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EFL Learners Perceptions towards Their Self-Efficacy in

Learning Public Speaking During Online Learning Process

Thesis Proposal


Sri Rizki Wahyuni (205180087)









A. Background

B. Identification of problem

C. Limitation of problem

D. Formulation of problem

E. Purpose of research

F. Benefits of research


A. Theory description

B. Frame of mind

C. Research hypothesis


A. Place and time of research

B. Research design

C. Population and sampling technique

D. Research instrument

E. Technique analysis of data

F. Statistic hypothesis

G. Research schedule




a. Background of study
Communication is an important element in our lives today.
Communication will enable us to form connections, influence decisions, and
motivate change. Without sufficient communication skills, the ability to advance
in the world of work and in life will be increasingly limited. Public speaking is
one of the most important forms of communication but also the most feared. In
fact, there are many reasons why public speaking is important in this day and age.
Public speaking is a form of communication to a group of people in public
(usually in the form of a lecture or speech) which aims to provide information,
influence or entertain. Some mention the meaning of the Merriam-Webster
Dictionary in its quote interpreting public speaking as "the act or skill of speaking
to a usually large group of people" which means that public speaking is an action,
action or skill of speaking to a large group of people.
Meanwhile, according to another quote, namely from David Zarefsky in
his book entitled "Public Speaking Strategic for Success" argues that "Public
speaking is a continuous communication process in which messages and signals
circulate back and forth between speakers and listeners" which gives the
understanding that public speaking is a continuous process of communication, in
which messages and symbols continuously interact between the speaker and the
listener. As is known, public speaking is understood as a technique of delivering
messages in public. This is because communication is an interaction process for
related from one party to another. If Judging from the historical trajectory, then
the beginning of the process communication takes place very simply, namely
starting from a number of abstract ideas / deep thoughts someone's brain to search
for data/deliver information, then packaged into a message. The message can then
be delivered either directly or indirectly, wrong the only way is to communicate in

front of large audience known as the public speaking. Currently, public speaking
is one of the absolute ability needed in the era global. This is triggered by the
demands of the times and the current technology that forces individuals to be able
to compete to improve quality self. The ability to speak in public is a very
valuable asset and investment. Understanding and enjoying public speaking is the
same as investing. The longer it is fertilized, the shinier the value will be. The
more valuable, the more there is value. There are rupiah or dollars in it. The
higher a person's position in the organization, the more dependent he is on public
Glossophobia, or speech anxiety, is the most common fear that people all
over the world have. When you're in elementary school, it's easier to be the
student who sits at the back of the class and avoids raising your hand. However,
when you grow up and are in the workforce, public speaking is an important skill
to have and hone. Public speaking is important because it can help improve your
speaking skills and build self-confidence. Increasing self-confidence is not an
easy job. If you want to increase self-confidence, learn to get rid of negative
thoughts that are centered on thinking and learn to think positively and accept
input or advice from others. The way to increase self-confidence is to stop
comparing yourself to others, recognize your own strengths and weaknesses
believe in your abilities and don't forget to love yourself. That way you will have
Public speaking is not only about being brave or being good at putting
together words. The need to ensure that it can move many people to take action
from the message that has been conveyed is a success in public speaking. So, it is
important to improve public speaking skills in everyday life to help explain to
others in order to understand the message conveyed so as to be able to move the
audience to take an action. Good preparation will help the speaker anticipate
distractions when someone is speaking in public. Some of these disturbances
include the lack of enthusiasm of the audience to pay attention to the conversation

Self-efficacy is one of the perceptions of someone who thinks that person
can do something important enough to achieve a goal. It includes feeling for
knowing what needs to be done and being emotionally capable of doing it.
Quoting from Woolfolk (2004), reveals that self-efficacy is a specific assessment
related to competence to do a specific task as well. Meanwhile, Bandura (1997)
reveals that a person's belief in their abilities will affect the way the individual
responds to certain situations or conditions. In general, self-efficacy is a self-
confidence or individual belief in their ability to do something, produce
something, organize, achieve their goals, and also implement actions to realize
certain skills. In short, self-efficacy means one's belief or belief in one's own
strength. In a way, self-efficacy is confidence in doing certain things. Self-
efficacy is important to apply in everyday life with the aim that we do not give up
when we encounter difficult things in life, because we believe in our ability to be
able to overcome them.
According to Myers (2012) one of the factors that influence anxiety in
individuals is self-efficacy, namely individuals With high self-efficacy will show
a more persistent attitude, it is not anxious, and does not experience pressure in
dealing with something. Furthermore, Kreitner and Nasicki (in Ririn, Asmidir, &
Johan, 2013) stated that trust in a person's ability to carry out his duties was called
self-efficacy. Based on research conducted by Riani & Rozali (2013), namely
regarding the relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety during the
presentation at UP university students excels. The results of the study indicate that
there is a significant negative relationship between self-efficacy with anxiety. This
means that the higher the self-efficacy those students have during the presentation,
the lower the anxiety possessed by students. Other studies conducted by (Kasihan
& Sudarji, 2012) regarding self-efficacy relations against anxiety speaking in
public in students of Psychology Study Program University of Bunda Mulia
(UBM) declared a self-efficacy variable influencing anxiety speaking in public in
UBM psychology students. Self-efficacy is the key to making student
performance better especially in talking.

