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Fep ntedlbm:

1 Ju y, I945

sFA 'OUrFrr'.@TOAEB1990 5

AEROBATICS Import it Regsrdl6 oI sherhd o! not . part.llar

manelver lsdecrib€d in th€ lollowlngp!s.i you aE to prc.
Youarenow!e.dylorrharshsein yrlr tEinlnsasa Nav.l dc. only thosemaneuveBd€m6nst6i.d .nd p@scdbedby
Aviarlor rowad {hlch you have been lookins loMad wlrh you LndrucrorIn rh2 oda preserr€dby ih€ syllabus
keenanricLp,rion,p€rharsnor unmix€dwih 5omeI€€tinqsot AII .ercb.ric d|l be comDl.r..l !r lad 2,0lr0 f€€r
missrvlns.Uk€ manybcloreyou,9ouarepiobablywondelhg
sherhff or nor you can \ak€ i1" ai dre same6me |rboilng Tl ! L nor h.nated .ldtud€ trt .cr!.I .ldtude
uider rhedelusionrhanh?maitolasood pilorb hcsktllh
aeob.hca $e aE,e'. ol .ou6e. is rhai you qtn be .bl. to
"rake ",bu|h? querion$ltbe lnethsornoryouon "h-ue I Yourel€ry b€ll lr sh@ld b. lan.ned snugly.bur mr b
Ll" T@ rony c.d?a helore ylo hde (fie ro Ei.t in C, rsh& d ro inrerl€e s h yor les @€m€nis. Ah.
simplybea u.e rheyrs'e tanied aky" birthdr entolnenr ol ch4* rh€ shouldq h.66
aerob.rt and r d6n€ ro bercm€ aerbaric expds Tiey 2 Be €@ nor akn in l@kjns lor dhq airEft in your
nesleded rh€ prc.kion ert iirrodlc€d i. A .nd A i.s6, vicini9. The sinsove. rypecbanns tum t! prclededa
loisetLns rhar rhe N.vy do6 noi *pe.r rhem ro becon€ t helps you ro .l€a. .bde r.d b.low as *ell d
skilledsunr p loc, ihat evena p6r pilor can b€comeplolt. ii a€bb.rics and rhai adobaiic naneuveE ale . pan ol 3. Oncethe areais th$ughly cleard and I s.n as your
rheFnmarysylLabB lor onlyrh@ereasons: prcflciencypemib. pa.dce mlneuv
1. To re.. h a prloiro rehain onenbd in an9arirude which serueborhrime and ahiude.
4 Upon .ohpledoi ol each naneuvar or sedes ot
2 Baause they requiE more elabo€ie and spe€dLsr maneuves, concenini€ up.n EgaLnlngas much as
m.nipuLarlonof the .ontrols,L\e, steadyimpove cooF pGdble rhe.lblude you haveloi Conv€nex.e$ lpe€d

3 Tolncr.ase a pLlofs.onlider@ b.ih inhimselland

ln rhe 5, Be 6urcyolr pa€.hute t, propenybuc[ed. .only afierhe isonceconvinc€dlhar heon pur 5. Ke.p you sosltg don and hak. lure rh6. c no
rh. airpl,ne in lny pGsrbleatrtude and '!@6 16nor looe s@r on rh€ dal tr in ydr l.p rhd nishr Lll our
@l 0lgh. *{l he loe his ld lingennsre.ol flyins,(t,ti and hit lou or aoulthe conrbk.
7. Rehzmbaaldrrdeandetery so htnd In hlnd yo!tall
In C sg. you mun kcepa sa@ ol prp.ddn Prolicienc] our oI a mmuq you u,tll ..d nde rlrihd€ ro
in the pradnon flrrnq ah€adytaushr you. nud nor only be
mainrained burLhprcved.{orri5rhErFeolfl yjnguponrhich CHECK OFFUSI FORAIROBATICS:
all 9!ur l.!€r nahing is based.Fw. ue'y Id, ol ihe aercSrrc t 5aI€9 beh and sh6uide.han6.
naneuvero youaregaingro l€an haeeanypanintheacrual
racticsolcomb.r flyinsDunigwo dwdl..enaLnaercbaric
manelueEwered€v€lopedb9 piLobas a meansol borh
atackinsandevrdinsenemy.inaft Thedesignand pedoF
man.eolmodehlshtsBmakeaerobaitsin serc6Lle$use,
tulinpGeitdlycombat Howeveirh€gconrinueiobeus?lul
anr.ihey ro WINGOVER
recd.r con.dly .nd €lliciently Irom ihe many unu$rl
.t ud6 in uhr.h you nay lind gouGelf as the rcsuLrol oellnltion:Alingdarsa.lhblngtumlolloredbyadivjns
tuh Buldns h a changein hadrngol l80r
AeDbad.s,tn th. brcdd senp. in.lude all nan€urec not Br p?di.ins winsoei you lan ro contol rhe 'tdana
naegry ro mmal flight A€rcb.tic naneuv*.E ol tuo sMhle in baldc€d flisht fi@gh @Bomt chansins
basi. ryp6: dq rhos2 In *tich rhe airelam rs "llom d[ud6 and speerls*til€ n.inbinins oddlliron and nak.
rhDugl,{loop. Inndn.nton.andsl@bn):M.rh@ln hg d6ired chans6 in the dn4don ol flEhr.The ch.ns6 in
lnich rhe.l'Dbn€ rsrn a irdlled or tsnially srdll.d cddinon, lhrrde,E rrm uns tewlor ftish nrsh rone€p bant and
drh rh. prloi! chlel comm rharol Eouery ra nomal lrghr lom a nce-his! or climbinsro nse.lN or divins .niuda
attlde lrnv€ned3prns,snapolls,catuhel,er).ft fr llbeural AlEp€e& €ry lron dishlly above.ruElng ro dighrly above
ro your surt?* li rhe perlotraice ol rhee tuneuveE rhlr
youovercomerh€ naruEllendencylorhr.kandadlnremrol liaddirionbrhis, helpsyoutol€,mthcpopercombln.-
'up and down
Thesooner9ouconrolthisrendency rnd ilon ol all contbl lre$ure n@essrytoaliaLn ihe ahirud€s
IorceyouEe, io connder.onkol manlpulatLon merelga desl4d and alsoihe rcosnitlon, by leel ol vln,LnsarEpeed,
means olhak nsrhetrilplanzpn.h.vasa.d 6llahouirluas
apivorl3: d?lcabed ioyouin EffecrofC.ntols).rhenorc Th. uinsda L a tundam€ntal pEdrce man€uver rhar
Epldlyrlu wllLacquire rhaisense
ol odenraiton torwhkhthts lncorroEres ih6e elehenisand Lran be se.n ihal thereare
m,ny v,natuns ofL\e aftise th.rrculd.ko bdnsrheh inio
0661UIAO100. lljlno, V35{
SFA'OUTFIT" 1990-7

r,b9,p€6ap6auell. *i,l tdh The h,nas i5bd pallmed in a en6 o, foi lM l.
rnd rll .hck pilotsliu apd rh€ eme Dnue4 .rt tn ochddio,ahm.bly).Thnenabl6Fubdclop.l€cl
sp€ciliations lodhe qnsoq ar€laid dM, whi.h m*2 tr , l.g ol lh€ 6rr'l pt6lG dd tE nt$m o( [E mn.lM.
pr.crsionEneuuei fr$ a padd and sequ4ce ol.nitod€
Whd dli..fio. h6 absoluleb.o €fied d lhe p€dom.rce
wren rhe snsllq i5 inrroduc€db you, is ot pnm.'y
of dngdm aepr d it ddlt rhe dlplre d6 ihe sond
rhporl,rrce that you ,id sd . cul piciue oI rh€ parh
Solely ld this reNn it is.dvis.ble b ftn your sens o{
rhrdsh uhi.h rh€.rrpbne isro beflo$nand hwrh?,tlpbn.
lrnsd6had€d.c$rndabd@k lh€rlmsinrod€{4nd
.pp6ts royu in rer.don brhe qround.nd honzon.5 you3[
l. rh. .ekprt. orr€ lou se€rhjs,i b a oanq ol nyng
AlBpeedsin rhe sinsNe. vary fnm j6r .bove crhlns !o
rhe in a bala.ced ond ion, (enhour drp o',kid),
abde dallrns.FortheN2s,sp€€dsjlsr abde.nking ai€
rhbughrhispdem vrsbtirelhatinnyinsrhisp.nem,rhc )ud
.6ndd€rcd ro be r. rhe35-90 knot Ensa. Youshouldlean io
cohplete a uinsover ar ihe sme speed uezd lor enr'v,
lid ihen an equalarc belowrhe honzo.
lhrrevs i may be,w hin the authonzedanse. Speed' )61
Ea€codon: Tlre d.sover is ph.liced ar an . rilude ol
abovsstllrns@nua!, betueen45 and50 tnot!. ( rsbsstto
3,000leeror nore aboverhegbund
a ldlslacrory speedabde sbllins enrlrelyby leel.
Sinceyouar€leanins to fly theaiplane in a pedet€mln€d
!'our Pr6enr headins.rh€ parien, k€ep your.96 our ol the cockpit,in odar i,o li.€p
opp.dt. headLng and rhe p.inr abeamTne nos€pa$es
tack ol the .npbnCs atrud6 in Ehrio. to rhe smund lnd
rhbush Ihe honzonoile on rhae ihr€eheadLnss Cofte. honzon Inshmenb arc onlglor an dcasional rclercnce, ro
.a lainb and shouldbe
rt. paredbetorehand Ai al1orherpoin6rh€nolg will b€
ln the besr.hing,rt dll b€ helplullo c€ a lons @d or s€c.
Fromnbiqhr and tevelcru6insa rud€ and speed..dd ron line ro help one gouell in $e rao' .hans€ol
lhonk b .ppronoarelv beeen trtrGns and .thbing 'Ih
p@r ror rhepulpce ol Mddins rhewinstrr d s2d.5ot $o rabehouldb€ us"d to Mr rheaiiplan€lor t)mal
lt.sovets lithour appraialt 16 o. sain ol ah ude nDtshr a')d ldel flishr beiore sdns rhe onsmr, b rhd
you eill l4l rhehe p'6ur6 m rhelnhk rhrcushourrhs
fto l@ rh€n6e b irc'ue ihe speed!o sliqhrlyabove
n.nuer. ll90! lind rharyouare.dsjsre.tly t@ 3kr 6r@
ftr.inq and bnns d ba.i{ !p !o rh€ honzd. ar rhir potnr
tnrhedivinsrun,lne hbbnaybeadjd.droari&r
roD.drat€ly b€sina $m6 .limShs l!n. leie& rhe bank 9ru
,nd rhe.lihb simulra@61y. The incrw in bankrnolld be in .pplyins cod pr5$c d $e nicL
plann.d - rharappdmralga vedialhanl k Mch.d wh.n Th€ 'w shorld alhys re ar a mrrni Er€ ., r d6.
rh. lirrlan€ h6 tun€d b rh€ Foinr 'b6m ol rh€ oiidnal .nh6 .n .q lict above and rhen b?-lo, rh€ honzon.
h..dlns.Th€.liEbshouldbeDhnnedsorh.rasmrchrldlld. Thr6nl€ setltis nay be Ened b cmp€net€ lor a ndic€.
6 po*rble h g.ined, and ro arow lhe nM ro lNer thbush able l6s or sa|n h alr$uda du'1ns rhe s.r16 ol urisd6.
ihe honzonon inrsabam hadins drh !n sulltctentspeed The uLnsouz! ts . relatuelysloq delibeare man.uvs Do
.bove dalllns, ro pmvide sooolh contol. nor rush fi, but mainhin eslla. rhylhm.
At thrspoht in the linsovo( ihe arlptaneultt hav€rachcd Keeprburban!and€reolclhbordtva.hanshslnprcp€r
rs haximum bank and rhe nose nomenradly InteEeclsih€ propon|on, ro abi. rhe coft*i atittrd€ 'i your abam r.d

