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G26 Villapando, Jane 12 St Dominic Savio

Writing About Tree

Trees Up Close is a close-up look at the beauty of the most common trees' leaves, blooms, seeds,

buds, and twigs. For trees, I consider the texture distance to be a distance at which I can still see that the

tree is made up of individual leaves and where we are close enough to detect a background image when

moving. To achieve realism at this distance, the tree must be visual. Trees planted at a distance of 10 feet

from our home. Trees have provided humans with two of life's most important elements, food and

oxygen, since the beginning. They offered additional necessities as humanity evolved, such as shelter,

health care, and skills. Today, as their role extends to meet the needs caused by our current lifestyle, their

value continues to rise, and more benefits of trees are identified. Every concept differs from the presence

of trees. Trees surround our streets, parks, playgrounds, and backyards, creating a tranquil, aesthetically

beautiful atmosphere. By bringing natural features and wildlife habitats into urban areas, trees improve

our quality of life. Trees benefit the environment by supplying oxygen, improving air quality, reducing

climate change, conserving water, maintaining soil, and providing habitat for wildlife. Photosynthesis is

the process through which trees take in carbon dioxide and generate oxygen for us to breathe. Our deep

bonds with trees may be due to the fact that humans and trees have comparable physical properties. We

have a crown on top and dynamic branches that grow out from a basic source. The cylindrical branches in

our lungs have a layout that resembles the root system of many trees. When I place my palm on the bark

of a tree, I can perceive its vibratory energy. Trees provide a lot of anchoring energy because of their deep

roots. Walking in the shade or on a forest route brings me natural peace and serenity.

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