
tuator. The Null Adjust Transducer is tion. There are CMC initiated PFC and the airplane without any specialized
then adjusted umil the rudder surface ACE Replacemem Tests which check training. The technology utilized by the
aligns itself with a mark on the empen- that the module has been installed cor- Model 777 Primary Flight Control sys-
nage. showing that the actuator has cen- rectly and that all electrical connections tem has earned its way onto the airplane.
tered the rudder correctly. have been properly maled. and is not just technology for
technology's sake.


ACE - Actuator Control EICAS· Engine Indication and MOV • Motor Operated Vah'c
Electronics Crew Alerting System
PCU - Power Control Units,
ADiRU - Air Data Inertial ELMS - Electrical Load Actuators
Reference Unit Management System
PFC· Primar)' Flight Computer
ADM· Air Data Module fCDC - flight Controls Direct
(Static and Total Pre!&Jre) Current (power system) PMG· Permunent Magnet
AFDe· Autopilot night Director FCTR· Flight Control Test Rig
Computer PSA· Power Supply Assembly
FSEU - Flap Slat Electronics Unit
ALMS - Airplane Inrormation PSEU • Proximity Switch
Management System L - Left Electronics Unit

ARINC -Aeronautical Radio Inc. Lt- Lert I R- Right

(Industry Standard)
L2· lert 2 RAT- RamAirThrbine
C- Center
LRRA· Low Range Radio SAARU· Standb)' Attitude and
C.U· Pitch Control Law uti Altimeter Air Data Unit
lized in the Primary
.'light Computer LRU - Line Replaceable Unit SIL - Systems Inleg,,"on
CMC - Central Maintenance j\·tAT - Maintenance Access
Computer runction Terminal TAC· Thrust Asymmetry
or AIMS Compensation
l\'lEL· Minimum Equipment List
DCGF - Data CoO\'ersion Gate WEU - Warning Eleclronics Unit
way Function or AIMS MFD - Multi-Function Display

EDlU· Engine Data [ntenace


Airliner/Oct·Dec 1994 17
Hardware Changes

The significant hardware differences be-

tween Ihe existing analog and digital sys-
tem configurations are (see Figure I):

The analog pressurization control

panel has been replaced by a digital
control panel. The mechanical
counters for selection of Ihe night
and landing altitude have been re-
placed with advanced technology
liquid crystal displays. The standby
mode functions have been replaced
by an identical second automatic
control channel.

The analog controller has been re-

placed with twO identical inter-
changeable digital controllers. The
circuitry required to drive the out-
flow valve motors has been relocated
to the outflow valve itself. Exten-
sive system Built-Ln Test (BITE) ca-
pability has been added wilh cover-
age provided for each Line Replace-
able Unit (LRU) as well as the over-

737 Dig!tal Cabin

all system. A BITE control module
has been added to lhe front of each
controller to allow simple access to

Pressure Control System •

Ihe system's BITE.

The single gate outflow valve has

been replaced by a dual gate valve.
new improved Cabin Pressure The electronics required to control

A Control System (CPCS) has

been developed 10 replace the
existing analog pressure control system
the valve motors have been incorpo-
rated into two electronic units at-
tached to the valve actuator. The ac
on the 737·300l-4001·500airplanes. The and dc motors have been replaced
K.V. Standerfer. P.E. new digital system will be available as by two 28 Vdc motors for automatic
Lead S)'stems Engineer an option with flfSt delivery beginning mode. and asinglededicated 28 Vdc
7J7nS7 Environmental Control Systems in October 1994. It will be basic for the motor for manual mode.
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
new 737·rnJI-7001·800 airplane family.
Nord-Micro Elektronic-Feinmechanik • The dual delta P module, and out-
AG of Frankfurt. Germany is the prime flow valve heater gasket have been
contractor responsible for design, imer- eliminated. For those operators fly-
system integration. and manufacture of ing QFE baro-coITeCtion, the Bam
the system. Only lhe pressurization con- Set module has been eliminated. 1be
trol system has been changed. the cabin Bam pressure source for the Auto
altitude warning, positive pressure relief. Comrollers is contained within the
Alexander Bloch
S,~em Engirleer Cabin Pressure Control and negative pressure relief systems have Air Data Computers. thereby requir-
Nord·Micro Elektronik·Feinmechllllik AG nOI been altered. ing no input from the flight crew.