To marniah sm6th balar.ed flighr ar this poinr In a shr Apply3ltfi.ient conlrolpr6sure, rh.rea $q/ noy b.,
oinsove( rt nay seemthat you havero appty exce$tvedghi to marntah em@ih balancednrshrar all trn6. q4th no drp
rudderpr€su@,be.auseoI theroq ueelrci plur th€iltpptng
l€nden.yduero rheatzme bank.Wner6 in a l€ft urngd€r Do not pacnce winsover 16 lons or conrlnuouslybur
coBrde6bly la l€h rudderb needed6 th6e n6 €fie* .cr cona back 1orhen dunns eolr fliqht, after phcfi.hs .th€i

is qy down,beslnro
ih.llow rh€ bankiFmediaielg,so as ro r€@er li6n rh. rud
onrhc pleded h@drnq.Thi!'jsimp.ranr D. mra[@ rheatr.
praneropogrsi oibdiqwhiredi[ rooPs
sp€edconrol will b€ dilli.'nr
Tlenrolrhedive.hallb€conhlled$rhar.uFn.ompt€. Th€ ,td aerc6abcm.du6 ro be indu..d in c sbse i3
do. o, rhe rum ar rh6 d6n€d hadins. ihe atalan. d n.w rh€l@p,nd b€ue irisrhesimpldordidro 44urc bul
t run.d ro l@l fliqhr(noseon the honzon).ar rh€ smc .n- be6ue equn6 lewr.nd ls Epid conkol lMais.
!p.€d usedror .nrry Glishdvabc€ cruisins) ft. lop is d. ol lhe 0ft'@usb @neuue6 ln orher
.on. immediarely a.n @rdi sh€n praF ty Mure4 rheaialane is und€rlull.on'
.ndher dnsder in rheopposrzdtkrion ThEearepnctlced trol ar rll bm6, dL\ nm.l onftl rdions h all
l-t. I
iis i I Ei]E]
lleorro rr:rno vss_e

Technically,aloopkrheparemdescnbzdbyih?aialaneas 7 Failureloadjunba.kpre$ureinlanhaliotlooprocom.
ilis0o$nlhroushaclosedcncubrpathinavedialpiane Inas pensarelor chansesin contol pfieciiuen6s6 speedis
fr u.hasrheloopisexecuredinasinsl€pLan€.th€elevatorandresainedindive Aholailureroadjleirhrchleio prevenr
rhrtle a'e rhe baslccontoLs The arlebns and rudder are ove6peedins oI ensjnein dive.
usedmereLyas balanceanddircdionalcontols I F.ilura robnnsthesric[ dE Lshlba.k t a comfron
At an altiludeol3000I€d or rorc abov€rhesound,fly iendencgbbnnsjtba.Iroibe.ghr
alonsadraLshrrcad deimrlarlandna&,LndErshrandrevel
cruisjnsflishrtheneaserhenoseovedoe*abLishadive Inrhe
approrimare!1r0 k.ob, adjlsrinsihe ihohla asd4e.€rr, NORMALSPTNS
sod norto exce€d themaximlmallouable rp m {2r00)
WhenrhGspeed s re.ched.san a $raishrclrmb
holdLnsa ld a spin.rhe aialaneis complerely srarl?d and is lallins
s6ishi flishrparh inlhevenica]planeaidkeapinsrhewiissrowad ihe srolnd nosa.tow. toLtodnga .otu.r4 parh
lwel Whenyoub€ginto,e€1a.d h?dihe inrcard loadon
theensineasthenosecoms y when rhereis plenryoI dbran.abeM2anyou and rhe
ground.and y.u knoa rhesimpleruLeslor recovz']i.thereie
Toacute thebe* oop sulJicienrba.[presuresholldb€ e ot themct6ilg per
Eedlohaiitaina.onna searpressu.eaidlokeeptheiole tomedhaneuveGIt pub no excesLv? loadson rheaialane

Tn€ba.kpGsurewillbeapproxLmarel!".onianrbut.asrh? You LvillpracricespLnsand fiet e.overy for tuo rcasons.

menrot rhe rlick sin b. Fd ihe p6di.e will enable9ou ro rccoverpomprleadd
ne.€saryroatain ths dA redresuh !ins. besides givingyou
r\rhenyou.anno Lonq€rs€e rh€honzonah€adoI you riLr con,id€oce in yourabiliryto recov?rSe.ond. willseru as
lour h?rd ba.|1!adso $ar y.! cri ve rh, hon,onii ihe Lntoducij.nro lhe aercbalics, whichyou liLldo Larea a.d
opposiie dtectionassoonas pcsible.Thusyoucancheck. reach you ro oieni youEzrl ln uiusuatafl udesoI rhe
levelariudaaid dir€c
Belorean aialane cadspin mun be nall€d. erher inran
Coitinueto hold the backpre$ureand ny the aialane rionalLgor accidenralLy. a compleie sra[, uile$ recov€r€d
ton immediarele.{iLlrsuhinaspin.You wilLpn.h.enomal
Asrhenosepasesthroushthehonzon. youshouldleeland sprm,dadLnsaran al[ude ol 3000teeror morcaboverhe
heaihaenginebcsniospeeduFasiheioadonndtmrnbhes s@und.ThiswilLinsurc rhatrheailplane.anbe @rumad ro
Al rhispoinrr€rad rhethrdle.lso nomaLflighr, tunylnderconror.ahde 2000I€d
.en),3id mahiah 'he ine eat pra*u4 ihoushouithe Sel€dsomerelercncelineonihesbu.diohelpyouremain
onenieddliins iha sprncheckro seerharthearcaa6und
Aslhe n6e comesup throushthehonzon,applydimbins and belouyouh de.r ol orherair6k Thanin sraishrand
rhroile and sainasnuch alriilde 6 po$ible. belorererurins l4elilishr.close rherhrcrLe and6seihenos.ollheaiDlane
ro dcishr and level cruisinsnight ioaboui Landrdsahrude.exactlyasinpracricinsa nomals.lL
As rhe fie nosev"1[reid ro dDp T'y ro
1 %ordt*rionalcontol,asrhe6ultollallureroma[ecorholdIhe iose upbysaduallyinneasinsth2ha.I prz$!re.
redions lor torque €Iled which vanesrhioushout the remembenns ro keeprhewin$ r4el. Do
bu,elorprc.hear iJkingcond{ions zxisr
2. ln ial pull.uprooIa* Thisb causedby incr€asing the whenthesrickisfullyback jundrherom€nishenihenarL
ansleolahacktooapidlyandr€su16inunnec6sarylo$ trcua,apFlvllllrudderinihedkecnon gouwanrospin]nh
olatspeed, a.d a po$iblesrallairheiaFol rheloopToo causs ihe aialane ro lall oll and dan ro biare
Iasl a pullup can be der€ctedb9 eKcesiveseai Dunnslhespin.hainrainrheconroLsinrhelullONposrion
That r. rhe ni.[ r kepi fu]Lybackand tul rudler pre$ur? ts
3 $e iniElpull-upt rooslo! (you wLllfeellitLe pr6.
seai held.Donl lookdownai rhesrounddrcd1yovd rhaiose
sure)whhh r6ulb in dblipariisloo nuch ainpeedin T'y ra keeptack of yolr
rh?LnrialdLnb.s(hrh.sam!raslliolpoor.ontoland rcleren.e lin? have sofreideaof howmany
posiblenalLarrheropolrh€loop ruri. vouhavemadein rhespin.flnk wilLsiveyoupracrice
apllying add ionalbackpresur. 10 hury rhe nose whkb *ilL be valuablewhenylu rakeup prcction spins

toL efl?dvene$dmnishes Ths agsEvaks.Ether 1b r.coverlramrhespin.liErapplgFULLrudderopp.qre

thadremedi6.rheapprcachinqialL condiiion b ihe dtr2djoi o, iobtjon.Follo! ihisaLmodimmedjarely
FaLurero nan them.n?uv?,strhun$Level.and laiLLre wirh posiive loMad dick Hold ih e .onrols in ihis lolilio n
to ma ola n didional .ontoL rh'oushoutrheman€uvel uftilihe bralioniop' Th€nn€uralizerherudde(makLng
Failureiohainrainawinglevelanirude.res!lhnsidFoor .edain $ar ihe in a d'aighr dive. wjtholt
w at lfl',gnitfli,'iF
h w h-'
066Ll:SOlrO ,X:.mO VUS_OL

Toredarfr.m rh€drua,gadullylndhmrhly,Dplyhacl reolthe.ird.neish€ldrohishinaclhhinston.rh.

