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S. C. Jennings Vol. 71, No. 8/August 1981/J. Opt. Soc. Am.


Attenuated total reflectance measurements of the

complex refractive index
of polystyrene latex at CO2 laser wavelengths

S. G. Jennings

Department of Physics, University College, Galway, Ireland

Received January 24, 1981

Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) measurements of the complex refractive index m of 5, 10,15, 20, and 30% water
suspensions of polystyrene latex are presented for CO2 laser wavelengths (measurements for the 30%suspension
are for X =10.591 ,um only). The use of the Maxwell Garnet mixture rule for the real index and the imaginary index
(at X = 9.305 ,um) and an extrapolation scheme for the remaining values of imaginary index yield the values m =
1.709 - 0.07i (X = 9.305 ,tm); m = 1.887 - 0.06i (X = 9.504 Arm);m = 1.705 - 0.04i (X = 9.694 ,um); m = 1.764 -
0.045i (X = 10.591 ,um). ATR measurements of the complex index of water and water-ammonium sulfate solutions
are in reasonably good agreement with those previously published.


The use of the attenuated total reflectance (ATR) technique INDEX FROM ATTENUATED TOTAL
for determining the complex refractive index was first de- REFLECTANCE MEASUREMENTS
scribed by Fahrenfort.1 More detail on the theory, instru- The ATR technique is based on a reflectivity measurement.
mentation, and applications of ATR is given by Harrick. Since the intensity of radiation reflected at a surface is a
Early users of the technique include Fahrenfort and Visser,3 function of the real and imaginary indices of refraction n and
who measured the optical constants of liquid benzene in the k, respectively, of the reflecting medium and the incident
9.25-10-ym wavelength band; Hansen, 4 who determined op- angle 6, measurement of the reflectivity at two angles of in-
tical constants of gold film and aqueous solutions of eosin B cidence is sufficient to determine the complex index of re-
dye in the 0.4-0.65-gm spectral region; and Gilby et al., 5' 6 who fraction m, where m = n - ik. A combination of Fresnel's
obtained optical constants of liquid chloroform and carbon reflectivity formula and Snellius's law gives the expression for
tetrachloride in the 12-14.3-gm band and liquid benzene in the ratio of the reflected and incident amplitudes of perpen-
the wavelength regions 8.8-11.5 and 13.6-16.4 gim. dicularly polarized radiation r,
In this work a goniometric ATR arrangement was utilized
that employed a CO 2 laser to determine the optical constants 2
0)1/2 + COS0
of several aerosolconstituents. In this paper the experimental r ( 2
- 2
sin 0)1/2 + COS0
details and alignment procedures are described, and the
performance of the system with air, water, and ammonium
The reflectivity R3, given by Irs 12, is
sulfate solutions used as media is assessed. Then refrac-
tive-index measurements are presented for suspensions (5-
20% by weight) of polystyrene, and use is made of the Maxwell a2 +b2 -2acos0+cos2 0 ,
Garnet mixture rule and an extrapolation scheme (for three a 2 + b 2 + 2a cos 0 + cos2 0
of the imaginary index values) to derive from the suspension
values the refractive index of polystyrene at CO2 laser wave- where m cos 0 = a - ib. Equation (1) has been explicitly
lengths. solved3 to yield solutions for n and k. The solution requires
It should be pointed out that it is better to use bulk material a measurement of the reflectivity at two angles of incidence,
when it is available to obtain the refractive index directly by one of which must exceed the critical angle. The use of this
either reflection or transmission techniques. The method of analytical solution greatly simplifiesthe determination of the
obtaining refractive-index values from measurements on complex refractive index compared with the use of the
suspensions of particles must be used with extreme caution graphical method first employed by Simon. 7 In this work the
since the inference of index values from measurements on analytical solution was programmed on a HP 9830 desk-top
particles can in general be rather precarious. calculator.