18 Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994
• Pin selectable mui-
mum cabin ascent rates
of 600 or 750 sea level
feet per minute and de-
scent rates of 350. 500,
or 750 sea level feet per
minute have been incor-
porated. The ability !O
operate to 41,000 ft via
ship side pin select has
been incorporated for the

The control panel and

outflow valve are in-
stalled in the same loca-
r---------------, tions using the same in-
Flgurr l. Major system component stallation procedures.
changes include replaumenl or the con- The controller installa-
trol panel, controllers and oulno.... '"ah-e.
tion has been changed to
Abon is a comparison orthe digital (urt) accommodate the addi-
and analog (Right) control panels.
'-- ---:_ _---:-::----' tion of a second conlrOl-
ler on the EI-I shelf. The system inter-
connect wiring has been redesigned to ac-
commodate Ihe change from analog to
These controllers are digital system architecture. Therefore.
located in the E&E the digital and analog systems are not
bay on the El-I rack, interchangeable.

From an operational standpoint. the digi-

tal system's performance in the automatic
control mode is nearly identical to that
ofme analog system's perfonnance. The
crew procedures for the automatic mode
have been slightly modified to eliminate
some preflight procedures which have
been automated.

There is, however, a significant differ-

ence in the back-up mode between the
The new system in- digital and analog systems. The standby
corporates a dual
gate ootnow ,-all-e. mode function has been eliminated and
replaced by a second identical automatic
mode. The second automatic mode is
provided by the additional controller. The
standby mode select and standby annun-
ciatoron the pressurization control panel
have been replaced by an alternate mode
selection and annunciator. This allows
for the same crew procedures to be used

Airliner/Oct-DC( 1994 19
as the analog system if the primary auto-. in the FJE compartment. and one outflow allows direct conlrol of the outflow valve
maticcontrol channel should become in- valve located near the aft service door. via a IOggle switch for manual mode op-
operative in night. Five asynchronous operating micropro- eration. A valve poSition indicator is lo-
cessors are used to build two redundant cated on the panel which provides indi-
The manual mode is also slightly differ- automatic conlrol channels (AUTO and cation of outflow valve position in all
ent. The manual ac and manual dc modes ALTN). Thecommunication between the modes of operation.
have been replaced by a single manual processors is accomplished using serial
mode select position on the pressuriza- interfaces ofARlNC 429 or R$422. An Located immediately above the pressure
tion control panel. The slew rate of the independent manual control mode control panel are four system status an-
valve has been reduced to allow more (MAN) is provided using dc power from nunciators which are controlled by the
stable control in manual mode. the battery (see Figure 2). system:

Advantages Flight Deck Controls and Indications: AUTOFAIL: an amber caution light
which indicates that a fault has 0c-
The digital cabin pressure conlrol system The pressure control panel functions as curred in the system which has dis-
offers several advantages over the exist- an interface between the crew and the abled one or both of the automatic
ing analog system. The most imponant pressurization control system (see Figure control channels.
advantage is a substantial improvement 3). II allows the crew to select the de-
in system and LRU reliability. This is sired operating mode (AUTO. ALTN. or ALTN: a green status light which in-
accomplished by tl significant reduction MAN), the imended airplane cruise alti- dicates that at least one automatic
in system and component complexity. tude (FLT ALT). and the planned land- channel is operating.
The improvement in relitlbility is funher ing field elevation (LAND ALT). It also
assured by utilizing components with
proven perfomlance. The controllers and
outflow valve are customized versions of
components which htlve been in-service I -;:~ I .... II -~..., I
for several years and have demonstrated
much higher Mean TIme Between Fail- .'~""§,""'o~
_ ......
+ ,J IL
_.- +
ure rates than their analog system equiva-
...., - . . . 0 _
I ...
The reduction in system and LRU com- ....' - MO. I I ~.

plexity and the incorporation of BITE

..-_..- .- I


means that the airplane and components =-:-=r


_.- --
will be more maintainable. The system's
extensive BITE capability will signifi- "-' ....1
--II t ...;:.....,-, ~

cantly reduce the amount of time neces-
L ~

sary to isolate a faulty component on the

tlirplane, and once identified. the simpler
component design will result in reduced
, ,
l- -;;:=!= il-11
I -
"-- -- _- -
shop test and repair times. A third ben- I
efit is a considerable reduction in weight.
The digital system is approximately 15

pounds lighter than the analog system.

. . . . ..--r

The new cabin pressure control system

is comprised of a single pressurizalion
L .......'


. . . . . -......r
- --
- -~
I E! I
control panel located in the P5 overhead
panel in the flight deck, two interchange-
able controllers localed on (he El-l shelf Figure 1 Thissdlelllatic:sho\l"sthem~orcolllponentsofthentwdigital cabin prESSUrt' control.s}"Stem.

20 Airliner/Oct-Dee 1994
mand the valve. Thus. the back-up con-
trol channel is ready to take over com-
mand of the outflow valve whenever re-
quired. 5witchover to the back-up con-
trol channel is automatic if a fault occurs
which disables the operational control

The controllers use air/ground logic from

the right main gear air/ground relay. en-
gine RPM (N I and N2) from the stall
management computer. and computed
airspeed from the air data computers to
detennine the appropriate flight phase:
ground. pre-pressurizalion. take-off.
climb. cruise, or descenL Nonnally at
power up the system will enter the flight
phase it was in before power was lost.

