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1438 H / 2017 M


Presented to
State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana in English Language Education

NIM 1201120783


2017 M / 1438 H


“... Like garden of flowers unfolding in the morning sun

may our special days unfold into happinnes…”

(“Fobulous Flowers”)

This Thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved Father Rusmin Noryakin and Mother Siti
Fatma for their valuable endless prayer, sacrifice, and
support. My beloved brothers Erwin Sanjaya ,Ernandi
Saputra and My pathner Fadlyannor Cahyadi, SE

Sari,Ninda. 2017.Effect of Photo Grid Towards Students’ Ability in Writing Recount
Text atSMAN 3 Palangka Raya. Thesis, Departmentof Language Education,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State Islamic Institute ofPalangka
Raya.Advisors:(I) M.Zaini Miftah, M.Pd., (II)Zaitun Qamariah, M.Pd.
Keywords:Effect, Photo Grid, Writing Ability, and Recount Text
The purpose of this research was to measure the effect of Photo Grid media
towards’ ability in writing recount text at SMAN 3 Palangka Raya.

It was used quantitative approach with pre experimental design. In this

theinstruments of collecting the data were using test and documentation.First test,this
study was uses writing test about recount paragraph writing with different topic. Pretest
student’ write recount text on past experince. Posttest Students’ write recount text
impelemtation on photo Grid as media.Second, Documentation researcher in this research
will collecting some information data classes, the students’ name list, syllabi, and score of
students and video.The population of the study were the eleventh grade of SMAN 3
Palangka Raya which consisted five classes of 40 students. Sample the research takes
sciene class. For analyzed it was used ttable formula to test the hypothesis.

The result of this study shows that value of ttable = 4.932 higher than the ttable = 2.02
with level significant 5%, the result of testing hypothesis determine,the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) stating that thesis significant the effect of using Photo Grid towards
students’ ability in writing recount text at SMAN 3 Palangka Raya is accepted but is
lower and Ho stating is there is no significant effect of using photo Grid towards students’
ability in writing recount text at SMAN 3 Palangka Raya. Therefore teaching writing
effect of using photo Grid towards students’ ability in writing recount teks at SMAN 3
Palangka Raya is 5% significant level. So there is not significant effect using Photo Grid
in writing recount text using photo Grid.

Sari,Ninda. 2017.EfekPhoto Grid Terhadap Kemampuan Siswa dalam Menulis Teks
Recount di SMAN 3 Palangka RayaSkripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa, Fakultas
Tarbiyah danIlmu Keguruan,InstitutAgamaIslam Negeri PalangkaRaya.
Pembimbing: (I) M.ZainiMiftah, M.Pd(II)Zaitun Qamariah, M.Pd

Kata kunci: Efek, Photo Grid, Kemampuan, Menulis, Recount Teks

Tujuan dari penelitianini adalahmengukur efekPhoto Grid terhadap kemampuan

siswa dalam menulis teks recount di SMAN 3 Palangka Raya.

Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan design pre-

experimental.Instrumen atau alat yang digunakan peneliti untuk mengumpulkan data
terbagi dalam dua jenis. Pertama, test yaitu mendapatkan data dengam cara menulis teks
recount dengan topik yang berbeda. Pra-uji siswa menulis teks recount. Pasca-uji siswa
menulis teks recount tetapi di aplikasikankedalam Photo Grid sebagai media. Dokumentasi
peneliti mendapatkan data dari nilai siswa, syllabus, daftar nama dan video.Populasi
penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sebelas SMN 3 Palangka Raya yang terdiri dari lima
kelas yang masig masing kelas berjumlah 40 siswa. Sampel adalah diambil dari
IPA.Penulis telah menganalisis menggunakan ttable formula untuk menguji hipotesis.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tobserved= 4.932 lebih tinggi dari ttable=2.02
dengan signifikan level 5%.Hasil dari tes hipotesis menetapkan hipotesis alternatif (Ha)
Menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pada penggunaan teknik Photo Grid terhadap skor
menulis siswa kelas sebelas di SMAN 3 Palangka Raya efektif di level signifikan 5%. Ho
menyatkan tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan pada penggunaan Photo Grid terhadap skor
siswa menulis teks recount di SMAN 3 Palangka Raya. Maka dari itu dari itu pengaruh
menulis menggunkan Photo Grid terhadap skor siswa SMAN 3 Palangka Raya efektif di
level 5%. Jadi tiadak ada efek yang signifikan dalam kemampuan siswa menuis teks
recount menggukan Photo Grid.


The writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to Allah SWT., for the

blessing bestowed in her whole life particularly during the thesis writing without which

this thesis would not have come to its final form. Sholawat and salam always be

bestowed to the last prophet Muhammad SAW., having shown us the role of life to

make our life true.

Her appreciation is addressed to:

1. Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education o f t h e S t a t e I s l a m i c

I n s t i t u t e o f P a l a n g k a R a ya , D r s . F a h m i , M . P d . , for his invaluable

assistance both in academic and administrative matters.

2. Vice Dean i n Academi c Affairs, Dra. Hj. Raudh atu l J ennah,

M . P d . , for her invaluable assistance both in academic and administrative


3. C h a i r o f D e p a r t m e n t o f L a n g u a g e E d u c a t i o n , Santi Erlina, M . Pd.,

for her invaluable assistance both in academic and administrative matters.

4. chair of Study Program of English Education, M. Zaini Miftah, M.Pd., for his

invaluable assistance both in acaademic and administrative matters

5. Her thesis advisors, M.Zaini Miftah, M.Pd and Zaitun Qamariah, M.Pd for their

generous advice, valuable guidance and elaborated correction during their busy

time to the completion of her thesis.

6. Both the members of the board of examiners, for their corrections, comments

and suggestions which are profitable to the accomplishing of this thesis.

7. All lecturers of Study Program of English Education from whom she got in-

depth knowledge of English and English teaching.

8. The principal of SMAN 3 Palalangka Raya and,for Nampung S.Pd his

permission to take research at the school.

9. Her classmates of Study Program of English Education, especially the 2012

period, for the support in sadness and happiness during the study in

undergraduate program and for their spirits to accomplish her study.

10. Her beloved parents, Rusmin Noryakin and Siti Fatma, for their moral

support and endless prayer so that she is able to finish her study. May Allah

SWT bless them all .Amin

Palangka Raya, April 2017

The writer,

Ninda Sari
NIM 1201120783


COVER ............................................................................................................... i
COVER (Second Page) ....................................................................................... ii
ADVISOR APPROVAL ..................................................................................... iii
THESIS APPROVAL ......................................................................................... iv
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ........................................................................... v
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP ................................................................ vi
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK (Indonesia) ....................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... xi
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xiii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................xxiv
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xv
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................. xvi

A. Background of the Study..................................................... 1
B. Research Problem................................................................ 4
C. Objective of the Study......................................................... 4
D. Hypothesis of the Study ...................................................... 4
E. Assumption ......................................................................... 4
F. Scope and Limitation .......................................................... 5
G. Significance of the Study .................................................... 5
H. Definition of Key Terms ..................................................... 5


A. Related studies .................................................................... 8
B. Writing ................................................................................ 11
1. Nature Of Writing ......................................................... 11
2. Writing Process ............................................................. 11
3. Writing Ability .............................................................. 13
4. Kind of Writing ............................................................. 14
5. Writing Assessment ...................................................... 14
C. Recount Text ....................................................................... 16
1. Generic Structure of Recount ........................................ 17
2. Language Feature of Recount ....................................... 17
3. Constructing a Written Recount Text ........................... 17
4. Scoring Guide of Writing Test ...................................... 19

D. Teaching English Writing Using Window Movie Maker .. 26
E. Teaching Writing For Senior High School ......................... 27


A. Research Design .................................................................. 24
B. Population and Sample........................................................ 26
1. Population ..................................................................... 26
2. Sample ........................................................................... 26
C. Research Instrument ............................................................ 27
1. Test ................................................................................ 27
2. Documentation .............................................................. 28
3. Instrument Reability ...................................................... 28
4. Instrument Validty ........................................................ 30
D. Data Collection Procedure .................................................. 32
E. Data Analysis Procedure ..................................................... 35
A. Data Presentation ................................................................ 40
B. Research Findings ............................................................... 58
1. Testing Normality and Homoginity (Linierity) ............ 59
2. Interpretation of the Results .......................................... 73
C. Discussion ........................................................................... 74
A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 70
B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 70