The world of education will not be separated from communicating
activities; because they do not there is an activity in education which can be done
without communication. Communication can occur in formal situations such as
lectures and presentations in front of the class. While informal situations such as
discussions with friends, study groups or talking with friends (Wiryanto, 2005). A
student is expected to be able be a good speaker and listener in various situations
in surrounding environment, such as in the classroom, in workplace, as well as in
the middle Public. Ability to communicate in front of public is the main capital
owned by students. A college student at demand to be able to express ideas and
thoughts orally (Muslimin, 2013). Likewise with students majoring English
education in Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sultan Thaha
Saifuddin Jambi. Where are the students graduates of this department who will
later work in the world of education such as become a teacher or lecturer who of
course will speak in front of students or in public.
Based on the results of interviews conducted on several students majoring
in English experienced anxiety when speaking in public. Speaking in the language
is difficult for students of unknown dialects that proper oral correspondence
requires the ability to use language appropriately in collaborative social life
(Shumin, 2002). Most of the EFL students feel very anxious when speaking
English in front of many people. They are usually tongue-tied or at a loss for
words. So, their speaking performance is very bad. Students who experience
anxiety feel physical changes when speaking in public, such as heart palpitations,
cold sweats, shaking, stammering when speaking and even experiencing stomach
pain. In addition, many students feel pessimistic and anxious about failing when
appearing in public. They already imagine the negative things that will happen
when appearing in public.
In this pandemic situation, educational institutions conduct online learning
as an alternative to continue the teaching-learning process. The mode of
transmission from person to person creates requirements for social segregation
and avoidance of crowded places. Considering this, most governments have
closed all institutions, one of which is educational institutions such as schools or

colleges. Internet distance learning has become the standard, and several public
and global scholastic social settings have consolidated assets to ensure that
continuing with clinical instruction occurs during these difficult times. (Schneider
& Laurin, 2020). School virtual study room techniques need to address staff and
student concerns. The condition of e-learning has the nature of empowering the
progress of different correspondences that can be utilized at the autonomous stage
to be used together (Onal, N., & Ibili, 2017).
Using video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Meet allows
students to have face-to-face virtual meetings during this process. They don't need
to go to college or school but just stay at home. If individuals who utilize this
environment have access to distance learning lesson content and possess relevant
time management and technology use skills, positive effects to aid their academic
success can be created (Taipjutorus et al., 2012). In regular classrooms, they meet
face-to-face with their teachers or lecturers and friends, but in online learning,
they meet virtually. This condition can affect students' performance and of course
their self-efficacy. Based on the above phenomenon, it can be it is said that most
of the EFL students feel anxious when they speak English in public. This is one of
the things that make them stressful because of their lack of self-efficacy. The use
of virtual meetings will provide a different atmosphere for students, so as to
increase efficacy.
Because there are differences when learning offline and online, so the
researchers tried to prove this happened or not. Finally, the researcher decided to
choose a study entitled "EFL Learners Perceptions Towards Their Self-Efficacy in
Learning Public Speaking During Online Learning Process" which will involve
4th semester students at the English Education Department of UIN Sulthan Thaha
Saifuddin Jambi. .

b. Identification of Problem

Based on the background above, the problem that can be identified is
about “do students have a perception that their self-efficacy will increase during
online learning?”

c. Limitations of Problem
The limitation of the problem is the process of learning to speak for
students majoring in English in semester 4 at UIN STS Jambi.

d. Formulation of Problem
From the background of the research stated above, the researcher
formulates the following questions:
1. How do EFL learners perceive their self-efficacy in learning during online
learning? (especially in public speaking lessons)
2. What is the effect of high and low self-efficacy on learning public
speaking during online learning?

e. Purpose of Research
Based on the above formulation, the research objectives are:
1. To find out the perception of EFL learners on their self-efficacy in
learning during online learning, especially in public speaking lessons.
2. To determine the effect of high and low self-efficacy on learning public
speaking during online learning.

f. Benefits of Research

The results of this study are expected to provide benefits both theoretically
and practically as follows:

1. Theoretically

The results of this study are expected to determine the EFL Learner's
Perception of Self-Efficacy in Public Speaking Learning during the Online
Learning Process.

2. Practical

a. For Writers

This research activity is used as a valuable experience in an effort

to improve the author's ability to develop knowledge and can provide
an overview of the survey results regarding EFL Learners' Perceptions
of Self-Efficacy in Public Speaking Learning during the Online
Learning Process.

b. For School/university

With this research, the benefit for schools is that they can apply the
methods used in the teaching and learning process, especially in
learning using electronic media.

c. For Advanced Researchers

The results of this study can be used as a basis for further research
and as a basis for developing a survey to find out EFL Learners'
perceptions of Self-Efficacy in Public Speaking Learning during the
Online Learning Process.



A. Theory description

a. Self-efficacy

a) Definition

Self-efficacy is a term coined by Albert Bandura related to

social learning theory. According to Bandura, self-efficacy relates to a
person's confidence to be able to achieve what he wants. Therefore,
efficacy is closely related to motivation. Individuals who have high
self-efficacy can motivate themselves to be able to consistently carry
out efforts to achieve the desired results.

Definitively, according to Bandura (1997) Self Efficacy is a

person's belief that he can master the situation and produce positive
outcomes. According to Wallatey (2001) efficacy is defined as the
capacity to get the desired result or effect, and the desired person.
Another definition of efficacy, among others, is a person's belief about
his ability to carry out a behavior successfully (Jones, et al 1998).
Overall, efficacy means confidence in self-competence. This belief in
competence is related to the qualities that lead a person to achieve
success, including integrity, humility, loyalty, self-control, courage,
justice, patience, craftsmanship, creativity and simplicity.

Seeing self-efficacy means seeing how someone lives their life

(how they live their live). Measuring self-capacity relates to how far a
person understands his own self-concept. Self-concept is a view that is
born from the individual's direct experience during life and how
influential people around the individual evaluate him/herself. This

relates to how the individual can weigh the difference between his
ideal and actual self.

Self-efficacy also cannot be equated with self-confidence.

