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Alternative Solutions

In this document, I'll go over each development solution in detail, including the original solution, off-the-shelf
solutions, and custom systems. Furthermore, before deciding on the greatest option for the Drayton Manor
restaurant, I will weigh each option against the others. The original intention was to create a Microsoft Access
database from scratch. This means that a business-specific database is generated using a previously developed
publicly available application. I'll create a relational database with a structure that enables users to find and
get data that is linked to other data inside the same database. In relational databases, tables are widely used
to organise data. A relational database is made up of several tables and links. Consequently, To store all of this
data in a relational database, different tables must be employed. These tables will be linked since the database
entities have a clear relationship. The tables of a relational database communicate and share information.
An off-the-shelf system is also a mass-produced, standardised software programme that is freely available and
immediately useful to the general public. Because these systems are meant to service a wide range of clients,
they provide a variety of features that aid in the streamlining of operations. Bespoke systems, on the other
hand, are programmes created by a company from the ground up, usually using a programming language.
These one-of-a-kind software solutions were created specifically for the company and are utilised by its staff.
Off the Shelf System

The original kind of development solution is an off-the-shelf system. Off-the-shelf software

is software that is widely available, mass-produced, and standardised. Because these
systems are intended for a wide variety of users, they usually have a comprehensive set of
features that facilitate system operation. This also implies that when a user instals an off-
the-shelf system, it is immediately ready to use, with no changes or improvements required.
Companies and individuals may purchase a number of sales systems on the market, each
with its own set of functions and features.
Off-the-shelf solutions, on the other hand, are frequently quite low-cost, particularly when
compared to a customised system. Consumers will have access to a variety of extra features
and possibilities with off-the-shelf equipment. This contains a variety of adjustable choices
that enable the company to tailor it to their own needs. Because off-the-shelf software is
unlikely to suit all of the company's requirements, this is the case.
Off-the-shelf system components are quite useful and offer several benefits. The primary
advantage or benefit of employing an off-the-shelf system is that it is significantly less
expensive for the company to use and run initially, especially when compared to a
customised system. This is because off-the-shelf solutions are prefabricated and mass-
produced. It was manufactured once and then sold several times as a mass-market product,
reducing the product's cost because it is spread out among many customers. This is a
significant benefit since it implies that commercial software is typically the least priced
option for a company to acquire.
Self-system goods also benefit from the assistance of a user, specialist, and development
Because the product has so many users, there may be forums and online communities that
provide assistance and advice to businesses and customers in the event of a problem. Many
difficulties, defects, and issues can arise when a firm utilises a system, therefore having a
robust support network surrounding the system can be quite advantageous. If there are
many bugs, for example, they will be emphasised in the reviews, and a solution will be
presented in a forum.

The third advantage of using off-the-shelf system products is that they are extremely easy
and quick to set up for your company. This is because the programme has already been fully
developed with a wide range of features and a robust and well-tested design, resulting in
enhanced user satisfaction. Because of this, users may buy and install the system on any of
their devices, with the majority of them supporting tablets and smartphones. You must wait
for the system to be built or made compatible, as you would with a bespoke system.

Aside from their benefits, off-the-shelf technology have substantial drawbacks. One
disadvantage of utilising a commercial system is that it is a hard product that may be
difficult to modify. You will not be able to edit the application, even if the inventor has the
authority to do so. On times, you may be able to cross a business solution and build it
yourself to integrate new features. This is not always achievable, and you will need to
engage a skilled developer to assist you. This means that making adjustments to the product
on your own may be impossible. Even if the original designer does not make any changes to
the software, you will have an inflexible, ageing product.

The second downside of employing a commercial system is that it may not be appropriate
for the user's work process or how they utilise other systems in conjunction with this
product. When a corporation uses a system designed to match the workflow of many
individuals, it must be unique and tailored to each individual user, not just one.
This is a common source of concern for users of off-the-shelf systems since the software
may not execute what the firm wants in the most efficient manner for the organisation and
its demands outside of the system. This means the corporation may realise that the
application is missing some features and will have to acquire other items to meet their work
needs. This is a significant disadvantage.

Bespoke System
Bespoke systems are the second sort of system solution. These are programmes that were
written from the ground up in a programming language. When a firm need a system, rather
than purchasing one off the shelf, they will collaborate with a software development team
to create custom software that is tailored to the company's requirements. This implies it will
be ideal for the company's requirements.
This is performed by developing and following a set of client specifications that will be used
to build the programme. As a result, the company will no longer have to accept and
compromise on the functionalities of off-the-shelf things that have nothing to do with the
organization's needs. Furthermore, because it will be developed in terms that employees
are already familiar with, the customised system will be easier to use and need less staff

Bespoke systems are the second sort of system solution. These are programmes written
fully in a programming language. When a firm need a system, rather than purchasing one off
the shelf, they will collaborate with a software development team to create custom
software that is tailored to the company's requirements. This implies it will be ideal for the
company's requirements.
This is done by developing and adhering to a set of client specifications that will be used to
construct the application. As a result, the company will no longer be obliged to accept and
compromise on the functionalities of off-the-shelf things that have nothing to do with the
organization's needs.
The solution is tailored to their specific company requirements and operations. The
organisation may be certain that the software solution they have in place will suit all of their
business demands with a unique solution. This offers them a competitive edge since they will
be one step ahead of them.
Finally, using a custom system rather than an off-the-shelf system will allow the company to
advance in terms of efficiency and productivity. The firm can remain competitive in its field
because of this highly personalised strategy.

Bespoke systems offer a number of advantages that make them a fantastic choice for
organisations, but they also have a number of disadvantages. One disadvantage of
customised systems is that the corporation must pay extremely high upfront costs, meaning
that they must pay a premium price for their system. This is because, instead of purchasing
a one-time licence, they will build their own unique system from the bottom up.
Customization comes at a price, and that price is higher. Small firms with limited resources
and cash to invest in a new system may suffer as a result. As a result, this system choice may
turn unfavourable.

The inability of the original developer to offer support for bespoke software makes finding
others capable of upgrading or adding new features to the software exceedingly difficult, if
not impossible. In contrast to bespoke software, routine and commercial software packages
often have widely available training and documentation resources. This is a key barrier to
the efficient operation of proprietary software-based research management systems.

Companies can utilise all three options, including the original solution, off-the-shelf solution,
and customised system, for their business processes. However, these are significantly
different in what they give, therefore one of the three is a solution that I would recommend
based on what it delivers. The first option was to create a bespoke system in Microsoft
Access. This means that a personalised database is produced for the company by reusing a
previously created and widely available application. I will create a relational database with a
structure that allows the user to find and retrieve data that is connected to other data inside
the same database. Tables are often used in relational databases to organise data.

A relational database has numerous tables and relations.

As a result, various tables must be utilised in a relational database to hold all of this data. If
there is a clear relationship between the database entities, these tables will be connected
together. Tables in a relational database communicate and share information. The original
solution is highly useful since it helps the business achieve their business objectives, and so
the Drayton Manor Restaurant will be able to have a system with all the features and services
that are required. All they have to do is purchase the system and install it on their devices.

Bespoke systems, on the other hand, are systems that are built wholly from scratch using a
programming language. When a firm needs a system, instead of acquiring an off-the-shelf
pre-made system, they will collaborate with a software development team to create custom
software that is tailored to their unique needs. This implies that it will be precisely tailored to
the demands of the firm.

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