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Data gathering

Answer the questions on the last part of pdf

Answer the following questions and explain or do what is required

1. What are the advantages of using questionnaire?

 For respondents: questionnaire is easy to fill out, takes little time, and
keeps respondent on the subject.
 For researchers: questionnaire is relatively objective, fairly easy to tabulate
and analyze, and can be administered personally by the researcher or by
someone else or even by mail.

2. What are the weaknesses of using questionnaire?

Answer: there are problems of using questionnaire that have to be taken care of
cautiously. The seriousness of respondents in filling out the questionnaire is the
most serious problem that has to be anticipated. Respondents may not give true
answers, my not give consistent answers from one question to another question,
may not answer questions objectively, may answer only some questions in the
questionnaire, may not give answers expected be the researchers, may
understand the words or questions differently from one respondent to another
respondent, may not understand the words or sentences in the questionnaires
and may not return the questionnaires on time, or may not return the
questionnaire at all.
3. What is the difference between questionnaire and attitude scale?
 Questionnaire: written instrument consisting of questions to be answered
or statements to be responded by respondents. Or
Questionnaire is a written instrument to collect data on factual
 Attitude scale: related to how people feel or what they believe about a
controversial issue, an issue that may invite agreement or disagreement
by people. Or
Attitude is written instrument to collect data on people’s attitude.

4. What is the most commonly used attitude scale?

Answer: the most common attitude scale is Likert Method, or Likert-type scale
5. Mention the sources of bias data in attitude scale!
Answer: Likert

6. What are the strengths of interview?

1. A lot of people are more willing to talk than to write, especially on
confidential information, or when dealing with young children, or when the
subjects have reading or language problems
2. Interviewer can explain more explicitly the purpose of the interview and
what information is needed
3. Interviewers can make full use of the responses of the subject to improve the
interview situation. If the interviewee misinterprets the question, the
interviewer may follow it up with a clarifying questions

7. What are the weaknesses of interview?

1. It takes a lot of time to interview every respondent, and greater expense
2. When many respondents have to be interviewed, the interview is usually
shallow and fail to probe deeply enough to provide a true picture of opinions
and feelings
3. It is more expensive than other data gathering methods, especially when the
researcher has to hire and train several interviewers

8. Mention how to record the interview and explain the advantages and
disadvantages of each method!
There 2 methods of recording the interview:
1. Note taking
Note taking is done by checking alternative answers and writing some
additional sentences as necessary.
The problem with note taking is when it should be conducted during the
interview, it can record all he information from the subject, but it may disturb
the process of interview but the interviewer may forget some of the

2. Tape recording
The advantage of tape recording the interview is that the recorded
information can be played back several times and it may be used for other
research purposes.
The problem with tape recording is that some subjects being interviewed may
feel reluctant to talk about sensitive information when recorded.

9. Explain the different roles of naturalistic observer in the study community!

Answer: The position of the observer to the community being observed varies in
continuum from being a complete participant (insiders) to a complete observer

10. Explain the naturalistic observation procedure!

Answer: the procedure of naturalistic observation in qualitative research is a
kind of funnel where researchers start from very broad observation and as the
observation progresses, they narrow down into focused observation.
Angrosino, M.V. (2007:14-15) suggest four steps in the process of collecting
information by means naturalistic observation; descriptive phase, focusing
phase, selective phase, and saturation point.
 Descriptive phase is a general description to develop an overview of the
site. From the general overview, a particular interest may be selected.
Then, researcher may focus observing factors of particular interest with
greater intensity. The focused observation continues while the researcher
is selecting among elements in the site to establish and clarify their
relationships. The selecting phase is repeated until the funnel finally
reaches a saturation point, which occurs when new findings consistently
replicate what has been discovered.

11. Explain what is meant with valid and reliable data obtained from naturalistic
Answer: In terms of validity, naturalistic observation sacrifices internal for
ecological validity. Because the behaviors observed occur in context with no
interference from researchers, the extent to which the behaviors observed in this
naturalistic setting mimic the “real world” is very high.

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