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Babiera, Roliel E.

EDUC 207: Management/Supervision of Institution

Prof: Dr. Nick Pañares

April 22, 2023

1. Discuss the various types of school discipline and their effectiveness in

promoting positive behavior among students. How do different disciplinary
measures, such as detention, suspension, and restorative justice, impact
student behavior and academic performance? What are some of the challenges
that schools face in implementing effective discipline policies and how can they
address these challenges?

School discipline is the system of rules, punishments, and behavioral

strategies appropriate to the regulation of learners and the maintenance of order
in schools. It is a regulatory system that is part of school management through
developing systematic rules that aim to promote peace and order in the relations
and interaction of the learners.

There are several types of school discipline. These include (a) promoting good
behavior which sees the importance of standard action that learners need to
follow to establish care and safety among them in the learning environment. The
next one is (b) sanctions which are disciplinary actions taken to address the
misbehaviors and misconduct of the learners. These include reprimands, letters,
removal of learners from classes, loss of privileges, and detention. Then, (c)
Corporal punishment is more harmful in nature because it uses physical
punishment that causes pain and discomfort to the learners. The last one is
Non-corporal forms of disciplinary actions which include detention which
requires learners to report in a designated room and make extra work,
counseling helping the learners recognize their mistakes and find positive ways
to make changes in life, and clarifying the school's expectations. Suspension
temporary exclusion is a mandatory leave assigned to a student as a form of
punishment that can last anywhere from one day to a few weeks, and expulsion
is dismissal, exclusion, withdrawal, or permanent exclusion that terminates the
learner's education and is the last resort when all other methods of discipline
have failed.

The different disciplinary measures impact learners’ behavior and academic

performance by imposing disciplinary actions on their misbehavior and
misconduct through investigation, reflection, and corrective procedures towards
it. These enable them to thoroughly reflect on the weight of their actions and
how these cause harmful effects to others or negate the regulations and rules of
the school. On the other hand, sometimes these actions could trigger negative
effects on learners that could lower their self-esteem or escalate other
misbehaviors due to the guilt feelings they have upon undergoing these
procedures. That is why these measures should always be true to their purpose
in helping learners address their behavioral needs and strengthen good
behaviors for them.

In implementing discipline policies in the school there are several challenges

that schools face. These include opposing people such as learners or parents
towards the policy of the school especially since there are various active outlets
that they can tap into to instantly report some unfavorable measures for them,
especially in social media. People have become very vigorous in instantly
attacking school procedures even without looking deeply at the situation. Given
this, the school should create disciplinary policies involving the parents and
learners. Policies must be aligned with the expectations of the school, learners,
and parents, meaning the decision of the policies must be agreed upon by the 3.
These should be clear to everyone and the responsibility and commitment to
implementing and practicing the disciplinary policies are agreed upon and done
by everyone.

2. In what ways does school discipline reflect broader societal attitudes towards
authority, punishment, and conformity? How do different cultural and socio-
economic factors shape the implementation of school discipline policies and
practices? What are some of the potential risks of overly punitive or exclusionary
discipline policies, and how can schools ensure that discipline is administered
fairly and equitably to all students?

School is the miniature of what a community is. Like the community, school
imposes rules and regulations which help to promote peace and order. As such,
the school follows disciplinary policies and actions in order to maintain
relational harmony and address incidents and misbehavior. Because of these
practices, the learners are engaged to understand the importance of following
rules and orders, taking responsibility for their actions, and participating in
maintaining peace and order. These help the learners to understand how society
works, guided by laws, regulations, and orders by which everyone should abide.
These help them to act accordingly and see that discipline is important,
especially in creating a harmonious society for everyone.

Cultural and socio-economic factors greatly affect the implementation of

school discipline policies and practices. There are some measures that are not
aligned with or fit the culture and socio-economic status of the learners. The
policies and practices should not exclude these factors as these essentially help
the policies be understood and contextualized to the needs of the learners which
reflects the important practices that their community does. Having well-
developed policies and rules can empower the School to: help teachers and
students know what is expected of them with respect to standards of behavior
and performance.

Overly punitive or exclusionary discipline policies have potential risks such

as violation of a child’s rights, and mental and emotional risks. Imposing
punitive consequences has the effect of shaming and stigmatizing learners who
have caused harm. With these, the purpose of discipline is compromised.

Schools ensure that discipline is administered fairly and equitably to all

learners by establishing disciplinary policies and practices transparent to the
knowledge of the members of the school, learners, and the parents/
stakeholders. The policies should disregard bias and prejudice. Schools shall
have a systematic approach and maintain righteous procedures according to
what is mandated in the policies of the school and the department. And as much
as possible, confidentiality shall be established in some sensitive incidents to
avoid the boomerang of stigmatizing the learners or party involved.

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