p'Asurc on $€ nick. As rhe 'r@ apprcch6 the honzon, ansle 6I an&r is iM.n to n!c[ ..!sins rhe aiF
.pply rhrdl€ sorharyouwill srLnasfruch alriud€ asposibl.. plane io 3ral1.It prcp.r .oie.doG rE nor mad.
R.coverytomih€dlvem6ibesradual.espedallyllyolran rmm€, ihe r6uli wlllhea spin.
sp?edh6 bemm€ €rcGrve Rehembff rhar 9ou .an b6r Accide^rdlspinsour ol climbinsIunr .re likelgro ba
edimarethe sh.arcs ol rhe pull.out Imm rhe IeelinsoI hw ''wa rhe lop . hnead of Lllhs ofi ,nd sphnins i. rh€
fruch you aE pi6ed &)m in rhesearT@ abdpr a pulrour difthon o{ rhc ld dns (r. you Mdd dpd), rhehish
ull'c.ulronlyinn.llrnsrheaialaneag.inanditrill prcbablg lins {alb llsr.nd rheairplan€ship3 d.r Inroa sp,nin
enierLnroa prosr€$lv€spin,whl.h!ill b€evennorevioleni thd dned|on.Thrsmayb€due roihe Ihaijusrb?loi.
rhesbll rhealrplaneslLpe rdad ihe Lry slns shLch
R€9aidl6 ol ih€ !D6 ol aiabne ,or aE nqLng. r.cove'! €ulb in ' padial blankerinsoI rhe ai! llow abourrhe
Irom a nomal srin is ri,aF.aohpltshed in prcisly th€ high lins or an be rhe dict rauh ol misuseot the
ruddd 0n lhrs@ rop ndd6).
1 Applyposriveoppodierudd?r(oppcreiorh.dnerion 2
ol oralion), Iollowedalmdt immediar€lyby Whenihe llrplaneskidsin a turn,ir lore.iEpesl and
ihe nGe tcndsro drop.Y6urreadion1,to hyto !@p ih€
NOIE: The anou.t ol l@ard nrk and rhe lensrhot nr up brtrcGinsrh€ blckp6ur€on rhescl,rh6
rine dic[ and Ddder prKura mun be h€ld ind6t.g dc6iwly rh€ .nsl€ ol .t,ck. ll rhe pbp€r
van6 lbm on€ typeotailplane to anorh€r.Hold .orccrions .r€ nd madq rhe aiola.c sialls.Thb sbn,
the rudderiusi lons enoushb stoprhe oratio., plus ih€ rudder pre$ur€ (shLh aus€d th€ skiddinsLn
andholdlod.dnicklustlonsenoushrorcsain ihe lkd p ac€l Nually €ulb in an acdd€nbl spin.
llgins spaed If you hold ,oMrd nick loo lons. 3. Spi.s lrom t6 shallor slld6:
rou lill lce r@ 6@h ahjrudeand picl up ro l{you holdrhenGe orth€.irdane r@ hlghin a slidq th€
nlch speedi. rhe drv.. rokns rh€ ffiNe'y aiGpaeddea66 and th€ n62 rznd! ro dbp The
natuElt€nd€nc! ol rheh.siinersro rryroEls?th€nose
CAUIION: ln theN2Sg?ealrplln€,ailaonren.varro be asain by pulllns backon rhedick Tht qrearl9indas€s
urad h th€ €nrrvro oi ie.ove4, toh splns Dur rhe angl€ ol atuk a.d the airplan. sblk ln complere
ing rh. redaJy lrm rhespini6el{. you rcntul @din6 lor dn &.idenbl lpin
'tw€nenb shouldal$ys be blil.hit poahue
Sl4 .nd dudors conrol mov€nent nor only
willc!u!€ youro loseroo muchallLtude belbre Asyouaheadyki.qth€alrplan.dllnallathrsheun
p.6vedns.bul 6ay hav€io ztled rl'll on rhe speedsrna glrdhgtun,rhrninastaishrslLd2.ll$enose
is held roo hlsh in a slidl.9 tum, rh€ aiGpeeddecrase
sph. & sue ro r.:d lh. T O on spLnmovery.
and rhe no* rhentendsto dbp. & tn rh€ glrd€uhth i5
r@ .nal|oq the b€sinn{ urually h6 ro Ek $€ Ge
againby inc'casinsth€ backp'EUE on $e nick This
ACCIDENTALSPTNS decrasa, rhe aiFpe€d stLllmor€ and grcaiy increas.s
rhe..sle ol ahacLUndn ihese.ondlrlons, rheaiDlane
Aslou klrw,.n.ial.n€annd spinunls it h.r liEt be€i sblk ,nd k ud9 lor.n &cidenbl spin
sblled. All &.rdenral qjq thd.ld€ The rdouery lrcm an -.ide.tal spintsescrly the sre.3
iion.l strlls Reg.rdl65 ol whdhq rhespin hashe?neni€red lhc e6va! tom intenrio.ll sphs ahich rlu havealpady
Lntenrlonrlly or noi howeueirccovcrrlsrhekm€ asin nomal p6diced:applytul opp@ieadd€rIolllMd.lnGr immediate]y

Aeiddbl spinsat lowal udesare dansp@us b@use Tlere k, howcver one iopona dill.i.n.e uhich ht.
rhee tsusult insullidentalritodeiorele reclx'y. sirce rheakeadybe. nention€d:eE. lou a rh€piloris norprcpaEdlora. innedbrz rrljll ralc soh. irhe lor you ro n.hz€ *6ar ls harpding ln
Eove,y, and hence.ri rales hh lonserro dan rpplrhs rhe orhdwods,youwonlbe allsel to roke ih€Ecovery. Dur
?€iial sphe are demontrarad to you so lhat you can you 6ay hav. losr consid€Rbleahitude. l]1is is rhe basic
lam b @osnD€ lh€ ijs6 o, an appEchi.s spin.and lam E sa.whe-cidenblDinsarcbatemdehaz.rdo6i rhe!
ro elled €Mry beloc rhzspinxrrally daelop6.Th€r also ffiu' nar rhe srcund. Add ro ihis the prbabrliry rharsEh
plovLdepacrice in spin recd€'y so rhat,il the Ep,nshould spinsare lrh€lylo be edeied drh pds on, shkh infleases
a(luallydevelop,you willbeablatoallect.ompleterecdery rhevrolence ol rheeni'tr,and you haveall rhe insrediaib

A.cidenralspin!naydurrsrhercsulrolanyolrh€lollou. Hdder, notethh itrou shouldd€

spin ar l@ alrirlde rhe rppliclrion ot tull thnnl€ $ill aable
!e! ro €over srh l5 lcs ol.h ud€ a.d nay prMl a
I, rkotrsh carel6ne$ or lor sode orher Eason. rhe clashPr.crkerhkrypeolGoveryara6alealiLrudeandch4k
aeelaE/rntapn- byenraed
usuAlty occuRstN a ?
rN EXCESityEty t{ tGt{ (x
,aa) q5

,a Yzr*
J99O 13

gouraliimere'10se€ howmuchle$alhtudeyoulGerhanwjth
powa ofi throushoutthe recovery. The rhroHle is nor opened uniil .fid .omat ltishl is
Ir isobvious rhar,bytherimegouhave rccogniedrharihe elum€d andrheoilprasuEhasretumedio nomal.
ai@lanecenhdedeiisaspbralr€adyi5hone.youhave nlional invered spi.s,
coftciive freasures.Th. but dunns ihe praciiceal you ae6bari6 you may become
rime ro preenr rhe spin h dunns the approachro rhe dall sralledin rheinvenedaflirudeiolcouEe,if rheproper.onhok
arenoi applLedlor recouelvlom lhestall,aninveted spinwill
euh. lI gou lind yolsell in an unrnrenrionatinveft€d spin,
1. ll youeverihinkyouarcclimbins too deeplyinatum, renenber 1oIakeih€ lollowins live deps immedraiely:
b!4fi€ no6ewlth lon:rd dick- (Decrasedansle
2 Applg lull ndder asainsrrhe spinrorarion.
2 lltheconibhseemiohcone'mushydunngaslLde.r
a slidins tum, lord rhe nGe ufth Ioruard 3dch. 4 Neulhlte ruddeF as rctaiion dops.
(Decreasd ansreorahack.) 5 Re.overio nomar fljshr w h a h.[ toop.
3. (eep allyourruns balanced.don'rskid or slip. DuerotheladlhaiherudderGnoiblanlzdourinani.ver
led spinasmu.h asin a nomalspin, €cove'y is efieciedmorc
easilyand morc pcjiively Erpeden.e gained,rcn lnvenad
spins wiLl enable you ro imm€diaielyracosnDe ihe dall
INVERTEDSPINS arittrdouhich Frecedesrhe3!ii andro.ecoverfDm it, belor€
An i.vened spinisverysimi ano rh?nomal spinexcepihar A.inv€nedspincanalwagsberecosniz€dbyrheleelinsol
andsFrnshrheiiveded beingrhiownawayImn rheszarand asaLnsr ihe beri.ri i5atso
position.i € . you are on rhe oubld€ ol the cork scr4 parh difiiclltro keepyourle€ion ihe rudderped.h llyoushould
ever loserhe ledals complerely,you can recovermerelgb9
The invenedspinin rheN2s rainer 6 somzwharllahd and applyinslull backshcl B2sLreyoupull6acL on rhesrick you
ako slowerthan the nomal spin. $erelorq rhe maneuverb maythinkyouarepulLingbackwhen youareaciually onlypull-
le$ vi.lanr rhan!!u nlshr 4pecr.
Lik€ all spins,inveted onesare danserousonly iI insulfi-
.ienrarrhudeisavailablelorrccovery siadthemar5000leer
or morc aboveihe groundand raover hy ar l2a5r3s00 leer
Basure9oursal€rybellissnus,the shoulderham6slarened, PBOGIIESSryESPINS
and rhar the searb los enolsh ro arow turl rhrow oa lhe
Youwill enleraninver€d spjnby b€ginninsanomal loopat
apprcximai2lyl]0knoisAsyolrea Like all spins,a prcgl6sive sph G dangeroE u.las strfil
th€ nos€on th€ honzonorslishtLyabove,closethettuotle and ciedt altitude 1, avaLlableio Femii a sale sovery. When
apply fooald p4$ure on Ihe nbk lecouenns tom a spin ar low allitudg, a pilor ialurally
at[Lde Xeepthe winssl€velasyou do rhis.Asyou continu€ afrempbrohury therecoveryasnuch asp6sLblz.buinshins
your loMrd prssure on the nick Io keepthe noseup. ihe it ioo much mayr6uli in a progresive spin
speed{illbecofresloweraidslo@and linaLlv,iheaLalane
sLll sbll. trjih all rhe usualsgmptomsHold the siick full IoF 1. hilu€ ro releaebackpre$ure.{orb apply$finbnt
ward and apply rudder in the dnedion you dsire to spin fouard 3iick). io alld ihe airplane io resaLnll9ing
Nlainlainyour onenlaiion lhe €da as h nomal $hs by
observingrhe dtradtonihe nosemNd amundrhe horizon. 2. hilurc to releaseoppdire tudd.r !n recouodng,wht h
Don r bol ai $e sround i|lr€.Jy ben€ath or b€hlnd Gus6lhe airllaneto recover in a violenrskid
you, beaus€ by lookins benearhor behind.rha pilor seb a 3 atenprins to pulLourof the diver@ quickly.lihis E the
lake indraiion oI ht d*dion ol bhrion. Onlg by loohns
overthenoseare9ouableto ddeminethedkedloi oloia Aiy one. ar any .orbinarion ol th6e rhrce €noE may
iiod ll1is rsdone bq obs?flLnsrhe m resultin a pnglesive spin,but the lasl one,shi.h is ihe most
!,our.shtor leftasaindrhehotuon commonsill be demonslraledby your rnsirucror
R€m€mbe'anai@lanewill noispi^tnr€n€dilfteni.ki5 Ii i5 veryimponanrro rem.mber tha
qresive spin is ehctly the same as lrofr a nomal spin.
Rcover by applying luLloppoqrendder.(opposteto the Howev€irherecoeery.onkok dl1lsually haveio beheldon
ndder appliedon entryandopposite ro rh€dnedioi ot rhe lc ^sei in the recovel]r,ro sroprhe moE npid ohrion. Apply
movement or rhe oaseon rhe honen).Ihei applvpcire lulloppGiienddei {againsspinroianon). lolLN€dalnosr
backpru$ureonihesic[tuldoNr€ norBed. Assoon immediarelywith posilivetotua.d s
dbrarionhasopDed.neutaLi,eruddeEand.asnginsspeed nginsspeed.AslheataLaneresainsll!'ingspeed,recov€rl
is rcsained,compl€t€th€ rccoveryby exe.urinsrhelan ha ol lhe dive 6 in a .omal spin recovery.
14-5AA "OUrflT , OCTOBER




