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3 Stages of Adulthood & Nutrition

When trying to figure out what foods to include in your diet plan, the easiest way to do
it is to eat according to the nutritional recommendations for your age. After age 18,
your dietary needs change as your body ages. In fact, there are three stages of
adulthood that account for your body's changing nutritional needs: early adulthood,
middle age and late adulthood. Each of these stages carries slightly different
requirements when it comes to nutrition, although some needs may stay the same.

Adulthood begins at the end of adolescents and continues until the end of one’s life.
The human body will reach maximum cardiac output during adulthood, specifically
between ages twenty and thirty. Bone and muscle mass also reach optimal levels, and
physical activity improves muscle strength, endurance, and tone. Besides physical
activity, nutrition also plays an essential role in maintaining health through adulthood. As
you’ve already learned, a healthful diet includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods.
Consuming diets high in fruits and vegetables offers health benefits such as a reduced
risk for heart disease and protection against certain cancers.

Early Adulthood / Young adult

oung adulthood is the period from ages nineteen to thirty years. Physical growth has
been completed, and all organs and body systems are fully developed. Typically, an
active young adult has reached their physical peak and is excellent. For example, vital
capacity, or the maximum amount of air that the lungs can inhale and exhale, is peaked
between twenty and forty. During this life stage, it is important to continue to practice
good nutrition. An adult’s body does not need to devote its energy and resources to
support the rapid growth and development that characterizes youth. However, the
choices made during those formative years can have a lasting impact. Eating habits and
preferences developed during childhood and adolescence influence health and fitness
into adulthood. Some adults have gotten a healthy start and have established a sound
diet and regular activity program, which helps them remain in good condition from
young adulthood into the later years. Others carry childhood obesity into adulthood,
which adversely affects their health. However, it is not too late to change course and
develop healthier habits and lifestyle choices.


Young men typically have higher nutrient needs than young women. Women’s energy
requirements are 1,800 to 2,400 calories and 2,400 to 3,000 calories for men,
depending on activity level, for ages nineteen to thirty. These estimates do not include
pregnant or breastfeeding women who require a higher energy intake. For
carbohydrates, the AMDR is 45 to 65 percent of daily calories. All adults, young and old,
should eat fewer energy-dense carbohydrates and incredibly refined, sugar-dense
sources, particularly those who lead a more sedentary lifestyle. The AMDR for protein is
10 to 35 percent of total daily calories and should include a variety of lean meat and
poultry, eggs, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds. The guidelines also recommend that adults
eat two 4-ounce servings (or one 8-ounce serving) of seafood per week.

All adults should limit total fat to 20 to 35 percent of their daily calories and keep
saturated fatty acids to less than 10 percent of total calories by replacing them with
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also important to replace
proteins high in trans fats and saturated fat with lower solid fats and calories. Avoid
trans fats by limiting foods that contain synthetic sources, such as partially
hydrogenated oils. Soluble fiber may help improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels,
while insoluble fiber can help prevent constipation. The AMDR for fiber is 22 to 28
grams per day for women and 28 to 34 grams per day.


Micronutrient needs in adults differ slightly according to sex. Males need more vitamins
C and K, along with thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Young men and women who are
very athletic and perspire a great deal also require extra sodium, potassium, and
magnesium. Females require extra iron due to menstruation. Therefore, it can be
beneficial for some young adults to follow a daily multivitamin regimen to help meet
nutrient needs. But as always, it is important to remember “food first, supplements


Middle age is defined as the period from age thirty-one to fifty. The early period of this
stage is very different from the end. For example, many women experience pregnancy,
childbirth, and lactation during the early years of middle age. In the latter part of this life
stage, women face perimenopause, a transition period leading up to menopause or the
end of menstruation. Several physical changes occur in the middle-aged years,
including the loss of bone mass in women due to dropping estrogen levels during
menopause. In both men and women, visual acuity declines, and by age forty, there can
be a decreased ability to see objects at a close distance, a condition known as
presbyopia. During this stage of the human life cycle, adults begin to experience the first
outward signs of aging. Wrinkles start to appear, joints ache after a highly active day,
and body fat accumulates. There is also a loss of muscle tone and elasticity in the
connective tissue. In their late thirties and their forties, many people notice a decline in
endurance, the onset of wear-and-tear injuries (such as osteoarthritis), and changes in
the digestive system. Wounds and other injuries also take longer to heal. Body
composition changes due to fat deposits in the trunk. To maintain health and wellness
during the middle-aged years and beyond, it is important to:
 maintain a healthy body weight
 consume nutrient-dense foods
 drink alcohol in moderation
 don’t smoke
 engage in moderate physical activity at least 150 minutes per week


The energy requirements for ages thirty-one to fifty are 1,800 to 2,200 calories for
women and 2,200 to 3,000 calories for men, depending on activity level. These
estimates do not include women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Middle-aged adults
must rely on healthy food sources to meet these needs. Following the middle-aged
years,’ dietary guidelines provide adequate but not excessive energy, macronutrients,
vitamins, and minerals. Typical dietary patterns in many parts of North America do not
match the recommended guidelines.

