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M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

Instructions: Complete the following table as you conduct your Web scavenger hunt. Upload it to the Assignments
section when you are finished.

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RTI stands for Response to intervention, which is “the

multi-tiered approach to help struggling students”.

PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and

Supports, which is the “evidence-based three-tiered
framework to improve and integrate all of the data,
1. What do the
systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every
acronyms RTI,
stand for?
MTSS stands for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, that
“integrates data and instruction within a multi-level
prevention system to maximize student achievement and
support students’ social, emotional, and behavior needs system-supports-mtss-center
from a strengths-based perspective.”

Tier 1 is high-quality classroom instruction, screening, and

group interventions. In this tier, all students are screened
for an academic and behavioral baseline in order to
identify the students likely to struggle and need extra
support. Tier 2 services and supports are more targeted
2. What are “Tiers” in interventions administered in small groups in addition to
RTI/MTSS? the high-quality instruction provided in the classroom.
Students move to tier 2 if they are not making sufficient
progress with tier 1 interventions. Tier 3 is described as
intensive individualized interventions that specifically
target more severe student deficits. If a student does not
show progress in tier 3, they are given a comprehensive
M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

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evaluation for eligibility for special education services. In

addition to an evaluation, providers need to submit data
collected from all tiers to prove insufficient progress.

RTI provides the following benefits:

 Increases student success academically
 addresses disproportionality among culturally
diverse student populations
 a valuable component in evaluating and identifying
3. What are some students with learning disabilities
benefits of RTI?  improves and prevents problem behaviors
 addresses the needs of young children at the pre-
K level
 improves literacy levels and implements plans to
prevent drop-out rates in secondary education
 supported by evidence-based research

4. Why is progress Progress monitoring is used to assess students’ progress,
monitoring important determine the rate of responsiveness to the intervention
in RTI/MTSS supports, and use culturally responsive tools to evaluate
models? whether the instruction is effective, valid, and reliable.

Evidence- based interventions are defined as an

intervention where data is demonstrated through scientific, to-intervention-research-is-the-sum-of-the-parts-as-
rigorous research designs and are validated in its efficacy. great-as-the-whole
5. What role do Evidence-based practices play a major role in Federal
evidence-based education policy including State Systematic Improvement
interventions play in Plans (SSIPs) and in Every Student Succeeds Act
RTI/MTSS? (ESSA), where districts are required to enforce practices evidence-based-practice-resource-websites-online-
and programs that are deemed effective. These module
interventions are well defined in relation to its duration,
frequency, and length of sessions. In Tier 1, evidence-
M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

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based interventions begin in the classroom with quality

core instruction that addresses the needs of most of the
students. If 20-25% of the students need additional
supports, then the interventions in place are not effective
and should be replaced with more effective interventions.
In Tier 2, studies have found that small group-
interventions in addition to Tier 1 curriculum have been
effective in supporting students. These interventions
should be administered 3-5 times a week for a duration of
20-40 minutes. These evidence-based practices should
also be targeted to the specific skill deficits students have. 07/rtiessentialcomponents_042710.pdf
In Tier 3, the role of evidence-based interventions in
RTI.MTSS is to administer more intensive interventions to
the students who are not making sufficient gains in Tier 2.
They should be delivered one-on-one and possess
sufficient resources to address those needs of struggling
students. The interventions in Tier 3 should be targeted
towards students with severe learning difficulties and
identified with learning disabilities. These evidence-based
practices should be highly targeted, provide an
appropriate level of challenge for each student, and
explicitly teach the skill.

A special educator’s role is to be a member of a problem-

solving team to address specific behavioral or academic
needs of all students. This role is demonstrated
6. What roles do throughout all 3 tiers in the RTI/MTSS models. In Tier 1,
special educators special education teachers co-teach with the general 07/rtiessentialcomponents_042710.pdf
play in RTI/MTSS education teacher to provide differentiated learning
models? activities and instruction and to provide accommodations,
so all students have access to the curriculum taught to all
students. In Tier 2, special educators may also work with
more individualized groups of students who are not
M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

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showing progress with the Tier 1 interventions. When

students are still demonstrating a lack of progression, they
move to Tier 3, where the special educator’s role is to
assess whether the student the student has a specific
learning disability (SLD) through a comprehensive
evaluation. This comprehensive evaluation is
administered if the student continues to show a lack of
progress, despite having received the most intense level
of interventions.

Special Educators work with a variety of individuals in a

problem-solving team. These members include principals,
general educators, content specialists/coaches,
psychologists, Title 1 and support personnel, building 07/rtiessentialcomponents_042710.pdf
level/district administrators, speech language pathologists,
7. With whom do
ESL teachers, state and national agencies, parents, and
special educators
students. All participants problem-solve to determine the
collaborate when
appropriate levels of intensity of evidence-based
working under
interventions. When collaborating, it is essential that all creating-shared-language-for-collaboration-in-rti
RTI/MTSS models?
the participants have a shared vision and common goals
in respects to the instruction and assessments. There
should also be adequate time for collaboration and
planning to develop an appropriate, systematic approach
to address these concerns.

Specials educators must collaborate with multiple school

8. Why do special personal to use their expertise to help colleagues
educators have to implement the same evidence-based practices used for
collaborate with special education in the classroom. Many of the practices
multiple school that work well for students with disabilities can have the
personnel in same success if they are given to students with similar tieredinstruction/tiered-instruction-and-intervention-
RTI/MTSS models? difficulties that are not classified. With the transition to a rti-model
more inclusive education in the general setting, special
M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

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educators must collaborate with other personnel to ensure

that student IEP needs are accommodated and addressed
throughout the entire school day, not just during the
specific times special educators are in the classroom.
Special education teachers must also collaborate with
multiple school personnel to establish a workable
schedule that maximizes resources available and to
coordinate specific times to work on tiered instruction for
all students, not just classified students. They should also
collaborate monthly to discuss the data collected and all
student progress toward the desired outcome.

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