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Anthony Medina

EAD 529 Curriculum and Professional Development

June 8, 2022

This assignment provided the opportunity to examine a recent needs assessment done

at my school, and its alignment to the schools CIP. The needs assessment I reviewed was an

online survey provided to teachers to determine how students can improve academically. The

needs assessment data revealed the need for students to improve in the area of mathematics.

Survey data showed that a majority of teachers feel that students are underperforming during

math assessments and are not at grade level. The needs assessment of students needing to

improve math scores is aligned to the school continuous improvement plan which has goals of

students improving on mathematical assessment scores and individual improvement. The CIP

was established based on the previous school year student academic scores and teachers needs

assessments. The needs assessment provided data to implement specific CIP academic goals of

improving the overall success of the schools mathematical student scores.

The CIP addresses the needs assessment data by using action plans to accomplish plan

goals. The action plans set in place on the CIP are providing students with tutoring services.

Students are offered tutoring services before and after school to work on learning new math

skills and strategies that will help them to improve when taking math assessments. The action

plans also provides professional development opportunities that provides teachers strategies to

improve math skills such as incorporating technology to engage students in math lessons. The

action plans also include dedicating time during PLCs and staff meetings for teachers to

collaborate with each other to develop strategies to helps students improve math success.

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