Evenrhouqhyou besinro spinara hlghaltlrtrdz,il you Iind TECHNICALORDER*1 13.44

rheai'! asalnwlnnlns on eachali€mpredreo€rv yo!
,rclik ly toateopr Incrasinslyrapid pu[.o!is.ach fi6e and

fiEMEMBER. Y6u .i€ io pturice /os.6ive spiE w h

{o1Fr,munt hrd ro flYnspsronnd
ro b€leadbeanDno6)
Pr€ atthisnag€olwurtninins
refeEro 9or abiliryto .ne louEellsrlltiennybnanrh€ 1 This Tahni..l der ts Bued at rhe i€qu6r ol rhe
re@ery Nhen rhe arolane s1l havz completedAddy on€ Depurvchiea of Nrel openrio6 {Aid.
2 Thb Tchnic'l Ordd supe6.d6 TdhniBl Older 343
&ecuhon Ar analrirude olatlea3i3.000leetaboverhe 'ndTechniclOder 133.43,which.reh€rcby.anceDed Thr!
s'ound.fl yalong a rcrd sedionlLne Technl.alodeidoernoralter,modit or $peEedeaneedd.
slnrsht Landma*. As.edainthatlh€ rnshdrcrioco'ode6shtchpnhrbltih€lplnnligol.enaLn
you b clee ol orheraitGh, then entera noh.l spLn,6 was
denondraed in lh. pKe€dins sbse Tlte Ld rhatytu hav€a 3. The plipo* ol rhe Tahni6l Order k ro
srEishi line on rhc sund ro R lo. visualr€l2re..q dI atd Inl(m.6on m nomJ 3p6 sblls in ae.l€6ted ,lisht and
youinonedinsyouEelrbycountingrh€rohsrheaialan€uil invded ?ins. Ahhough oNidati€
makeasaiin lhis r.reren.€ line be€nr$Led by rhe Bureduot Pft
Enreihaspinfl9nson.headinsdnellydowna@lercnce rcgading stall.haractedsria of aircoIt .dd derhods ol sph
lineWabhlorlhelhero.oneabundasaliWhenyouseelt. Govery, avordabl. rEid€nb affbdahl. to rhe lack ol
.ount oi..hall'rwh.n r appe.Fasain,"oneandth€ihld undesiandhc ol rhk 3ubjeclconlhue ro Ecur u,lthsuchlre.
ne oneanda hall. A! rheairplansrcachesthrsoneaid one nd attoach ro
hau-md! san $e +in r€c@eryF^/
lolliMd alnGt innedi.rely b!, I@rd !in:k Crynpld€ thc 4. All $rdar rui.r6 shall@d lirt Tehnial Ords Pior
i4@€Iy 6 predo$ly tBhded, rcs.'dl6s or rh€ h6dins.

1. lmpops ediry or raovery lrom lpLn. NORMALSPINS

2. l+tlinsto counrrhetuns.
3. ConcenhaiLngo.!trersio. hadr.g rha fodeirinspci. 5. Fsr manyyem nrvalpilo|tue€ laushrro pushfie nick
loMrd and rh€nklckopp.6ri€fldd
It app6Ethd..naln pllobar€dillatempthsrorallqlrom
sp.s dns rhisold rfttnique uhi.h. 6lned our in ffiin
hoden ai'dane1{rll auee ih€ spinb nari.n ou! {d!e to the
bldnletinq ellet ol lh€ elearoc on th€ todd.i, and roy po'
EDITORS NOIE duceaspinohichwlllnoronlyr.qurEaconsldeablepenodof
Tne 9eafr.n onsinaly was equlptod wirh small fme Iom which to Eover, (den after p6per technlqu.l!
tiansllar wood€n sMps uhr.h w€E ,n ched ro the applied), but may evenmake6ove'y Inpcdbre
lddins eds6 ol.ll lou'6nss *tich lge d6islated a 6 The Nauon'l Advl$ry Cdnditle€ lor A€ronaubG.nd
spin shF The spin *iF .e commoly .:lled $D rhe Flisln Td tEpanma! NAS Aruenr Ris. h& den'
frips by many prlors roda!' DecJ Lery, rhe Chi€l sr@ly iN6fiqai€d rhe qu660n oI r6@'y .'om sFE Th€y
ErpenmenralT€lr Prlorlor rhe Src.6an Arrcdn Co.. reommend th. mdhod oI spin r4ovely desnb€d b€lN,
hasElared th.r rhese3pii stripsoerc innalledio lacili lhich k equally satislaclorylorborh old and modeh ailplanes
.nd rhorld b€ ..lopted ad st ndlrd pbcedurc hy .ll
rale cpid re.overy liom prolonsed$ ns Wirhoutthe
sFn innrlLed. rhesem.n t un'pr.drctabl. in n.ualpll*.Whllerhctechniqueolre.ov.,yisdaribed,ili5
spLn€dery lrcmpElongedspinsDeedhzsmmed Lhar d€snedto emphasLz. thatarlllan€ rhould b€plevented{ron
'Igoudonorhaverh.spi.nnpeinialledonyourSrear dcveloDinq spjn! by JudnioN s ol rherudder zlearoq and
throt p rcnhL Th€ sudd€nElia
nrn do nor ao Drolong"n 3phl
n€nrsho'ndbelollo{ed inoediaraly by a bnskIoM.d mde,
menrolrhe €levaior.onnolb decrae theanqleol atucL an
hdzase n ensinep.!er will alsoa*lst ll ih€ eall is nor cn.
cumeenredbelore lhe splnde2lop
(.) Use lull rudde! h.d and wirh po.ldv€ modon full
i6-sfra ouTFrr'' 1990

lb) Afte! abour 6ne.quaner ro on..hal' lun, movc rhe ecdery 15ro b. arcld.d ln .€ftin 0!6 ir hasbeenlourc
€leulror conrots trlt totuard sxh a D!.tdv€ morion. that $Llhd slowand .aunousEveel oi rhe tudderand
(c) Keepdlebns Lnneuhal,unl* requiredorhe.rte l6i a el€hroE. sphnins vrll .ohhnu€ jndefinuetyiwheftas. 6dt
ed pcrtu oFdim ol 6e @r!& trdd hnw c{€.ie
(dl Holdcmrohrnrhis.mnsm€ntrF6td!€ryandt.'rg
€noush roi them ro 6le efid h rerde6le ro iudge rhe 11. Tne prcpzr useol rheeleEror l,b conrmlGdecidedL!
lapsaol rimeb9rhenumberoftum inponani ri k obvro$ ihar in od
viclourepLn,arplied.odnoklotrcov.ry dould beheldlorar
pcoveryl6m a spinrhetabshouldbe3.1soasro makerh€
leai lv€ turo heloi€rndprins anyorh€rmaG lor prcmoi.
planenose.heavy ror nomalspinnins.Unds nomatcon.
dirions.*h4. rh€ spin E €nre&d inad@n€dly, ii ts rhoushr
? The relftq, rehnique oudimd in paashth 6 .toue t'.r rh. l'b.efiins sill b€ in L\e.6m€ur6l Firion.,nd
shouldbemodilied6 mayhavebeendcremined by prevtous unl6s nick lorcesare vely htsh and e.ove!! uet!,dillicutr,I
er!€i.n.e Io b€ dcsinble aor a pamcul& hod.l ol will be unnec6e,y ror€ldlust rheeld.ror r.b sehns rocom.

a Tte pmpeflechnrqu€oI a ern.ontol in spinEc&.ry 12. U!. oI rhetiErl.In a. ar€mprro r..der trom. b.d
o..ot b. ddnirelv !d lonfi The colmc a ihar rrl.M spin, .lrholgh erldw .r rim6. is v€ry p@r pa&. and
ontll rsmr .e@ry lor spin'@ry..d lackinsryailic s€n€allylhould b€constde'edasaB@6ur.tobe di€ddty,!
iturrudions ror a panicular hodet rhathe aitzbn .onl!o]s
shouldbeleft in neurEl.Horeve!,incenaLn models,rhcu.eol 13. In lddrlon to olilhhgrhelaten Inloharionon rh.
allcEn conr@|.while pefiap€ nor b.hs ne.6ary lo .tlecr technrqueor spin recd€ry. x is d6ned to €mphdiz€ rh.
4€nru,Lre.d.ry. vrll ap€diterh€ r.dery lrom aepr.. Also, tonod.g aad6 shkh a dr€.i b€ad.g on prmn ns
v.ttdher theailson 3h@ldbeapplid lih or asaindrhertn
deD€ndson the padicuLr nodals ol atDhne and o rhc dc- (a) Mrny .ilplan6 aid 6D€.i.tly bpae.t{rlg D..&
riburion ol loadal $e 6e oI spinnins Tds haveindt..i€d pLn.r vJll srallw hour, ny lugsish conkot wamins P tor
rhatI the poponronol loadcaniedwLthin ihe llsehse h shouldinsunsulicient abovenall"speed inih6eailpt.nss
rcduc.d and the prcporbn aded h Ihe whs5 is Lnde,s€d
(orvic. vesa) Ihe efiet oaaileon sehinson rhelpin recdery (b) As ih. ai'plan€ is banked,rhe s''llins rp€edjmE.s..
chahd€ridis my b. r46ed due ro rhc im@e in appled detearion. Ir G. rhd€torr
Snce a laB prcponion olrhe,aish nay b. oded in rhe 6sential rhatasrhe.nsle ol bankc ind€a*d. surlicienrl)yrns
wing!in ih€loh oI tu€|,amnun ion andbombqandma, be speedbc m,inhhed 1opr*ed sbllins
expendad ln 0ishr,allebnco.tol mdem€nbthararcbenefi .
k) In.enah modelsolrL(nfilrhedwtrhlerEchhlebnd
cr.l lor onelEi. d.neousflishtloadlnscondlion ola gLven ing 9e.i rc.over! l6h prolonsedspinsu,lh rheuh€.ls tn rhr
nod.l hay prdanr rcovery lor anorhs innrn- d()M pcinon nay be slowrl ndi inpGslblg R.olo.szd s, i.
r.n@utloadingondnid. Iteb6t tuleappaBro be in ach nodeb u h rhe uh€eh in fi€ dM
Fsirion. dn
d'eu loE pbhibired and .o inrenrioDl splF 6rh rh€wheer
(a) tlo nd Ge arkrci6 !o asisr rn spin recdery unt.$ in the down p.siiion rr. io be adempred.
dellnrt€rnlomarion k 'vdilable ihar such procedurcLsdestr (d) C.r.,hould be eradsedin rheop.ntruolcNlflap.
ablcInrhhdenr applyrhe ail€nnsi. rhedl&uon whenrh..Llplane n nar rlllllis speedasluch0ap5nay ha!.
tor rhe nodel and dLsinbunonol lo.d ar rh€ [h. ol a. adv€6. €fiat upon rrrllins chaGd€ftilc'
{€} Ir'. em€ atphne roy dadop dn qsnt \,p6 orspin.
(b) Spin'ru.relcxp.nenceindidresrhlldrhndod.i6 dependinsupon rhe n€1hod of enry, conhot p.srons ail
rhe arle,onefiecrsar. geneQtlgl.rser.nd morc consrsrenr movehenis, rheloaddbhbtrrionand oih€r.ondirions.
than wrih biplan?sTh156mphastre th€ lad $ar rh2 uons 0 Con.rderarionshoutdbesivenroih€ti[etihoodolt D:
uscof rhe arl..onsb likelyro hav Iu€l prc$urc and ensh. powerh a pioloised spin
Gen.dlly sp6kng, rI rh. . eoB ar€ B.d with nonopbnG, {s) rt r, lbsolltery ne.sry tor pilot o, oediro s sho-
I'€y shooldbe sd ul.i rhe spin lor Imp@d rcNery, tur datore ro be so p6ido.ed In rhe cdk'i har lux .ofti
rs.rd.s lu'ld rDtar nolml. rhtu my b€ obr.incd lhen dedred. In addirion. rf.
9. lndeanaiQlanahkn(Mrohawbdqinninschatuc, p.srbrli! ol hish reveGaloI eleEror and rudder lore.
Lbcs nav dsbr h @orery (arrirud€and orherIadoE per unusuar rypesor sphscannorbe oee ooked,whenihe tL
mrthg) ll, belore a(ehprins io Eouer, rhe .onlroL ar€ drenslhol borhhands, orevena loor,E n..ded b pushrr.
placd 30a io d4elrp a .omal spin,ihrr k, pla.e rdd.! lull
lithrh€3Pi4el4.roF.llrh€urbalq.idarltunsinneuhl 14 Th€ hish6 rh€ alrirud€d lnich ! plrne is ipui r
The m@44t of the contok lrom rhi! pditon io re@€ry mor€dlllicukit dll b€1obnnsn oui as.n inseasein alfuu:
pc Lon.s ourlinedh paras6ph 6 cader lhem rhoush rhe hastheemaefieras,n IncEeei. dns Lddhg Howe!.
{ullarcot rheirrhrd rnd accordhslywrlleren na mun deliber.r€splnsshouldnol besta'"redat anr rliudeLNer rhr
10,000 leet in qles ahose spinning.h.Eden$b -.
10 Sl@ and cauttoB novehed ot rh€ cotuls dudns unlnM or ol doubdulch,nde. Blors"d (subr

