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Rose M.

Lopez School Wide Budget

Rose M. Lopez

School Enrollment Current 800 students Projected 800 Curent Revenue Purposed Revenue
School Allocation:
Title I funding--federal $30,000.00 30,000
State $20,000.00 20,000
Local $30,000.00 20,000
Total School Allocation $80,000.00 90,000
Current & Requested Expenditures
FUNCTION: 800-810 Instruction Current $ Allocated Explination for increase or decrease Purposed $ Allocated

800 Supplies Workbooks $2,000 Workbooks to support students acadmically

800 Supplies - Notebooks/Folders $2,000 Writing notbeooks to improve student writing

800 Supplies - Pencils/Crayons/Glue $2,000 Supplies to complete classroom activties
Equipment to support special area teachers (HPE, Art, Music, Library, and
805 Supplies - Special areas equipment $10,000
Workshops for teachers to develop strategies to improve students
810 Supplies - Workshops $1,000
reading/math scores
807 Supplies - Enrichment $1,000 Supplies and materials to support enrichment classes
800 Supplies - Math/Reading $2,000 Math & Reading supplies
10,000 increase to
806 Technology Chromebooks/I-Pads $20,000 Chromebooks to support students in class and virtual.
replace older devices.
Dual language resources to support school goals of students developing
804 Dual language resources $10,000
two languags.
802 Special Education Resources $10,000 Resources, equipment, and material to ensure each student is supported.
Total Instruction $ Requested $60,000

Purposed Expenditures if more allocated money was expected

Tutoring & Mentoring $ REQUESTED Explination for increase or decrease
Teachers provide tutoring services for students before & after school
$10,000 Tutoring services will help students make academic improvement.
Mentoring services to support students social and emotionally $10,000 Services to help at risk students socially and emotionally.
Additional Purposed Expenditures
FUNCTION: 900 Technology $ REQUESTED Explination for increase or decrease
900 Touch Screen White Boards $10,000 White boards will allow for students to participate in hands on activities.
910 Speakers/Mics $1,000 Speakers/Mics will accomodate teachers with larger class sizes
900 Projector $4,000 Projector will enhance class lessons by providing visuals for students
Software will help students in the classroom, and also in the event students
905 Computer Software Seesaw/Nearpod $5,000
are virtual.
Total Tech $ Requested $20,000
Lines adjusted if money requested not received
FUNCTION: 1200 School Adjustments $ REQUESTED Explination for increase or decrease
810 Workshops $1,000 School Admin will provide workshops.
807 Enrichment $1,000 Enrichment supplies will be provided by classroom teachers.
905 Computer Software Seesaw/Nearpod $5,000 Students will use free online programs.

Total School Adjustment $7,000

The budget created is based from previous needs assessment surveys taken by multiple school staff members. The needs assessment surveyed was
focused on ways the school budget can help support students and staff. The survey included questions such as what can the school do to help students
improve academically, What are the schools strengths and weakness, and what budget items do you feel are most important for students to succeed.
Budget items reflective in this budget are also from the results of meetings with school staff members on what budget items they felt would benefit
students the most. The budget will highlight key areas noted in survey that will help students reach building goals and vision. Key stakeholders involved in
the process to collect data for this budget were staff members, parents, and students.

The proposed budget supports the school continuous improvement plan and goals. Each item on the budget is to help students improve academically. The
needs assessment survey also concluded that teachers felt technology was a big part in student’s success. The budget includes technology items such as
Chromebook and I-Pads to support students. Budget line items are from key areas noted in needs assessment survey. The school goals and vision are to
help students improve reading levels. The budget has specific items that will focus on helping students improve reading scores. The school goals are also
for students to develop biliterate and biliteracy skills in English and Spanish. The budget helps support this goal by including material and resources in
English and Spanish. The needs assessment survey was given to stakeholders in the school community and the budget items reflect line items
stakeholders feel will help students meet the school goals and vision.

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