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NAME:______________________________________________ COURSE:______


1.1 Match the places with the pictures. Which places aren’t in the pictures?

post office police station fire station airport shopping center church bus stop
car park hospital petrol station school hotel park subway station

1.2 Write the words next to the correct definition

1.2.1 A health facility where patients receive treatment ____________________
1.2.2 place where people go to put petrol in their cars ____________________
1.2.3 a large area of grass, often in a town, where people can and enjoy themselves____________________
1.2.4 a place where children go to learn ____________________
1.2.5 the place a subway car stops to pick up passengers ____________________
1.2.6 a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services ____________________
1.2.7 an area or building reserved for parking cars ____________________
1.2.8 a designated place where passengers board a bus ____________________
1.2.9 a building used for public Christian worship ____________________
1.2.10 a place where people see and buy many different things ____________________
1.2.11 a place where airplanes take off and land ____________________
1.2.12 a place where fire fighters work ____________________
1.2.13 a place where police officers work ____________________
1.2.14 a place for people to send letters ____________________
NAME:______________________________________________ COURSE:______

1. Which places do you have around your neighborhood? Write a paragraph describing it.







2. Draw a map of your neighborhood. Think about what types of homes and businesses are in it.


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