!o €ffins oi paasEph 21 ro hrtom. Lnrlrrr .r eL d. {requdtly i6!lb tn sENw sDtu, cBly in the
alr uds ! h rh€ sll chadtrnniG of rhe lype ol ri4r... 6ppclt€ drre.bon On one lraston. pibr reaeed at l6sl
rhe, a@flyinqidick and rdde.IorcB: dinindive *minge ol ll!€ @nsecuriuenm6 fiom in:dv€n€d s!i6 be|d€ li.tly
.!r6hhs It ts.pparent tha! thb pJ,rr
adoni €Ileb on shll oI cdl ,laF. .ckp( enclosur. up moreatEpe€dihanu6 zhploled in rhepraioG Pdery.
p.silions, pds, popell€r pith sehins bal.nce rab sehinsr. butalsobeamenore.niouio reoaah Iimeandpulled
Eradble l:ndhs sear tp and dom. raidinq flape: 6{ck ths srickb'ck h.dea whichr6!lt.d h pmsrad@ly hci6s
movemenrio poduc€ dall alriude lo$ lor rccov?'y. In ing hk nallns speed.Farlur€ro neuhlize rhe ndder aft?r
sen@l ih6e ailplane whichar€dilliculr 10spinmayabo be Frarons c.reed assBv.ted the recunjis slin tend€ncy
dtfir.uhiobnnsourolaspin rirheldiserandhervi€rryp.sol 19. Therc are M satsot physiolo$calfacrs,hich should
.irplanq rheinirialnalhshouldbe mched onlyrfier dow begleencoGldabrlon ln anyanampr
appFach;withasecondpilotpreparedtoasisrinov€rcomLns ro ephnrns The lrrr ol ih€€ is rhe acrionol rhe "balance
Lnusuallvh?avy.od6l ,orcei wirh crs securedby ,alaty m€ch'nbm oI lhe Innerar, whichhigelyconlbls pllot rac
behs:andslh al]loce qed pbpeiy s@u!ed. rrodro a lph whenllyhs on hsrrumenrs. A hlman sho h
15. Whenanvdoubr€xisbr€gadinsrh€rccovery chaEc shLrlednpidlg Ina glvendkecnon,withourvisualpler€nce,as
iendh ol an aLlpla.e.a lanllia'lzation frethod condilng ol in lmlrumenl flyLnq,wrll leel.ohen ih
rndhoI recovenaai v,noussbsesol rhe ranlrfon lEm anetad, tharhe r, behs whnledh rheoppositedration and
dlaishi flyjnqb a neadyspin shouldbe employed hls nrru€l ademprar corccnon ol rhissetuoryillusiontend3
r6 adentionrsrnviedio th€ladthar for a panr.ularmodel ro causehLmro r..eitd a sptn rn i
olaialane the Flor's flandbookoli€n conratEvaluableiilor o gLnalsDtn.The se.ondolrhee.onsidmfionsb inenomal
tution on spini4overy rehniqu€. ocu6r rca.rtonio sp,nwhenrheE isa visiblehodzonor visual
relercn.€ poinr. Undq rh6e cjdlenc. th€ eular
31inul6ouhlelslEih€.onblolrhehalancenfthantsm ol
tb. hner @i Tnsebrq sh€n nd on itunmc, and when
SIALLSIN ACCEI,ERATTD FUGHT rhc nte ol robtion is sulff.i4lly E d o. sllf*i€nny pro
Lrng€d,a l€rlr.s D@m€nr ol rhe .!€ha[ muE .hatu.
17. Tr)espeed.twhich anysivenai'mft n,lh tsa lundlm b9. slou nMm€nr ot rhe qreb.ll in the didion ol
ol rhednq lodins wins l@dins imra€ in didr tropor rhc digin.l spinand a tdl., coverY
r.on ro rhe aadmbq _s". pla.2d on an aimlt eirhr h
t a vls@l rer€Encepoint C.nsequoti/, it the spin be ro rh€
rum or prll od slaninsryed inc@s6 dnc y.s the3qu.r. ng[r, d th€n.trded, is foll6*€d bv . tlou noveme.r ol
mtohheappli€drelebrionor"s- rna*adyrumarco.. rh€ €r€b.ll ro rhe 6shrlhih .mponeni dar6 the illusion
dad aldruderheaedmrion n equ.l ro rhenarunl seanr ol rhrr rhehonzonk nbrinsro theleft.ln theineip€dem€dpilot
rheansleo, bant andfiaerd€ rhesralliis speedvan6 asth€ theE suld bean r.sludaq, iendcn bily toatch trpdrh
squae rdt o{rhe mrual sedni ol rheansleol banl stalltis his honron, drh rheEuk rhat heuould anemprro placehis
speadis6 sharptyin toms d $e .nsle ol b..k ts in.u3ed pbn€ tn a left brnk or lefi spin.To sumnanze
6.yond 50 60 desre6 In dive bombingor shling il pLloc
1.) wh€nn9nsoitcrruoenrs,ii€physrolosrcalicndency
6nbnuefi endiv6orsliderheyondrhesaler€ov€n/alixud. E lo re..nrer a spin in rhe sane disrion as rhe onsinal
they are torcad to pull our quicklg causins comldeBble
aael?raton iobe pla.ed on theailmfi andsomerim6r€.ulr (b) when flyrns by ubuar conbcr iiz phydorosicarl€n.
ingin nalb.nd spinsat ve,r highspzud5 R4od5 shNrhrt dcncyh ro enrera spinin rhe opposiiedrerion io rharol rhe
srallsIna.cale6ted flishrat lNafttuil€ accounrlora hEe
majohryorspincBsh6aiairhlrwhich nomaLlydalkatT0
milesanhourwillsbllar2l0md6pcrhouilalod la.roiol9 20. R€coue,y rechnique lor spinsenreredI6m lalls Ln
''s"lsexpenenced L: lc.€Lehied lllsht rethe3amed that for recovsy lom nomdl,
nyins in a deady honzonraliufr banked 60 deg!.es, th6 htenilonal sphs. Hou4€( [ nusi ber€membeiedrhai spins
square oor oI theseani ol rheansleol bankrs1.4r4andth€ enrered dudnsacceleared llighr,wilLusuaLly
be muchlaier
$allinsspeed a.codinslyis 99 mil6 perhour dua ro the sr.ate! sp€edat enhr. Thercfoe. th€re is mo€
I 3. Considearion nu{ alsobe sived ro ! uc.e$Lvesptne, n..d lor Bpid r.d posrtv€ appltarion oI ie.oveqr contole
ipreoEly called prcsrsiv€ dalh) \rhen a prlorreoveF and!l:o rhe.ontoLsmayneedto beheldin rherccov?,ypGi
Irom. spin.prnhbrlvan inadv€renrspin, heislikely!obc n 'lonloralonse!peiodoltimelnsummary.rorecoverlrom.
roo qear a hury ro rcgainnomrl nishrandconeequenrly etll spLn.nreredr. a.cel€6r.dflishr:
applyanu$amored amounr.l"g on rhaanffalrduiig lr) EmploypiomprftovaycotuLs, E prdos!9 oudinedin
'yappLkationot s.rhc d6cu*ion on nomal spin eovery. .nd hold rh6e conhk
piLorlill prchablyb.nk rhe aiarane ii rheoD!.sir€ dn€dion
ro hb ptuou robnon.du€ro conlsion and u 6 erp.nzi lbl Neud.lLz€fldder aher br.tion ceag
$llins sp€edeult.s lron rh. dc6ie "q lad .oupled (d) Pull our arsu.h a Er. d ro awid pldiis q6iue "s-
dn oppcie bankand pcsible lailurc ro ncutra|[e rh. ed. on rh. atcah. rhE avoidinganorha {.n

AllflvingpeGonn€lnunl.k€cosnizanceolrhcLdrhrrin blanktherudderlnrheInuen.dponfon.
r4overyl@madlllrcultsrru.trontnanalbdaritudq duecon. 23 Ihe b6r€nns lhe invenedsph 6 {rcr
sidearionhun besrv.. ro rh2pbsr6ive incrase r. sr.ll rhe h.lfiop rosition As ihe plan€appl@h6 rh€ inv?n.:
3pe€ddich muhr I'oh .n ikreEe in l@dd thewingr hodrcnb! ln. !!ick L.a.d loMrd ro mdnbin rhis.rirudr
ahd tun helde rh? plare srtll $e nicl k pBhad @d.r. .
INVERTED SPINS loMid aod hardrudder.ppli€d ]].e aveas planedll rher
uhip ofi inro an invenedgpinIn rhednedon ii uhich rherud.
21. A nudy oI prcvlouslitfiatop on rhe subjel 91v€srh. derLapplied. llrheplanedrllscofrplerely6rhrhenklaurhl
Lmpr6sronthal lhe lnv.n€d spin is a somewhardanq€rc!6 My lotuard and then rudder k applied after the nos? hr!
and unlamiliarnan€uv€ranJ rhe cor4t rehniqu. tor besunrolall,rveryprdbablywillnorspinbdwiltdideollt oi
ru.overy lheelrom b slghtly obsure. The la.i ls. howevs!, skLddinsinv€rted sDtaLand loseahrudemuchmorerapldL
rhat rhe seneEl pre.lurlonarymeasures involvedrn th€ rhanil a nomal invenedspLndevelopsPEcricalexpenmei|!
invenedsphnrnsol anyarlplanepaGllelthose applyinsto€drharno Lneened spinhasds daelopcdarh
o6ideRtionsin rhespLn. th. siick pllled back. regaldle$ ol ihe .rfiude ot rhe

