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Sydney Ibarra

SPAN 2002

Aaron Castroverde



The poem I picked is called “Besos” by Gabriela Mistral. This is a love poem obviously

based around kisses. However, this poem dives deeper into the power and meaning of a kiss

when it comes to love, connection, and passion. It also brings up the pain and heartbreak that can

come too. Kisses are the most basic display of intimate love and affection, and it is an act that is

unique for each couple. This poem seems to be a message to a lover, speaking about shared

kisses that are now a thing of the past. Mistral seems to be reminiscing about a past lover, who

she no longer can share kisses with.

She begins by going through the basic acts of kisses and the emotions that go along with

each type. “Hay besos que se dan con la mirada, hay besos que se dan con la memoria” (Mistral).

Here, she talks about kisses that are not physical, ones that are kept in your mind and are only

shared between the glance of two people. Right away, this creates a sense of longing for the

reader as it brings up personal memories for each person. “Hay besos que dan solo las almas”

also brings a sense of longing for a past or prohibited lover.

“Hay besos que arrebatan los sentidos.” Here, she describes kisses as something that

overtakes a person in every way. She has a way of connecting a kiss to every type of feeling,

good and bad. As the poem goes on, these kisses start to take on a more negative perspective,

giving the reader insight into the pain she might be feeling. “Hay besos problemáticos que

encierran una clave que nadie ha descifrado.” This line seems to describe a kiss that is so
powerful, yet it is never spoken of again. Therefore, it leaves someone confused and stuck in

their mind. She writes of “besos que en los labios dejan huellas.” She seems to be forever

longing for a kiss from the past, one that left an imprint on her body, mind, and spirit.

She spends a lot of this poem bringing up the intense longing that comes with love and

affection but does not forget to bring up the purity and simplicity of a kiss. “Hay besos que

parecen azucenas, por sublimes, ingenuos y por puros.” A kiss that is pure like a lily.

She transitions into a more positive feeling, while keeping intense emotions prevalent in the

poem. “Hay besos que producen desvaríos de amorosa pasión ardiente y loca, tú los conoces bien

son besos míos inventados por mí, para tu boca.” Here, the reader is given insight into the heart

of this poem and the main message behind it. She speaks of a passionate and intense love that

was awoken inside of her for only one person. However, it seems that this true love was mixed

with negative emotions.

This is where I have trouble interpreting what she is saying. Maybe it was a secret love?

A forbidden love? She seems to have been betrayed by her lover in some way. “Yo te enseñé a

besar: los besos fríos son de impasible corazón de roca, yo te enseñé a besar con besos míos

inventados por mí, para tu boca.” She says she taught him how to kiss with cold kisses from a

heart of stone. Maybe he warmed her cold heart with their love, or maybe her first experience of

love was with him. It seems that her lover turned her heart from stone to something warm and

soft. However, this love is most likely over because of the way this poem creates s sense of

longing for the reader.

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