Although these two things sometimes appear together in almost every
phenomenon, in reality they refer to two different things. Self-efficacy
is related to self-view of the capacity in him, while self-confidence is
related to self-view of self-worth. Self-confidence is closely related to
pride, how a job done can increase self-confidence, while self-efficacy
is related to how well a job can be achieved.

Efficacy is related to achievement. Because achievement

requires a target, an expectation is born as a form of hope to achieve
the desired target. Expected results (outcome expectation) are an
estimate or self-estimation that the behavior carried out will achieve
certain results. Efficacy is a self-assessment, how individuals weigh
every action that will be carried out, good and right, right or wrong to
get what is expected. Bandura (1997) says that expectations determine
whether behavior or performance is carried out or not, therefore
expectations greatly determine the contribution to behavior and even
become a determinant of whether or not a behavior can be maintained
with problems. Individuals who have high expectations must have
behavior that reflects an effort to achieve this. With low expectations,
individuals will think about contributing to an effort, low expectations
will give a low level of individual participation in an action.

Based on the opinions above, the researcher concludes that

self-efficacy is a person's assessment of his ability to deal with his
tasks. Self-efficacy is the belief that "I can". Students with high self-
efficacy agreed with statements such as “I know that I will be able to
master this material” and “I will be able to do this assignment”.
Individuals who have low self-efficacy feel they do not have

confidence that they can complete the task, so they try to avoid the

b) Source of Efficacy

1) Experience Success

Experience of success greatly affects efficacy, it can be

concluded that success increases efficacy while failure will decrease it.
The more confidence in a person's personal efficacy increases, the
better his performance will be. However, success and failure do not
directly result in an increase or decrease in self-efficacy. Changes in
efficacy result from changes in cognitive processes that are obtained
from understanding the capabilities they have after the success or
failure experienced is evaluated.

2) Other people's experiences

A person's capabilities can not only be learned through the

experiences of success that have been achieved. Comparing personal
experiences with the experiences of others who have similarities can
form self-efficacy in individuals. The process of taking this social
model occurs because there is a lack of self-ability to independently
assess the capabilities possessed; therefore the modeling process is
carried out with the thought that if other people can do it, then the
individual can do it too. Therefore, how similar the model is to the
individual affects the level of efficacy achieved.

3) Social persuasion

Social persuasion plays a role in strengthening self-assessment

of individual personal capabilities. Information obtained from outside
can increase confidence in one's abilities. Someone who is given
external confidence will show greater effort than those who are not and
can also eliminate distrust of one's abilities and self-vulnerabilities

when problems arise. Social persuasion in a person produces
performance, which in turn will require feedback.

4) Emotional State

An emotional state occurs when a person thinks that they are

most likely unable to complete a task and that will be the case if people
think negatively while thinking they are completing a task. Stress and
anxiety are big fears and will affect one's self-efficacy, but anxiety and
stress will not affect one's self-efficacy if they interpret their stress as
positive, as they think that if I am nervous, I will not be successful for
this task.

c) Self-Efficacy Function

The function of self-efficacy according to Bandura (1997) is:

1) Cognitive Function, Bandura stated that the effect of self-

efficacy on a person's cognitive processes varies widely.
Strong self-efficacy will affect a person's efforts to achieve
personal goals.

2) Function of Motivation, most of human motivation is

generated cognitively. Individuals motivate themselves and
guide actions that lead to beliefs based on thinking about
the future.

3) Attitude function, self-efficacy increases the individual's

coping ability in overcoming the magnitude of stress and
depression experienced in difficult and stressful situations.

4) Selective function, self-efficacy will affect the selection of

activities or goals to be taken by individuals.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that there

are four functions of self-efficacy, namely cognitive function,

motivation function, attitude function and selective function, all of
which can be an illustration of how self-efficacy can affect individuals
in completing the tasks given to achieve the goals and expectations set

d) Self-Efficacy Dimension

Bandura (1997) suggests several dimensions of self-efficacy,

which are as follows:

1) Magnitude or level, namely the individual's perception of his

ability as measured by the level of difficulty with various kinds
of task difficulties. Individuals who have a high level of task
difficulty have the belief that they are able to do difficult tasks
and also have high self-efficacy, while individuals with a low
level of task difficulty have the belief that they are only able to
do easy tasks and have low self-efficacy.

2) Generality, where individuals assess their belief that they are at

a certain level of task difficulty in the broad sense that
individuals have confidence in carrying out tasks.
Generalization has different dimensions that vary, namely the
intensity of similar activities, abilities shown by behavior,
cognitive, affective. Describe the situation and the
characteristics of the individual behavior shown in real terms.
These judgments relate to behavior and situational contexts that
reveal individuals' beliefs about their success.

3) Strength, related to the strength and weakness of an individual's

belief. Individuals who have strong beliefs will persist with
their efforts despite many difficulties and obstacles.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that self-
efficacy is a belief in the ability of individuals to face every difficulty
to achieve goals according to certain situations. These beliefs are
further divided into 3 dimensions, namely magnitude, generality, and
strength so that it will affect the way individuals interact with stressful

e) Classification of Self-Efficacy

Broadly speaking, self-efficacy is divided into two forms,

namely high self-efficacy and low self-efficacy. Santrock (2009: 216)
states, students with low self-efficacy in learning can avoid many
learning tasks, especially those that are challenging. Students with high
self-efficacy will face the learning task with great desire. Students with
high self-efficacy are more diligent in their efforts on learning tasks
than students with low self-efficacy. Individuals who have high self-
efficacy tend to do a certain task, even though the task is difficult.
Students do not view the task as something that needs to be avoided. In
addition, individuals develop a deep interest and interest in an activity
and are committed to achieving the desired goals (Bandura, 1997:

Individuals who have high self-efficacy perceive failure as a

result of a lack of hard work, knowledge and skills. They will increase
their efforts to prevent failure that may arise. Those who fail in doing
something, usually quickly regain their self-efficacy after the failure.