Table Page

2.1 Criteria of Assesment in Writing Recount text ................................. 17

3.1 Design of Pre-test and Post-test ....................................................... 25

3.2 Table of Instrument ........................................................................... 26

3.3 Table of Topic .................................................................................. 27

3.4 The Interpretation of Correlation Pearson Product Moment............. 29

3.5 The Signification of Content Validty ................................................ 30

3.6 Procedure of Learning Using Movie Maker ..................................... 32

3.7 Collecting the Score of the Students Work sheet Result.................... 35

4.1 Pre-test Score By the First Rater and Second Rater ........................... 38

4.2 The Combination of Final Pretest Score ........................................... 42

4.3 Frequency Distribution of the Pretest Score ..................................... 45

4.4 Post-test Score By the First Rater and Second Rater ......................... 45

4.5 The Combination of Final Post-test Score ......................................... 52

4.6 Frequency Distribution of the Posttest Scorer ................................... 53

4.7 The Improvement of Students’ Score ................................................. 55

4.8 Testing Normality of Pretest ............................................................... 58

4.9 Testing Normality of Posttest............................................................... 60

4.10 Homogenity ........................................................................................ 60

4.11 Pearson Product Moment Correlation of Pre-test .............................. 61

4.12 Pearson Product Moment Correlation of Post Test .......................... 63

4.13 The Item-Total Statiscs of Pretest ...................................................... 67

4.14 The Reliability Statistic of Pretest...................................................... 67

4.15 The Item-Total Statiscs of Post-Test ................................................. 68

4.16 The Reliability Statistic of Post-Test ................................................ 68

4.17 The Table of Students’ Score ............................................................ 69

4.18 The Result of T-Test Using Manual Calculation .............................. 73

4.19 The Result of Paired Samle Test Using SPSS 18.0 .......................... 73

FIGURES ................................................................................................... PAGE
4.6 Distribution of the Pretest Score ........................................................... 48
4.8 Distribution of the Post-test Score ........................................................ 55
4.7 The Improvement of Students’ Score ................................................... 56


Appendix I :Syllabus
Appendix II : Lesson Plan
: Meeting 1 & 2
: Meeting 3 & 4
Appendix III : Research Shedule
Appendix IV :Instruments
Appendix V : Letters

Df : Degree of freedom
SD : Standart Deviation
SE : Standart Error
SEM : Standar Error of the Mean
MD : Mean of Different
Ha : Alternative Hypothesis
Ho : Null Hypothesis
SPSS : Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
SMAN : Sekolah Menengah Atas Negri
R1 : Rater I
R2 : Rater II
ICT : Information Communication Technology
M : Mean
F : Frequncys
N : Number of Case
T : Test
CN : Code Number
C : Content Orientation
SE : Sequent Event
RE : Reoriantation
V : Vocabulary
G : Grammar
S : Spelling
P :Punctuation
TS : Total Score


1. Name : Ninda Sari

2. Place, Date of Birth : Pantai Laga, 03 Maret 1993
3. Religion : Muslim
4. Nationality : Indonesia
5. Marital Status : University students
6. Address : Puruk Cahu
7. Email Address
8. Phone : 085252616248
9. Education Background :
a. Elementary School : SDN 2 Puruk Cahu
b. Junior High School : SMPN 2 Puruk Cahu
c. Senior High School : SMAN 1 Murung Raya
d. University : IAIN Palangaka Raya
10. Organization Experience :
a. Scout Organization
11. Achievement/Scientific Writing :
a. Thesis
12. Experience of Academic Program :
a. English Education Program Study
Palangka Raya, 2 Juni 2017
The Writer

Ninda Sari
NIM 1201120783




This chapter present background of the study, research problem,

objective of the study, hypothesis of the study, assumption, scope and limitation,

significance of the study and definition of key terms..

A. Background of the study

Based on Ni (2015:3) Use of ICT on writing skill to support and change

the teaching and learning process in many subject areas ICT has positive impact

on students’ performances in primary schools particularly in English language and

less in science. Students learn new skills: analytical, including improvements in

writing ,ICT also develop some writing skills: spelling, grammar, punctuation,

editing and re-drafting Still new technologies encourage independent and active

learning, and students’ responsibility for their own learning.

In this research the writer has done theobservation .

Based on the observation at SMAN 3 Palanga Raya ( 8 August 2016) in

this schoolthe writer find out that had score the student low in writing , they have

problem in writing such as less of vocabulary, grammar error, and difficulty of

expressing ideas in writing”


Kumar, Vani, & Patted (2016:176) Photo Grid application lets you create

your own photo story. All you need to do is select a grid, select few of your

photographs and create a collage of your choice.As you can see, the most

important factors that make this app different from other photo editing

applications is that creativity and talent of an individual are given more priority

than inbuilt features which can be used as it is.

Nurkhamidah, (2011:23)Purpose of choosing this topicis giving the

students one teaching activity to write recount text, by using movie maker.writing

recount text will be not as difficult as before. The importance of this research will

by having a new technique in writing, the writer hopes that the students would not

fell it is difficult to write recount text, so by having a good experience in writing

the students will not fell learning English difficult.

Base on Saputri. (2014:14)The Importance of writing in classcan be easy

for students in improving their writing, writing is the activity or work of writing

stories, and the way that you use written words to express your ideas or opinions.

So, everything that has a relation with daily life it can be easy for college students

in improving their writing. Like a recount that tells about something that

happened in the past.

Based on Samuel and Ede (2005:105)The importance of ICT is quitean

evidence from the educational perspective. Though the chalkboard, textbooks,

radio/television and film have been used for educational purpose over the years,

none has quite impacted on the educational process like the computer.

B. Research Problem

Based on background above, the problem of the study is: Is there any

significant effect of using Photo Grid towards ability in writing recount text an

eleventh grade of SMAN 3 Palangkaraya?

C. Objective of The Study

The objective of this study is to measure effect of using Photo Grid

towards ability in writing recount text at eleventh grade of SMAN 3


D. Hypotheses of The Study

Hypotheses isproposition that will be tested for its truth, or is it a

temporary answer toward the research question. There are two hypotheses on

this research;

They were alternative hypotheses (Ha) and null hypotheses (H0).

1. Alternative Hypotheses (Ha)

Teaching writing using Photo Grid gives effect to the eleventh-grade

students at SMAN 3 Palangkaraya.

2. Null Hypotheses (H0)

Teaching writing using Photo Grid does not give effect to the eleventh

grade students at SMAN 3 Palangkaraya.

E. Assumption

1. Photo Grid are effect techniques to improve the students’ writing ability.

2. The students’ writing recount paragraph will better when teacher using

photogrid techniques.

F. Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is only measure the effect of using Photo Grid.

Especially the effect of Photo Grid to writing for eleventh grade students at

SMAN 3 Palangkaraya in academic year 2016/2017. Meanwhile, the subject

of the study iseleventh grade students of SMAN 3 of Palangka Raya

especially XI A as the subject of study.

G. Significance of The Study

This study has theoretical and practical significances: Theoretically:

this study enables up to understand more about the uses of photogrid

technique in teaching learning process that can be used to improve the quality

of the writing recount text.

Practically: the study is the alternative way to improve the students’

ability in writing recount text at SMA-N 3 Palangka Raya, as one of

alternative technique that can be used by English teacher in teaching writing

of recount text, and as contribution for those who want to use strategy in

teaching learning process.Photo Grid as media to improving students writing

ability in writing recount text.

H. Definition of Key Terms

The following are some definition of important terms that are used in

the study:

1. The effect

Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh(2010 : 640) Isa measure of the strength of

the relationshipbetween two variables shown by the differencebetween


two means calculated that has been gotten after treatment.In this study

effect means Helps student understand the magnitude of differences found

in writing and essential for students to understand the full impact of her

work target students in order to encourage to improve your

comprehension and understanding.

2. Photo Grid

Kumar, Vani, & Patted (2016:176) Photo Grid is photo collage tool

that will help you combine several images from a device into just one,

even applying different styles and effects to create the perfect resul. In this

study photogrid means paragraph mediaused in teaching recount text.

Photogrid will be made by students and the product is video in the form of

recount paragraph.

3. Writing ability

Gould, DiYanni,.& Smith,(1989:23) Writingability the skill to makes a

series of related text-making activities: generating, arranging and

developing ideas in sentences: drafting, shaping, rereading the text,

editing, and revising. In this study writing ability means the student’s

ability in write a recount paragraph.

4. Recount text

Rugayamanan(2015:24)Recounttextuses simple past tense or past

perfect tense in its phrase. Recount text retell about past event. Recount

text use adverbs of time, for example: when, one day, once upon a time,

last holiday, after, before, and other.In this study means Recount text is

text as paragraph tells about student personal experience.




This chapter provided the review of related literature that discussed related

literature according to the research’s point of view. It isconsistedwriting, recount

text, writing assessment, and teaching by principle.

A. Previous studies

First Based on Kumar, Vani, & Patted (2016:176) While Photo Collage

started out as a handy app to create collages of your favorite photos, it now

includes many more useful features and options that will help you make beautiful

and creative images (and videos) in next to no time.