0030-3941/81/080923-05$00.50 © 1981 Optical Society of America

924 J. Opt. Soc. Am./Vol. 71, No. 8/August 1981 S. C. Jennings

The light is refocused at the same distance from the surface

when it reelierges froii tile hemiicylinder into the pyrocloctric
detector. Collimation within the hemicylinder has the ad-
vantage that the angle of incidence is well defined, which is
_SAMPLE particularly important for the measurement of the complex
refractive index.
A schematic and a photograph of the rotatable arm and
hemicylinder mount assemblies are shown in Figs. 2 and 3,
respectively. The arm assembly consists of a rotatable arm
for mounting of the radiation detector, a counterweight, and
a 15-cm-diameter turntable assembly. The turntable as-
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the attenuated total reflectance ex- sembly possesses a central column that supports an x-y
perimental system. translational stage giving fine control (displacements
measureable to 0.01 mm) in horizontal positioning.
The sample cell is made from a single solid block of stainless
ATTENUATED TOTAL REFLECTANCE SYSTEM steel with a protruding central rod that fits snugly into the
The ATR system is shown schematically in Fig. 1. It consists lowersupport plate. For measurement of liquids the cell has
of a tunable vertically polarized CO 2 laser source (Sylvania a capacity of a few cubic centimeters and has two Luer-Lok
Model 950) and a sample cell and a ZnSe hemicylinder connectors that facilitate filling.
mounted on a rotation stage, together with a pyroelectric
detector mounted on a rotatable arm. All apparatus is
mounted on an optical bench for stability. The advantages
of the laser source are its relative ease of alignment and col-
limation and the capability of the user to control and monitor
precisely the radiation wavelength (with the laser spectrum
analyzer). Alignment is accomplished with aluminized mir-
rors M1 and M2 , which are mounted on micrometer-controlled
translational stages. A portion of the CO 2 laser beam is re-
flected by a ZnSe window (positioned at about 780 from the
laser-beam direction in order to minimize the loss of radiation II'll \I IS 'l-l
, XI( TzX
power) for a laser reference signal. The main beam and ref-
erence detector (Laser Precision Corporation Model RKP- M\151 I 1 SIIA

345) has negligible drift (about 10-6 W cm- 2 after warm-up)

I \,>: I(R IJIK
%5 %5111t
\ I

compared with typical radiance levels monitored by the de-

tector (of the order of 0.25 W cm- 2 ).
The internal-reflection element used in this ATR setup is
a precision-machined ZnSe hemicylinder that is transparent
at the wavelengths of interest. The hemicylinder concept was
first used in ATR by Fahrenfort 2 and provides for change in
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the goniometric assembly of rotatable
angle without directional changes of the incident or the re- arm, rotation stage, and hemicylinder mount.
flected beam. The sample to be measured is placed in contact
with the flat face of the hemicylinder, and the cylindrical
surface then acts as entrance and exit window. The hemi-
cylinder must of course be carefully aligned so that its axis is
perpendicular to the laser-beam direction. The laser beam
is brought into focus at a distance

Id= r
nc - I
in front of the curved surface (as shown by Fahrenfortl) to
render the light parallel within the hemicylinder. Here r is
the radius of the hemicylinder and n, is the real index of the
hemicylinder material. [Refractive-index values for ZnSe
were derived from the Herzberger dispersion equation

° =no+b + dX2 +eX4

+-0C (3)
X2 - 0.028 (X2 - 0.028)2

Fig. 3. Photograph of the goniometric attenuated total reflectance

with coefficient values 8 since corrected: no = 2.4350823, b system showing the rotatable arm and rotation stage assembly, the
= 5.1567572 X 10-2, c = 2.4901923 X 10-3, d = 2.7245212 X hemicylinder and focusing lens mountings, and the pyroelectric de-
10-4, and e = -9.8541275 X 10-8.] tector.
S. C. Jennings Vol. 71, No. 8/August 1981/J. Opt. Soc. Am. 925

°00 each of four incident angles 01, 02, 03, 04 and one repeated
measurement of 01 with air as the reference medium, followed
by measurements in reverse order with the sample in the cell,
90O followedby a repeat of the measurements with the empty cell
(which was dried out with a flow of liquid nitrogen). The real
and imaginary indices were then derived by averaging the
,80 values obtained from each set of two angle measurements of
reflectivity. The standard error of this average value was also
evaluated. In some instances (for X = 10.591 Am) more than
-j 70
tLI one sequence of measurements were made for a particular

liquid or solution and then a combined weighted average was

60[ taken. All measurements were carried out at a room tem-
perature of 24 ± 10 C.