Individuals who have low self-efficacy do not think about how

well to deal with difficult tasks. When faced with a difficult task they
reduce their efforts and give up quickly. They are also slow in fixing
and gaining their self-efficacy when facing failure (Bandura, 1997:

From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that
individuals who have high self-efficacy have the following

 Believe in success in overcoming obstacles.

 Threats are seen as challenges that do not need to be avoided.

 Persevere in trying.

 Believe in your own abilities.

 Just a hint of hesitation.

 Likes to explore new situations.

 Strong aspirations and commitment to the task.

Individuals who have low self-efficacy have the following


 Slow to improve or regain self-efficacy when faced with failure.

 Not sure if you can face the odds.

 Threats are seen as something to be avoided.

 Reduce effort and give up quickly.

 Doubt about your own abilities.

 Does not like to seek new situations.

 Aspiration and commitment to the task is weak.

f) How to increase Self Efficacy

J.W Santrock mentions four ways to increase one's self-

efficacy, namely:

1) Choose a goal that is expected to be achieved where the
selected goal is of course realistic in nature to be achieved.

2) Separate past experiences from current plans. This is

important to do so that the effects of past failures are not
mixed with the plans that are being carried out.

3) Keep trying to maintain good performance by trying to stay

focused on the success that has been achieved

4) Make a list of business situations or activities that are

expected to be overcome or can be done starting from the
easiest things to the most difficult things. It is important to
increase self-efficacy gradually in doing difficult things.

b. Public Speaking

a) Definition

Public speaking is a type of public communication which

nowadays has become a basic need for everyone in order to achieve
their life goals, this is because most of the activities and interests (if
not entirely) of human relations on this earth are carried out by means
of verbal communication oral).

Public speaking used to be known as rhetoric, but after the

advancement of science and technology, this rhetoric turned into
public speaking, this is because the need for communication has
become more significant and crucial which penetrates into various
aspects of life. Public speaking later became one of the disciplines of
public communication. With such developments, public speaking has
become a public communication skill that must be possessed by
anyone if they want to be successful in the economic, social, political

and even cultural fields, because almost 99% of human communication
on earth is done verbally.

According to Webster's Third New International Dictionary,

public speaking has two definitions, namely the act of making speech
in public (the process of public speaking) and the art of science of
effective oral communication with an audience (the art of science
about effective oral communication with listeners). Without realizing
it, public speaking skills are actually a need for every human being,
whoever and whatever the position and position at work.

Charles Bonar Sirait in his book entitled The Power of Public

Speaking, public speaking is a series of ways of thinking and gathering
all human talents from past, present, and future experiences and then
combined with ethics, behavior patterns, science, technology, culture.
Analysis of the situation and other factors, then packaged in the form
of sentences or utterances that contain the meaning of the
communication strategy behind it to achieve a goal.

Meanwhile, according to David Zarefsky Public speaking:

Strategic for Success; “public speaking is a continuous communication
process in which massage and signals circulate back and forth between
speakers and listeners.” (Public speaking is a communication process
in which messages and symbols are recirculated continuously between
the speaker and his listeners)

From the statements above, it can be said that public speaking

is one of the important oral communication to express people's
thoughts to the public formally. Public speaking means that the
speaker distributes his views with a larger audience and usually some
or even many speakers often experience anxiety and nervousness
before and during presentations (Gareis, 2006). Lucas (2004) adds that

most people have a tendency to be anxious before doing something

b) Purpose of Public Speaking

Carrying out public speaking activities is of course to achieve

an expected result and this cannot be separated from the process of
influencing and providing information for listeners. The objectives of
public speaking are:

 To persuade is the purpose of public speaking to influence the

audience to trust the public speakers.

 To educate. One of the purposes of public speaking is to

educate the audience to be smarter and have broader
knowledge than before.

 Change the mindset. Changing one's mindset is a difficult

thing. To change someone's mindset, we can do public

c) Elements of public speaking

The elements of communication in broad also apply to the

public speaking by cause of public speaking is a pattern of crowd
communication. The elements in public speaking are as follows:

i. Speaker

In the communication case, there is always information

from speaker to a group of audience. Even if speaking to 20 or
500 listeners, the central key that a speaker must accomplish is
freight information that can get by audience. This means a
speaker must be able to keep the audience hooked with their
mind feelings.

Perception of the listener is critical in planning and
throughout the shipment of a speech. Talks about university
social life, for instance, will be divergent as listeners for
proposed students compare to a graduate. Talks about
agriculture will be different as farmers and agribusiness
listeners. Even though the subject is the same, the quality of the
listener will impact how they expound, and create the tone or
attitude of the speaker. In preparing the content of the talk, the
speaker will analyze the listeners and try to discharge the things
that are desired or expected by the listeners appropriately. In
addition, the listeners’ responses during the speech, for the
example, is the marked by frowning, shaking his head, looking
confused, requiring the speaker to modify how the key points
of the conversation are organized, structured and tried to
respond to the listener’s desire.

