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Sheena Greggs

Trident University International

EDU501 History and Policy in U.S. Education (2023FEB27FT-1)

Module 2 SLP Assignment

Dr. Nicole Frederick

March 2023


Developing a standard operating procedure for internal corporate operations and adhering

to it religiously is one strategy. The administration of a learning institution is quite similar to the

administration of any other kind of company. The forthcoming Michigan Student Code of

Conduct will be the primary focus of the sections that follow.

A. Michigan State Board of Education Model Local School Wellness Policy

1. History

According to the reasons made by the Michigan State Board of Education, "schools cannot

fulfill their core instructional role unless students and instructors are physically, mentally, and

socially healthy." The Board of Directors strongly recommends that schools implement policies

and programs that emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle for students. This involves

eating a good food and being physically active on a regular basis, ( 2017).

So, students should have several opportunities to apply these skills consistently while in school.

It is likely that the emotional and physical health of the students will improve as a result of

the school's implementation of a complete wellness program, ( 2017).. Child

Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act established the Wellness Policy Standard in 2004, and

the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act expanded the Wellness Policy Standard's authority in 2010.

(HHFKA). Whether or not the application is granted will depend on whether or not the school

that filed it participates in the federal government's food programs for schools (National School

Lunch and/or School Breakfast). Kids who do not fit the criteria for the free lunch program will

not get a meal. The local education department must supervise the development, implementation,

and evaluation of all wellness initiatives. The Wellness Policy Model developed by the Michigan

State Board of Education is now available for use by other state boards of education around the

nation. It is intended to replace the version from 2005 and may be modified to match the needs

of any institution, ( 2017). To design successful evidence-based objectives,

the SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, and timely) criteria must be used (SMART).

2. Policy Goals and Implementation

District of Columbia must devise a strategy to efficiently administer and coordinate the

implementation of the health policy. Everything that must be done inside the company, as well as

who must do it, will be specified in detail. The Healthy School Action Kit is a comprehensive

resource that assesses the existing health and wellness efforts in schools and gives ideas for

making these programs more effective (HSAT).

A member of the local education agency (LEA) and/or school administration is responsible

for monitoring the way in which the policy is implemented in each and every school in the

country (e.g., superintendent, building principal).

3. Committee Role and Membership (Stakeholders)

To aid in the creation, implementation, assessment, and, if required, amendment of this

wellness policy, the LEA should appoint a wellness committee comprised of district officials,

( 2017). This group should be charged with developing objectives and

conducting periodic reviews of school health policies and initiatives. This event is attended by

people who work in schools to promote health and wellbeing via activities such as physical

education and good eating, as well as those who work in mental health and social services.

Professionals from the disciplines of medicine, dentistry, and the allied health sciences are also

present. Those responsible for SNAP administration at educational institutions are particularly

invited to participate (SNAP-Ed). In addition to having representatives from each institution


cooperating on this project, the panel will include individuals with a broad variety of

professional and personal backgrounds.

B. Arizona State Board of Education social media and Telephone Guidelines for


1. History

In accordance with Arizona Revised Law 15-203, the Arizona Board of Education is required

to establish guidelines for the proper use of social media and mobile devices by students and

school personnel, including but not limited to administrators, instructors, coaches, and guidance

counselors (A). The Board is responsible for encouraging and facilitating the adoption of good

processes and practices in every school. This concept of "school" might be beneficial for both

public (district and charter) and private (independent) institutions of higher education. The Board

is aware that irresponsible use of technology may endanger the safety of students. As a result, the

rules that are now in effect are meant to protect pupils while providing instructors access to

useful materials. There are laws in place at a handful of schools prohibiting the use of computers

and mobile phones by students while in class, (Arizona States Board of Education, 2022).

Over time, the definition of "social media" has expanded to include any kind of user-

generated content that is shared publicly online or through mobile devices. The term "social

media" embraces a vast array of online communication channels, including, but not limited to,

in-game chat systems, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, You Tube, SnapChat, Instagram,

TikTok, and a great number of others. This includes websites that let users to upload and share

photographs and videos online, "wall postings" in internet applications.

It is of the highest significance to encourage folks to use modern direct communication

means such as texting, emailing, phoning, and video conferencing on their personal computers

and mobile devices. There is an application for almost every computer need in the modern day,

including the storage and transit of data, the distribution and playback of media, and a variety of

network connection types (both public and private). These days, it is almost impossible to travel

somewhere without at least one piece of high-tech equipment, (Arizona States Board of

Education, 2022).

The Board is of the opinion that all schools need to formulate and implement rules that are

consistent with one another regarding the appropriate use of school-issued electronic devices and

digital communications (Arizona States Board of Education, 2022).

2. Policy Goals and Best Practices

The Board suggests the following policies for school employees and contractors contracted

by schools to offer student services: ("Educators"):

 While speaking with students or their parents, you should: stick to formal channels

wherever possible. While interacting with pupils, teachers should never utilize their

own personal devices, (Arizona States Board of Education, 2022).

 Teachers must adhere to school policy and state law when dealing with a scholar in a

thoughtful manner. Teachers must comply with all reporting obligations (A.R.S. 13-

3620), (Arizona States Board of Education, 2022).



Arizona State Board of Education (2022) Policies, Resolutions and Reports, social media and

Phone Guidance for Educators Arizona State Board of Education


%20Students.pdf (2017),4615,7-140-5373_5382---,00.html


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