Fig. 4. Reflectivity at an air-ZnSe interface at wavelength 10.494
Aim. i, experimental measurements; -theoretical curve. In order to gain confidence with the ATR system, we made
measurements initially on liquids whose refractive indices
were previously measured by other techniques. Water and
ATTENUATED TOTAL REFLECTANCE ammonium sulfate solutions were chosen for these checks.
ALIGNMENT SYSTEM Water used was triply distilled,9 with any ammonia or
Since the validity of the complex refractive-index-reflectivity carbon dioxide removed, the final sample being stored under
formula [Eq. (2)] depends on the ATR system's being properly argon. Values for the real and imaginary indices determined
aligned, considerable effort was made to align the system at wavelengths X = 9.603, X = 10.195, and X = 10.494 gm are
precisely and to test its alignment stringently. The longitu- shown in Table 1. They compare well (within 1% for the real
dinal axis of the hemicylinder and the rotational axis of the part and within 20%for the imaginary part) with interpolated
goniometric system were first made to coincide. The align- values from Hale and Querry,' 0 who smoothed data of several
ment was facilitated by use of a visible He-Ne laser (shown workers.
schematically in Fig. 1) mounted on a two-axis pitch-and-yaw Ammonium sulfate solutions were prepared from finely
support. The infrared beam from a similarly mounted CO2 ground ammonium sulfate powder, and their molality was
laser was then positioned relative to the He-Ne beam by determined gravimetrically. The ATR-determined optical
means of a probe having IR-sensitive phosphors. constants at wavelengths 9.317 and 9.519 Am are shown in
It turns out that a rather stringent test of the ATR system Table 2. The values are in reasonable agreement (within
alignment can be performed by measurement of reflectivity about 5% for the real index and within about 35% for the
with air as the sample medium for angles near the critical imaginary index) with values interpolated from Downing et
angle. This check for our system is shown in Fig. 4, in which al. ,1' who employed Kramers-Kronig analysis of reflectance
predicted and measured reflectivities are compared. The measurements obtained relative to water at near-normal in-
theory predicts a sharp change in reflectivity near the critical cidence.
angle (which is 24035' for the ZnSe-air interface at this par-
ticular wavelength, X = 10.494 Am), and this sharp change is REFRACTIVE INDICES OF POLYSTYRENE
borne out by the measurements. The close agreement LATEX
suggests that a high degree of alignment has been obtained.
Latex particles are becoming widely used for calibration of
optical instruments. However, their usefulness for calibration
of infrared devices is limited because their optical constants
The ATR method requires at least two measurements of re- at IR wavelengths have not been measured. In this section
flectivity at different angles for determination of the complex we partially fill this data gap by presenting refractive indices
(real and imaginary parts) index of refraction. In order that of polystyrene latex suspensions measured by ATR. These
measurement repeatability could be checked, the normal se- values are extrapolated to 100% latex by using a suitable
quence consisted of at least two reflectivity measurements at mixture rule.

Table 1. Complex Refractive Index for Water

ATR (Present Work) Interpolated from Hale and Quarrya
Wavelength Real Index Imaginary Index Real Index Imaginary Index
(ym) Incident Angles (n) (k) (n) (k)
9.603 27030', 300, 32030', 350, 40° 1.230 + 0.002 0.054 ± 0.001 1.239 0.045
10.195 27030', 30°, 32030' 1.193 ± 0.008 0.059 ± 0.007 1.202 0.059
10.494 27030', 300, 32030', 350 1.196 + 0.014 0.075 + 0.007 1.185 0.066

a Ref. 10.
926 J. Opt. Soc. Am./Vol. 71, No. 8/August 1981 S. C. Jennings

Table 2. Complex Refraction Index for (NI14 )2SO4 SOlutioS

Interpolated Values from
ATR (Present Work) Downing et al. a
(NH4),S0 4 Wavelength Incident Real Index Imaginary Index Real Index Imaginary Index
Solution (rm) Angles (n) (k) (n) (k)
1.6 M (NH,)2SO 4 9.519 32030', 350, 37°30', 40° 1.411 ± 0.003 0.084 + 0.002 - -
2.4 M (NH 4),S0 4 9.519 42030', 450, 47°30', 50° 1.472 ± 0.003 0.126 i 0.003 1.541 0.153
3.2 M (NH 4 )2 504 9.519 42030', 450, 47°30', 500 1.545 + 0.002 0.129 + 0.002 1.642 0.164
1.6 M (NH 4 )2SO4 9.317 350, 37.30', 42°30' 1.500 + 0.002 0.139 + 0.003 - -
2.4 M (NH 4 )2 S04 9.317 350, 40°, 450, 500 1.560 ± 0.005 0.229 i 0.007 1.543 0.317
3.2 M (NH 4 ) 2 SO4 9.317 40°, 450, 47030', 500 1.605 ± 0.012 0.268 + 0.015 1.65 0.38

a Ref. 11.