As a speaker, one should look at the wide diversity of

listeners, men and women, differences in age nationality,
ethnicity, religion, economic equality, or physical ability.

ii. Message

A message is a set of meaningful symbols conveyed by a

communicator. The message is the content conveyed by the
speaker and listener which consists of verbal and non-verbal
messages. Language is verbal message while a non-verbal
message consists of tone of voice, eye contact, facial
expressions, gestures, body postures and appearance. Ideally,
verbal and non-verbal messages should complement each other
and work together in a balanced way. Otherwise, the listener
will choose whether to receive a verbal or non-verbal message.
To overcome this, the speaker must ensure that the nonverbal

cues is conveys support the verbal message conveys it. And the
focus of this research is verbal message in spoken form.

iii. Medium

A medium is a tool used to convey a message. A speech

can be conveyed to the listener in a variety of ways; for
example through voice, radio, television, public speech, and
multimedia. The sender of the message will choose the channel
or medium on the situation. The goal to be achieved and the
number of recipients of the message encountered. To speak in
front of a colleague, the medium used can be in the form of
public speech. This medium will be effective if it is supported
by a good room format and acoustics.

iv. Audience

The listener is the recipient of the message sent by the

speaker. Although a speaker can speak fluently and
dynamically, the measure of the success of a public speaking
speech if the listener receive and interprets the content of the
message conveyed correctly. The failure of communication
process can be caused by the speaker or the listener. While the
speaker is the key element, the listener also plays an important
role. A good listener is one who can hear the message being
delivered with an open mind, refraining from judging speaker
without listening carefully.

v. Feedback

Feedback is the response given by the listener to the

speaker. Feedback can be in verbal or non-verbal form. Verbal
feedback is usually given in the form of questions or comments
from one (or more) audience. Generally the audience will

refrain from giving feedback until the speaker has finished
presenting the material so that the question session begins.
Audiences can also provide non-verbal feedback. When
listeners nod and smile, it means they agree with the speaker’s
message. When the listener is gloomy and sitting with arms
folded, usually the listener looks at with a blank and yawning
expression, it is actually a sign that they are bored or tired.

Feedback, usually what is conveyed by the recipient of the

message to the source of the message, is also used by the
source of the message as an indicator of the effectiveness of the
message previously delivered. Is it understandable, acceptable,
facing obstacles and so on, so that based on the feedback, the
source can change the next message to suit the sender’s
purpose. Not all recipient feedback is feedback. A message said
to be a response if it is a response to the sender’s message and
influences the next sender’s behavior.

vi. Disorders

Disorder is anything that prevents or impedes the proper

delivery of message in communication.

There are 3 types of disorders:

1. External disorder are disorders that arise from outside

the listener, from example a baby crying, the sound of
vehicle passing outside the room, an air conditioner that
is too cold, or an uncomfortable room condition.
Uncomfortable conditions will make the listener unable
to concentrate.

2. Internal disorders are disorders that come from the

speaker itself. It can be personal burdens, delusional

listeners, exhaustion. A speaker can overcome these
internal disorders by making the speech or presentation
as interesting and active as possible so that the audience
is compelled to pay attention.

3. Disorders from within the speaker can occur when the

speaker uses words unfamiliar to the listener or when
the content of the message conveyed is not interpreted
by the audience as intended by the speaker. Similarly, if
the speaker wears clothing that is too distracting, the
listeners tend to pay attention to the clothing, not the
content of the presentation. Sometimes, the listener will
try to deal with the distraction on their own. On the
other hand, there are listeners who will not try to
overcome the distraction. When this happens then
communication does not run smoothly. A speaker must
be aware of the signs of a disorder.

vii. Situation

A situation is context, a time and place where

communication takes place. Different situations require
different ways of communicating, both from the speaker and
from the listener. Time is of the essence in determining how the
audience responds. Many listeners become more difficult to
persuade at times when they tend to be sleepy and tired
(between 3pm and 5pm). At this time, the presentation should
be as lively as possible. When the speaker prepares, the speaker
should know as much as possible about the situation to be
faced. A public speaker must be able to read the situation and
adapt the situation.

d) Methods of public speaking

To acquire good public speaking skills, it must be
accompanied by good methods, so that the desired goal can be
achieved. Public speaking methods consist of four types, namely:

a. Manuscript method

The manuscript is written entirely in accordance

with what will be presented to the public. The speaker
develops his ideas in a sentence or paragraph. This method
is used for speakers who need precision, for example in
official speeches on political issues, announcements, or
technical comments.

There are some disadvantages in using this method,

the speaker is unable adapt to the situation when speaking
in front of an audience. Perhaps the listener appreciates
what the speaker is saying, but does not feel the speaker is
being spoken directly. Reading the script becomes boring
and the speaker’s voice moves along the same ladder. If
you do not master what the speaker reading, the speaker
cannot look at the listener and look at their faces, so this
method has is strengths and weakness as follows:

 Strengths of this method:

1) All the wishes of the speaker are expressed

smoothly, no repetition.

2) The sequence of ideas from beginning to end is


3) Generation of speech scripts suitable for novice


 Weakness:

1) Less communicative because the speaker only
look briefly at the listener.

2) The effect of script delivery feels stiff, even

without appreciation.

3) Unable to adapt to the situation and reaction of

the listener and also unattractive.

b. Memorization method

This method is a continuation of the script method. The

manuscript that has been prepared, is not read but memorized
first, then read on the occasion of the speech. Speech by
memorizing the script can only be done if the script is short.

Even if the script is short, if the script is read

repeatedly, it will be easy to remember and not specifically
memorized. By reading it over and over, you will be to master
content. In practice, it can be submitted independently. That is,
the sentence does not have to be the same as the script, but the
content is the same.

 Strengths:

1) Delivered smoothly if you really memorized it.

2) The speaker does not encounter any errors, if the

script is fully mastered.

3) The speaker’s eyes can see the listener.

 Weakness:

1) Speakers tend to speak quickly without


2) Unable to adapt to situation and reactions.

3) If you forget a word, your speech will fail badly.

c. Spontaneous Method (sudden)

Sudden speech includes speech for an unscheduled

audience, without prior preparation or training. There seems to
be no great value or safety in sudden speech. But nothing could
be further from the truth. Once mastered, this method can
change the way the speaker sees it and the way the speaker
communicates with others. In addition, if it is normal the
speaker’s confidence level will increase.

 Strength:

1) Sometimes it tastes fresher

2) And this method is more interesting, if in the

presentation is widely used “improvisation”.

