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1 Welcome to the Course: The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Hi, I'm Debbie Wosskow, co-founder of AllBright. And if you don't know us, we are on a mission to 
create a monster global sisterhood. I'm also the co-author of the book Believe, Build, Become. 
How to supercharge your career. Welcome to our course. The entrepreneurial mindset, how to 
harness the power of thinking outside the box. 

Now the reason that we created this course, is to explore the skills that are typically associated 
with female entrepreneurs. From a strong sense of vision, to a resilient frame of mind, and a 
creative flair. During this course we invite you as women of all ages, and at all stages of your 
career journey, to transform your mindset and move towards a more entrepreneurial way of 
thinking, working and leading. 

You'll be guided by our four expert leaders in their field at the very top of their game. Taking you 
through a different subject each chapter, to support you in harnessing the power of thinking 
outside the box. Now, over the next four chapters you are invited to number one, identify the 
entrepreneurial mindset and uncover how to use it. Two, discover how to grow your mindset to 
programme yourself for success, productivity and happiness. 

Three, understand how to stay true to your vision in the face of criticism and self-doubt. And four, 
become more resilient. An essential element in risk taking whilst figuring out how to use your 
curiosity to open up your creativity, and find new opportunities. 

Feeling like you are plateauing, and in need of a boost? Sat at your desk feeling dissatisfied, and 
need to change or progress? Lacking perspective, and want to map out your journey to success? 
Looking to inject some creativity and innovation into your existing team or role? New to the 
workforce, and seeking to develop skills to help you to get ahead, or want to learn to see 
opportunities in your everyday life? 

Long to turn challenges into success stories? Throughout this course, do join us to learn how to 
spot opportunities and chase them down, whilst outlining strategies to see opportunities for 
continuous growth and development. 

Now some top tips from me in order to help you to make the most out of this chapter. Number 
one, do the exercises. They really help to integrate the knowledge and experience you'll be 
hearing throughout each chapter. Two, hold yourself accountable and see it through to the end. 
Three, talk about this with your own sisterhood, share your findings and encourage others to join 
you on this journey. 

© AllBright 2020
Now you're going to hear from me, and my co-founder Anna Jones, throughout the course. But 
for now, wherever you are and whatever motivated you to start this course, remember you've 
already taken the first step. AllBright, our experts and our global community of like-minded 
women are with you, every step of the way. 

© AllBright 2020

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