Once the operational controller has de-

tennined the correct flight phase, it de-
tennines a target cabin pressure and sends
Figure 3. 11K' new cabin pressure control panel in the P5 panel features liquid crJstaI displ3JS. open or closed commands to the actua-
tor electronic unit located on the outflow
valve. The actuator electronic unit pro-
cesses the command from the controller
MAN: a green Slatus light which in- blies are common to both control chan- and drives a 28 Vdc brushless motor
dicates that the selector switch has nels. (see Figure 2). which in tum drives the actuator to move
been set to MAN and the system is the valve gate assembly. The actuator
ready to operate in manual mode. During power up, as well as operation. electronic unit receives actual valve p0.-
Both automatic channels are over- each controller conducts BITE tests to sition from a feedback module on the
ridden by disabling their outflow assure that it is receiving all inputs nec- actuator and compares it with its com-
valve driver circuit. essary to control cabin pressure, and that manded position to assure proper valve
all components in the control channel are operation. The conlroller senses the new
050: an amber caution light which operating. The controllers then check cabin pressure and compares it with the
indicates that the cabin pressure con- their memories to detemline which con- target pressure originally sel. This cycle
troller has detected the airplane de- trol channel should be in control. Only continues until the proper amount of air
scending before it reached the se- one controller is in command of the out- flows overboard from the outflow valve
lected flight altitude (FLT ALT). and flow valve at any given time. The con- to equalize the actual and target cabin
is controlling cabin pressure back to trollers alternate control channels each pressures.
the take-off field elevation. flight leg to assure equal wear on the
common mechanical outflow valve parts. Alternate Mode (ALTN)
Automatic Mode (AUTO)
When one control channel is in opera- The Alternate mode is incorporated to
Each automatic control channel is com- tion, the other control channel is in b(lck- provide positive indication and crew
prised of one controller. one channel of up mode. The back-up controller mim- awareness that one of the two automatic
the pressurization control panel. one ac- ics the calculations made by the opera- control channels is no longer operative.
tuator electronics unit located on the tional controller and transmits position and that the system has successfully
outflow valve. and one de motor which commands to its on-side actuator elec- reconfigured !O the second automatic
drives the outflow valve actuator. The tronics unil. The back-up channel's ac- control channel. The operation and per-
outflow valve actuator and gate assem- tuator electronics unit is disconnected fonnanceofthe system in ALTN is iden·
from its drive motor so it cannot com- tical to that in AUTO.

Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994 21
l\IanualMode (MAN) automatic channel fauh(s) is no longer Equipment (BITE). The addition of
present. or the controllers ha\'e automati- BITE allows a tremendous enhancement
Manual mode provides the crew direct cally recovered. the system will operate in the ability to troubleshoot problems in
comrol of the outflow valve. The out- in automatic mode again. a timely manner on the airplane.
flow valve is opened or closed using a
toggle switch on the control panel. The MAINTENANCE Built-In-T~t Equipment (BITE)
valve position is indicated via the valve
position indicator on lhe control panel. The new system offers a significant im- Each component in the system performs
provement in maintainability over the its own imemal continuous BITE check.
Fault Annunciation and System Re- existing system. The elimination of sev- The results of these tests are reponed to
sponse eral supponing components. such as the the controller. A system level BITE lest
dual della P module and outflow valve is also performed by each controller to
The following is a brief description of heater gasket, will result in fewer oppor- assure that proper system control is main-
how the system performs when a fault is tunities for failures. The wiring interfaces tained. The controllers integrate the re-
encountered: have also been greatly simplified since sults of the individual component and
almost all of the analog control signals system tests and determine the appropri-
The first fault in the system that disables have been replaced with ARINC 429 ate fault messages to be set.
one automatic channel will cause the communications.
AUTOFAIL annunciator to be illumi- The status of the system is accessed via a
naled (along with the Master Caution and II will also be much easier to identify and BITE Control Module (BCM) located on
AlRCOND annuncialors). The second fix hardware problems in the shop. All the front of each controller (see Figure
controller takes over automatically with- three of the LRUs are compatible with 4). The BeM ulilizes a 16 character al-
out any crew action and illuminates the standard automated test equipment which pha-numeric LED display to show sys-
ALTN annuncialor. The action for the should allow for faster and more accu- tem status and fault information with
night crew is to cancel the Master Cau- rate identification of failed partS. The English language messages. Also incor-
tion Warning and select the ALTN mode BITE fault memory will also be avail- porated within the BCM is a key pad
position on the control panel. This will able for shop use. While faults from old which allows the ability to manipulate the
extinguish the AlRCOND. Master Cau- night legs can be screened from display BITE menus and fuoctions. There ~
tion. and AUTOFAIL annunciations. on the airplane. clearing of the fault five selections available on the main
System operation remains fully automatic memory can only be done in the shop. menu: existing faults. fault history.
in the ALTN mode with no degradation This assures that the recent history of the ground test. system status. and system test
of performance or increase in crew component is always available for iden- and clear. Each of these main functions
workload. tification and correlation of intenniuent is described below:
faults. The accumulated operating hours
If the second automatic channel faults. since the last shop visit is also available Existing Faults: The existing faults
thc ALTN light will extinguish and thc for the control panel and controller. This menu allows access to a list of all
AUTOFAIL. AIRCOND. and Master allows for accurate checking of Mean active or latched faults which are
Caution Warning annunciators will illu- lime Between Failure and Mean lime currently being detected by BITE.
minate. TheextinguishedALTN annun- Between Unscheduled Removal rates for "The faultsaredisplayed in real time.
ciator indicates to lhe night crew that each component.
neither of the automatic channels is ca- Fault History: The fault history
pable of control. and that the crew must As a funherconvenieoce. an ARlNC 429 menu allows access to a list offaults
manually control cabin pressure. $elect- port has been located on the from ofeach which were recorded over the past
ing the MAN mode position on the mode controller. This interface will allow di- 10 flight legs. A sub-menu allows
select switch will extinguish the rect access to each control channel's op- access to each flight leg. Each fault
AUTOFAIL annunciator and illuminate eration and controller memory while the stored in fault history has a list of
the MAN annunciator. system is operating. This type of input correlating fault details which were
monitoring will allow very accurate recorded when the fault was de-
Selecting the mode select switch from onboard troubleshooting if required. tected. These dctails provide a snap-
MAN to either ALTN or AUTO positions shot of the system and airplane op-
will perform a reset of both automatic The most imponant improvement. how- erating parameters when the fault
control channels. If the cause for the ever. is the incorporation ofBuih-ln Test occurred. Parameters such as cabin

