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Understanding Law and School Policies

Anthony Medina


Education Law

September 1, 2021

The role of the principal in enforcing site-based and district-level policies.

School principals have many different job responsibilities, which they complete throughout the

school day. One of the job responsibilities is to implement policies based on the site and district level.

The principal must be aware of all necessary policies related to the school community, because their job

is to implement the policy every day and make decisions based on the policy. The main function of

implementing the policy is to ensure that the school, faculty, staff, and students comply with the

required policies. If the school violates a policy, the principal’s responsibility is to make the necessary

corrections to ensure that there are no violations by the school. If a staff member, student, or a member

of the school community is in violation of a policy, it is the Principals job to review what policy is in

violation and take disciplinary action depending on the situation. The Principals job is to also educate the

school community on site-based and district level policies. Also, as stated in the NASSP article on school

policies on discipline “Principals are in a key position to develop, implement, and advocate for evidence-

based and equitable school discipline practices in their district, and they have the power to create

learning environments that can support the success of all students within their school” (NASSP). A

Principal role should be to review and advocate to change policies if needed to best support the school


The legal consequences for failing to enforce these policies.

It is the responsibility of the Principal to enforce all school related policies or the Principal could

face legal consequences. Legal consequences a Principal could face for failing to enforce policies could

be suspension, termination, or even jail depending on the situation. Policies just like laws are put in

place so that all in the school community are able to work and learn in a safe environment. Policies are

put in place so that students are able to succeed. Principals who do not enforce school policies could be

putting everyone in the school community at risk. “School officials have a moral and legal duty to

preserve the safety and well-being of all students, while not trampling on the constitutional rights of

students involved in disruptive behavior”(AASA ). As a Principal when dealing with a student with

disruptive unsafe behavior, it is important to enforce proper district policy to avoid legal action.

How the principal enacts policy-based decisions while ensuring he or she is consistent with

the school vision 

The Principal has an important leadership role of enforcing school policies. A Principal, while

making policy based decisions has to be consistent with the school vision. It is important to stay

consistent with the school vision while enacting policy based decisions because the school vision

consists of goals that students can achieve, and it also supports students’ academic success. A school

vision can create a learning environment that supports all students. Principals can help improve the

school’s vision by issuing policies that directly support the vision. Also, ensure that staff keep up with the

policies that have been implemented to help support the school’s vision. . A Principal can collaborate

with members of the school community to review and revise school policies so that it will best support

the school vision. Finally, the principal can continue to educate and train the school community on



Cardichon, J., & *, N. (2020, December 3). What principals can do to ensure school discipline
policies promote safe and inclusive learning environments. NASSP.

Essex, N. L. (n.d.). Safeguarding rights, minimizing exposure. AASA.

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