The AMDRs for carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, and fluids remain the same from
young adulthood into middle age. It is important to avoid putting on excess pounds to
help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.


There are some differences, however, regarding micronutrients. For men, magnesium’s
recommendation increases to 420 milligrams daily, while middle-aged women should
increase their magnesium intake to 320 milligrams per day. Other essential vitamins
needed during the middle-aged years include folate and vitamins B6 and B12 to prevent
the elevation of homocysteine, a byproduct of metabolism that can damage arterial
walls and lead to atherosclerosis, a cardiovascular condition. Again, it is essential to
meet nutrient needs with food first, then supplementation, such as a daily multivitamin, if
you can’t meet your needs through food.


Preventive nutrition is defined as dietary practices that reduce disease and promote
health and well-being. During the middle-aged years, preventive nutrition can promote
wellness and help organ systems to function optimally throughout aging. Healthy eating
in general—such as eating unrefined carbohydrates instead of refined carbohydrates
and avoiding trans fats and saturated fats—promotes wellness. However, there are also
some things that people can do to target specific concerns. One example is consuming
foods high in antioxidants, such as strawberries, blueberries, and other colorful fruits
and vegetables, reducing cancer risk.

Phytochemicals are also great nonessential nutrients that may promote body wellness.
For example, carotenoids, which are found in carrots, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, and
butternut squash, may protect against cardiovascular disease by preventing the
oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries. According to the American Cancer Society, some
studies suggest that a phytochemical found in watermelons and tomatoes called
lycopene may protect against stomach, lung, and prostate cancer, although more
research is needed.

Omega-3 fatty acids can help to prevent coronary artery disease. These crucial
nutrients are found in oily fish, including salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, cod, and
halibut. Other beneficial fats vital for healthy functioning include monounsaturated fats
found in plant oils, avocados, peanuts, and pecans.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines for 2015
to 2020, early adulthood spans from ages 19 to 30. If you fall into this age range, you
should get plenty of calories to fuel your active lifestyle. In fact, it's recommended that
women within this age range eat around 2,000 calories per day and that men eat
between 2,600 to 3,000 calories per day for optimum health. Keep in mind that the
more active you are, the more calories you should take in to stay healthy. Young
adults need plenty of calories because this is traditionally when you're most active and
burning the most calories each day. You'll also need to include plenty of fiber in your
diet, about 28 grams per day for women and 33.6 grams for men.

In the middle-aged years, women undergo a specific change that significantly affects
their health. They begin the process of menopause, typically in their late forties or early
fifties. The ovaries slowly cease to produce estrogen and progesterone, which results at
the end of menstruation. Menopausal symptoms can vary, including hot flashes, night
sweats, and mood changes. The hormonal changes during menopause can lead to
many physiological changes, including alterations in body composition, such as weight
gain in the abdominal area. Bone loss is another common condition related to
menopause due to losing female reproductive hormones. Bone thinning increases the
risk of fractures, affecting mobility and the ability to complete everyday tasks, such as
cooking, bathing, and dressing.

Recommendations for women experiencing menopause or perimenopause (the stage

just before the end of the menstruation) include:

 consuming a variety of whole grains and other nutrient-dense foods

 maintaining a diet high in fiber, low in fat, and low in sodium
 avoiding caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol to help prevent hot flashes
 eating foods rich in calcium, or taking physician-prescribed calcium supplements
and vitamin D
 incorporating stretching exercises to improve balance and flexibility and reduce
the risk of falls and fractures
Menopause is a normal part of aging in women, but symptoms of menopause can be
debilitating. The expert team of gynecologists at Capital Women’s Care, located in
Laurel and Silver Spring, MD, provides comprehensive care during menopause to
reduce unpleasant symptoms and restore quality of life. When you’re ready to receive
the premium gynecological help you deserve, call Capital Women’s Care to book an
appointment or schedule one online.