Table 3. Complex Refractive Index of Polystyrene Suspensions

Wave- Index of
length Refrac- Percent by Weight Incident
(pm) tiona 30 20 15 10 5 Angles
9.305 n - 1.326 4 0.009 1.311 + 0.009 1.291 i C.003 1.275 + 0.003 25035', 30°
k - 0.041 ± 0.005 0.047± 0.001 0.044 + 0.003 0.037 + 0.001 33024' 350
9.504 n - 1.321 + 0.004 1.320 ± 0.003 1.304 ± 0.001 1.282 ± 0.003 25035', 300
k - 0.038 i 0.004 0.035 I 0.001 0.031 i 0.002 0.033 a 0.002 33024', 350
9.694 n - 1.317 + 0.002 1.296 I 0.003 1.278 + 0.006 1.253 ± 0.004 25035', 300
k - 0.035 + 0.001 0.037 ± 0.002 0.043 + 0.004 0.043 i 0.006 33024', 350
10.591 n 1.326 + 0.004 1.282 + 0.003 (5)b 1.266 ± 0.004 (3 )b 1.228 + 0.003 (4 )b 1.212 ± 0.004 ( 2 }b 220, 26045'
k 0.051 + 0.002 0.048 + 0.001 0.047 + 0.002 0.051 + 0.003 0.051 + 0.009 30°30', 32030', 350

a n, Real index of refraction; k, imaginary index of refraction.

b Number in parentheses indicates the number of different measurement runs.

Latex particles (purchased from Dow Chemical, Midland, Ie21 C Ell JE21
Michigan) with mean diameter 0.091 Azmwere used in sus-
pensions ranging from 5 to 30%by weight. The ATR refrac- E12 C e1l+ 02E2, (5)
tive-index measurements for these suspensions are presented from which it followsthat
in Table 3, together with error estimates and angles of inci-
dence used. The major source of error was that resulting from ;M12 Xb m
1 + 02m 2 , (6)
laser-power fluctuations, despite the fact that the fluctuations where M12 , m1 , and m 2 are the complex refractive indices of
were monitored; errors in reflectivity over a complete run the suspension and its components and
sequence were generally less than 1%. Experimental errors
in reflectivity result in much larger errors in the imaginary 01=f, 02= l - f.
index k than in the real index n. On equating real and imaginary parts, we obtain
Extrapolation of the refractive indices of latex suspensions
to that for pure latex requires a so-called mixture rule. The n12 = nifl + n202, (7a)
more-well-known mixture rules, such as those of Maxwell k12 = k,10 + k 2 02- (7b)
Garnet and Lorentz-Lorenz, have received a fair degree of
attention. Equation (7a) is the Biot-Arago rule, which historically is
Maxwell Garnet'2 derived, on the basis of Maxwell's referred to as being empirical. Use was not made of the Lo-
equations, the following mixture rule for a suspension of rentz-Lorenz mixture rule' 3 later generalized by Debye,14
spheres embedded in a medium, provided that the sphere size since it is correctly applicable only to mixtures of solutions
is small compared with the wavelength: rather than to suspensions.
In this work, we use the Maxwell Garnet mixture rule [Eq.
1 1+ 3/(el - E2) E (4) (4)] to infer the complex index of polystyrene latex from the
El+ 22-f(El OI suspension values. The inferred values are presented in Table
Here, E12, el, and 62 are the dielectric functions of the sus- 4. It was not possible to use the Maxwell Garnet formula to
pension and its components and f is the volume fraction of the obtain the imaginary index for latex at wavelengths 9.504,
material suspended in the medium. 9.694, and 10.591Amsince the particular combination of the
A simplification in the Maxwell Garnet formula [Eq. (4)] large (relative to the measured suspension values) imaginary
follows if index values of the medium (water), coupled with the range
S. C. Jennings Vol. 71, No. 8/August 1981/J. Opt. Soc. Am. 927