22 Airliner/Oct-Dec: 1994
menu allows access to two sub-
menus which provide details on the
system'scurrent inpuls,oUlpUlS. and
configuration. The System Status
sub-menu presents parameters such
as cabin pressure. outnow valve po-
sition.the operating mode. etc. The
System Config sub-menu displays
the configuration of all pin select-
able options. such as ascent rate
limit. descent rate limit, QFE or
QNH operation. etc ..

System Test & Clear: The system

test and clear selection initiates a
complete BITE test. and if success-
ful. clears the existing fault register
and inhibits the display of any faults
recorded in fault history. (The faults
are inhibited from display on the
BCM. but nre not erased. This al-
lows the history to be retained for
shop use.) System test and clear is
a return to service test which veri-
fies that the system is functioning
properly after a maintenance action

-- · -- »,
_. -- · _ .. SF,
such as component replacement.


F~l 0,
• A pocket-sized BITE control manual will
be provided with each system to describe
>~ ~ ~

'" "" the operation of the BCM, all menu

items. and each fault message together
with corrective action. A brief summary
of the BCM operation instructions is pro-
vided on the front of the controller im-
mediately above the BCM.

Figure 4. The status of the cabin pressure control system may be accessed b)' means or
the BITE Control Module located on each pressure conlmllcr. The digital cabin pressure control sys-
tem will provide a significant improve-
ment in system and LRU reliability over
the existing analog system while main-
pressure. ambient pressure. cabin selection of either a display test (for taining the same level of passenger com-
climb rate, and outflow valve posi- the BeM), or a complete lest of the fan. This together with the elimination
tion are recorded. on-side control channel which may of several components. a reduction in the
be used to troubleshoot a problem. time required to isolate a fault. and a re-
Ground Tests: The ground lest menu The full ground lest requires ap- duction in system weight will result in a
allows access to tests which may be pro:<imately 90 seconds 10 complete. significant decrease in the system's op-
used to determine the current health emting cost.
of Ihe system. A sub-menu allows System Status: The system status

