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1. Plants have feelings too.

Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give

us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the
world's wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools
and shelter.

Trees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide
and breathe out oxygen.

 Mature trees can absorb roughly 48 pounds of CO2 a year. The

tree in turn releases enough oxygen to sustain two human beings.

1. Trees reduce erosion. This is because their roots physically keep soil from washing away,
but also because tree roots absorb and store water. A tree canopy can reduce the force of rain
hitting the ground from a deluge to a gentle sprinkle, further preventing erosion.
2. Trees can reduce heating and air conditioning costs. There is a reason trees tend to be
clustered around homes. Homeowners want them there, not just for their shady beauty, but for
their effect on temperature. It is well known that trees can absorb summer heat. They also
provide shade that can cool a house and yard substantially. In cooler months, trees provide a
windbreak and trap heat. A difference of just degrees can save a lot of energy over the course of
a year.

Additionally, they provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. But that’s
not all trees do for us! To see just how much trees are essential to the
planet and to humans, let’s look at the following statistics:

Trees also absorb sound and reduce noise pollution. This is

especially important for people who live near freeways. In some cases, a
well planted group of trees can reduce noise.

Just being around trees makes you feel good. Can you imagine your
community without trees? Trees, especially in urban areas, have
numerous social benefits. For example, the addition of trees to a
neighborhood or a business district can greatly improve the mental and
physical health of residents and workers. In fact, the University of
Cambridge did a study on job satisfaction of employees of business with
a view of trees from their office. They found that these employees
suffered from fewer diseases than workers without a view of trees. 
As you can see, it's clear that trees are essential to our life on the planet.
The great thing is that we as humans can play an active role in planting
trees to help offset deforestation and urbanization. Not only can you
plant trees in your yard, you can also get involved in local tree planting
activities on Arbor Day.

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