What are Menopause and Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is a period in a woman’s life when she transitions into menopause,

which usually happens over the course of several years. You’ve hit menopause when
your period stops permanently. Normally, you’ll know you’ve hit menopause when you
haven’t had a period in 12 months.

Women normally reach menopause when they are over age 45. In the United States,
the average age women reach menopause is 52.

What are the Symptoms of Menopause?

During and after menopause, you may experience symptoms from fluctuating hormone
levels, such as:

 Hot flashes or night sweats

 Changes in length, heaviness, or time between periods
 Vaginal dryness or changes in sex drive
 Mood swings
 Trouble sleeping
 Difficulty concentrating
 Thinning hair on the head and more hair on the face
 Slowed metabolism and weight gain
 Urinary incontinence
 Dizziness

Vaginal dryness can make sexual intercourse painful, and hot flashes may be
embarrassing or hinder your quality of life. Due to the hormonal changes brought about
by going through menopause, you’re also at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis,
which can lead to getting weak and brittle bones.

How are Menopausal Symptoms Treated?

While you can’t delay menopause, the expert gynecologists at Capital Women’s Care
can reduce menopausal symptoms to restore your quality of life and lower your risk for
developing a disease. The following treatment options may help ease symptoms:

 Estrogen Therapy: Estrogen therapy may help relieve hot flashes and

prevent bone loss associated with menopause. Vaginal estrogen tablets,
suppositories, creams, or rings, all administered directly to the vagina, can
relieve vaginal dryness and reduce urinary incontinence.
 Medications for Hot Flashes: Your doctor may also recommend low-dose
antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, or special pills or patches to
relieve hot flashes.
 Osteoporosis Medications: In addition to hormone therapy, other
medications and vitamin supplements — such as calcium and vitamin D —
may help treat or reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Late Adulthood

As you enter your golden years, your body and metabolism slows down even further,
so you require fewer calories to stay healthy. From age 51 on, you'll have to make
some dietary adjustments. In fact, the USDA recommends that women in this age
group eat around 1,600 calories per day and men eat around 2,000 per day. In terms
of fiber, women need only around 22.4 grams per day and men around 28 grams per
day, although eating a high-fiber diet is healthy for all adults. Older adults do need
more of some nutrients like vitamin B-6 in their diets – around 1.5 mg for women and
1.7 mg for men per day.

It's important for older women to get more calcium to prevent conditions like
osteoporosis as they enter menopause and experience hormonal changes. Although
all adults need around 1,000 mg of calcium per day, women over 51 require 1,200 mg
per day.
Adult Dietary Requirements

Many dietary requirements don't change throughout adulthood, including your protein
and carbohydrate requirements. To stay healthy, all adults should aim to eat a low-
sodium and low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in
healthy antioxidants and wise choices at any age. During all stages of adulthood, look
for foods rich in whole grains, stick to eating lean meats and don't forget to include
fatty fish like salmon and sardines that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Special Nutrient Needs of Older Adults

Eating right and staying active are important no matter what your age. As we get older
our bodies have different needs, so certain nutrients become especially important for
good health.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Adults older than 70 need more calcium and vitamin D to help maintain bone health
than they did in their younger years. To meet these needs, select calcium-rich foods
and beverages and aim for three servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products each day.
Other sources of calcium include fortified cereals and fruit juices, dark green leafy
vegetables, canned fish with soft bones, and fortified plant-based beverages. Sources
of vitamin D include fatty fish, such as salmon, eggs and fortified foods and beverages.
If you take a calcium supplement or multivitamin, choose one that contains vitamin D.

Vitamin B12

Some adults older than 50 may not be able to absorb enough vitamin B12. Fortified
cereal, lean meat and fish and seafood are sources of vitamin B12. Ask your doctor or a
registered dietitian nutritionist if you need a vitamin B12 supplement.

Dietary Fiber

Eat fiber-rich foods to stay regular. Dietary fiber also may help lower your risk for heart
disease and reduce your risk for Type 2 diabetes. Eat whole-grain breads and cereals,
and more beans peas and lentils— along with whole fruits and vegetables which also
provide dietary fiber.


Consuming adequate potassium, along with limiting sodium (salt) intake, may lower
your risk of high blood pressure. Fruits, vegetables, beans and low-fat or fat-free dairy
products are all sources of potassium. Also, select and prepare foods with little or no
added salt. Add flavor to food with herbs and spices.
Know Your Fats

Most of the fats you eat should be polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which
are primarily found in nuts, seeds, avocados, vegetable oils and fish. Choose foods that
are low in saturated fat to help reduce your risk of heart disease.

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