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Check out the five tips below to improve public speaking skills.

1. Have a Clear Message

Arranging the points of the material you want to convey is the right way to
improve your public speaking skills. No need to memorize every sentence, but explain
the outline and sequence of the material clearly so that it is easy to understand.
2. Speak to Give
Public speaking has a purpose to convey ideas and ideas to the audience. Then
speak with the aim of wanting to inspire the audience and be able to provide in-depth
information so that they will be interested in the material you bring.
3. Understand the Audie
Adjust the style of language with the audience when speaking. Because each of
the same material must be treated in a different way if the audience has a different
background. As a public speaker, this is the way to improve your public speaking skills.
Always make sure to start by understanding your audience before speaking in front of a
large crowd.
4. Pay Attention to Body Language
Body language such as movements and expressions must be in line with the
material presented. Not only words that the audience receives, but pay attention to body
language must also be done. Because the audience will always be comfortable if your
delivery is in harmony with body movements. Start practicing public speaking in a
relaxed manner and not stiff when speaking in public.
5. Give Humor and Emotion
Inserting elements of humor and emotion when speaking certainly makes you
relax or not too stiff. In addition, to help break the silence, the audience generally likes
speakers who can throw humor because they can refresh the atmosphere. Be good at
inserting an element of emotion into your material or spontaneously so that it can give the
audience interest to follow the material presented.

A psychologist from Stanford University, Alfred Bandura said that self-efficacy can
affect learning and performance at work in five ways. Among them are:
1. Selected destination
This will affect the choices you make, especially from the level of challenge of
the goals and the level of commitment you choose. If the level of self-efficacy is high,
then you will tend to choose a more challenging goal for him, and vice versa.
2. Learning and Efforts made
If you have high self-efficacy, then you will work hard, learn more, and take on
new challenges and tasks because you are confident that you will succeed. When you
face tough challenges ahead, you will continue to strive to advance so that you can reach
your goal.
3. Persistence in carrying out tasks
This self-efficacy will also have an effect on how long you will last when engaged
in new tasks that are more challenging and more difficult. If you have high self-efficacy
then you can last longer to do difficult tasks. This is because you believe that you will
succeed. In addition, you will also learn a lot as you carry out your duties.
4. Attitude when faced with a bad situation
Your attitude when dealing with bad situations (failure) is also related to self-
efficacy. If you have high self-efficacy, then you will recover faster and quickly rise from
failure. You tend to think of other ways to achieve a goal after experiencing failure.
5. Anxiety and stress levels
Again, this self-efficacy has an influence on the level of stress suffered. When
you have high self-efficacy, you will rarely experience stress in carrying out tasks.
Because of the tendency to set challenges and high commitment to a goal. That is the
reason why self-efficacy is very important in everyday life.

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