Second Kodoatei(2013: 24)states that visual media has great potential as

ateaching aid to develop writing skills and can provide both contexts

andstimulation for a variety of activities. Visual media are the tools in

teachingaspects of the language such as phonology, vocabulary and grammar.

This mediaalso can develop the different language skills such as listening,

speaking, readingand writing. Moreover, the use of visualisation can get the pupils

interested andawakened their thought to be more creative thinker. This can create

naturalsituations and active teaching and learning for the use of language as a

means ofcommunication.


Third, indah(2010:11)Photograph or picture is one of visual aids that can

be used inteaching and learning English. It creates the situation for learning

classesand interestinguseful in process writing recount textIt isappropriate with

writing recount text because recount text use toreconstruct past experiences by

retelling events and incident in order inwhich they have occurred. So the writer

choose photograph as visualmedia to improving writing recount text.

Second Zaki (2014: 3)By answering the research question and testing the

hypothesis, we hope to find answers to whether tools such as the three tools

described in this article facilitate intrinsic motivation and thus function as a lever

to German language and culture learning. This area of research is termed “CALL”

(Computer-Assisted Language Learning) and is defined as: “the search for and

study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning.

In addition, the differences between the previous studies with the

researcher are related to the approach of the study that is used. This study was

experimental research; it was conducted in writing ability by technique. The

purpose of the study is to know the effect teacher technique give effect at

students’ writing ability especially on writing recount text. The level that will be

used in Senior High School at Eleventh graders, the purpose of this research is to

improve students’ writing skill.

B. Writing

1. Nature Of Writing

Honrby (1982:1383) There are some definitions of writing that are

taken from resources, According to Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary


that writing is the activity or occupation of writing e.g. books, stories or

articles.Brown also states that writing is indeed a thinking process.

Dullay (1982: 226) gives statement that writing is only mode in which

both linguistics manipulation task and communication task have been


In the other words, Fauziati (2011: 151) states that writing as a

process is oriented towards work in progress and the development of new

skills, rather than merely evaluative task, the classroom practices,

therefore, will vary from each other. Based on the statements, it can be

concluded that writing is active. Productive more clearly, writing is an act

or process to produce some information in their mind that should be

express into writing form. Writing will be the best if the students guide on

the rules defined. It usually refers to contents, organization, grammatical,

usage and mechanics, sentence structure, mastery on vocabulary andso on.

2. WritingProcess

Based on Butle (2010:31) Writing Process as a method of helping

student writers has always, to my knowledge, been conceived of as a set of

discrete stages wherein a writer engages in certain activities designed to

solve particular problems unique to that stage.There are three steps in

writing process, they are prewriting, writing, and revising. All of those

steps are important to make our writing better and systematic.


a. Prewriting

Blanchard and Root( 2003:41) Prewriting is the first step; it is

preparation step before writing process. Prewriting gives warming up

the brain to gathering the ideas to write about. There are several ways

to warm up before we write.Prewritingisa preparation

forwriteandthegetting-ready-to- writestagewhichislikea warming-

upforthe athletes.

b. Drafting

Time Writing,(2015:15)Drafting means writing a preliminary

version of a work that you will later revise. It means getting your idea

on paper, so that you can work with them. In addition, drafting is the

time to rummage through ideas accumulated during prewriting and

unfold them into sentences and paragraphs.Draftingisastage

designedtoallowthewriterstoputtheirideason paperwithoutworrying

aboutmechanics or neatness.

c. Revising

The students review and reexamine the text to see how

effectively they have communicated their ideas to the reader. Revising

is not a simple activity of checking language errors but it is done to

improve global content and organization of the ideas so the writer’s

intention is clearer for the reader. The goal of this phase of the writing

process is to improve the draft.Revisingistomakethe writingclearer and

more interesting to the readers.


d. Editing

At this stage, the students are focused on tidying up their works

as they prepare the final draft to be evaluated by the teacher. The main

activity done by the students at this stage is editing their mistakes on

grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentences, diction and etc.

Tompkins&Hoskisson assertthat theediting

stageprimarilyfocusesonthecontent ofstudents'writing.

e. Publishing

Miftah ( 2012:191) In this last step of the writingprocess, the

final writing is shared with the group. Sharing can be accomplished in

a variety of ways, and with the help of computers, it can even be

printed or published online”. Inpublishing stage,students

bringtheircompositions lifebypublishingthem or sharing them orally

with an appropriateaudience. It means thattheysharedtheir

writingswithreal audiencesofclassmates, otherstudents,parents


3. Writing Ability

Kern(2000:172)Writing is functional communication, making

learners possible to create imagined worlds of their own design. Writing as

one of four language skills is considered as a difficult skill because the

writer should make some aspects in writing such as content, organization,

purpose, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling in a balance way.


4. Kind of Writing

a. Paragraph

Mark and Kathy (1997:38) Paragraph is a piece of written text.

It contains several sentences. It can be classified into three parts; they

are the beginning, body and the ending. As a text, a paragraph contains

several sentences which can be classified into three parts.

b. Essay

King(2011:5) Essay is a paragraph that you expand because your

subjectis too complex to cover in a single paragraph. The first

paragraph, the introductory paragraph, contains a sentence with the

main idea of your essay (the thesis statement). Next come several

paragraphs that elaborate on your main idea (body paragraphs) and a

concluding paragraph that summarizes the points you made.

5. Writing Assessment

Siahaan and Shinoda(2008:143) Assessment is a written English

text in which the writer explains the process. This involves in the

formation (evolution) of a sosiocultural phenomenon as a natural


Johnson and Andrew (2011:213-216)Assessment of any kind

should inform our instruction. That is, we assess to see how students are

doing, to see how well we’re teaching, and to getsense of what skills need

to be taught. The writing assessmentform(WAF) can be used to document

students’ growth while inviting them to experiencesuccess. In the teaching

of writing we can focus on the product of that writing process itself.

When concentrating on the product we are only interested in the

aim of a task and in the end product. Those who advocate a process

approach to writing, however pay attention to the various stages that any

piece of writing goes through. By spending time with learners on pre-

writing phrases, editing, redrafting, and finally publishing their work, a

process approach aims to get to the heart of the various skills that should

be employed when writing.

Johnson and Andrew (2011:258) Procces writing is simply not

appropriate, either because classroom time is limited, or because we want

students to write quickly as part of communication game, or when working

alone, we want them to compose a letter or brief story on the spot.

Wahyuni and Syukur (2012:78) “Product assessment is measuring

students’ result of the test toward students’ ability in making result of

work and the quality result of students’. In assessing students’ result there

are two concept assessments, the first one is student assessment is the

choice and the second is the way in using the instruments and procedure.

Besides that, there are three types in product assessment in assessing

toward technique quality or the results.


1. Planning

Assessing students’ ability in organizing, developing and

designing the product.

2. Processing

Assessing students’ ability in selecting and using the material,

instrument, and the technique

3. Appraisal

Assessing the students’ product based on the criteria that had


C. Recount Text

Mark and Kathy(1997: 48)Recount are used to relate experiences or retell

events for the purpose of informing, entertaining or reflecting. It tells about

something that happened in the past. The details in a recount can include what

happened, who was involved, where it took place, when it happened and why

it occurred. A writer or speaker uses a recount to tell us about a story or an

event. Recounts can be personal, factual or imaginative. Personal recount is

retelling an activity that the writer has been personally involved in and may be

used to build the relationship between the writer and the reader e.g. anecdote,

diary journal, personal letter.

1. Generic Structure of Recount

Generic structure or rhetorical structure is a package of events in a

text. This generic structure will explain how the stages move through to

attain the purpose. Every genre has its generic structure, so do the recount.

The generic structure of recount are :

a. Orientation : Introducing the participant, place, and time.

( when, where, who, etc )

b. Events : Describing series of event that happened in the past ( what


c. Reorientation : Closure of the events. It is optional. Stating personal

comment of the writer to the story

2. Language Feature of Recount

Mark and Kathy(1997:50)Language features are about general

grammatical pattern to form the information, message, and idea ineffective

sentences, especially in this case. Language features of recount are:

a. Introducing participant : I, we, they, my family, etc.

b. Using Temporal Sequence : Then, first, etc.

c. Using linking verb : was, were, went, met, etc.

d. Using action verb : look, go, see, etc.

e. Using Simple Past Tense

3. Constructing a Written Recount Text

Mark and Kathy(1997:51) “Board of studies the steps for constructing

of written recount text are”:

a. The First paragraph that give background information about who,

what, where and when. It is called on orientation.


b. A record of events usually recounted in chronological order, named;

event 1, event 2, event 3.

c. A personal comment and or evaluative remarks, which are interspersed

throughout the record of events named evaluation.

d. A reorientation which “rounds off “the sequences of events or retell

about what happened in the end.