Airiiner/Oct·Dec 1994 23
lo.1.d loading. The takeoff perfomlunce

he use of a more aft center of A receOi memorandum by the Federal
gravity for calculaling takeoff calculated from the Airplane Flight Aviation Adminislfiuion (FAA) expands
perfonnancecan significantly in- Manual (AFM) provides certified levels the availability of altemate forward CG
crease performance limited takeoff of performance at the forward CO limit limits for establishing takeoff perfor-
weight. per the requirements of the certifying mance. The purpose of this article is to
agency (FAA. JAA, etc). Airlines who review the concept of altemate forward
Introduction do not lood their airplanes near the ror- CG limits for takeoff and discuss its ap-
ward CG limit for takeoff have potential plicalion and results. The following as-
The takeoff perfonnance of an airplane takeoff weight capabilities in excess of pects will be discussed:
is effected by the location of the these requirements. These airlines can
airplane's center or gravity (CG). For this significantly increase their takeoff per- Regulatory Environment
reason. Boeing has historically presented fonnance limits by using an AFM appen- Why CG Location Impacls Takeoff
airplane takeoff perfonnance using the dix which bases takeoff perfomlance on Perfonnance
most conservative position for the an ahemate forward CG limit (further aft) Potential Benefits to the Airlines
airplane's eG. The forward CG limit for that better reneets actual in-service load- Implementalion Considerations
takeoff represents the worst-case comb;· ing.
nation of interior configuration and pay- While the concepts discussed apply to

Alternate CG TakeoffLimits

Martin 1\'1. Withington

Aerodynamic Performance Enl;in~r
Hoeing Commerdal Airplane Company

24 Airliner/Ocl-Dcc 1994
any type ofairplane, the eltamples shown Why CG Location Impacts Takeoff A reduction in the required wing lift will
will be for the 767·3OOER for which Performance present itself as a reduction in speed for
Boeing currently offers theAFM appen- the same pitch attitude and weighl which
dix required. A common simplification in aerodynamic reduces the stalilimiled speed. This wing
theory is that by summing up all of the Iif! reduction also reduces the airplane
Regulatory Environment forces acting on a wing. they can be re- pitch attitude for the same weight and
duced to the forces of lift and drag and a speed which reduces the takeoff attitude
During the late 1960's the 727 airplane pitching moment. For an airplane in limited speed (used to set the margin to
had a series of forward CG limits which flight, the pitching moment is countered lail strike at rotation). These limits are
corresponded to structural, OEW, and by the trimming force provided by the the basis for calculating the operating
MTOW changes to the airplane. Then horizontallail surface. An aft movement takeoff speeds. A reduction in these
during the I 970·s. the FAA began resuict- of the airplane's CG reduces the pitch- speeds reduces the field length required
ing approval of alternate forward CG lim- ing moment such that the downward tail for a given takeoff weight. The reduc-
its for determining revised takeoff andl load required (0 uim is reduced. For level tion in the lail down load also reduces
or landing performance to only one per flight, the required wing lift is the sum the airplane's trim drag which improves
manufacturer's airplane model. Some of the weight of the airplane and the tail climb capability.
eltamples of this are the DC-I040, the down load to trim. Therefore, since an
737-300 and theA310. AFMs were pro- aft movement of the airplane's CG re- The resulting takeoff performance im-
vided with improved takeoff performance duces the tail down load, the required provement is either an increase in lhe
if the alternate forward CG limit was fur- wing lift is also reduced (see Figure I). takeoff weight limil for a particular
ther aft of the original forward CG limit.
The effect of this was that all operators
of a manufacturer's model had the same
single alternate forward CG limit, which
may not afford any takeoff performance
Wing lift
benefit for a particular operator's load-
ing requirements.

The FAA has recently defined a proce-

dure for basing takeoff performance on
two alternate forward CG limits per op- [] !!!!" • ..
erlltor-specific variam of0 particular air-
pilUle type. An oi'7)lalle tytH! refers to
Tail trim
airplanes with the same Type Certificate
(i.e. 767-200. 767-300), while operator-
specific \·ariant is an airplane outfitted Fwd CG limit
to a particular customer's requirements
(e.g. engine type, seat pitch. galley loca-
tions, etc.). The manufacturer can now
provide takeoff performance tailored to Wing lift
an operator's choice of two alternate for-
ward CG limits which best cover their B !!I!fI • .
own in-service loading requirements. In-
service loading is a function of interior
configuration. route structure. and cargo Tail trim
loading procedures. Since an operator
may use an airplane in many different Operational CG
ways, twO altemale forward CG Hmits
provide better nexibility for an operator's
use of that airplane.

Figurl:': I. Till, location of tJll:': ..." euler of gra~'ity arrecl.'i Ihe laillood 10 trim.

