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Acupuncture Can Help with Your Sleep Restlessness. Here’s How

It might sound weird to use needles as a remedy for sleep restlessness, right? You have it wrong!

Acupuncture has been traditionally used as a medical practice in Chinese culture for a long time.

Acupuncture has been existing for thousands of years before it became a common practice in

wellness spas. In the Chinese culture, the qi is the energy current flowing in the body and the

acupressure points are the area that fall along the energetic pathways in the body. Acupuncturists

work with these pathways to induce peaceful sleep on individuals.

How Does an Acupuncture Session Induce Sleep?

Besides the needle, the environment where an acupuncture session is conducted creates a sleep-

inducing effect on an individual. Most acupuncture environments are relaxing and have

temperatures that are generally warm with dim lighting and a soothing music on the background.

Hello, dreamland!

Yet, the treatment itself contributes to the creation of a sleep sensation since the acupuncturists

choose points that known for causing self-regulation and healing of the body. During the

treatment, the body is put in a state of deep relaxation where it acquires a balanced state to a

point that sleep become inevitable. This is achieved by sticking needles in the identified

acupressure points which correlate to whatever ails the client. Each of these acupressure points is

linked to specific effects and strengths which can be triggered by a simulation such as jaw
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tension or relieving anxiety. The needles function in a similar way as massage by allowing your

tight muscles to loosen, causing sleep.

How to Induce Sleep Using Acupressure Points Without Needles

The concept of acupuncture induced sleep can be manifested using fingers without the needles.

All you need to find out is the cause of your restlessness and the correlating acupressure points.

Sleep imbalance is mainly caused by lack of the ability to calm oneself or from stress. The body

is impacted by stress in various physical manifestations. For example, Pericardium 6 is an

acupressure point used for soothing anxiety, nausea and deep snooze. Accessing it requires the

location of the ropey tendon which is found a few inches above the wrist. By pressing your

thumb at this point and breathing, and individual is able to induce sleep. If anxiety spirals cause

sleep restlessness, an individual is expected to draw a line from the pinky finger down to the

wrist. Press and hold on the identified area using two fingers and taking slow deep breaths. This

will help in inducing sleep.

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