My Holiday

On Saturday, I went to mount Bromo. I stayed at Nisa and

Orientatio Ahmad`s house at CemaraLawang, Probolinggo. It has a big garden with

lots of colorful flowers and fishpond.

On Sunday, Nisa and I saw Batok Mount and went on the scenic
ride on horseback. It was scary. Then we went to get a closes look at the
mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful sceneries there. On Monday,
we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We saw cookatoos having a shower.

In the afternoon I went home. It was fun. It is so interesting for

Re-orientation me and my friends. We enjoyed our holiday and spent our day happily.

4. Scoring Guide of Writing Test

Table 2.1.Yusnits (2011: 9)Criteriaof Assessment in WritingRecount.

The items to be
No. Score Description

1 Content Orientin 7 Showthecompletepartsoforient




hesituationwhichmake the





6 Doesnotshowonepartoforientati

on,e.gthereisnoplace. Therefore

the readers havenotreceived

the complete




5 Does not show two parts of the




The writer focuses idea based

on the topic of an activity.

4 Does not show three parts of

the orientation, therefore the

story is hard to understand for


the readers.

The writer not focuses idea

based on the topic of an


3 Directly explains the events

without orientation.

The writer not focuses idea

based on the topic of an


2 7 State two events/more in a

logical and has write in each

events that make the story flow

in coherence.

6 State two events but has no

unity in each event that disturb

the coherence of story.


5 Stated only one event and the

story haveunity so the story is

easy to understand.

4 Stated only one event and the

story have to unity so the story

is not easy to understand.

3 Show the complete parts of

reorientation that are signals

the end, summarize the story

and leaves his/her comment.

Therefore, readers get the idea

of story

3 7 The idea of personal opinion

about the topic or event is


Does not show one part of re-

orientation, but the reader still

get the idea of the story.

6 The idea of personal opinion

about the topic orevent is


unclear.Does not show two

parts of reorientation, but the

reader still get the idea of the


5 The idea of personal opinion

about the topic or event is

unclear.End the story with

short comment but the reader

still get the idea of the story.

4 The idea of personal opinion

about the topic or event is


End the story without any

comment, signal or summary

so the reader do not realized

that story is finish.

3 The idea of personal opinion

about the topic or event is


4 20 The paragraph shows that the

usage of words such as noun,


action, verbs, conjunction and

adjectives is used


15 1-3 errors of words form such

as noun, action verbs,

conjunction and adjective show

in the paragraph but the

meaning is not obscured.

10 4-6 errors of words form such

as noun, action verbs,

conjunction and adjective show

in the paragraph and the

meaning is not obscured.

5 7-9 errors of words form such

as noun, action verbs,

conjunction and adjective show

in the paragraph and the

meaning is not obscured.

1 More than 9 errors of words

form, so the paragraph does not

show that the writer

understandthe usage of words

such as noun action verb and



5 15 The paragraph contains

complete sentences and correct


form of past tense.

10 Mostly complete sentence,

there are 1-3 errors in form of

past tense.

5 There are 4-6 errors in form of

past tense

3 There are 7-9 errors in form of

past tense.

1 More than 9 errors in form of

past tense, so the paragraph

shows that the writer does not

master the grammar or not

enough to be evaluated in form

of past tense.

6 15 The words are correct in

writing, so the writer is good


10 Makes 1-3 errors in spelling in

the story.

5 Makes 4-6 errors in spelling in

the story

3 Makes 7-9 errors in spelling in


1 More than 9 errors in spelling

in the story.

7 15 The paragraph shows that there

are no mistakes in punctuation

and capitalization so the

paragraph is exceptionally easy

to read.

10 The paragraph shows that 1/2

mistakes in using punctuation

and capitalization but the

paragraph is still easy to read.

5 The paragraph shows that 3/5

mistakes in using punctuation

and capitalization but the

paragraph is still easy to read.

3 The paragraph shows that 5/7


mistakes in using punctuation

and capitalization but the

paragraph is still easy to read.

1 The paragraph shows more

than 7 mistakes in using

punctuation and capitalization,

the writer does not master the

usage of punctuation and


D. Photo Grid

1. Defenition

Kumar, Vani, & Patted (2016:176) Photo grid is photo collage tool that

will help you combine several images from a device into just one, even

applying different styles and effects to create the perfect resul. Photo grid

is application and we are more concerned about the advancements made in

technology once such important advancement in Android mobile phone

application is creative inproposed creative photo grid application we are

providing both static and dynamic photo frame option which implemented

using object oriented concept.

2. Characteristics

 Various filters and light effects.


 The stretch and photo-in-photo features

 Plenty of background images for collages

3. Advantage of Photo Grid

 Very easy to use and install.

 Allows you to edit images and create videos

4. Teaching English Writing UsingPhoto Grid

According to kumar (2016: 177) Before entering the classroom with the video to

teach the students. Actually the teacher had created her own video which

suitable to teach her students and appropriate with the ability of her students.

The stepwas starting from.

 Process creating the video by photogrid application

 The implementation of video in pre-writing activity

 The implementation of photogrid video in whilst-writing activity, the

implementation of photogrid video in post-writing activity”.

E. Teaching Writing For Senior High School

Muflikhati( 2012:.22)Writing is one of the compulsory subjects for

students of Senior High schools. English learning in Senior High schools is

aimed at making the students be able to gain functional level in order to

communicate both in written and spoken forms. In order to reach those targets

in learning English, there are some relevant matters which are important to be

known by teachers of English. The first one is the regulation issued by the

Ministry of Education in the Standard of Content. The other one is the age

range of Senior High School students.




This chapter, the writer described; research design, population and sample,

research instrument, data collection procedures, and data analysis procedures.

A. Research Design

The researcher used Pre-Experimental design. The design of this study

is experimental design because the researcher wants to measure the effect of

using movie maker in teaching recount text.

Ary (1985:260) This research study uses quantitative approach. A

quantitative approach is one in which the investigators primarily uses

postpositive claim for developing knowledge (i.e., cause and effect thinking,

reduction to specific variables and hypotheses and question, use of

measurement and observation, and the test of theories) employs strategies of

inquiry such as experiment and survey and collect data on predetermined

instrument that yield statistics data. According to Ary, (2010:648)

“quantitative research was inquiry employing operational definitions to

generate numeric data to answer predetermined hypotheses or questions”. It

uses quantitative approach because quantitative is the data that of all number

using statistic data.

Ary (1985:380) The study is the one group pretest-posttest design usually

involves three steps : (1) administering a pretest measuring the dependent

variable; (2) applying the experimental treatment X to the subjects; (3)

administering a posttest, again measuring the dependent variable. Differences


attributed to application of the experimental treatment are then evaluated by

comparing the pretest and posttest score.

Table 3.1. Design of Pre-test and Post-test

Pre-test Treatment Post-test


here :

X: Treatment

Y1: Pre – test

Y2: Post – test

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Ary ( 2010:647) States “The Population is the large group to which a

research wishes to generalize; it includes all member of a defined class of

people, events or object”.

According to Arikunto (2000:108) The population is the whole of

the research subject, if someone wants to research all of the elements in

research area his research is called population research on census study.

In this research, the population is tenth-year students of SMAN 3

Palangka Raya The Population of the research is language class grade

tenth students in the academic years 2016/2017 of SMAN 3 Palangka

Raya which consisted of 40 students. Since there is only one group of


language class of tenth grade, so obliviously it will be taken as the

population research.

2. Sample

The Sample is a part of the population. According to Ary,

(2010:647) “Sample is a group selected from the population for

observation in a study”. For the sample, the researcher takes a class to be

the sample. This study uses purposive sampling for it. In this research,

become sample are all the Students of language class grade

The researcher chooses this class as the object of his research

because the duration of English Learning in this class is longer than others

class. The researcher hopes this research is going to be finished earlier.

C. Research Instrument

Table 3.2. Table of Instrument

No Ii Instrument Form O Object

1 1 1 Test Writing test T To know students

ability in writing
recount text
2 Documentation Using photogrid To measuring
Students’ ability in
writing recount text
using movie maker

1. Test

Furchan (2004: 268) Test is measurement tool that very important for

education research. This study was uses writing test about recount

paragraph writing with different topic. Like the table for pre-test,

treatment, and post-test, they are:


Table 3.3. Table of Topics

Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

Holiday Using English Language Unforgettable Story

in all English Subject

The researcher was collect the data from pretest and posttest. From

them find the effect using photogrid in recount paragraph in writing.

Pretest was be give in first before treatment. The last test is posttest. It to

compare the pretest scores to the posttest scores. In the treatment the

researcher will teach in recount paragraph with teacher technique for find

the effect to the student’s score.

