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ernest Key features explained | Imagery: Good speeches appeal to the audiences’ senses of sight and sound Anecdote: Small stories that explain a bigger idea are called anecdotes, Pathos: Speakers appeal to emotion. Why should the audience care about the speech's message? Anaphora: Audiences are more likely to remember and follow a speech if there is repetition, also known as ‘anaphora’. Ethos: Good speeches appeal to a sense of ethics. The speaker shows that he or she embodies these ethics. Antithesis: Showing a contrast between two things helps the speaker make a point. Problem/solution: Persuasive speeches often present a problem which the speaker aims to solve. Parallelism: Good speeches often use sentence structures that have parallel forms. Allusion: Allusion is a subtle reference to something that people know and value. Logos: Good speeches appeal to logic. They include words such as ‘if’, ‘then’ and ‘because’ to persuade the audience. ‘He grew up herding goats, went to schoo! in a tin- roof shack! Obama's story about his parents serves as an illustration of the ‘American Drearn! ‘[My parents] look down on me with great pride’ ‘If there's a child..” ‘If there's a senior citizen.’ ‘If there's an Arab-American. ‘itis that fundamental belief — | am my brother's keeper, | am my sisters’ keeper — that makes this country work’ ‘There's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America? ‘Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us. [...But I've got news for them! ‘There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq, and there are patriots who supported the war in Iraq? Obama alludes to the Declaration of Independence. He alludes to himself when he says skinny kid with a funny name! ‘If we do what we must do, then | have no. doubt that [..] John Kerry will be sworn in as president! Escaneado con CamScanner TOK Rhetorical devices can also be used to present poor arguments and bad logic. We call these ‘argumentation fallacies’. For example, one type of argumentation fallacy is the ‘false dilemma’, where an audience is presented with two choices and forced to choose. Obama presents his audience with a false dilemma, when he says: ‘Do we participate in a politics of cynicism, or do we participate in a politics of hope?’ Be aware of such fallacies when extending your knowledge. Escaneado con CamScanner RS CONCEPTS Audience When writing a speech for Paper 1 or for any other purpose, it Is important to keep your audience in mind. Who are they and what are their beliefs? How can you appeal to their beliefs to convey your ~ message? TIP Here are some useful phrases that you might want to include in your speech: ‘| stand here today COR ‘And so we must ask ourselves ...' ‘Others have claimed that. Bute ‘The choice is clear: :..’ ‘In order to meet these challenges, we will have to ...’ Escaneado con CamScanner TIP If you do not feel you are ready to write a writing task under exam conditions, you might want to take more time both in and out of class time to: ¢ research and gather ideas © organise these, using spider diagrams or outlines ¢ consider some of the language elements from the text type that you intend to write, by reading more examples of the text type © write a smaller part of the text, such as an introduction ¢ draft multiple versions e apply the assessment criteria for Paper 1 ¢ rewrite your draft, taking your teacher's comments into consideration. Escaneado con CamScanner

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