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1 Tree For Our Only Earth

We have to plant trees for a “healthy” Earth. Not only that, but trees also bring many
benefits to our environment and humans. Planting trees in our garden is a long-term investment
that can increase the local ecosystem and the air quality, and also help in managing the pollution
level. Planting trees can save energy, save water, increase the air quality, for healthy mental
health, and for a place to live for wild animals.
Trees can save water, especially in dry areas. scientists that work in Burkina Faso found
out that if a group of trees grow, the number of groundwater recharge in fact maximize by trees.
Every tree produces water.

Planting trees can make a big increase in utility savings for a long time. According to
Arbor Day Foundation, the cooling effect of big trees can decrease AC consumption by 30%.
Depending on the climate, trees can be used for shelters, bring cool air, channel wind breeze, and
protect houses from the sun. Because of that, planting trees near houses can decrease our usage
of household electricity.

Trees can reduce air pollution, as far as removing fossil fuel emissions from the
atmosphere. In fact, trees decreased 19.2 tons of air pollution in the United State of America in
2010. Although the decrease of fossil fuel emissions is important on a national scale and global,
this also has a direct impact on the air quality inside our houses. A study in 2013 from the
University of Lancaster in England showed that trees on the side of the road can reduce air
pollution in buildings near them by more than 50%

Trees not also impact our body in a positive way, but also our mental health. A big-scale
study in Australia found that their residents that have at least 30% of their area planted by trees
have a 31% lower chance to have psychological tension than the residents that plant fewer trees.
A study from the National University of Chungbuk in South Korea revealed that office workers
that sit near windows and stare at trees increase their productivity.
Trees act as a habitat for birds, squirrels, and any wild animals and also provide food and
shelter. Planting Fir Trees can make a whole year habitat for any wild animals in our garden. a
lot of trees draw pollinator animals like bees and can help the global ecosystem. Planting fruit
trees also make us can enjoy the fruits for our health.
Planting trees is very recommended, especially for our long-term health. Starting from
planting small trees or seeds in our small garden. We can also plant fruit trees depending on our
climates, like orange trees if we live in a cold environment. By planting tree we also help our
Earth and future generations.

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