{a, Air airrlane which k difii.trh to spin nay ako be drl. 24 Thz Gnovrnsre.hnique,lund.menbllepaEletro !h.l
ror @@ay kon nomal epini dll rodKe apid and cen6ii
(q $e hishs ude.r whichrheptan€k sp., rhe €oue4, rrd rhe invded spin:
moredirficulrir will beb hnns out a an increasein .lrirude
hasrheemz e(ecras.n i.ease in th€6ns loadhs lb) Kickhadopp6i.ruddsasainnihediru.rionolroh.
{c)Thepilofsabilugropla.€allcoiholson"iull i..lldrEc. hon Th? noselollowsrherudderin all ar udesTh€ pitorI
6onsrsesenrial.In an invededspinrhepilori5rhown,say inprssion ol rhednectun ol rorarioniscoftzd oiLv.s lono!s
tomrhecontol,,andunLe$aconscioseII.nbmadeheur]Ll ihelineorvisionqoasalonqoirtr rcLarionrorhe
n;otlhe; .
ilndhimselhansingonrorhsdtckhtheihan adtrallyfrouhs plane,and il,whileinaninv€n€dspLnihehead isrhrcenbrcl
irbackandfodhitheln€xpenencedprloiihiiklharh€kpulL. and rhe lin2 ol vreronsoes nraLghrdou io rhe sround.rh?
insrhedick 6..k whenln leatLryh€ ispmbabtyr'yLnsro puI tr dnedion ot roraton reapparendyreveBed.h |3 rid.L!.
b,r.Lroty th.t. drull dd.rDln.don ol rhe .ttra{on
{d) In orda ro prcnore easeoI Ede4, 6on an invened olrobdon h€ md€ by r.lence ro fie m.. ot rh€ .tr,
spinth€ rab .hould be*r so 6 ro mk€ rhe bil.h€aly. 6hoDrheb!€dtrucdo'ol
Noretharhisisopp.6 erorh€Eeharybbsedinqrh.rDo. ror.don ir dtnE rod.l or tnuede.l splm-
rcr5 62 or @.de4' t6m nomatspin,paGs€ph lt. (cl Pull th€ ei.k all rhc way back. n€uhlLzinsrh.
Unda nom.l .ondnb.6, shde rhe Din is €nrepd Indver
Ienrly,iGrhoushrharrher.bsdnswillhelnthenearnaural (d) A sn complde ihc rccovery
!osi6on, and, unle$ {l.k tores are verghish and recovery lromrheinvenedponiionbyerrherolliisourpfi hrheariercns
uerydifii.uh,wllbeunn€cesa4rroreadju$rheeleuaroriab orcompLeiinsih2 Loopor r .ombhasonolrhe o
sehinsio .ompl€le ra.overy (e) Easethe thrchl€ od ve,y sadually ro prevenrensrie
(e) The inapenen.ed pL|ol k apt ro have ddrcutl! Li heanns damaseasdudngih€eeolution oilprsur€ vrll prcb.
recosnizins rhc ea y srrq€sal rh. inveredspinwh?nItEr
enreredll p@er is on. rhc spin isapr io deelor v€ryEpLdly
and lad ro conlEion, burth. seErion o, beinsrtuM aMy
lromrhe contuL is. cedin hdi.aro. rha|h€ sDinkinveded
arhe'$an nmal.Thisuncen,inryu[.ompldelydieppe'
afi4 54rd pdr.. In@n.d soins.
22'16. invened 3dn hrs b.rn orelully nudied hy
ensineeE.nd pild u hpncrialexpenence h €cov€ryl6m
rhrs oaneuv€. The rclulrs ol rhese sildia indicarc rh{
r4ou2ryftomlheinvencdspin Lsoft
rhanlom the noFal 6ph lor the lollowingre.sont
la) h rheinven?dpo$rionihe dnss hav?
l€s lili .nd grars dhs rhusacrinsio rziard aurorola on.
lb) all aL!.6Ii hav€gpai€r ituou o{ up..ldaroi
rhan doq.elev.roi rhu! gruhs s@arerconrol tor fteery
Irom a. inwned spinrhan l'm . noml srin.
{c) Th€ av26se anpta.e is d6igned so rhar rhc aiifow
impj.s6 moredn6 9 on rh€€revaroEwhenserlo' Eovery
rrom invded spinsrh.n lbm nomal spiG
(d) Dueioih2rclaitv€p6onotrhehonzonrrtrailptanero
rhetudda,rheralel€$ l€nd€ncy aorih€hon,onblsurlrce! ro
saa _olJrFrr"oc roaER1990 19

Beginthe bll by applrnq c@rdhal€d p!e$u!.s io rhe lek
The dow rcll h . maneuverin which rhe airplaneis oll.d on the dkt aid ndde4 astn th. b€slnnhg ot r lun lndease
rhelilercn pesure in oder ro obralnIhe hrximum rcbrion,
alleionsRudd* andelearoEsere me'elyto mainr.inthe wlthminimumlendencrrochangedlr€.ilon Fullallelonpr€.
$ure ls rhen applredihoushout th..nilrc maneuver, and
dir4lion in whL.hIho noseus p
manelud sai b€sunThisconceprion rhe major Ehded onlgastheairplanecomplddrhercll andresume
conrol) is imponanras mo,r or rhe eros .ommtred dunng
P! ihe arrplanebeginno bll €dc o ll rhep'esure on ihe Lefi
ruddsandsudullyapplypesuEonrh. ghtrudd€ilhis
Iore rcbrion b9 naans oi tbe ruddq or eldarft.
pr.$!E on the iisht tudder iscontrnld lntrl rhearplan€h6
fte stow bI ts ,n.Luded in rhe Ftirory slrltab6 tor ioll.d p8i lhe tuny invln€d pGitron and i!
tux ,! ro
k €p the nce in pcjton shile ihe rirpbre t banked.Ftm
rhe wdi6l b..k Fdrio ro @ll par rh. tully r.@ned p6i-
oG holdrhe.oeabde$€hodzo. U/lr'plynsloMd*k
2 Toaid youin genhg dera.9 tdddcy lo applycon.ols praure as nffiry. As rhe aial.n. p.$6 Ihe uins leel
in iemsol"lp and do$' lnven.d p6ition, easerhe prdure lom $e nghrtudda and
3. To Ev€ you an undeBraidins ol rhe useoI contob h apply sndually ind4tns pr6ur. on rh€ leli nddei 3dll
lDldlns rh€ lttck foMr.t ConrLnu.lelt rudder and lelt
4. TolumLshyouthemon ellicient€covery,(minimumlos !rlercn p€$ur6 uniil slhisht and levelflLghrh resum.d,bui
Ln.seyoueverlind gouF€lfinadver€nrlyln
lrcm rhe podrion ol app@ilharely 45' b.Iore rhe winssarc
lryel,besineasinsrheshckbackand,ar rhe!.m€nme,slowly
5. Tolunlshyou.d€lledlvemeansolbailinsout,(lromlhc €asaoll the l€ft tudder pr6sure, as rhe a|fplaneappr@h6
invenedpon{on).douldrhe ne?dad afte
5. To help you overcomeany dveBionyou mishr havero li maybe naesry ro apply slLshroDDollt. ailarcnro nop
rhe b[ Md\, i. rh. ling l4el Fosriton.
Relehng ro your.cbb.tic checl ofi lin in the slN rcll ir ts
poniculaiy imponantro b€3!re lhar yourel€! belt! s.ugly USEAILERONFORROLL_RUDDERAND ELEVATOB
f.d€nad Ean . !n'll 'nounr ot sbck sic an unplesn! FORDIRECTIONALCONIROL
droplins senerion in th. inv€d€dp6ifion.nd roy inred@ fte hp.6n.. d $e lull oseol rh.lile@m in rhederol
drh elldiv€ applrodon ol.onrrk Keepyour %r l* and 6n h6r b€ demofrred by pl'cingyou.fedonrhe deckand
be sur€rhe .dju$mcnl leve' i' locked To haverh€ seat5lipa exe.urlngth€oll rhaildonaloneTh€re$lr dllbe an old
ld notche whil€ hvened will sLrphseyou,ro sayihe 1on. bdroned banelnll".k,rheairplaneslllmove lhnusha cn.
'flre .ulll parh in the v€niol plan? ar rhe ema rlne 1hoiat6
lowpciLonol rh?scarwill enableyouto haveIullthow oI
rhe conrols in the invenedpontun.
B" sure wur sossle! 're down and la{ened securcly, l{ youdivideihe rollin hall l.e.,nop lor ! homenrin ihe
(heLmer aLb)TheEh ioacuse lo'losinsrh€mwhile in lhe hvened pGltion you canobtalna betlerundeEiandlis ollhe
tnvenedrosriion Moleouer,keepinsih? sossl?sdou oucr nrck Eouemenr and pciiron ne.€rsr1, ro hold rhe nos2
ylur 29a b poredive lnsuanc€,Ior in spireoI yourchecklor sLlshtlyaboverhe honzon.]n€ oLlprc$ur€ unl drop iI rhe
planei€malc hveded lor.ny lensrhol the. It lhr, hap!€ns,
Fo$ibl. loos. gar on th€ de.L man panidB of d!r, orl €ic
arcEMllypGenrLnrhc.dkpitoltheailplaneand mayserln clo.erherf,mdleibm"lhrcly and 'oll rothe Wnshl pos.
yolr eys *fiil€ ro! ale hv.ned. rlon.Evenin a conrinuousdd roll.rhe..gin€ n.y nirs a fu
As for alrirlde d@ @llsmsr nor only he ale rh6 ulile inu2n d bur dll pr.l up !g.rn rs rhe bll ie
dmplered ar me rh.n 3000 l€er aboverhe smnd
B€Iop wing up lrth tbo. tnstru.ior to leas bow ro do a lfar..r rioe u,t'ileinih€iNeded p6 ronrh€€.g!nec€a€
sld oll mrker.rEirl tudyolrh€tu lchto6 fte lu- Iinns, clo6€rhe thrdle b prcrar rhe ensnc lrom the dd.
htoE rcpGeni 360'oa dahon. fte ansl6 a€ necesnly ne.r.l €lfed o, thesudd€nsuqe oI to@r r6ulringshen the
appb!@re and lh. p@€durc should nor be
allMd ro becom€nechanhal as a resulrol anefrpths lo
lollotrihe ilsur. rooclo! should,howeveibe uselulIn I Reldns ailercn pre$ure beforebll b .ohpl€t€d
setinsthes€neialldea,epecLallyllyouuseamodel Thealr 2, Fa urc ro selecta delinnepoht lo
planecanbe rcLledrn aftherdtr@roq rhaleh slowloll errllb€ 3 Fzilurero holdthe hadhg thFughouirbemaneuver
4. F.tlure ro apply llll arlm n rhmushoutthe ioll. which
Th€ slN rcLlb exc.ur€dasIollo$, After cl€a'ins th€ are. rendsto mark€dlydo! up rha n.d€uv€.
a.d lhile oyingraLght and l4€1, lrne rheaiqlane up l4rh a 5. Fdllu€ to naintain loMrd err.k
point wll our on rhc honzon.wih cnbins ln,ohie, noserh. red.or rm nuch IN"d $ick shtl. r.lened Eulrins
aiaianc dNn unril you hrve . speedoI90-95 kn*. n |9
ne slistnly abd. rhe honzoa add rhnrd€ .nd nan th€ 6 ov.Mrrollins ! h rudder
;iil I
iir s
1!11 t
itl ,si
t;;l H?
f I:E;
EiFE: )l
[_s_l ld4l ffig,*
e- 1€:
--/ Fl Itl
066t€l€o1lo ,r:rno. lus za
i990 2l

