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1. The sequence (primary structure) of the protein depends on?

a. number of amino acids in the protein
b. number of peptide bonds
c. kinds of amino acids in the protein
d. number and type of amino acids in the protein

2. The nucleotide that is found in DNA but not in RNA is?

a. adenine
b. thymine
c. cytosine
d. guanine

3. If the DNA sequences 5’ CAA GAC GGC 3’ is transcribed, which of the

following is considered of mRNA?
a. 5’ CAA GAC GGC 3’
b. 5’ GAA GAC GGC 3’
c. 3’ GUU CUG CCG 5’
d. 3’ GTT CTG CCG 5’

4. Which of the following organelle is common to both pro- and eukaryotic cells?
a. Nucleus
b. Chromatin
c. Ribosomes
d. Plasmalema

5. Which of the following organelle contains DNA?

a. Lysosomes
b. Mitochondria
c. Ribosomes
d. Plasmalema

6. Which of the following is not obligate of the living organisms?

a. Ability to move
b. Ability to reproduce
c. Ability to respond to stimuli
d. Ability to growth

7. All living organisms maintain a balance with environment through?

a. development
b. homeostasis
c. metabolism
d. evolution
8. The cell membrane is composed of:
a. Phosphoproteins monolayer
b. Phosphoproteins bilayer
c. Phospholipids monolayer
d. Phospholipids bilayer

9. Which cellular organelle contains digestive enzymes?

a. Ribosomes
b. Lysosomes
c. Mitochondria
d. Golgi apparatus

10. Basic structural and functional unit of each organism is?

a. Tissue
b. Organ
c. Organelle
d. Cell

11. All of the following phases are part of mitosis except :

a. prophase
b. metaphase
c. zygotenphase
d. anaphase

12. If there are 40 chromatids in dividing cell, how many chromosomes are there?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. all of these

13. In which phase of mitosis chromosomes are most condensed and visible?
a. thelophase
b. anaphase
c. metaphase
d. prophase

14. In which phase of cell cycle DNA replicate?

a. Go
b. G1
c. M
d. S

15. After meiosis of a diploid cell are formed?

a. four haploid cells
b. Two diploid cells
c. two haploid cells
d. one tetraploid cell
16. During meiosis homologous chromosomes exchanged genes, a process
a. translocation
b. transposones
c. gene duplication
d. crossingover

17. Which of the following IS NOT a correct statement about the process of
a. Meiosis I separates chromosomes
b. Meiosis II separates chromatids
c. Synapsis and crossingover occur during meiosis II
d. Karyokinesis occurs before cytokinesis

18. How many different types of gametes could be produced by an individual with
the genotype aaBbcc:
a. four
b. three
c. two
d. one

19. When there are 2 alleles for a gene and both make a protein product the
alleles are said to be?
a. super dominant
b. incompletly dominant
c. dominant
d. codominant

20. Zygote is formed by the process of?

a. fertilization
b. meiosis
c. mitosis
d. amitosis

21. Parasitic organisms obtain their nutrition by?

a. Making food by photosynthesis
b. Using organic matter in living organisms
c. They feed on decaying organic matter
d. They feed on living plants only

22. Myelin is found in which type of tissue?

a. lymph 
b. nervous
c. blood
d. muscle

23. Which of the following bones are parts of skull?

a. patella
b. fibula
c. long bone
d. temporal bone
24. Which type of muscles possesses the capability of automatic rhythmic
a. cardiac muscle
b. skeletal muscle 
c. smooth muscle
d. all types of muscles

25. Nucleus containing cells are:

a. T lymphocytes
b. B lymphocytes 
c. Erythrocytes
d. Thrombocytes

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