 Weakness:

1) Not fluent, even confusing for new speakers, and

sounds eeee….. eeee…… etc.

2) It may fail badly, and you are silent, unable to continue.

d. Framework Outline Method (Extemporaneous)

Of the four methods above, the extemporaneous method is

probably the best method for most public presentations because it uses
aspects. This method is the best method of the other three, by
balancing the disadvantages of all. The speaker prepares the main
content of the speech, and then arranges it in the form of a speech
outline. In addition, the speaker makes specific notes needed in the

speech, for example recorded, sentences, laws, data, numbers that are
difficult to remember.

When giving a speech, an outline can be developed directly and

notes viewed whenever needed. Speech with this model is highly
recommended because it is flexible. The content of the speech is
delivered coherently and nothing is forgotten. Meanwhile, independent
speakers look to the listener to build internal relationships.

 Strengths:

1) The main point of the speech is not forgotten.

2) Submission of speech content in sequence.

3) Chance of small errors

4) Communicative

 Weaknesses:

1) Hands are less free than holding paper.

2) Amazed is not ready, because often see notes.

Knowledge of speech delivery methods is incomplete, if the

speaker or “public speaker” or communicator does not know the basics
of good speech, as stated by William J. Mc Culloght (1986).
According to William, the basis of the speech

Well, there are four things that all public speakers need to pay
attention to, if public speakers want their speeches to be successful.

The four things that are meant are:

1. Knowledge that is the subject of conversation.

2. Sincerely, must believe in the subject of the speaker.

3. Passion, desire to talk to others.

4. Practice, use every opportunity to speak.

e. Public Speaking Technique

Installing radar to communicate with audience is the most

important thing a powerful speaker should do. One of the factors that
support the presentation is how many links the speaker builds with the
audience. If the audience doesn’t feel “connected” to the speaker then
they won’t give their time and thoughts to the speaker.

To communicate well with the audience requires certain

techniques, namely:

a. Build relationships

b. Know your audience

One way to connect with your audience to find out whom

they are. A simple assessment needs to be done by the
speaker before appearing in front of the audience.
Something to understand before appearing:

1) Age

2) Gender

3) Number of participants

4) Work

5) Reason to join your event

c. Ask the right question

d. Eye contact with audience

e. Make the audience like you

f. Be grateful

g. Smile

f. Public speaking practice process

Most people often make the mistake, that is, do not, prepare
themselves to anticipate situations where when they are required to
speak in public. Some speakers often prepare, a few seconds before
knowing that in near future they need to speak in public. In the public
speaking process, several things must be done, among them:

a. Preparation

Preparation is basic activity that is very necessary when it

comes to speaking to deliver a speech in front of large
audience. So, that what is conveyed can be understood by the
listener and the purpose of the speech is achieved. Then there
are two types of preparation:

1) Long-term inventory

Long-term preparation is the preparation done by a

speaker to improve the quality of public speaking that
the speaker has will be solid in the speaker’s
personality. The things to be provided are:

a) Growing healthy people, is a self-reliant, social,

always positive and devoted mind to the Supreme
Lord. A healthy personality enables healthy

b) Enrich knowledge and experience, this can be taken

from the life environment of the speaker, for
example; by reading books, newspapers, listening
news or perhaps from our own personal experience.

c) Train yourself in every opportunity available, this is
the work that must be done, although the speaker
unclear when the speaker must appear to speak in
public. Perform activities that engage in public, this
can be done through indirect activities with public
speaking, for example serving meals to guest and so

2) Short Term Inventory

The following are the preparations made in the short-

term preparation, namely:

a) Goal setting

Every speech has a purpose; no speech just

wants to waste time speaking in front of a large
audience. There are many goals that need to be
achieved in a speech.

b) Define the topic

A topic is something that will be presented to

the public. Topics are usually general abstract.
Still needs to be concretely limited. Many
speakers feel confused when preparing speech
topic. Choosing the right and interesting topic is
often burden to the speaker. Especially for
speeches in English or other foreign languages
that require a lot of preparation.

b. Developing the subject

If you found an interesting and appropriate topic, of course

you need to develop the topic, in addition you also need

support material for the message conveyed to clarify
understanding, strengthen the message and perception, and
facilitate delivery. Some techniques in developing the subject

1) Words

Words have the least effect on communication. But,

words play a very important role in public speaking.
Different words used in sentence will produce different
meanings. Consider the two sentences below:

a) “Can you help me?”

b) “ the only person who can help me now is you”

Do the two sentences have different effects? It

magic words.

2) Example

Examples are used to make the easier to understand.

In speech, examples can be done with story

3) Analogy

Compare two or more things two find out the

similarities and differences. For example, equate a lazy
person with a donkey that is known to be slow and
moving. Or like the fool who talks to “Empty barrels
make a loud noise”.

4) Description

Giving an explanation can be done by giving a
definition or further explaining the words used by the

5) Testimonials

Statements from experts or real experience from

someone can be used in this testimony technique.
Testimony can be done by providing quotations of
verses, hadiths and other sources that form the basis of

6) Statistical data

Statistical data is used to corroborate and convince the

statement made. For example, statistical data on number
of unemployed in Indonesia data on the number of the
births and deaths in an area and so on.

7) Emphasis

Emphasis is useful for message confirmation. This can

be done by retransmitting (repeating) the message in a
different language.

c. Composing messages

A well-organized speech will make it easier for the listener to

understand the content of the message conveyed in a speech.
Therefore, the message must be structured in such a way that the
message organization and message settings.

g. Barriers to public speaking

Not everyone is a good at public speaking. However, someone can
possess this skill with a continuous and systematic learning and
training process.

