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20220624 雅思小作文 & 雅思大作文

The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented
accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
The graph illustrates the proportions of families buying and renting accommodation in
England and Wales from 2018 to 2011.
From the chart, it can be found that the percentage of families in rented
accommodation saw a dramatic decrease trend from around 80% in 1918 to 30% in
2001, and the figure climbed back to around 35% in 2011.
On the other hand, the figure for the proportion of households in owned houses was
the lowest in 1918, at around 25%, and it rapidly climbed to 50% in 1971 which was
the same as the percentage of families in rented accommodation. From 1971 to 2001,
the percentage of families living in rented places continued increase and reached
almost 70% in 2001. However, the figure dropped back to nearly 65% in 2011.
To sum up, the proportion of households renting accommodation saw a decline trend
from1918 to 2001, and it climbed back a little in 2011, while the percentage of
families living in owned houses had an increase pattern during the same period and
the figure dropped back slightly in 2011.

A longer prison term as a way of punishing those who break the law is not as good as
other methods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The judicial officials may punish criminals who offence the law through sentencing
longer prison terms and some people believe that this method is not as good as other
ways, which I strongly agree with.
The increase of prison terms may have negative impacts on the punishment of
criminals. The prisoners need to spend longer time inside the jail when facing longer
sentenced terms and they may fail to update their knowledge of work and daily life in
line with the latest changes of society. In addition, convicts within the same prison
may have bad influence on each other which will cause them physical and mental
problems. Consequently, when prisoners end their imprisonment, they will encounter
difficulties in reintegrating into society. For example, they may be unable to find job
opportunities and get along with other people. As a result, these former prisoners may
resort to crimes again in order to survive, such as robbery and theft.
Additionally, the extend of prison terms may impose heavier burden on the taxpayers
of the society. With prison terms become longer, there are more and more convicts
who stay in the jail, which will cost government larger amount of funds to maintain
the prisons’ operations. In consequence, government will decline the fiscal
expenditure on other issues, such as education and medical care, which have negative
influence on the living conditions of local people.
In conclusion, I deem that extending the prison terms will not have effective influence
on the punishment of offenders, because prisoners may have serious struggles when
they reintegrate into the society, which will increase the chances for them to commit
new crimes. Furthermore, the increase of prison terms will cause government reduce
the investment on local livelihood.

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