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Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Diamond
43 Preguntas

1. Who are the two characters in the picture?

A Holmes and Peterson  B Dr. Watson and Holmes

C Holmes and Henry Baker D Holmes and Mr. Windigate

2. Who are the two men in this picture?

A Henry Baker and Peterson B Dr. Watson and Peterson

C Peterson and Holmes D James Ryder and Peterson

3. What is Peterson's job?

A Policeman B Doorman at a hotel

C Doorman at a disco D Barman

4. What did Henry Baker lose in the street?

A money and a goose B a goose and his stick

C a goose and his hat D his hat and his stick

5. Who found the goose and the hat?

A Holmes B Peterson

C Dr. Watson D Henry Baker

6. What letters did they find inside the hat?



7. There was a ticket on the leg of the goose. What did it say on the ticket?

A For Mr. Sherlock Holmes B For Mr. Peterson

C For the Countess of Morcar D For Mr and Mrs Henry Baker

8. Which is the correct description of Henry Baker?

A Short, rich and not very intelligent. B Rich, short and intelligent.

C A tall man, poor, but very intelligent. D A tall, rich man with a big nose.

9. Where did Peterson find the blue diamond?

A In his uniform.  B In the street.

C In the hotel. D Inside the goose.

10. What happened to the goose?

A Holmes ate it. B Peterson ate it.

C Dr. Watson ate it. D Henry Baker ate it.

11. Whose diamond was it?

A Henry Baker's B Sherlock Holmes'

C Peterson's D The Countess of Morcar's

12. Where was the diamond when it was stolen?

A In the Countess' bedroom in the hotel. B In Mrs.Oakshott's house.

C In Henry Baker's house. D In James Ryder's house

13. Who is John Horner?

A A repairman at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. B A friend of Sherlock Holmes.

C A worker at the Alpha pub. D The manager of the Cosmopolitan Hotel.

14. Who is James Ryder?

A A repairman at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. B The Assistant Manager at the Cosmopolitan Hotel.

C The owner of the Alpha pub. D A policeman

15. Who is Catherine Cusack?

A A worker at the Alpha pub. B A friend of Sherlock Holmes.

C The maid of the Countess of Morcar. D A repairman at the hotel.

16. James Ryder told the police that someone stole the diamond. Who did he accuse?

A John Horner B Peterson

C Catherine Cusack D Henry Baker

17. Sherlock Holmes wants to find Henry Baker. How does he find him?

A He appears on the TV. B He walks the streets of London looking for him.

C He calls him on his mobile phone. D He puts an advertisement in the newspaper.

18. Homes asks Peterson to do two things. What does he ask him?

To call the Countess and tell her that they found the
A To shut up and turn on the TV B

To buy a new goose and take the advertisement to the

C D To buy a new chicken and take the dog for a walk.
newspaper office.

19. Who are the two men in the picture? Where are they?

A Peterson and Watson outside Holmes' house. B Holmes and Watson outside Watson's house.

C Dr. watson and Henry Baker outside Holmes' house. D Watson and Holmes outside Henry Baker's house.

20. Holmes gives a new goose to Henry Baker and Henry is very happy. What does this mean?

A It means Sherlock Holmes isn't hungry. B It means Henry Baker isn't the diamond thief.

C It means Henry Baker is the diamond thief. D It means Henry Baker is hungry

21. Where did Henry Baker buy the goose?

A At Mrs. Oakshott's farm. B From Mr Breckinridge the butcher.

C From the "Goose Club" at the Alpha. D From Mercadona.

22. Who is the man on the left in this image? 

A Mr. Breckinridge the owner of the butcher's  B Mr. James Ryder the owner of the Alpha pub.

C Mr Windigate the owner of the Alpha pub. D Mrs. Oakshott the owner of the geese.