The writer gave pre-test was held on Monday, November 7, 2016

period 11.30-13.00 wich followed by 40 students. Then writer gave

treatment on Monday,November 17 and 21 2016 period 11.30-13.00

which 40 students. The writer gave post-test was on Monday, November

28, 2017 wich followes by 40 studentds. The time allocation at SMAN 3

Palangka Raya.

2. Documentation

Documentation is one way to support the data with directly from

the place of research, activity, photos,videoa that the relevant research and

data. The researcher in this research will collect some information data

classes, the students’ name list, syllabi, and score of students.


3. Instrument Reliability

Ary ( 2010: 236) Reliability is a necessary characteristic of any good

test for it to be valid at all. A test must first be reliable as a measuring


Hellriegel (1998:631) In addition, reliability is the accuracy of the

measurement and the consistency of result”. It is the degree of consistency

with which it measures whatever it is measuring. In this case, to score

composition as fairly and consistently as possible, the writer uses inter-rater

method (test of reliability). Inter-rater reliability is the consistency of the

judgment of several raters on how they see a phenomenon or interpret the

responses of the subjects.

In this case, the two raters are employed to score the students’ writing.

The two raters are the writer and a person which mastered the writing lesson

based on writer’s perception. One important thing in using the inter rater

method in rating process is focused with the training of the raters. It can

maximize the accuracy of the writing assessment. It makes the raters be

consistent in scoring and avoid subjectivity of the raters in scoring. For this

purpose, the training will done to get inter rater agreement in order to give

reliable scores to students’ writing product. The first thing that need in this

case, the two raters must competence toward the test and have good

qualification. The second is both of the rater should scored it by using scoring

guide based on the ability or the criterion of the test.


Hartono (2011:86) The third one it is scored the test based on the scoring

two raters and Which use person product-moment correlation to measure the

test whether it is reliable or not.

( )( )
rxy =
√* ( ) +* ( ) +

Notice :

rxy : The Coefficient of Correlation

∑X : Total Value of Score X

∑Y : Total Value of Score Y

∑XY : Multiplication Result between Score X and Score Y

N : Number of Students

Ridwan (2004:110) “To know the validity level of the instrument, the

result of the test would be interprets to the criteria as follows”.

Table 3.4 The Interpretation of Correlation Pearson Product Moment

Coefission Criteria

0.800 – 1.000 Very High Validity

0.600 – 0.799 High Validity

0.400 – 0.599 Fair VaLidity

0.200 – 0.399 Poor Validity

0.001 – 0.199 Very Poor Validity


4. Instrument Validity

A validity test or measure is one which measures what is intended to

measure. Validity must always be examined with respect to the use which is to

be made of the values obtained from the measurement procedure.

a. Content Validity

Brown (2000:388) Content validity is a requirement of the test

performance that being to measuring. The study is use recount paragraph

test that is based on syllabi of the second semester. The test will be

measured the students’ writing ability.

Table 3.5. The Signification of Content Validity

Indicator of the Study Type of Test Total Question

Students are able to write a text Performance test One question and Five

in form of recount text based Instructions

on the components of the

recount itself

b. Face Validity

Face validity of test is when the test is indeed testing what it claims

to the test; the samples of the test is the actual content of what the learner

has achieved or expects to achieve. The types of face validity, if the test

items look right to other testers, teacher, indicators and test. The types of test

items, which will use in this research, can be suitable to the others at the

same level in college students.


For face validity of the test items as follow:

1. The test use written test it test instruction.

2. The evaluation by test based on scoring system.

3. Kind of the test is writing recount text.

4. The Language of items used English

5. The test is suitable with syllabus of SMAN 3 Palangka Raya.

D. Data Collection Procedures

To get the data that was need in the study , there are few of ways to

does it, they are :

1. Preparation

a. The study chooses the place of SMAN 3 Palangka Raya Jl.G.boss

induk on November 7 2016

b. The study gives information for the instance that related to show this


c. The study was given the pre-test to the students.

2. Implementation

The study given the treatment by used movie maker in teaching

recount text.

Table 3.6. Procedure of learning Using Photogrid

Steps Teacher Activity

Meeting 1

1 The teacher greets the students and open the lesson plan.

The teacher prepares the condution of class.

2 The teacher introduce herself and checks the student

presents list.

The teacher asks some question about students’ experince.

The teacher introduce the material will be discussed.

3 The writer gave pre-test

The pre-test was given to both classes that would be

assigned as the sample of the study of the on November 7

2016. The pres-test was in the writing test. The teacher give

a topic.

Meeting 2

1 The teacher greets the students and open the lesson plan.

The teacher prepares the condution of class.

2 The teacher introduce herself and checks the student

presents list. The teacher asks some question about

students’ experince.

3 The teacher introduce the material will be discussed.

The teacher gave treatment the students. The teacher was


given teatments by teaching movie maker on November 7


4 The teacher give handout then explain and gives example

about recount text to students.

5 The teacher prepares movie maker according to recount


6 The teacher give model how to video using movie maker

that related to the topic.

The teacher asks the question about recount and photogrid

to the students.

The teacher give motivation to the students

Meeting 3

1 The teacher greets the students and open the lesson plan.

The teacher prepares the condution of class.

2 The teacher and checks the student presents list.

The teacher asks some question about students’ experince.

The teacher introduce the material will be discussed.

3 The teacher gave treatment the students. The teacher was

given treatments by teaching movie maker on November 7


4 The teacher give handout then explain and gives example

about recount text to students. The teacher prepares


photogrid according to recount text.

5 The teacher give model how to video using photogrid that

6 related to the topic.

The teacher asks the question about recount and photogrid

maker to the students.

The teacher give motivation to the students.

Meeting 4

1 The teacher greets the students and open the lesson plan.

The teacher prepares the conduction of class.

2 The teacher checks the student presents list.

The teacher asks some question about students’ experince.

3 The writer gave post-test to both of class after giving the

treatments. The post-test was administered on November

28, 2016.

3. Conclusion

a. The study given the test to the students.

b. The study calculates the result of test.

c. The study puts the data to the table had been prepare.

E. Data Analysis Procedure

In order to analyze the data, the study was does some way


Table 3.7. Collecting the score of the student work sheet result

Code of Students Experimental Class


S SUM (∑)


Y : Pretest

X : Posttest

1. Tabulating the data into the distribution of frequency of the score table,

then founnd out the mean of students’ score, standard deviation, and

standard error of variable by used the formulas bellow:

a. Mean


M = Mean

F = Frequency

= The sum of

X= The scores

b. Measuring the sum of standard deviation.

∑ (∑ )
√ ( )


SD = Standard deviation

∑ = The square deviation sum of experimental group

= The total number of respondents

Anas Sudijono (2012:282) “Measuring the standard error”.


SEM = Standard error of the mean

SD = Standard deviation

N = Number of case

1 = Bilangan konstan

3. The study used normality test. It used normality of the data found the

normal distribution or not.

4. The study used homogeneity test. It used relatively to found the same

variant or not.

5. Riduawan (2010:157) ”Then the study applied all of them into t-test formula.

That purpose to was there is effect or teacher feedback in writing or not.

The formula was”:

6. The last, the study was calculate degree of freedom (d.f) by used formula:


MD = Mean of Different

SEMD = Standard error of the mean

= T Test

By the criteria:

If ttest ≥ ttable, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected

If ttest ≤ ttable, Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted

7. The last, the study calculate degree of freedom (d.f) by using formula:

df = N-1

After getting t-count, then the study compared with it to t-table of

certain significant level. If the t-count is higher than t-table, it means that

there is positive effect of Teacher Feedback in teaching writing. The

point was writer hypothesis is accepted. In contrary, the t-count is lower

than t-table, the writer is not accepted.

8. In addition, the writer used SPSS 18 program to compare the data.




This chapter covers the data presentation, research findings and


A. The Data Presentation

This section describes the obtained data of the students’ writing score

after and before treatment by photogrid . The presented data consisted of

Mean, Standard Deviation, Standards Error, table and figure.

1. The Description Data of Pretest Score

The students’ score were distributed by the following table in order

to analyze the students’ ability before conducting the treatment. The table

score were combined between first and second rater, and the next table

were provided combine both of averages and the final scores.

