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S.Y. 2023-2024

I. Introduction:

The "Cleanest Classroom and Most Discipline Section Contest" is an initiative aimed at promoting cleanliness,
organization, and discipline within our educational institution. This project seeks to encourage students and
teachers to maintain a clean and orderly environment while fostering a culture of discipline and responsibility.

II. Objectives

 Promote Cleanliness: Encourage students to keep their classrooms clean by instilling a sense of pride
in their surroundings.
 Cultivate Discipline: Emphasize the importance of discipline in academic and personal lives by
recognizing well-behaved sections.
 Strengthen Community: Foster teamwork and collaboration among students and teachers in
maintaining a conducive learning environment.
 Zero Waste Management: Educate and encourage the adoption of zero waste management practices
for a sustainable future.

III. Contest Criteria:

Cleanliness: Regular cleaning, proper waste disposal, overall tidiness, and adherence to cleanliness
Discipline: Classroom behavior, adherence to school rules, punctuality, and respectful interactions.
Zero Waste Management: Implementation of eco-friendly practices, reduction of waste generation, recycling,
and composting.

IV. Contest Mechanics

 All classrooms and sections are automatically enrolled in the contest.

 The identity of the room evaluators is CONFIDENTIAL.
 Evaluations are unannounced.
 Evaluation shall be done once a week. The section with the highest accumulated points for the month
shall be declared the “Cleanest and Most Disciplined Section of the Month.”
 Awarding shall be done every first Monday of the succeeding month during the flag ceremony.
 The contest shall continue until the end of the school year.
 Monthly winners shall receive certificates and supplies for cleaning.
 Monthly Evaluation Report shall be distributed per section to assess the strongest/weakest criterion
 In the over-all result, top 3 will be awarded during the Commencement Exercises, a Certificate of
Recognition shall be given to the class and the adviser.
V. Awareness and Promotion:

Launch Event: The contest will be inaugurated with an official event to create awareness and enthusiasm
among students and teachers.

Regular Promotion: Eye-catching posters, weekly announcements, and newsletters will keep participants
informed and motivated.

Sustainability Workshops: Conduct workshops and sessions on zero waste management to educate and
engage participants.

VI. Benefits:

Enhanced Learning Environment: A clean, organized, and disciplined environment fosters better
concentration and a positive atmosphere for learning.

Life Skills Development: Encouraging discipline and responsible waste management instills essential life
skills for future success.

Environmental Responsibility: Promoting zero waste practices contributes to a more sustainable and eco-
conscious school community.

VII. Cleanest Classroom and Most Disciplined Section Contest Rubric

Note: Assign a score (0-5) for each criterion, with 0 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
Tally the scores to determine the winners.

Cleanliness (Out of 20 points)

1. Floor Cleanliness:
 Score 0: Extremely dirty and cluttered.
 Score 5: Immaculately clean and organized.
2. Desk and Chair Cleanliness:
 Score 0: Covered in graffiti or damage.
 Score 5: Free of graffiti, neatly arranged.
3. Wall Cleanliness:
 Score 0: Graffiti and cluttered.
 Score 5: No graffiti, well-maintained.
4. Windows and Surfaces:
 Score 0: Dirty, with visible marks.
 Score 5: Clean, no visible marks or fingerprints.

Discipline (Out of 10


1. Punctuality:
 Score 0: Chronic tardiness.
Score 5: Consistently on time.
2. Behavior:
 Score 0: Frequent disruptions, disrespectful behavior.
 Score 5: Respectful, minimal disruptions.

Zero Waste Management (Out of 15 points)

1. Recycling:
 Score 0: No recycling efforts.
 Score 5: Active recycling with proper sorting.
2. Composting:
 Score 0: No composting efforts.
 Score 5: Active composting with proper disposal.
3. Reduction of Single-Use Plastics:
 Score 0: No effort to reduce single-use plastics.
 Score 5: Active efforts to reduce single-use plastics.

Overall Rating (Out of 50 points)

 Excellent (46-50 points)

 Very Good (36-45 points)
 Good (26-35 points)
 Fair (16-25 points)
 Needs Improvement (0-15 points)

Additional Notes:

 Encourage active student involvement in maintaining cleanliness and managing waste.

 Conduct regular inspections and ensure fairness in judging.
 Announce the winners and consider providing prizes or recognition for the cleanest and
most disciplined sections.
 Use this contest as a way to educate and inspire students and staff about the importance
of cleanliness, discipline, and zero waste management.

Feel free to adjust the point values or add specific guidelines to suit your school's unique
context and objectives.

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