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 Network of 650 muscles cover the body and is the reason why we can do
activities. It is also responsible for the heart’s dependable thump.
 It is made up of three main muscle types:
 Skeletal muscle – which attaches via tendons to our bones
 Cardiac muscle – only found in the heart
 Smooth muscle – which lines the blood vessels and certain organs
such intestine and uterus

made up by muscle cells or fibers => bundled tightly together

 These bundles receives signals from nervous system that contract the fibers,
which in turn generates force and motion which produces all the movements
we make except sperm cells, hair-like cillia in airways and white blood cells.

 Muscle contraction can be split into three main types: shortening muscle
fibers – biceps will shorten then triceps will relax, lengthening muscle fibers
– biceps will relax then triceps shorten and creating stabilized force – keeps
muscle rigid.
 Skeletal muscles form the bulk of muscular system
 make up about 30-40% of body mass and generate most of its motion
such as pectorals, biceps, buccinator (a muscle that attches cheek to
teeth) and stapedius (tiniest skeletal muscle deep inside the ear)
 Skeletal muscles are connected to somatic nervous system which gives
us almost complete control over their movements.

Two Types of Muscle Fibers

Slow-twitch Fast-twitch

 endurance cells  reacts instantly when triggered

 they react and use energy but quickly use up the energy
slowly to work for longer

 Cardiac and smooth muscles are managed by autonomic nervous

system beyond our direct control.
 Muscles use energy to work and produce heat. It provides about 85% of
warmth which the heart and blood vessels then spread all throughout the
body via blood.

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