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Middle ages

European Christianity's three-and-a-half centuries-long LANGUAGE Parliament EDWARD III

series of holy wars against Muslims would begin after the
Norman Conquest and end after Chaucer's death (1400).

At John's death his son Henry III became king. In 1265 he

For about two centuries after the Norman Conquest called a special GREAT COUNCIL to which the barons came Edward III initiated the HUNDRED YEARS' WAR (1337-1453) against France
the aristocracy used Norman French, while the but also 2 knights from every shire, and 2 merchants from the in order to defend his French territories. Factors provoking the war were:
conquered continued to talk in Anglo-Saxon; Latin big towns. These meetings became to be known as 1. the help that France gave to Scotland against England
The effects of the Crusades : was mainly used by the Church. "parliaments". 2. the necessity of recovering English markets in Flanders
1. Europeans brang back new forms of knowledge War went from the glory of the battle of Agincourt in 1415 led by Henry V, to
2. A major source of urban growth was TRADE the loss of all French territories.
3. This contact with Middle East also exposed Europeans king Edward III introduced the idea of CHIVALRY. a set of values (BRAVERY,
to advances in science, mathematics LOYALTY, HONESTY, GLORY) which the knight had to respect.

The various origins of the English language give it Edward I called the Model Parliament of 1295 in order to get
many synonyms with slight differences in meaning. taxes for his wars. This parliament included representatives
TRADE For example: of BARONS, CLERGY, 2 KNIGHTS from each shire and 2
Soldiers and traders returned from eastern lands with new goods and a new ask (Saxon) is what ordinary people do CITIZENS from each city.
group of people emerged: the merchant class. Its economic and social interrogate (Latin) or question (French) is done by WAR OF THE TWO ROSES: Fighting in England continued even after
power grows becoming influential members of society during the Middle officials or superiors the French wars, between branches of the royal house of Plantagenet
Ages. Large groups of merchants formed GUILDS (association of people of for the throne of England: Lancaster and York (because the symbol of
similar occupation who share a common goal). the House of York was the white rose and the symbol of the House of
Lancaster was a red rose).

Black death

The reign of Edward III also saw the terrible bubonic plague which spread in 1348, known
as Black Death.
It wiped out more than a third of the population and changed the economy of England.
Food prices doubled in a single year, causing demand for higher wages by the labourers.
Paying money for agricultural labour was a complete change from feudalism.

The old relationships of loyalty began to change

1. the peasants could even discuss conditions or be free and move to the towns
2. lords began to use their lands for sheep farming
By the 14th century a new middle class = YEOMAN, a peasant smallholder with 100
acres of land
3. the plague seemed a punishment from God (different relationship with the Church)

The end of Edward III' s reign was marked by the rise of Commoners had become more confident in demanding
religious reformism.The greatest opponent of Church their rights --> Peasant's Revolt in 1381, against the
organization was John Wycliffe, leader of LOLLARDY decision to levy the poll-tax
movement. They condemned the doctrine of the All problems of the time came together
TRANSUBSTANTIATION of the bread and wine o Eucharist, 1. the results of Black Death for peasants and farmers
worship of elics, veneration of images, anticipating the 2. the new population in the towns
Reformation of the 16th century. 3. feelings against the Church and clergy

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