Table 4.1. Pretest Score By the First Rater and Second Rater


1 6 6 6 10 10 15 10 74

N1 2 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

N2 2 6 6 7 15 15 10 10 81

N3 1 7 6 7 15 10 10 10 76

2 7 6 6 10 10 15 10 75

N4 1 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 47

2 6 6 6 5 10 5 5 50
1 6 7 6 10 10 10 10 69

N5 2 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 69

1 5 5 5 10 5 10 5 52

N6 2 6 6 6 10 5 10 5 56

1 6 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

N7 2 6 6 7 15 10 10 10 75

1 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 47

N8 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 48

1 7 6 6 15 10 10 15 81

N9 2 7 6 6 15 10 10 15 81

1 6 6 7 10 10 15 10 75

N10 2 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

1 7 7 7 15 10 15 10 83

N11 2 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

1 7 6 7 10 10 15 10 76

N12 2 6 6 7 15 10 10 10 75

1 7 7 6 15 10 10 15 82

N13 2 6 6 7 15 10 10 15 81

N14 1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

2 6 6 6 15 10 15 10 80

N15 1 7 7 7 15 10 15 10 83

2 6 6 7 15 10 15 10 81

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

N16 2 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 69

1 7 6 7 15 10 10 15 82

N17 2 7 6 6 15 10 10 15 81

1 7 6 7 10 10 10 10 70

N18 2 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 69

1 7 6 6 10 10 10 10 69

N19 2 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

N20 2 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

1 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

N21 2 6 6 7 15 10 15 10 81

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

N22 2 7 6 6 10 10 10 5 63

1 7 6 6 10 10 10 10 69

N23 2 7 6 6 10 10 10 10 69

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

N24 2 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

N25 1 6 7 7 15 10 15 10 82

2 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

N26 1 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 69

2 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

1 7 6 6 10 10 15 10 75

N27 2 6 6 6 10 10 15 10 74

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

N28 2 7 6 6 10 10 10 10 69

1 6 5 5 10 10 10 5 60

N29 2 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

1 7 6 6 10 10 15 10 75

N30 2 7 6 6 10 10 15 10 75

1 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 69

N31 2 6 7 7 10 10 10 10 70

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

N32 2 6 6 7 10 10 10 5 63

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

N33 2 6 7 6 10 10 10 5 63

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

N34 2 6 7 6 10 10 10 5 63

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

N35 2 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

N36 1 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

2 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

N37 1 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 62

2 6 7 6 10 10 10 5 63

1 7 6 7 10 10 10 10 70

N38 2 7 7 6 10 10 10 10 70

1 6 7 6 10 10 10 10 69

N39 2 6 7 6 10 10 10 10 69

1 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 69

N40 2 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 69

The table above is the combination of each components of pretest

score by first rater (R1) and second Rater (R2). And the next

tablecombines the score into the final score.

Table 4.2. The Combination ofFinal Pretest Score

Scored by Final


N1 74 68 71

N2 82 81 81

N3 76 75 75

N4 47 50 48

N5 69 69 69

N6 52 56 54

N7 81 75 78

N8 47 48 47

N9 81 81 81

N10 75 81 78

N11 83 82 82

N12 76 75 75

N13 82 81 81

N14 82 80 81

N15 83 81 82

N16 68 69 68

N17 82 81 81

N18 70 69 69

N19 69 68 68

N20 68 68 68

N21 62 81 71

N22 69 63 66

N23 62 69 65

N24 82 62 72

N25 82 81 81

N26 69 68 68

N27 75 74 74

N28 68 69 68

N29 60 62 61

N30 75 75 75

N31 69 70 69

N32 62 63 62

N33 62 63 62

N34 62 63 62

N35 68 68 68

N36 62 62 62

N37 62 63 62

N38 70 70 70

N39 69 69 69

N40 69 69 69

Sum (∑) 2806 2802 2793

Average 70,15 70,05 69,825

Lowest 47 48 47

Highest 83 81 81

Based on the data combine from pretest score of first rater (R1)

and second rater (R2), it shows that the highest score is83, the lowest score

is 47 and average is 69. After that, the writer used table Frequency

Distribution of the Pretest Score.


Table 4.3. Frequency Distribution of the Pretest Score

Score (X) Frequency (F)

47 1

48 1

54 1

61 1

62 4

65 1

66 1

68 7

69 5

70 1

71 2

72 1

74 1

75 3

78 2

81 6

82 1

Score ∑=40

The table explains the distribution of students’ pretest score that

shows the frequency in each scores with the total frequency is 40 seem

like the total number of students. Next, the data can also be seen in the

following figure.

47 48 54 61 62 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 74 75 78 81 82

Figure 4.1.The Distribution of Pretest Score

Based on the figure above about the distribution of pretest score,

that there are ten students with47,48,54,65,66,70,7274,and82. There are

twosstudents eachpeople get score71 and 78. There areseventstudents with

68 and There arefive students with 69 and six students with 81

2. The Data Presentation of Posttest

The students’ score were distributed by following table in order to

analyze the students’ ability before conducting the treatment. The study

combines the table score between first and second rater, and the next table

for combining both of scores found averages of scores and found the final


Table 4.4.Posttest Score By the First Rater and Second Rater


Name Rater C SE RE V G S P TS

1 7 7 6 15 10 10 10 76

N1 2 6 7 7 15 10 10 10 76

1 7 7 6 10 10 15 10 76

N2 2 6 7 6 10 10 15 10 75

1 7 7 7 15 10 15 10 83

N3 2 6 7 6 15 10 15 10 81

1 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 69

N4 2 7 7 6 10 10 10 10 70

1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

N5 2 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

1 6 7 7 15 10 10 10 76

N6 2 7 6 6 15 10 10 10 75

1 6 7 6 10 10 10 10 69

N7 2 7 6 6 10 10 10 10 69

1 7 7 6 15 15 15 10 88

N8 2 6 7 6 15 15 15 10 87

1 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

N9 2 7 6 6 10 10 10 10 69

N10 1 7 7 6 15 10 15 10 82

2 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

1 7 6 7 10 10 15 10 76

N11 2 6 7 6 10 10 15 10 75

1 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

N12 2 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

1 7 7 6 10 15 15 10 82

N13 2 7 7 6 10 10 15 10 76

1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

N14 2 7 7 6 15 10 15 10 82

1 7 7 6 15 10 15 10 82

N15 2 6 7 6 10 10 10 10 69

1 7 6 7 10 10 15 10 76

N16 2 6 7 6 10 10 15 10 75

1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

N17 2 7 6 7 15 10 10 10 76

1 7 7 6 10 10 10 10 70

N18 2 6 7 6 10 10 10 10 69

1 7 6 6 15 10 10 10 75

N19 2 7 7 7 15 10 10 10 77

1 7 6 7 10 10 10 10 70

N20 2 7 6 6 15 15 10 10 81

1 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 71

N21 2 6 6 7 10 10 15 10 75

1 7 7 6 15 10 15 10 82

N22 2 6 7 6 15 10 15 10 81

1 7 6 6 10 10 10 10 69

N23 2 6 7 6 10 10 10 10 69

1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

N24 2 7 7 6 15 10 15 10 82

1 6 7 6 10 15 15 10 81

N25 2 6 7 6 10 10 15 10 75

1 7 6 7 10 10 15 10 76

N26 2 6 7 7 10 15 15 10 82

1 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

N27 2 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

N28 2 7 6 6 15 10 15 10 81

1 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 71

N29 2 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 68

1 7 7 7 10 10 15 10 77

N30 2 7 6 6 10 10 15 10 75

1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

N31 2 6 7 7 15 10 15 10 82

N32 1 7 7 6 10 10 15 10 76

2 6 6 6 10 15 15 10 80

1 7 7 6 10 10 10 10 70

N33 2 6 7 6 15 10 10 10 75

1 7 7 7 10 15 10 10 77

N34 2 6 7 6 15 10 10 10 75

1 7 6 6 10 10 15 10 75

N35 2 6 7 7 10 15 15 10 82

1 7 7 7 15 15 10 10 83

N36 2 6 7 6 15 10 15 10 81

1 6 7 6 15 10 15 10 81

N37 2 7 6 7 10 15 15 10 82

1 7 6 7 15 10 10 10 76

N38 2 6 7 6 15 10 15 10 81

N39 1 7 7 7 15 10 10 10 77

2 6 6 7 15 10 15 10 81

N40 1 7 6 7 15 10 15 10 82

2 7 7 7 15 10 15 10 83

The table above is the combination of each components of posttest

score by first rater (R1) and second Rater (R2). And in the next table, the

study combines the score becomes the final score.

Table 4.5. The Combination of Final Posttest Score

Scored by Final


N1 76 76 76

N2 76 75 75

N3 83 81 82

N4 69 70 69

N5 82 81 81

N6 79 75 77

N7 69 69 69

N8 88 81 84

N9 68 69 68

N10 82 81 81

N11 76 75 75

N12 81 81 81

N13 82 76 79

N14 82 82 82

N15 82 69 75

N16 76 75 75

N17 82 76 79

N18 70 69 69

N19 75 77 76

N20 70 81 75

N21 71 75 73

N22 82 81 81

N23 69 69 69

N24 82 82 82

N25 81 75 78

N26 76 82 79

N27 81 82 81

N28 82 81 81

N29 71 68 69

N30 77 75 76

N31 82 82 82

N32 76 80 78

N33 70 75 72

N34 77 75 76

N35 75 82 78

N36 83 81 82

N37 81 82 81

N38 76 81 78

N39 77 81 79

N40 82 83 82


(∑) 3099 3091 3085

Average 77,475 77,275 77,125

Lowest 68 69 69

Highest 82 83 82

Based on the data combination from pretest score of first rater (R1)

and second rater (R2), it shows the highest score is 82the lowest score is

68 and average is 77After that, the writer used table Frequency

Distribution of the Posttest Score.