Airliner/Ckt-Dec 1994 25
airpon"s conditions or the same takeoff
weight al more limiting conditions
"0 (shorter field length, higher lemperalure.
360 etc.). The key characteristics which de-
340 termine the amount of benefit are the
weight of the airplane. the tail moment
ann lenglh. and the distance between the
original forward CG limit and the aller-
,;.W~';;';''''''''J nate forward CG limit.
Potential Benefits to the Airlines
Cenler 01 26 '"
Gravity 22 $(:. A typical fully loaded 767-300ER with a
0/0 MAC is
,. ~
tri-class interior (see Figure 2) may have
" .. CG values which vary with fuel load be-

6'--------U~ ~
tween 22% and 29% of the mean aero-
dynamic chord (MAC). The forward CG
limit for current 767-300ER AFM take-
ofT perfonnance calculations is 7% MAC.
By choosing an alternate forward CG
limit of 22% MAC for takeoff perfor-
mance calculations. the increase in field
length limited takeoff weight ranges from
Figure 2. 767·300ER Tri·CIass. Notice lhechange in CG ,'alues wilh increasing fuel weight. 5.000 to 7,000 Ibs (see Figure 3). The
increase in the tire speed limited takeoff
weight is 8.000 Ibs. Brake energy and
obstacle limited takeoff perfonnance will
also show improvements.

For operators who do not foresee takeoff

performance limitations as a primary con-
Tlre Speed umited~~
cern, alternate forward CG limits may be

" Cu"enl Forwatd-.............

chosen to allow greater oPpor1unities for
reduced thrust operations. Both engine
Tlr8 Speed umited~ e.G. Umit "
thrust derates and the assumed tempera-
" :
Length " , "
, "
, ,
ture method reduce the exhaust gas tem-
perature in the hOi engine section which
increases engine reliability and reduces
(1.000 h) engine maintenance costs. The above
8 example provides about a 2% thrust re-
duction. It should be noted, however. that
6 reduced thrust operation cost benefits are
highly dependent upon an individual
airline's maintenance agreements, and
"·80~=-300:'-:-""'320L..-C34LO--,J360L_C380L_-'-'OO.,-_-.L20:--".LO----"W therefore should be evaluoted by the op-
Brake Release Gross Weight (1 ,000 lb) erator.

Implementation Considerations

To implement alternate takeoff CG lim-

its additional emphasis may be required
Figun: 3. 767·JO(}ER TH.k~fT Pt'rrurlllanl;t~. ErrL't:t ur CG lucatiuli. in maintaining weight and balance

26 Airliner/Oct-Dec 1994
recoros and providing the necessary train- the 767-300ER load 10 CGs which are revenue for the 767-JOOER due to in-
ing and operating procutures for night. more aft lhan either dual class. inclusive creased allowable takeoff weights. 1m-
ground. and dispatch crews to assure ac· toor. or frrighter configurations. For this pt'O\'ed engine reliability and savings in
curate loading. In addition to these cri- reason a tri·dass interior has a greater engine maintenance costs are also avail-
teria. there are several other issues an opportunity for takeoff performance im- able through an increase in the availabil-
operator should be aware of \l, hen con- provements using alternate forward CG ity of reducW engine thrust operations
sidering implementation. limits for takeoff. at non limiting airports. All of this can
be done by adding an altem:ue CG limit
1ne ability to take advantage of the per- Airplanes which are loaded 10 funher aft appendiX to the AFM and maintaining
fonnance benefits of an alternate takeoff CGs for takeoff also have funher aft CGs attention 10 the airplane loading proce-
CG limit is dependent on the airplane's in night which reduces fuel bum. dures. 0 modifications are required of
interior configuration and the operator's either in-service or fUlure airplanes 10
loading practices. The number of pas- Having a more aft ahemBte forward CG lake advantage of Ihis takeoff perfor-
senger classes. location of galleys. use of limit for takeoff does not restrict that air- mance improvemcnt. The alternale for-
LD-2 or LD-3 containers. and the load- plane from operating Btlhe basic forward ward CO limit appendices for all Model
ing of bulk cargo all affect the takeoffCG CO limit with the appropriate takeoff 767s are available by a change requcst
of an airplane. Attention to lhese and perfonnance level. through your Boeing regional contracts
Other items can increase the potential ben- manager or Boeing CUSlOmer Engineer.
efilS of alternate forward CG limits for Summary
Alternate forward CO limits for takeoff
As a generaJ rule. Iri-class interiors on aIlowairlinestotakeoovantageofadded

- - I Correction 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AvoidingTail Strikes

The: July·September 1994 edi- ·'• ..,. ......... _ _ 11 ......

tion of the AIRLINER con- .......""_i'l_......--
tained an ankle entitlcdAmid-
ing Tail Strikes. Several errors
inadvenemly appeared in this
anicle. '"
_ 0---
....... ""-"'*'...,(1 ~ I

_ o-_~ __

Page 10. MiddleColumn. First

Line - Should read main gear
vs nose gear.

Page 11. Figures I llnd 2 -

should have read figures 2
and L respectively.

Page 13. Figure 6· some of the

dala dropped off of the figure
which is reprinted here.

Page 16. Left Column. Line 18

- the degree sign dropped. 11
should have read 2.5 - 3".
."igure 6. Ceometry·limited tail strike
bod" angles rOf" selec1ed airplane modds are
depicted in Ihis chart.

