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Maybe you will tell me that im crazy but the most of the embarrassing things that happens to me
are on my cousin´s party; this time i was on my cousin named Juan, however, we were having fun
playing hide and seek when the first embarrassing thing happen to me; firstly i was playing soccer
at the time that when i was going to kick the ball i actually dont now what happen that i kick over
the ball and when my leg went down hit the ball losing the control so that make me fell in a funny
way in adittion to this all the people around me was laughing and laughing and i was like 5 year old
and as i was litle i was very sorry and started to cry; furthermore on that same party it was the
time to knock the piñata, all the kids were really happy knocking and knocking the famous Mario
Bros and i was very sad because it was mi favorite character in the videogames therefore at the
time i get the stick to knock the piñata i started to cry ind a disgusting form and people didn´t
knew the reason why i was crying in consequence my mom asked me:`` why are you crying?´´ and i
answered:`` beacuse Mario was my favorite person´´ after that momento all people started to
laugh and i kept crying and crying. Due to this people

The end.

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