7 D€layin shnins roll lrh resulinsunne.e$ary1o$ tion of lha hall loll and do nol t4, to cohpler€ roLl-our

3. $anins roll w h backprssup on the siic\ rhusLosins Remembeiit c ihe aiLerons ihai causeihe ailpLane
oll. Us€them lor thar pullGe
9 Applyins louard pre$u? .n ihz srick ioo eang rn Us. rhe todderand eleearoroile 1o mainrainrh€

r0 AppL9ba.kpie$ure
on thenicklooa yduiinslinal


IMMELMANS Tne spli.S h a hall sn.p bll io ihe hv.ned p6 ion,

Io owedby lh€ ta$ hatfoI a toop.Ihe aiatane changzsdn*
An tmmelmanc a hall l.oF. lorlospd b9 a hall sros ron ai Ar analiirudeoI3,000 leeiormoreaboua rhesrcund.ctear
top ol lhe loop In tht maneuuerrhediredionh changed lh. ar€a and ny alons a r€lerenc€lin€ From dEighr level
130. Erecurionolrherfrfrerhadherety.alrs{ora.ombina, nisht reiard rhe rhbhre slishily b.row rha cruisinsposirion
Iionolrheprin.iplespracricedin loopsandslowbLh. andraiserhenosesoasroaLlowtheairplaneiosLddownroa
Ai 3.000 I€er or mor€ abov€ rhe sound. fl9 along a speedbelowcruisingf 0 75knob).SinceonlyahallsnapbLl
releren.elineanddar rheenr,l]wrh a diveasqouwouldlor a brobe2xecurzd,ihelntiaLaiEpeedshourdbetasrhanlora
loop exceptthar,sin.eyouaresoinsrodoa hallslowroll on
iopandn22dnore contol eue.tbene$. voumun enterthe ExecurerheroLl byapplyingluLl ndder inrheddircddiec
lmm€lmanwirh morc speedrhana loop.1120125Lnob non,roseihzrs[hfi mbaclprAsureoniheslick.Noait€ronn
indicaledaiEpe€dwirhoulexceed ins mdim um ip.m) usedinrhe ennyofrhismaoeuver Afi heinianirheail'laneis
NOTE: T. cons2rueasfr!.h ol ihis lullgnalled.thesnapEll*iLloaur in thediredionin whrh
po$iblelorcontolintherollour,youshouLdmaleiheplll up B2sLnrecoqaryimmedial€lyby
alirllemorenpidand theloopaLitLelishte'thanbe,orc.ll9ou applyLnspoeriveopponrerdder and lh loruard pre*uF
on thestick1osiop roraiion,in oderro rcachan invenedpon.
As ii rhel.oF.iiLry.ur headbackso rhareducanseeihe uith th€rudd€rn€utalized applybackpEsure o n thed ck io
opposir? assoonasposible Asrhenoseol theatr-
horizon. ll ol theLoop
PlaieappioahFlhehonao.5|owd rhe ihrcnLeio avoidove€peedins ihe ensineAs ihe nose
byappLyinsforuardiickandar$esametime lithouidelay con6 uprhroushthe hanzon,alrlytuLlrhrotLeand r€sainas
orhesrat.i.sidna6llireirherdneclionSligh,rudd€rDres much aliirudeas posible belorer

yawakylomthednedionof rh€rol Th€GieolrolLshould

be.odsra.iaddFlaidedioiharibleidsdrh rhcdouiward 1 Failureto rop in th€ inveted pGinon liih ihe linss
movemenrofrhencerowadthehonzon n sucha way.rhat
rhehallollisconpler€d.asthe^05 2 Ganing ex.e$ arsp?2dand RPMon ih. re.overy
3. Slos{ollinsaLaLane
Lniomanelverindeadol ushs
Rememb€dheollk ex{uiedsolelgritsrh€aileonswhil€
lherudderand€leeatorareusedonlyio mainrainihe.oned ickinrheinvedadpci
headinsFori hEreason,youcananri.ipaip ihe us?.l ailebn non,srh GulbnrdaLl
in rheroll.burrhe
orhercontok shouldnotbeusedunrilthe 5. Abruptuseolbackp'*ure in pull.out.
needIor iheh i5 aduallefeh or seenin rhe ahrudeot ihe

Hinc and common€roc indudeall rhosefrenrioned

underloopsand slowrc1|s,
andals. rhelolLounshLnb:
L To asjsl you in ahininsan ac.uGte130" changein THE SNAPBOLL
or orhersimiLarrelerenceline YouareaLreadvlamiliarritba nomalspinAsnap6n ba
2 A.qure andhaidain ifiiciedr speadto conplererhe honzonral,oietum pow€r spin. in Levelflishr ar approx.
rcn oururh lullconrolarihe ropot rheloop.
3 Do nor Ge pleuarorand ruddarbaloreiher actlal need Sinceyouknowrharan ailpLane mudnalLbelorc [ spLni
you mayrcnd€rhowa hofizonralspin. at cnisingspeed, (
4 Doiordelayin naninsrcll.oul.bul lakeadvanlage o, po$iblz Thh G donebyjn.reasLngibeansleolaiiack ol rhe
aiEpeedbeloreI b dl$ilaied winssby rapid appliarion ol contols. As rhk sbll k broushr
5 DonoircLaxaiLeion pre*ureroosoonpnorro comple- abourat an ai'speadmuchhisherthanin th€ nomalslo!

066rtflllotco lJBrno, vss-t?

f 1;8


1 EE#ft]

26-SFA _OUTF|T".

sp.ed sbll whlchylu havepndlc.d, it is relered ro as, hish

I Roushand ablpt us. ol conrrolseuhLnsLn
as in a nomal spin,rcraltonre$Lr, tsb appliolion ol rud' dt€m€ly raptdandvi.lent maneuvs.
da. Even thoush sblled, rhe rains ib loMd 2. Failinsroapptconfth sulrEr.nrt,orapidleercug[
tlmdrlm !.d rhe ce uill nor d6p unril5m€ ol rhe {d' eilar a iall. EulljF4 in . 3ld, . ercn rol
m:d specdr L6t and gBdy bed6 rhesbns4 ior€..r 3 Efle(lns re&e4, r@ soon or r@ lar€.as rhe resulr
poor rlnins and/or pmr oncniarion
Snaprcll!.r€oIv.1rcbe@uss ih€yimpbv.vourabtiLryro 4. Failingloneuhlizeih€ruddarinr€.oueryLEsulri
remaino enied,while$e allpLane undersoesnpid and viole skrd(sLmllar 1otheelle.tcaus.dbyholdlngru
ekendu..h.nsesrnaiiudeand,arrhe3ahelim€ pbvrdins
hininsin rlmLnsrhe Eovery. 5. Erasiv€ useof fosad prcsure on raovery. 'e.ulf
ln tedoml.g this mnewei k rcr ne{Egy !o llck rh€
rddd or led( ri. srak Todo so 6d6 in an ftm€ly Epid 6 Nor unns lull .onhl m@oe.r uh€n n6ery
and uolenr roneu€i whichpl*6
rheailplane.Thep6we sn.p bll Itiusi.s efldive rnd den
morcvalurble!s a trahingmaneuvdlr rs*culed by rhe
applic.riodoI rapLdlgincradns .onrml presurz! unrLl! srall
6 reached ln the N2S, naning rhe enap oll ar aiEpeeds CAATWHEEL
gerer than lllshdy abouecrurelnsrbo dlg unneeser!

I1'.otuheel 6 a roneuver i. whichrh€ B sr.ll?

DGCUTION: andspins@cihe rop lsn a n€€plybailed tum in on€ dne(
Ar an ,hrtude in dc6s ol 2,000 led abde rhe grcund, Iron b a neeply bankedium Lnrh? dL€rion. lr rs-
d.temhelhatrhearcaaound,abw€andbelowyou,lsclear padialsnaploll oraiinlenprsdsprn,inwhichrhzn6eolrb
oI orher llEr r F6m crurshg llLghr,add rhrolile and. rl airplanedcacnbes anaraboverhehonlon,lhesiz€ olrhaar
nesa,y. low.ihe nosestsnr! b sainrhed6ned rlEpeed. dependingon lhe mannerinwhkhihe contrls ar applr€d
(appdlmately 35 hno\). Ra!€ lhe noseslisl y.bde rh€ Thri fianelver rsbluble b€ca6e it teach6
hotum and.drh onlyon€ handon iE sr.k appl! ba.t pr6. L On€nbriondunnsEpid rbear udeot rh.
suE smnly. (rhisdc d man violently),and ar rhe sn€
tme applyaullrudderpl6sur€ h rh. drr€.ironofd6ired iora' 2. Applic,rlon ol contok b e{Gd sudden chdiget :
iion. Do nor lpply Iull prcsure on the dick in bnndns
ab.!i th.naI on]yenoughpre$ur€ n€ce$arytoauEaarall 3. Cor?drrmingoliheconroliniherrhan jmpukivean;

