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Honey Whiskey Cupcakes with a Boozy Drizzle

Jack Daniels Honey Whiskey

Cupcakes with a Boozy Drizzle

These Jack Daniels Honey Whiskey

Cupcakes with a Boozy Drizzle are
filled with boozy goodness. In the
cupcake, in the frosting and in the

If you think this is a stretch for

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Creative Culinary | Barb K…
my Friday Cocktails, then you

didn’t see just how much booze

I’ve put into these Jack DanielsX CLOSE

Honey Whiskey Cupcakes with a

Boozy Drizzle! It’s everywhere I

tell ya!

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Amber Smith

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Booze in the cake, even more in

the frosting and then because I

wasn’t sure that was quite

enough I thought an extra

touch with a drizzle would be


I think I had the idea to do this

but I’m not sure…Jessica

posted these Bacon Banana

Cupcakes with Peanut Butter

Frosting + a Bourbon Drizzle

(were those a homage to Elvis

or what?) last week. But it was

sort of an over the top addition

that we all loved.


I made these Jack Daniels

Honey Whiskey Cupcakes for

my daughter Lauren. Her

birthday is tomorrow. Thirty

years!!! How on earth does a 39

year old woman have a child

who is 30? Talk about a miracle

huh? But the real miracle is my

girl. My sweet girl who was just

living her life like so many of us

when she was diagnosed with

breast cancer.

The BEST Fresh Margarita

The same girl who was so afraid

of strangers that I used

customer service at grocery

stores to get her used to them.

I would have her go to the

Customer Service desk and ask

them a question about where

we could find something, always

urging her to remember that

the WORST thing that could

ever happen is they would not

know. I know it seemed a silly

task but it helped.

As she got a bit older those

days were a thing of the past

and my adolescent girl would

take off on her own; shopping

with mom was embarrassing. I

guess I showed her…if she got

too far awry and was nowhere

to be seen when I was ready to

leave a store; I would have the

checkout person call her on the


As much as she hated that; she

obviously hated walking the

aisles with me more because I

remember doing that on several

occasions! ‘Would Lauren Kiebel

please come to the checkout;

your mom is waiting!’

There were fun times too; funny

I never stopped to think until

just now if she had a clue how

nervous I was when I agreed to

be the coach of her girls soccer

team when she was in

elementary school. I did not

have a CLUE how the game was

played but they needed an

assistant coach and I


I remember thinking how brave

she was then too; she

volunteered to be the goalie

and she was so good at that…

that height business really


She has weathered her share of

heartache over the years too;

her best friend dying three

years after a lightning bolt

rendered her physically and

mentally incapacitated, the pain

of a distant father; going

through high school a bit too

tall and with a bit less social life

than she would have liked.

But those things have made her

stronger too and I love this

photo a friend of hers took. I

see this great warrior princess;

unashamed that her hair is

gone and still looking fierce.

There is no doubt that it was

that reservoir of strength that

has helped see her through this

with a strength of purpose that

has not gone un-noticed. She

has risen to the challenge of

showing cancer who is boss!

She was determined to not give

in or give up and has found

herself in a role where others

now see her so admirably for

her abject determination to

fight this fight with humor and

determination and a positive


And the best part. She won!

Chemo worked, the lump is

gone. Surgery to scrape the

area around the lump, remove a

couple of lymph nodes and

remove her port (what she

called ‘her creature’) is

complete and she has been

declared cancer free!! Is there a

way I can add sound to those

two words? Maybe this would

say it better?


Just as parents aren’t supposed

to lose their children, we also

aren’t supposed to see them go

through something like this. But

she did and it has changed her.

When just months ago losing

her luxurious long hair was

heart breaking she now thinks

she just might keep it shorter

(which I LOVE!).

She is unsure of her job future

since losing her job (can you

believe cancer was a pain for

her boss to deal with?) but

she’s working on plans and I

just know something positive

will come of that too. She was

meant for greater things and

we’re just not sure yet exactly

what that is…but I can’t wait to

see! In the meantime? We have

a pretty important birthday to

celebrate don’t we?

Update: Good things do

happen to deserving people.

While working in a temporary

position for E-bags she gained

some priceless experience and

was recruited from her LinkedIn

profile for a job with Zappos in

Las Vegas. After 18 months

there another offer came from

Ebay in San Jose, CA and she

is living the dream…she loved

Zappos but Vegas is no place to

live and the San Francisco area

was a dream destination.

HURRAH!! Another update? As

of late 2018 she has joined

Facebook in San Jose, CA. We

may curse at FB sometimes but

wow is it a fantastic place for

her to work!

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It’s not like cupcakes with

whiskey could be called

Lauren’s favorite for her

birthday. I’m not sure she has

ever indicated a true favorite

cake; most birthdays were a

relatively basic cake, it was all

about the frosting and the


I remember years of shapes

and frostings and making

anything from a bubble gum

machine to a Care Bears cake

to ballet shoes so these are

definitely a treat for a woman.

She may be my girl but she is

not a girl…and this woman

deserves this amazing cupcake!

So these pups have honey

whiskey in the cake, frosting

with more…and well, they are

decorated with drizzled honey

whiskey; I mean how perfect is


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By the way…I have not tried

using this for a cocktail; it’s just

SO perfect for something like

this and that’s why I bought it.

It’s not a whiskey infused with

honey; instead it’s whiskey with

honey liqueur and it’s simply


Guess I’ll have to give a cocktail

shout out one day soon but in

the meantime…won’t you join

me in wishing Lauren a VERY

Happy Birthday? Love you

sweetie and have a wonderful

week with your girlfriends up in

Summit County!!


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