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How do the concepts/aspects/components from this particular topic improve upon a

management information system?
Electronic communication system components can contribute to the improvement of the
management information system Using electronic communication saves time and resources.
Sending a text SMS, for example, is less expensive than mailing a letter. Real-time feedback
sharing is possible thanks to electronic communication. Electronic media, as a result, enables
for flawless interaction. It's quite handy, and it revolutionizes the way people communicate
when it comes to sharing and organizing information.

2. Can the discussed concepts/aspects/components be implemented across all possible businesses

and/or organizations? How?
. Yes, it may be employed in all sorts of firms and organizations, according to my analysis,
because electronic communication is good at delivering information. Employees and managers
may easily collaborate and accomplish their aims and goals via communicating, which is a key
activity in every business or company. Furthermore, since electronic media or communication
has progressed, firm administrators may now readily supervise activities anywhere in the world.
Video or teleconferencing, e-mail, and mobile communication are all beneficial to managers.

3. Can these concepts/aspects/components be combined with other types of management

information systems previously discussed? How?
It can be combined with other types, for example, electronic communication
systems' components, aspects, and concepts can be merged into one, as in our new 5G Network,
which is currently being tested and implemented globally for people who want faster speeds
and data. 5G technology evolved from the 4G LTE Network, which was introduced a decade
ago, and before that the 3G, 2G, and 1G networks.

4. Are there possible risks and/or limitations to consider before implementing these
concepts/aspects/components? What are they?
Yes, there may be worries about the system's security and risks. We live in a digital age in
which everyone has internet access and electronic communication gadgets are widely available.
Some individuals can take advantage of it by spreading viruses or indulging in illicit activities
such as hacking on various communication devices. Before implementing an e-communication
system, the organization should prioritize protection or security.

VIDEO TITLE: “How Social Media and Electronic Communication Are Revolutionizing Business

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