Sometimes in the teaching and learning process, it is not

necessarily able to get satisfactory results. This happens due to some
obstacles in the activity of speaking or interference or obstacles. The
disturbances or obstacles are divided into 7 types, namely:

a. Technical disorder

Technical disorder occurs if one of the tools used in

communication is disturbed, so that the information
transmitted through the channel is damaged (channel
noise). For example, interference with the tool used to
speak, namely the microphone.

b. Semantic disorder

Semantic disorders are disorder caused by errors in

the language used. This disorder often because:

1. Words that used too many foreign languages (slang) are

often difficult for certain audiences to understand.

2. The language used by the speaker is different from the

language used by recipient.

3. The structure of the language used is not as it should be,

so it confuses the recipient.

4. Cultural background that causes misperception of the

language symbols used.

a. Psychological disorder

This disorder occurs because of disturbances caused
by problems within the individual, such as the
recipient’s suspicion of the source and others.

b. Physical Disorder

Physical disturbances are obstacles caused by

geographical conditions, such as long distances that
are difficult to reach, no means of transportation and
the like. In addition, physical obstacles are also
defined as organic disturbances, namely the non-
functioning of one of the five senses at the receiver.

c. Status Disorder

Namely, barriers caused by social distance between

participants of communication, for example the
difference in status between seniors and juniors.
Differences like this usually lead to communication
behavior that always takes into account the
conditions and ethics that have been entrenched in
society, namely subordinates tend to respect their

d. Impaired frame of mind

This disorder is caused by differences in perception

between the communicator and the audience
towards the messages used in communicating or
giving speeches. This is due to different educational

e. Cultural disorder

This disorder occurs due to differences in norms,
habits and values held by the parties involved in
communication. In developing countries, people
tend to receive information from sources that have a
lot in common, such as language, religion, and other

There are so many characters that you will meet in the

audience. Whatever their background you have to adapt. The
presentation will be easier when dealing with an enthusiastic
audience, good listeners, and friendly. However, it is not always
like that. Some audiences are sometimes inconvenient, even
making you break out in a cold sweat. Not infrequently, the
speaker is provoked by his emotions because of the behavior of the

c. Perception

a. Definition of Perception

The arrangement, identification, and interpretation of

sensory information in order to represent and understand the
environment is called perception, from the Latin percipio. All
perception, according to Goldstein (2009), is based on impulses
that go through the neurological system and are triggered by
physical or chemical activation of the sensory system. Light strikes
the retina of the eye, odor molecules communicate smell, and
pressure waves mediate hearing.

Perception is the process by which a person transforms

stimuli into something meaningful for them based on previous
experiences. However, one's interpretation or perception of reality
may differ significantly from actuality. (Pickens,2005).

Perception, according to Lindsay and Norman (1987), is the
process through which organisms interpret and organize sensations
to form meaningful world experiences. Furthermore, perception is
a cognitive process in which a person gathers, organizes, and
analyzes input from their environment in order to derive meaning
from it.

According to Chee and Phaik (2002), an individual's mental

awareness, past experience, knowledge, motivation, and social
relationships can all influence their perception of stimuli.
Individual attitudes are influenced by their perceptions. Perception,
according to Millikan (2004), is a method of comprehending or,
more accurately, transforming natural indicators into deliberate

The researcher concludes that they all have some

characteristics in common based on the definitions above.
Perception is defined as the process or phenomenon through which
a human perceives and interprets any object, according to all
definitions. Our five sense organs, as well as the brain, play a role
in interpreting and coordinating the entire process.

As a result, all definitions define perception as the process

through which a person gets information through their sense
organs. Perception is the result of the interaction of incoming
stimuli with information stored in the brain (memory). It is the
process through which a person perceives diverse stimuli and
creates a mental image of the world. The brain organizes the
stimuli obtained through the sensory organs of the eyes, ears, nose,
mouth, and skin. It is then saved as data. The brain colors and tags
the information using its own reasoning as well as previous

memory and experience. No one has the same perception since
everyone is stimulated differently.

b. Types of Perception

According to Zaden (1984:109), there are three categories

of perception: person perception, social perception, and situation

a. Individual Perception

The mechanisms by which we learn about and think about

others, their attributes, qualities, and inner state, are referred to as
person perception. To the extent that we assign steady straits and
persistent propensity to others, we develop an image of other ways
that serve to stabilize, make predictable, and render our vision of
the social world manageable. We believe we have a greater
understanding of their behavior and can forecast their future
actions therefore we utilize their countries to guide our interactions
with them.

A person who is blind may interpret sound differently from

someone who is able to see. Each person's individual perception is
based on how they view their life experiences, hence no two
people's perceptions of the same scenario are likely to be identical.

It has a link with kids who have personal perception or ow

perception in these categories. Every student has a unique
perspective on teacher characteristics, teaching methods, teacher
quality, and even the instructional material utilized by teachers
during the teaching and learning process. Every student has a
unique perspective on what the teacher is teaching. As a result,
person perception can be defined as a general tendency to generate

perceptions of other people, as well as the many conclusions we
draw about them based on our impressions.

b. Social Perception

It's not easy to understand individuals, whether they're

professional sports, politicians, criminals, leaders, entertainers, or
loved ones. Knowing that other people have thoughts, beliefs,
feelings, goals, and desires, as well as the ability to read their
interior states based on their words, behavior, and facial
expression. People attentively monitor the conduct of others until
they have a complete picture of the person, situation, and behavior.
This indicates that people's perceptions of something are
influenced by its quality. They can read what other individuals
think about a certain pastime.

c. Situation Perception

In social psycholinguistics, a scenario is defined as all of

the social elements that influence a person's experience or behavior
at a specific time and location. It is a time-space interaction in
which we act in precise ways. The interpretation of stimuli is
affected by the situational competition in which they occur. Any
number of words could appear. Depending on the stimuli we
perceive. The associations we make between various stimuli in our
comprehension of them.