Airliner/Ckt-I)ec 1994 27
Customer Services Representatives fIELD IIRVICI

Boeing Customer services Division, Field service Unit, Seanle. Washington

Region One Regloo SIx
'DALlAS 0.8. Wall, REG. OIA., (214) 55().n47
ATlANTA K. L Ooem, L Anglin, J. zabriskie 'OUBAI C Armstrong,REG. DIR.. (971+4) 314077
(404)-714-3129 ABU OHABI J. Krekelbeig, (971+2) 7067485
CHARLOnE A. Toews (704) 359-2049 ADDIS ABABA G. Haley, (251+1) 616566
DALLAS A.~, R. 'Peterson, K. Smith (2141904·5862
FOAT WOATH F. Wiest, C.5anga M. Ciartariello, P. Beoedict ANTANANARIVO P.LaVOl8
{B1?J 224-0560 BOMBAY J. DeHaven, D. Goodman 191+22) 611-7822
IRVING F<. Singletary, R. FJerling (2141659-2990 CAIRO J. Naugle, (20+2) 418-3680
LOUISVILLE L RicflardsOn, B. DankfNira (SOl) 359-7679 IRKUTSK B. Pannenter(7+3952)~
MEXICO CITY (AMX) A. Plumlee 152+51 723-6368 JEODAH T. Hubbard, G. Baldwin (966+2) 685-5011
MEXICO CITY (lES) R. Evans 152+51'l2.HJ727, ext. 1217 MANAMA W. G_" (9Th) 327442
MIAMI R Bums, (3051Sg3-1747 NAIROBI T. Mills, (2S4+2) 822023
MONTREAl J. Roscoe, J. Hia (514) 422-6839
NEW YORK A. lemCIuist 018\995:9707
PlTISBUAGH R.lehnhe~rrf. Gardiner 4120472-7279 Region seven
SAN SALVADOR G. OsUund 503+139-9214
TOAONTO A. pany {9 "6 2·2056 "SINGAPORE R. O. Hooe, REG. OIA., (65+) 732·9435
TULSA F. JovCe. D. HibbsJ 19181292-2707 AUCKLAND J. H. Lynch 164+9) 256-3981
WINSTON·SALEM L. W"18be (910) 661-5036 BANGKOK D. ChSu, H. l.atz, f66+21531 -2274
RegIon Two JAKARTA J. Barber, 162+2115501614
KUAlA LUMPUR A. lopes, E.. Roo /60+317462569
'SAN FRANCISCO S. R. Hanna_!1REG. DIA., (415) 574-2613 MANILA M. Heit, (63+2) 83;.(1631
CALGARY G. Lowry (4uJl221-4858 MELBOURNE IAN~L Giordano (61+3) 338-3713,
CHICAGO Rich. Wetitl. C3121601-4631 MELBOURNE OA D. Cooao (61+3) 280-7296 Of 280-7297
DENVER J. Hagan, (300) 780-4840 NADI . Beberlal f679+) 720513
HONOLULU M. Losey 1808183&4218 SINGAPORE A. Nova. J. FitzthUm, J. Hart (65+1541-6074
HOUSTON A. Ruwaro, (7131985-3611 SYDNEY W. Mahan, E. FaleS C. Hoover, (61+2) 691-7418
M. Anderson, (317) 240-7099
W. Porter D. Cress. 18161891-4441
834251. ext. 469
T. Tam, P. Wagner 886+33) 833023 or
LOS ANGELES D. Miles, t.
Auker, H. PoCIock, 1310) 670-0836 TAIPEI (EVA) Mark Hamitlon, S. Meredith, (886+3) 393-1040
MINNEAPOLIS J. Wasson, L. Wennergren, J. Kalle,
/612\725-2691 Region Nine
OAKLAND C. Ward (510\562·8407
PHOENIX K. Hoidal, T. Hagen (602) 693-7075 "BEIJING T., REG. DIA.. (86+1) 437-6404
SAN FRANCISCO G. Norden, B,DuboWs!<)t, A. Follette,
J.Diaks0- Noon, M. Kocian, K. Stai'ld&r1er BEIJING J. Harp, Ron Webb 186+1) 456-1567
(415)8,,-0181 CHENGDU H. Scliuellke, 186+281 556-1466 en. 3012
SEA-TAC H. SUrMer D. Kellam C2061431-7273 CHONGOING J. Kim (86+81 ) 785-6435
VANCOUVER, B.C. E. Shore, 0. Leavitt (604) 270-5351 GUANGZHOU R. M. AndeI5Ol'l, T. Gaffney (86+20) 659-7994
GUILIN R. Shalii
Region Three HAIKOU D. Babcock (86+898) 679-8737
HOHHOT M. Nolan 186+471) 662211, ext1()()1