Table 4.6.Frequency Distribution of the Posttest Score

Score(X) Frequency (F)

68 1

69 5

72 1

73 1

75 5

76 4

77 1

78 4

79 4

81 7

82 6

84 1

Score ∑F=40

The distribution of students’ posttest score can also be seen in the

following figure of the distribution of posttest.

68 69 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 84

Figure 4.2.The Distribution of Posttest Score

Based on the figure above about the distribution of posttest score,

that are five students with 68,72, 73, 77 and 84. There are twostudents

with score 69 and 75. There are trhee, students get score 76, 78 and 79.

There are one students 81 and one students get 82.

2. The Data Comparing of Pretest and Posttest

Thestudy showed the improvement of students’ score used table


Table 4.7. The Improvement of Students’ Score

CODE (X) (Y) Improvement

N1 71 76 5

N2 81 75 -6

N3 75 82 7

N4 48 69 21

N5 69 81 12

N6 54 77 23

N7 78 69 -9

N8 47 84 37

N9 81 68 -13

N10 78 81 3

N11 82 75 -7

N12 75 81 6

N13 81 79 -2

N14 81 82 1

N15 82 75 -7

N16 68 75 7

N17 81 79 -2

N18 69 69 0

N19 68 76 8

N20 68 75 7

N21 71 73 2

N22 66 81 15

N23 65 69 4

N24 72 82 10

N25 81 78 -3

N26 68 79 11

N27 74 81 7

N28 68 81 13

N29 61 69 8

N30 75 76 1

N31 69 82 13

N32 62 78 16

N33 62 72 10

N34 62 76 14

N35 68 78 10

N36 62 82 20

N37 62 81 19

N38 70 78 8

N39 69 79 10

N40 69 82 13


(∑) 2793 3085 292

Average 69,825 77,125 7,3

Lowest 47 68 -3

Highest 81 82 37

Based on the data above, it is almost all of students experienced

improvement score from pretest to posttest. The highest score was 81 and

the lowest score was -3.

The study showed each student experienced improve that by grafic


70 Pettren(Pretest)


Figure 4.10.Improvement of Students’ Score

Based on the figure above about the improvement of students’

scorethat there were average experienced improving level of score from 1

to 15 point.

B. Research Finding

1. Analysis Result of Pretest and Posttest

a. Normality of Pretest and Posttest

The writer calculated normality of pretest and posttest used One

Sample Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test by SPSS.


Table 4.8.Testing Normality of Pretest

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

x y

N 40 40
Normal Parameters Mean 67,05 67,10

Std. Deviation 3,486 3,433

Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,237 ,210

Positive ,129 ,128

Negative -,237 -,210

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1,499 1,328

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,022 ,059

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

The table represents the result of homogeneity test calculation used the

SPPSS 18.0 program. Knowing the homogeneity of data, the formula

could be seen as follows:

If 0.05 > Sig. = Not homogeny distribution

If 0.05 < Sig = Homogeny distribution

Based on data above, the significant data is 0.210>0.05. it could be

concluded the data is normal distribution.

a). Homogeny distribution.


Table 4.9.Testing Normality of Posttest

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

x Y

N 40 40
Normal Parameters Mean 77,47 77,28

Std. Deviation 5,149 4,755

Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,203 ,258

Positive ,121 ,135

Negative -,203 -,258

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1,285 1,633

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,074 ,010

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. H b. Calculated from data.

omogenity of pretest and posttest

Table 4.10.Homogenity

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

,582 6 30 ,741

c. Validity of Pretest and Posttest

In this study, the study calculated validity of pretest and posttest


Pearson Product Moment Correlation Test.


Table 4.11.Pearson Product Moment Correlation of Pre-test

CODE Rater I Rater II

(N) (X) (Y) XY X2 Y2

N1 74 68 5032 5476 4624

N2 82 81 6642 6724 6561

N3 76 75 5700 5776 5625

N4 47 50 2350 2209 2500

N5 69 69 4761 4761 4761

N6 52 56 2912 2704 3136

N7 81 75 6075 6561 5625

N8 47 48 2256 2209 2304

N9 81 81 6561 6561 6561

N10 75 81 6075 5625 6561

N11 83 82 6806 6889 6724

N12 76 75 5700 5776 5625

N13 82 81 6642 6724 6561

N14 82 80 6560 6724 6400

N15 83 81 6723 6889 6561

N16 68 69 4692 4624 4761

N17 82 81 6642 6724 6561

N18 70 69 4830 4900 4761

N19 69 68 4692 4761 4624


N20 68 68 4624 4624 4624

N21 62 81 5022 3844 6561

N22 69 63 4347 4761 3969

N23 62 69 4278 3844 4761

N24 82 62 5084 6724 3844

N25 82 81 6642 6724 6561

N26 69 68 4692 4761 4624

N27 75 74 5550 5625 5476

N28 68 69 4692 4624 4761

N29 60 62 3720 3600 3844

N30 75 75 5625 5625 5625

N31 69 70 4830 4761 4900

N32 62 63 3906 3844 3969

N33 62 63 3906 3844 3969

N34 62 63 3906 3844 3969

N35 68 68 4624 4624 4624

N36 62 62 3844 3844 3844

N37 62 63 3906 3844 3969

N38 70 70 4900 4900 4900

N39 69 69 4761 4761 4761

N40 69 69 4761 4761 4761

∑N=40 ∑X=2806 ∑Y=2802 ∑XY199271 ∑X2=200400 ∑Y2=199152


∑ (∑ )(∑ )
√* ∑ (∑ ) +* ∑ (∑ ) +

( )( )
√* ( ) +* ( ) +

√* +* +


The result of test took by rater I and rater II. And the study

accounted the degree of freedom (df) with formula:

Df = N-nr

= 40-2

= 38

Based on the result, it find that the value of “rxy” is 0.847 than value of

“rtable” at the 1% significance level or 0.847> 0.402. It means the test is valid and

include at level of high validity.

Table 4.12.Pearson Product Moment Correlation of Post-test

CODE Rater I Rater II

(N) (X) (Y) XY X2 Y2

N1 76 76 5776 5776 5776

N2 76 75 5700 5776 5625


N3 83 81 6723 6889 6561

N4 69 70 4830 4761 4900

N5 82 81 6642 6724 6561

N6 79 75 5925 6241 5625

N7 69 69 4761 4761 4761

N8 88 81 7128 7744 6561

N9 68 69 4692 4624 4761

N10 82 81 6642 6724 6561

N11 76 75 5700 5776 5625

N12 81 81 6561 6561 6561

N13 82 76 6232 6724 5776

N14 82 82 6724 6724 6724

N15 82 69 5658 6724 4761

N16 76 75 5700 5776 5625

N17 82 76 6232 6724 5776

N18 70 69 4830 4900 4761

N19 75 77 5775 5625 5929

N20 70 81 5670 4900 6561

N21 71 75 5325 5041 5625

N22 82 81 6642 6724 6561

N23 69 69 4761 4761 4761

N24 82 82 6724 6724 6724


N25 81 75 6075 6561 5625

N26 76 82 6232 5776 6724

N27 81 82 6642 6561 6724

N28 82 81 6642 6724 6561

N29 71 68 4828 5041 4624

N30 77 75 5775 5929 5625

N31 82 82 6724 6724 6724

N32 76 80 6080 5776 6400

N33 70 75 5250 4900 5625

N34 77 75 5775 5929 5625

N35 75 82 6150 5625 6724

N36 83 81 6723 6889 6561

N37 81 82 6642 6561 6724

N38 76 81 6156 5776 6561

N39 77 81 6237 5929 6561

N40 82 83 6806 6724 6889

∑N=40 ∑x=3099 ∑Y=3091 ∑XY=240090 ∑X2=241129 ∑Y2=239739

∑ (∑ )(∑ )
√* ∑ (∑ ) +* ∑ (∑ ) +

( )( )
√ ( ) +* ( ) +

( +* +

√* +* +


The result of test took by rater I and rater II. And the study

accounted the degree of freedom (df) with formula:

df = N-nr

= 40-2

= 38

Based on the result, it finds that the value of “rxy” was 0.864 than

value of “rtable” at the 1% significance level or 0.444.> 0.402.. It means

the test is valid and include at level fair validty.

d. Reliability of Pretest and Posttest


Table 4.13. The Item-Total Statistics of Pretest

Item-Total Statistics

Corrected Item- Cronbach's

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Total Alpha if Item

Item Deleted if Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

Contenr 106,95 218,484 ,699 ,685

Sequent 107,42 230,196 ,377 ,709

Reorientation 106,50 203,068 ,312 ,693

Vocabulary 97,47 135,175 ,680 ,578

Grammar 100,11 211,718 ,276 ,699

Spelling 97,47 152,472 ,525 ,638

Punctuation 101,71 133,887 ,575 ,626

Table 4.14. The Reliability Statistic of Pretest

Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

,703 7

The result of r11 = 0.703 with 7 items and rtable of Product Moment

is df= N- 2; 40 – 2 = 38, the level of significant 1%, so rtable = 0.402.