This usually means that people's perceptions vary

depending on the scenario. Students' attitudes have changed over
time. It is due to social elements that influence a person's conduct,
as well as the disparity in knowledge among students who flow
information and technology, consequently influencing the students'

d. Factors of Perception

According to Jalaludin Rahmat, there are two elements that

influence perception. These two factors are:

1. Functional Factor

Personal variables, which determine perception rather than

the type or shape of stimuli, but the qualities of persons who
respond to the stimuli, derive from wants, prior experiences, and
other things that are included in functional factors.

2. Structural Factor

Physical stimuli and the neural effects they have on the

individual nervous system are the only sources of structural
variables. The argument is that in order to comprehend an
occurrence, one must evaluate the facts in the context of the
broader connection. In their surroundings and the issues they

In this study, the characteristics that influence perception

are vital to serve as the foundation knowledge for implementing
online learning into students' perceptions.

3. Process of Perception

Perception does not occur directly. There are some

physiological mechanisms that affect perception. There are four
processes of perception, according to Thoha in Rohani (2009:9):
stimulation, registration, interpretation, and feedback.

The first stage of stimulation. It is the way a person feels

and sees something, as well as the stimulating condition created by
the environment in which he or she lives. The second step is the
registration procedure. Registration describes the circumstance in

which learners' mental and bodily reactions are stimulated. The
physical and mental responses that occur when someone is
stimulated are known as registration. At this level, the learner
absorbs as much information regarding stimulus as possible.

The third step is the process of interpretation. Following the

acceptance of all facts, the next process will play a crucial role.
Because this process is influenced by motivation, experience, and
personality of each learner, each learner has a particular cognitive
mechanism for understanding stimuli. As a result, everyone of
them has a unique perspective. As a result, each person has a
unique perspective on a particular subject or set of things.

The final stage of perception is feed back, during which the

data is interpreted. As a result of the interpretation, the learner
reacts to the stimulation. Both negative and positive emotions are
possible in this situation. There are numerous aspects that influence
the interpretation process. If the response is negative, the learner
will react negatively to the stimulus, such as rejection,
disagreement, prejudice, or even rebellion. If the learner has a
positive interpretation, on the other hand, she or he will have a
positive demeanor or attitude toward the stimuli. She or he will
accept, appreciate, and even please the stimulation that she or he
senses or understands.

To summarize, perception is a complex process that begins

with stimulation, continues with registration of information about
the stimulation, interprets the information based on accepted
information and inner ability (experience, motivation, etc.), and
concludes with a decision on the reaction or feed back to the

4. Perception Measurement

Surveys and questionnaires are common data gathering
tools for both qualitative and quantitative data, and they can also be
used to quantify qualitative data. It's a terrific way to see how
people feel about specific subjects on a broad scale. While key
informant interviews and focus group discussions are essential for
gathering this information, their utility is limited, and extrapolation
to a wide population is difficult. Surveys can help in this situation.

The main idea behind Likert Scales is to ask participants to

rate how much they agree with a series of statements regarding a
specific issue. The usage of such a tool is predicated on the
premise that the strength and/or intensity of experience or
cognition is linear. Respondents must choose where they fall on a
linear continuum of replies, which often includes at least five
options along the lines of the following or similar lines.

1) Strongly agree

2) Agree

3) Undecided

4) Disagree

5) Strongly disagree

The University of Connecticut has compiled an outstanding

collection of prospective scales that are grouped according to the
scale's intended measurement: agreement, frequency, relevance,
quality, and likelihood. The scales and classifications on this list
are not meant to be exhaustive.



A. Place and Time of The Research

The research of this study will be conducted at the fourth semester

students of English Education Program of Islamic University Sulthan Thaha
Saifuddin Jambi which is located at Jl. Jambi Ma Bulian KM. 16 Simpang
Sungai Duren Kab. Ma. Jambi.

B. Research Design

The study conducted through quantitative descriptive method and the

design survey study. The quantitative technique, which is a sort of study data
that displays the number or amount of something, is used to solve an issue.
The researcher also employs qualitative approaches in parsing the study
findings, such as describing, taking notes, and witnessing the research object.
The researchers used survey research approaches based on quantitative
research methodology. The term "survey method" refers to a method of
examination and measurement, as well as research methods used to conduct
examinations and measurements of empirical symptoms in the field or at a
research site, which are typically conducted on the sample units encountered
as respondents rather than the entire target population. (Abdurrahman Fathoni,
Jakarta : 2006).

The survey type utilized in this study was descriptive. A descriptive

survey is one that involves conducting exams and taking measurements of the
environment. In this example, describing or painting can be done in the literal
sense (literally), such as in the form of pictures or photos derived from field
data, or researchers can describe the outcomes of research using both visuals
and words. The author's research is a sort of field research, which is defined as

a study that collects data in the field (the study location) and distributes

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

In theory, population refers to all members of groups of humans,

animals, events, or things who dwell together in one location and are
intended to be the subject of conclusions drawn from a study's final results
(Sukardi, 2003: 53). The population in this study were 4th semester
students majoring in English for the 2019/2020 academic year which
consisted of 3 classes, namely classes A, B, and C. With details of each
class consisting of 23 students, the total was 69 students. The distribution
of students in these classes is done randomly.

2. Sample

A sample is a portion of the whole population chosen for data

collection. (Sukardi, 2003: 54). In this study, the sample was taken using
the Simple Random Sampling technique, which was taken at random
without considering the dominant class or not. The sample used in this
study was all classes but only with representatives of each class of 10
students. So, the total number is 30 students.

D. Techniques of Collecting Data

E. Techniques of Data Analysis

F. Schedule of The Research



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