23. Where did Mr. Windigate buy the 24 geese from?

A From Mrs. Oakshott. B From Mercadona

C From Mr. Breckinridge D From Mr. Baker

24. Who is the man on the right in this picture ? What does he sell?

A It's Mr. Breckinridge and he sells beer. B It's Mr. Breckinridge and he sells dogs and cats.

C It's Mr Breckinridge and he sells geese. D It's Mr. Windigate and he sells beer.

25. Watson says the 24 geese are from London, but Holmes says the geese are from the countryside. Who wins the bet?

A Watson B Holmes

26. Holmes doesn't believe the 24 geese are from London so he pays Breckinridge one pound to see his
book. What important information does Breckinridge have in his book?

A The names of all his aunties and uncles and cousins. B The names of people he doesn't like.

The names and addresses of people he buys and sells

C D The names and addresses of people he buys beer from.
geese from.

27. Where did Breckinridge buy the geese from? 

A From Mrs. Oakshott B From Mr. Windigate

C From Henry Baker D From James Ryder

28. Who are these two men?

A Mr. Windigate and Sherlock Holmes B Mr. Breckinridge and Dr. Watson

C Mr. Breckinridge and James Ryder D Mr. Breckinridge and Peterson

29. What is James Ryder asking for?

He's asking for the 24 geese that came from Mrs.

A He's asking for a kiss. B
Oakshott's farm.

C He's asking for a cheeseburger and ketchup. D He's asking Breckinridge if he has seen a blue diamond.

30. In this picture Breckinridge is shouting at James Ryder. Who is listening?

A Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson B Peterson and Henry Baker

C The Countess of Morcar D Mr. Windigate and Mrs. Oakshott.

31. What's happening in this picture?

A The police catch James Ryder. B Breckinridge stops James ryder and gives him a goose.

C Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson stop James Ryder. D Some thieves stop James ryder and take his hat.

32. Who is this man? What is this man's job?

A Mr. Peterson. He's the doorman at a hotel B Mr. Henry Baker. He hasn't got a job.

Mr. James Ryder. He's the assistant manager at the

C D Mr. Breckinridge. He's a butcher in Covent Garden. 
Cosmopolitan Hotel. 

33. The man in the picture tells Holmes that his name is John Robinson. He is very interested in the 24
geese from Mrs. Oakshott's farm.

A True B False

34. Holmes shows James Ryder the blue diamond. Why does Ryder look scared?

Because he stole the diamond from the Cosmopolitan

A Because he sees a ghost. B

C Because he doesn't like Holmes. D Because Watson is angry.

35. Who told Ryder that there was a diamond in the Countess of Morcar's bedroom?

A John Horner B Peterson

C Henry Baker D Catherine Cusack

36. Why did Ryder ask John Horner to repair the window in the Countess' bedroom?

Because the police know John Horner was in prison

A Because Ryder can't repair windows. B

C Because the Countess is cold. D Because Catherine Cusack broke the window.

37. Ryder stole the diamond and then went to...

A His sister's house B Holmes' house

C Henry Baker's house D Peterson's house

38. James Ryder's sister is...

A Mrs. Oakshott the farmer B Catherine Cusack

C The Countess of Morcar D Sherlock Holmes

39. Where did James Ryder hide the diamond?

A Inside a goose with a white tail B Inside a goose with a blue tail

C Inside a goose with a black tail D Inside a goose with a grey tail

40. Who is in this picture?

A James Ryder and Holmes B James Ryder and Maudsley

C Holmes and Watson D Peterson and James Ryder

41. Why is James Ryder crying in the picture?

A He can't find the diamond in the goose. B He found the diamond in the goose.

C Because he's tired. D Because he lost his hat. 

42. Where was the other black-tailed goose with the diamond inside?

A Mrs. Oakshoot took it to Maudsley's house. B Mrs. Oakshott took it to the police.

C Mrs. Oakshott took it to Breckinridge's shop. D Mrs. Oakshott put it in James Ryder's pocket.

43. How does the story end?

A James Ryder goes to prison. B Holmes tells Ryder to go home!

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