Clearly at the criteria :

If r11> rtable it means reliable

If r11< rtable it means unreliable


Based on the calculating above, the result is if r11= 0.703> rtable =

0.402, it concludes that the first item (Pretest) is reliable.

Table 4.15.The Item-Total Statistics of Posttest

Item-Total Statistics

Corrected Item- Cronbach's

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Total Alpha if Item

Item Deleted if Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

Content 119,10 63,990 ,135 ,159
Sequent 119,23 65,102 -,008 ,178

b 119,65 63,823 ,115 ,158

Vocabulary 107,48 33,846 ,141 ,057

Grammar 110,90 57,374 -,051 ,253
Spelling 105,90 39,682 ,139 ,063

Punctuation 112,15 58,849 ,166 ,113

Table.16.The Reliability Statistic of Posttest

Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

,171 7

The result of r11 = 0.171with 7 items and rtable of Product Moment is

df= N- 1; 40 – 2 = 38, the level of significant 1%, so rtable = 0.402.

Clearly at the criteria :


If r11> rtable it means reliable

If r11< rtable it means unreliable

Based on the calculating above, the result is If r11= 0.171< rtable =

0.402, it concludes that the second item (Posttest) is reliable.

2. Analysis of Testing Hypothesis

In this study, the study showed the table of students’ score and

calculated scores finding the testing hypothesis used Paired Sample T

Test by manual calculating and SPSS 18.0 Program.

a) Testing Hypothesis Using Manual Calculation.

Table 4.17.The Table of Students’ Score

D= D2
CODE (X) (Y) (Y-X)
N1 71 76 5 25

N2 81 75 -6 36

N3 75 82 7 49

N4 48 69 21 441

N5 69 81 12 144

N6 54 77 23 529

N7 78 69 -9 81

N8 47 84 37 1369

N9 81 68 -13 169

N10 78 81 3 9

N11 82 75 -7 49

N12 75 81 6 36

N13 81 79 -2 4

N14 81 82 1 1

N15 82 75 -7 49

N16 68 75 7 49

N17 81 79 -2 4

N18 69 69 0 0

N19 68 76 8 64

N20 68 75 7 49

N21 71 73 2 4

N22 66 81 15 225

N23 65 69 4 16

N24 72 82 10 100

N25 81 78 -3 9

N26 68 79 11 121

N27 74 81 7 49

N28 68 81 13 169

N29 61 69 8 64

N30 75 76 1 1

N31 69 82 13 169

N32 62 78 16 256

N33 62 72 10 100

N34 62 76 14 196

N35 68 78 10 100

N36 62 82 20 400

N37 62 81 19 361

N38 70 78 8 64

N39 69 79 10 100

N40 69 82 13 169

Sum(∑) 2793 3085 292 5830

1) Mean

= = 7.3

2) Calculating Standard Deviation of Differences

∑ (∑ )

( )

( )
( )


= 9.246

3) Calculating Standard Error


= 1.480

The calculation above refers to the result of the mean

calculation of experiment group is 7.3, standard deviation is

6.024and the result of standard error is 1.480 to verify the

hypothesis, the writer used the formula as follow:

df = (N-2)

= 40-2

= 38

The study interpreted of hypothesis with the result of mean,

standard deviation, standard error, to, and df of the data to get the

tobserved. The result of tobserved compared by ttable for finding the

significant level. The result of T-Test shows on the table.

The study interpreted of hypothesis with the result of mean,

standard deviation, standard error, to, and df of the data to get the

tobserved. The result of tobserved compared by ttable for finding the

significant level. The result of T-Test shows on the table.

Table 4.18.The Result of T-Test Using Manual Calculation

tobserved Df
5% < tobserved > 1%
2.02< tobserved > 2.71 38

table shows the result of T-Test using Manual Calculation that

interpreting is tobserved ; is higher than ttable at the 5% level on 2.02

or > 2,02 and at the 1 % level on 2.71 or > 2.71. It means

that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Based on the result of

calculation, there is significant effect of “photogrid” technique on

Writing Skill in Recount Text Students of SMA-N 3 Palangka Raya.

b) Testing Hypothesis Using SPSS 18.0 Program

Table 4.19. The Result of T-Test Using Manual Calculation

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval

Std. Std. Error of the Difference Sig. (2-

Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t dpSf tailed)

Pair x-y -7,300 9,738 1,540 -10,414 -4,186 -4,741 39 ,000


The calculating data by SPSS 18 program represents result with statically

mean is -7.300 Standard Deviation is 9.738, Standard Error is 1.540 and t test is -


C. Discussion

The result of the study that teacher give effect for student on students

writing. Teacher f correcting grammatical and lexical errors in order to

convey the intended meaning.

The result of data analysis shows that is of calculation stating that

there is significant effect of photogrid on Writing Ability in Recount Text

Development at Second Semester Students of SMA-N 3 Palangka Raya. It

shows using ttest., and it finds the value of ttest is higher than ttable at 5% and

1%levelsignificance.Theresult2.02< > 2.71. In short, Ha (Alternative

Hypothesis) is accepted and there is significant effect of photgrid technique

on Writing Ability in Recount Text at Second Semester Students of SMA-N

3 Palangka Raya. In contrary, the Ho (Null Hypothesis) is rejected and there

is no significant at Second Semester Students of SMA-N 3 Palangka Raya

The correlation between the result and the theory stated byindah

Photograph or picture is one of visual aids that can be used inteaching and

learning English. It creates the situation for learning classesand

interestinguseful in process writing recount textIt isappropriate with writing

recount text because recount text use toreconstruct past experiences by

retelling events and incident in order inwhich they have occurred. So the

writer choose photograph as visualmedia to improving writing recount text.

Its support byZaki ”Using Photostory, MovieMaker and Voki to motivate

Danish Upper Secondary Students to learn German language and

culture”There are strong indications that Movie Maker has the ability to

facilitate intrinsic motivation because it is perceived as a tool that is fun to

work with, thus resulting in a higher degree of student participation.

In addition, the writer explains each meeting on teaching using this

technique.The study asks some knowledge that they knew and what are

problems that they have when write recount text. They mention some

difficulties their ideas with easily on their writing. After that, the study give

test (Pretest) with test item that made an recount text. The finding is the

lowest score: 47, the highest: 70, and mean: 83,

And then, giving posttest find their result of product writing after

giving treatment. The result is the lowest score: 68; frequency: , the highest:

83, and mean 83. Therefore, the product writing of posttest there is

improvement the numbers of words in each paragraph and the student more

enjoy using movie maker technique.



In this chapter, the writer would like to answer the problem of the study

and give suggestion for students, lecturers, and writer. By analyzing the data, the

problem of the study are as follow:

A. Conclusion

The objective of the study as states in chapter I: is there any significant

effect ofThephotogrid on Writing Ability in Recount Text at SMA-N 3

Palangka Raya in Palangka Raya

Based on the result of data analysis shows that there are the

significantly value of ttest., and it finds value of ttest is higer than ttable at 5% and

1 % level significance. The result 2.02 < > 2.71. In short, Ha (Alternative

Hypothesis); there is significant effect ofphotogrid on Writing Ability in

Recount Text at SMA-N 3 Palangka Raya is accepted. Meanwhile, the Ho

(Null Hypothesis); there is no significant effect photogrid on Writing Ability in

Recount Text at SMA-N 3 Palangkaraya is rejected.

B. Suggestion

1. For Students

The writer recommended when the student want to write paragraph,

especially recount text that make their writing easier to express, to think,

and to organize can use Teacher. Photogrid in paragraph. It focuses on

organization on developing the idea at the introductory and body


2. For Teacher

In order to the teacher can use the photogrid in Recount Text in

teaching writing that also help student and improve their writing. That

teacher movie maker give effect for student on students writing. Teacher

correcting grammatical and lexical errors in order to convey the intended


3. For the Researchers

Based on the result of the study, it can be seen that Teachermovie

maker gave significant effect on the student’s score in writing recount

text but is lower effect. The writer recommends for the next researchers

who want to conduct the study related to the writing of recount text with

other interesting teacher on other level of subject.



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