A5the alel..e dalls applylull arlercntn the dEired drr4. D<lcultoN

don o{ nD, .nd, .s rhz @ll d@.lo!6, ese iJE srickah€.d to Thisnan€uwkdan?darrnalriud€ol3p00ieetormok
ftuhlize rh€detoqdill holdingtuU. em. h is k6gry abov€rhe gound, aftd 6t blishins. lewl bm ar apprd
b d€n b*l pr*ure 6 fte nick dly lons enousnro 6e
the sll. After btarion hassbd.d, b,ck pr6su€ is no lonser You nN 9l3llandspinLh€.iaLne ovedh. ropby applyLiq
necsaryi li only makesthe redefr' 60r€ difliculL draishi backpre$ureon the nick andapid, bukmoorh, prc!
As rhz 'irplane apprcches a sLns.levelpost on lnv€r€d, suretorheruddeiopposre rolhedLle.iLonollum. NoarleroD
srarllhe @dery by applyins oppositeruddei (.saln$ rhe rsusedintheenkyolthismneuver ThebackpEsureonth.
611)Now, ar ih€ arlplaneatpFach6 a wins.l€v€lup. ght dtk in(6ss rheansleol ahackand stalk rhe .i'plan€ Th?
pc ion, reurGli:e rbz 6nrFL, d 6e rhem6 .ecery to .irdan€ spin! tn ihe dnefon iuddd rs aptlied. Tl. .o5e
siop ihe Erarronlih rheuings l.v.l .nd * h rh€anplare on 6n6 up abovethe hoian and dsnb€ .n ar Jun b€lor.
rhe pops hadins You rhenr6!6e mmd flishr rhene r@.h6 rhepalorlhisar.. nan '€c.€ry by.pplying
Ii.n.lyu hg yourom em6, iru,lllbew€llrorcm.mbeihar oppc e tudderandIoMd itt rosroprhespin,andi€covor
il on&overy,ih€dnsssoonpaslthelevellosition,yo!araIom rhe s''ll. t$ the nosedrop3ro rh. honzon,rhe arl?
pbbably !. llns roolons bzlorer pplylngoppsre rudd.r lor willb€re.ov€rcd lromrhespinwil6ihe whssbankadtnthc
recovei,,or you are not usinsenoughrecwery ndda. ll, ln opF.srledrledLon tom enrryTh€na smmrhs?ll brl.i.ed
6ovedn9, rhenoseolvouratlllan€.onsldently &oF b.lN tum should be €srablEhedin ihE i4 dneciion by quL.ll!
rhehofizonand backpKurc o rhcnick sill mr hold ir up,ir r€lasins rc.dery nddd and dick, lnd applyns.onr6ls a3
isve'ylilt ly rhd ro are€ hd pullingrh€srickrm lar ba.l in n@ry lor rh€run. Add rhrdlc ro preved lcs ol alsude
rheary or Lrlins ro 6e ihc ntk loMrd io&rd n4tEl as
rhephne bt!r.s, oi ylu aE mtnns lhe snapoll wlh roo lir- Since rhk nrneuva in.orpooi€s a srall, wur ar6p€.d
ile aiBpzed.lo6.sionallv, you urll lLndan aiGp€edindrcato' uponcomPl€tLon willbe $m€!h,r slowerrhanuponenr'y
rhatsieB an rncorcd rcadins. r@ l.! in rht hnance . and Cons€qu€ilLy, beloresranhga ss.ond.arNh€elinrh. orh{
whenyou 6u3p€crrhrsro berhec.3. diecnon,irwlllbenecasaryrocontrnue rheiunun$Lappor.
roatelt 70 knotsi3 Psained.


when you rrtstp6.ric€ ihG ma.€uq. y6u my €nrs it o6dousiy|nEruneuvarrr.nrer.d r6m.,aL ItreMe.
iioF,.nd E.ov€rio,a nediumbankedtum.sin.€ihe.odrcl n.nte rherwinsteuetortnmrs tp) !oD on.tbuiinan;;!,
md€menk i.ed notbe30apid. Houeueqasvouplogregl ro'3ucc65rutd'eiona.onrrctrhenalhunbeaenri€ur
ih€ n6€ on v3 ehityabove rh. hod,on Enlrur; a no?
a rumor.qualbank, BinsrhemoreEprdnovemenr ot rh. h i q h q e n i t € s t p r e p r e tseur .€hd, n € r y b m ; l i G v o u ( M .
ned n rh€ne€p6ank says,0) it pr€debmrnes 'ho dkcdbnrn lhich ih; aibjad!
vl3ualL:dh. .haiga 'nadiudernrhs wayAirherr,i ot w r d s p r n d n d ( 2 i)r u n h s d 4 e t o p j v o f a p p E ( a n d
rhemaneueedhenosersonrhehonzoninabalan ed!uh,nd rnc rd and reerionolha al,phnelhen rsdatk ori ol
n rhend6.nb6 anarcaboverhehodzon.Thehrshpohr ot
rh€aic i! rach.d whenthedng! ar€laet. Arrhebnctueron kr us.sumerharylu arcsoingroenrs Iom a 1.trdjp pu.
ol tnrh. beginnins,
rhence ol rh. arotan.k !s'ln theairplane'nash.l
@dip.urhrhc n6e nighdyab&erh!
o thehotr2o..Yourh.n tumof aual bankin the hdnzonMainbin'ns$5 rnrude and h€ad,tu.jdl 'he ar
planeby gadoalle.pplins nerdy bal pr6urc on rh€3ri.L
asrhe.i'planed(M d@. Ar rheinlbnr rh" b" dns 0nih,l
cas2lch) ra6 ro d€ ol rs owna.cod in sr,reof aiteon pr€.
L Norr.nhg Edely ead, enoushrosropsprnbr.rion *ur€ asain$ir apprylurropposireruddei lin rhh ce teft)an. nrahtnqtulba.kDi6sure Thetotr
2 Che.lLngrhe@llloo eally oioo laiq a6rn9 rhebant$ !inswirL.omeupoverlheropandiheairptanedufalollro
in ih€oppotiedirecrro.s
to be oI unequald.€! ne$ rhedshl,unrilihe aiapzedinnes!6 lull.ienrtyfor rhele,:
3. Failurctoconthuerherunimmedrar.lvalkrrhe
@Lthas rudd2rrorale?fr€dand h€ns oinssllranb.omeup A<
$opped lhis @sulEtn a nosehishdip
h€ honzoni.po4ion dpptytu
Failurcio recdv€rcomplereryaom 3ratt.
oppGjt€ rudder(in 'hh .aserighr)ro spinrorhe Leri
5 Dunnqthislime.olcouae.rhenkInud
Holdhg16huchba.kpKureon $esdc{sLrh!6uh. bzhe]dlutihackI
ord€itonainiahadauedcond on Also.andimpotunrake,
rheinirialsidll hd mured. no aiterc

fi dE ai'plane is ro be nalled lrcm a winsJewtaturlde

EAII-ING LEAF .DDlioridof e herruddpr{4rl6userhelidl'[bsninrhp
dnedon rhd tudda @s applied A3 tu as rhedns dops
'Ihrsnareuver.ath€€ruimpliqi'MiB$altingrh€an- appl9 iotrp{ti.te and lull oppoeire ndder when sed
ina€.g. rhz n@ will rhendre rnd rheai' d[ tal;rr io
pranertuougha 2tg-?,sparhsrditar lo rhartolrud by a leat Asain .pp! tult oDp6 e 0ddei
lalling lrcn a rE€ In ralir/, b a sen€ ol sFtnenrn6. c'.h hmediar€lyand.oniinu€rhrouqhaen.ny Gdttaxoc a!
Iolld€d by ft.ove'! and lmme,liateenry inro . sptn Lnthe d6ned (Besurcio acova above2000 leer).
oppodledlredon. wh€n rhts maneuv* i3 prcp€ y p.F Il you hold the 3tickh.rd b..k. no app@iabtedive or air
Jomedth€nGeolrheat.rlan€sllsw'ncnom nde!o std.ot 3pe€dwill deuelop,hakins po$LbLe to prcceedaronc. ! h
I heonOnaI haadlngWrihpbpar ahenai€ applL.arLon ol tud.
der,rhenqcwllo{ilLat€abouianequatdrsianceroe'chsLde Eachrimerh. nosecoma up on Eovery ii sholtd pojntro
rionrhbughouirh€hanelver Raov€ry isdemdg sinple m.rcty neurbtlzetherudd€L
this maneuvq hai Iou. disind hhhs vatu6: As rru rerun io your onsinath€adLng .ppty rhmiite and lor
1. ltdeveloprrh€sen*olEcosnidonof rh€begininsott @id sdck b ,egain flyi.s speed.You wi be apded ro
spi. .nd rh6 eill help you r4ognize &idenral 3pitu. Eds @oebly nar ro yow
2. nR-emphrjr6rheusotopp.ct tudde,inchecths c.ubd rhft ,( ..g on 'rod oi pitob hauns 6fred
rhtsrunewrkMrrh.nwa,nr?nded Po*'btv.'hisu6rhe
3. Ulc .ll a.robariq I helF d&dog rh€ abit y ro r€maln r6uh ol rhe hypndri. efied prcdu.€d
by rhe rhyihmical
6nenredwhn€undersonsEpdahiud?.hanse3 GillatoE ft i;, rh€rclore, advlshle not ontv ro Dian ro
4 lr d€v.loF. s.neaol rifrin4 Akhouqhrh2maneuver recoverabove2000 leet.bur ako
ro havea prc.deremiied
lok! llh.alallinslealroapesonontheground,you(4tt numberolosillatonrinnindbelore€nie nsrhemaneuver
lindltdo€siot le€Lnearlvas lazvandq6.etuL.s took. Usuallv ihree or lour will sullice ro denon46ie dtedivp
A.iu.Llyrhearplan€ E movinsrhrousha conddelabte
ordr,cdLon! arequiresudden
SincerhelallLnslealdEstpat6ahludeueryrapldlyibesuB 1. Enrennsrhenaneuveilrcm,n s(iude 30 nose.hish
robesinLrsellabove 3000 faer(aboverhesround).plct some rhara violentdall resulrs,w[h co$€qu€ni lcs ol dn.c
objecr on the hod:on as a relence poini 16 bc u$d
rhbusholl rhe hrneuve. Tl]e dhmrdek closedand i€n.lnr 2. Norapplinslulloppo e tuddeid norappltnsjrs@n
enoush$ h rhe Gtrh lh.r . 3pinadualy dmtopr
SRA'OUTFIT ]990_29



2 ThepemLsibLe
rhe!,y back.p€m [nsrh? r 1 0 3k n o t { 1 2 4
$eed be@en !!cce$Ne
5. Failur?
Io rimerhe'e.overyso a
imareleon rheonsn.l h?adi6s

r944 thued berdpdrpresue dbps b *rc)
NO ]39 44 3 Th. nariDum pem6sbteaiEpeedk 163 kno61136

r{oDEL N2$t, N292, N2S-t, N2S-4, 4 The naximumr?.ommend€d sros weiqhrto' nomJl
AND N2S.5AIRPI.ANES opealonn 2350tsundsaid rheallosabi? r.caleci,ons.r
RESIn|CNONSAND PERfiISSIBI-EMANEUVERS sos seishb upro rhisvalr. ar.plus5.3sandmin!32 8s

{or paramoudrderenro nyinspeEonnet.

ro b€readby a Lpiror)

I Thisrechnra oddsetlonhrh€pemrnhLcmaneuvsis
! aodac.eLerrrjon
r. be
obserudrn rheopenron ol modelN2s1. N2s.2 N2s.3
N2S-4.and N2s s iLlllaAes h .anc€Gand .sreEcd.5

An Alhron cadd ltps h s stedthdt t@tnq inb a snop rct 4 pafl al h6

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