Table 4. Complex Refractive Index of Polystyrene The author is grateful to R. G. Pinnick for his original
Latex a Inferred from Suspension Values of Table 3 suggestion to measure the complex refractive index for poly-
Measured by Attenuated Total Reflectance styrene and for a careful critical review of the manuscript.
Real Index (n) from Imaginary Index (k) from The author also extends his appreciation to his other sci-
Wavelength Use of Maxwell Garnet Use of Maxwell Garnet entific colleagues and the managerial personnel at the U.S.
(,vm) Mixture Rule [Eq. (4)] Mixture Rule [Eq. (4)] Army Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile
Range, New Mexico 88002, for their cooperation and support
9.305 1.709 ± 0.017 0.070 i 0.012
9.504 1.887 d 0.017 0.060 0.012b
throughout all phases of the work at the laboratory.
9.694 1.705 ± 0.011 0.040 i 0 . 00 5 b The supply of raw data of the complex refractive index of
10.591 1.764 i 0.021 0.045 i.+19b 2.4 M and 3.2 M (NH4 )2SO4 solutions by Dudley Williams,
Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan,
a The inferred values of polystyrene latex assume a density of 1.05g cm- 3 Kansas 66506, is also appreciated.
for polystyrene latex and neglect the small fraction (0.7%)of emulsifier and This work was supported by means of a research contract
surfactant impurities in the latex suspensions.
b An extrapolation procedure using a least-squares one-degree polynomial with the U.S. government through its European Research
fit was used. Office, London. The experimental work was performed at
the U.S. Army Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, White
Sands Missile Range, New Mexico 88002.
of volume fractions used, yielded negative imaginary index
values for the polystyrene. This can be readily seen by
applying the values in Table 3 to Eq. 7(b)-an approximation REFERENCES
to Eq. (4). This may be interpreted physically, whereby the 1. J. Fahrenfort, "Attenuated total reflection. A new principle for
latex is less absorbing than the medium (water) at these the production of useful infrared reflection spectra of organic
wavelengths. An extrapolation procedure to 100%polysty- compounds," Spectrochim. Acta 17, 698-709 (1961).
2. N. J. Harrick, Internal Reflection Spectroscopy (Wiley, New
rene, using the imaginary index values of the different poly- York, 1967).
styrene suspensions, was carried out using a least-squares 3. J. Fahrenfort and W. M. Visser, "On the determination of optical
one-degree polynomial fit. A least-squares fit was also ap- constants in the infrared by attenuated total reflection," Spec-
plied to the maximum and minimum values of the mixture trochim. Acta 18, 1103-1116 (1962).
indices, which gives the error bars of the extrapolated values. 4. W. N. Hanson, "Internal reflection spectroscopy and the deter-
mination of optical constants," ISA Trans. 4, 263-269 (1965).
Relatively large fractional errors are associated with the 5. A. C. Gilby, J. Burr, Jr., and B. Crawford, Jr., "Vibrational in-
imaginary index values because the suspension' indices possess tensities. XII. An optical-mechanical system from infrared
fractional standard errors up to about 15%. attenuated total reflection measurements," J. Phys. Chem. 70,
We are fully justified in using the Maxwell Garnet formula 1520-1524 (1966).
6. A. C. Gilby, J. Burr, Jr., W. Krueger, and B. Crawford, Jr., "Vi-
here since the particle size is much less than the radiation brational intensities. XIII. Reduction of attenuated total re-
wavelength. In addition, the particles are spherical. The flectance data to optical constants," J. Phys. Chem. 70, 1525-1535
justification for the use of the extrapolation scheme is weaker (1966).
and could be regarded with some caution. However, it is 7. I. Simon, "Spectroscopy in infrared by reflection and its use for
highly absorbing substances," J. Opt. Soc. Am. 41, 336-345
noteworthy that application of the extrapolation scheme to (1951).
ATR measurements of ammonium sulfate solutions (see Table 8. "Kodak Irtran, Infrared Optical Materials," Kodak Publication
2) does lead to imaginary index values of ammonium sulfate U-72, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York 14650
that are in good agreement (within 6%) with previously mea- (1971).
sured values' 5 even in spectral regions of absorption bands. 9. The distillation process is described in an internal report, ASL-
TR-0009, "Spectrophone analysis of gas samples obtained at field
site," by C. Samuel, C. W. Bruce, and R. Brewer, Atmospheric
Sciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, N.M. 88002
An attenuated total reflectance goniometric system has been 10. G. N. Hale and M. R. Querry, "Optical constants of water in the
200-nm to 20-,um wavelength region," Appl. Opt. 12, 555-563
applied to measurement of complex refractive indices of (1973).
aerosol constituents at CO2 laser wavelengths. The reliability 11. H. D. Downing, L. W. Pinkley, P. P. Sethna, and D. Williams,
of the system is demonstrated by the good agreement between "Optical constants of ammonium sulphate in the infrared," J.
measured refractive indices of water and ammonium sulfate Opt. Soc. Am. 67, 186-190 (1977).
solutions and previously reported values. Complex refrac- 12. J. C. Maxwell Garnet, "Colours in metal glasses and in metallic
films," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London A 203, 385-420 (1904).
tive-index measurements are presented for water-polystyrene 13. W. Heller, "Remarks on refractive index mixture rules," J. Phys.
latex suspensions, and these measurements are used in a Chem. 69, 1123-1129 (1965).
suitable mixture rule formula to infer index values for poly- 14. P. Debye, Polar Molecules (Chemical Catalog Company, New
styrene latex. These refractive-index determinations for York, 1929).
15. 0. B. Toon, J. B. Pollack, and B. N. Khare, "The optical constants
polystyrene should facilitate the calibration and performance of several atmospheric aerosol species: ammonium sulphate,
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