"MONTEVIDEO L. Bott, REG. DIA., 1598+21921745 HONG KONG T. Bryan, S. Sherman (852+1747 8946
BOGOTA I. Jimenez (57+1)4 3-8219 KUNMING W. Edmisten \86+871)717-5270
GUAYAQUIL A. Tooes NAHA M. Rustine (8 +988) 57-9216 .
RIO DE JANEIROJ. Connell, G. Small/55+211 393-8343 NARITA IJAl) F. Piwenilzkv/ A. Farnsworth (81+476) 32-6911
SANTIAGO~lANl M. NARITA NCA) J. Bradley fEf: +476) 32-6899
. 56+2) 6018509
SANTIAGO LDE PUSAN A. Lowry j82+51) 325-4144
SAO PAUL 55+11)543-4429 A. Omik, . Peek (82+2) 663-6540
Regloo Four SEOUL MR) P. Th~,H.R~ns(82+2)6654095
SHANGHAI S. Chen (86+21) 2556804 or 2558558, ext. 2114
"LONDON E. W. Berthlaume REG. Ollh,. SHANTOU K. Cu~""(~;;S4) 961-2203
C44+181 )759-330 l Of BTN 1M) 662-1007 SHENZHEN TBO (96+755) 602
COPENHAGEN M. Murbacl'l J. Gampanoli (45+ ) 32324373 TIANJIN J. Flint (86+22) 735-7029
DUBLIN E. Day (353+1) 705·3086 TOKYO (ANA) D. AOr11lne, M. Casebeer, T. Reynolds,
EAST MIDlANDS V. RabbettS(44+332) 852870 E. SchaI9f /81+3) 3747-5745
GATWICK A. Lohse, P. Conlon, J. Charvat (44+293) 510465 TOKYO (JAL) J. Russell, S. samolis, A. Nagel, D. Lucas
LONDON Mike Hamilton, H. K~r, C. Greenej (81+3) 3747 0085
T. Novaslo, D. Roberts 44+81) 562-3150 URUMQI C. Younts (86+991) 218788
LUTON ~BRIl C. Blumenthal (44+582 4280n WUHAN C. A<KId ('."')5826-334
LUTON MON) O.Gencoz, (44+582) 4116490r 398603 XIAMEN E. Chaog ("'592)602<1204
MANCH STER D. Root (44+61)2:32-6693 ZHENGZHOU R. Slas (86+371) 595-6600. ext 110-2
REAOING S. Ferguson, D. Stra~ (44+7341 664554
STAVANGER P. Kizer, (47+51) 65-9345 or 65-9000
STOCKHOLM G. Johnson (46+S) 797-3016 Region Ten
TEL AVIV G. Vandeven, P. Michna (972+3) 9711147
"MUNICH W. Shaproskl, REG. DIR. (49+891269070
AMSTERDAM (KLM) R. Reeves, M. Murdoch, D. SChuster
Region FIve /31+20) 649-4554
AMSTERDAM (TAV) S. Gorski, (31+2O) 6484639
"TUNIS G. C. Gebara. REG. OIR)216+1) 788472 BERLIN M. Kohl (49+30) 4101-3868
ASHGABAT R. Piotrowski (7+363) 251-2448, en 8138 BRUSSELS M. Holland (32+2) 7234822
ATHENS D. Bratis (30+119813409 BUCHAREST B. Komelll40+1) 86O-Q206
CASABlANCA L. GiUilantl f212+21339497 BUDAPEST K. Tah!. (~ll 157-6828
HARARE A. Amon (263+4) S75085 FRANKFURT A. Larson, G. Thomas, R. Snow,
ISTANBUL R. Tessin"I90+2121573-6709 (49+69) 696-2311
LUDA T. Alusi (35+6) 248-505 HAMBURG P. Hauard, (49+4015070-3630
MADRID W. Shaw,(34+1l329-1755 HANOVER H. 5cheunemam, {49+5"19727387
PARIS (COO) E. FOSS!.~r... ~. Walker, A. Gardner KIEV M. Coffin (7+044) 296-723
J. l?!'C1.M. vanover~{33+ 1) 4686-1047 LUXEMBOURG
S. oakes (352l!4211-3399
M. Mennenga +0951578-1505
AOME A. MCAllister (39+6 6501-0135
MOSCOW (TRX) P. Creighlon \ +(95) 578-4823
SOFIA M. Blum f359+2) 7 16
TUNIS T. Bray (216+1) 781996 PRAGUE M. Hutchings 42+2) 360616
VIENNA T. Morris, (<\3+1) 71110-3551
WARSAW S. GoIanka, (48+) 39121370
Headquarters.. Field S&rvice
$eatUe, Wastllncrton
6oei':l9 AIRLINER Magazine
October· December 1994
20-89 M-7671 322

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